The FictionMags Index
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[]Rohde, Roswell B. (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Chess Puzzle, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #33, June 1957
- * The Deadly Bore, (ss) Manhunt March 1964
- * Death Will Find Me, (ss) London Mystery Selection #36, March 1958
- * Drop Dead, (vi) London Mystery Selection #37, June 1958
- * Fair Game, (ss) Manhunt February/March 1967
- * The Future-Seer, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #31, December 1956
- * A Grave Affair, (ss) Manhunt October 1963
- * Never Grow Old, (ss) Fling v1 #6, 1958
- * Pickup with Violet Eyes, (ss) Man’s Thrills October 1961
- * The Seventeenth Chimney, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #26, September 1955
- * Somebody’s Sister, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #30, September 1956
- * The Steel Vault Murder, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #28, March 1956
- * To Climb San Sebastian, (ss) Boys’ Life June 1963
[]Rohde, William L. (1918-2000); used pseudonym Nick Carter (about) (chron.)
- * The Blind Alley, (nv) Short Stories August 10 1948
- * A Bonus in Death, (nv) Short Stories January 25 1948
- * Border Line, (pi) Railroad Magazine August 1947
- * The Brass of a Boomer, (ss) Bluebook May 1952
- * Bury Me Deep in a Boxcar, (nv) Short Stories June 25 1948
- * Canada Rolls Its Own, (pi) Railroad Magazine Nov, Dec 1947
- * Complete Results, (ss) Short Stories November 1949
- * Conductorette, (ss) Railroad Magazine January 1945
- * Country Cousin Goes to Town, (ar) Railroad Magazine January 1949
- * Delaware & Hudson, (pi) Railroad Magazine April 1947
- * Dollars on Ice, (ss) Railroad Magazine April 1948
- * Dynamite for Dinner, (ss) Short Stories August 1950
- * Experience, (ss) Railroad Magazine May 1949
- * Grievance in Grub, (ss) Railroad Magazine January 1947
- * The Hard Way, (ss) Railroad Magazine December 1944
- * Hash-House, (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1971
- * The Iron Heart, (ss) Real Western Stories December 1955
- * Last Man Up—Lives, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1948
- * Lightning Man, (ss) Short Stories November 1950
- * A Mouthful of Lightning, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1950
- * Old Joker, (ss) Action-Packed Western November 1955
- * Pay on Demand—Or Else!, (nv) Short Stories June 1950
- * Railroading Down East (Boston & Maine), (ar) Railroad Magazine January 1946
- * Red Over Yellow, (ss) Short Stories June 1949
- * Ride ’Em Mohawk, (ss) Short Stories October 1950
- * Set for Life, (ss) Crime and Justice Detective Story Magazine #4, March 1957
- * Side Line, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1949
- * Sunday—West of Newton, (ss) Famous Western February 1955
- * Sunnyside Yard, (ar) Railroad Magazine May 1948
- * Thunder from the Grave, (ss) Short Stories September 1949
- * Too Perfect, (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1945
- * Uncode My Double Cross, (nv) Short Stories December 10 1948
- * Watch the Angles, Comrade!, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1950
_____, [ref.]
[]Rohmer, Sax; pseudonym of A. Sarsfield Ward (1883-1959) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Adventure of the Toadstools [Fu Manchu; (Sir Denis) Nayland Smith], (ex) The Story-teller June 1913, as "Spores of Death"
- * Affair of Honor, (ss) This Week November 22 1936
- * “Andaman—Second” [Fu Manchu; (Sir Denis) Nayland Smith], (ss) The Story-teller April 1913
- * The Art of Making Villains, (ar) Oakland Tribune April 20 1924
- * Astral Voyage, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1935
- * At the Palace da Nostra [Paul Harley], (ss) Collier’s January 11 1930
- * At the Road House [Drake Roscoe], (ss) Collier’s January 7 1928
- * The Avenue Mystery [Fu Manchu; (Sir Denis) Nayland Smith], (ss) Collier’s February 6 1915
- * The Barking Dogs [Drake Roscoe], (ss) Collier’s December 24 1927
- * The Bat Flies Low, (n.) Collier’s Mar 30, Apr 6, Apr 13, Apr 20, Apr 27, May 4, May 11, May 18, May 25, Jun 1,
Jun 8, Jun 15 1935
- * The Bat Flies Low, (n.) Doubleday Doran, 1935
- * The Bats of Méydûm, (ss) The Premier Magazine #6, October 1914
- * Bat Wing [Paul Harley], (na) Short Stories Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1921
- * Beauty Trap [Edmund O’Shea], (ss) Liberty April 16 1927
- * Behind the Screen of Gold [Paul Harley], (ss) Collier’s February 19 1921
- * The Birth of Sorcery, (ar) The Romance of Sorcery by Sax Rohmer, Methuen, 1914
- * The Black and White Bag [Major Bernard De Treville (The Crime Magnet)], (ss) This Week September 12 1937
- * The Black Chapel [Fu Manchu; (Sir Denis) Nayland Smith], (ss) Collier’s June 2 1917
- * Black Magic [Bazarada], (ss) Collier’s February 5 1938
- * The Black Mandarin [Paul Harley], (na) Collier’s Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov 18 1922
- * Black Roger, (ss) Short Stories Illustrated May 30 1914
- * The Black White Way [Drake Roscoe], (ss) Collier’s June 2 1928
- * Blue Anemones [Bimbashi Baruk], (ss) Collier’s September 19 1942
- * The Blue Rajah [Moris Klaw], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1913, as "The Case of the Blue Rajah"
- * The Blue Rajah Diamond [Moris Klaw], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1913, as "The Case of the Blue Rajah"
- * “Breath of Allah” [Abu Tabah; Kernaby], (nv) The Premier Magazine #46, February 1918
- * The Bride’s Dungeon, (ss) This Week November 7 1954
- * A Broken Blade, (vi) The Blue Book Magazine November 1950
- * The Broken Ikon [Major Bernard De Treville (The Crime Magnet)], (ss) This Week September 19 1937
- * Brood of the Witch Queen, (n.) C. Arthur Pearson, 1918
- * Brood of the Witch Queen, (n.) Pearson, 1918
* ___ 1: The Ring of Thoth, (ss) The Premier Magazine #1, May 1914
* ___ I. The Ring of Thoth, (ss) The Premier Magazine #1, May 1914
* ___ 2: The Rustling Shadows, (ss) The Premier Magazine #2, June 1914
* ___ II. The Shadow-Shapes, (ss) The Premier Magazine #2, June 1914, as "The Rustling Shadows"
* ___ 3: The Curse of Dhoon, (ss) The Premier Magazine #3, July 1914
* ___ III. The Curse of the House of Dhoon, (ss) The Premier Magazine #3, July 1914, as "The Curse of Dhoon"
* ___ 4: The Mask of Set, (ss) The Premier Magazine #4, August 1914
* ___ 5: The Lair of the Spiders, (ss) The Premier Magazine #5, September 1914
* ___ 6: The Bats of Méydûm, (ss) The Premier Magazine #6, October 1914
* ___ 7: Flowering of the Lotus, (ss) The Premier Magazine #7, November 1914
* ___ 8: The Cord, (ss) The Premier Magazine #8, December 1914
* ___ 9: The Elemental, (ss) The Premier Magazine #9, January 1915
- * The Broom of the Desert, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #19, October 1913, as "The Turquoise Necklace"
- * The Call of Siva [Fu Manchu; (Sir Denis) Nayland Smith], (ss) The Story-teller February 1913
- * The Camera Mystery, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #55, October 1916
- * The Cardinal’s Garden [Drake Roscoe], (ss) Collier’s August 18 1928
- * The Cardinal’s Stair, (ss) The Story-teller July 1916
- * The Carpet of Golden Hearts, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine April 1925
- * The Case of the Blue Rajah [Moris Klaw], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1913
- * The Case of the Crusader’s Axe [Moris Klaw], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) June 1913
- * Case of the Haunting of Grange [Moris Klaw], (nv) The New Magazine (UK) November 1913
- * Case of the Headless Mummies [Moris Klaw], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) October 1913
- * The Case of the Ivory Statue [Moris Klaw], (nv) The New Magazine (UK) July 1913
- * The Case of the Missing Heirloom, (ss) This Week April 22 1956
- * The Case of the Potsherd of Anubis [Moris Klaw], (nv) The New Magazine (UK) May 1913
- * Case of the Tragedies in the Greek Room [Moris Klaw], (nv) The New Magazine (UK) April 1913
- All-Story Cavalier Weekly February 13 1915, as "The Tragedies in the Greek Room"
- Baffling Detective Stories by Masters of Mystery, Walter J. Black, 1928, as "The Tragedies in the Greek Room"
- Great Detective Stories, Walter J. Black, 1928, as "The Tragedies in the Greek Room"
- 101 World’s Great Mystery Stories, Blue Ribbon Books, 1928, as "The Tragedies in the Greek Room"
- The Argosy (UK) November 1929, as "The Tragedies in the Greek Room"
- Fifty Famous Detectives of Fiction, Odhams, 1938, as "The Tragedies in the Greek Room"
- The Saint Detective Magazine June 1955, as "The Smell of Dead Men"
- The Saint Detective Magazine (Australia) August 1955, as "The Smell of Dead Men"
- The Saint Detective Magazine (UK) October 1955, as "The Smell of Dead Men"
- Mysterious Visions ed. Charles G. Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, St. Martin's, 1979, as "The Tragedies in the Greek Room"
- Miraculous Mysteries ed. Martin Edwards, The British Library, 2017
- * Case of the Veil of Isis [Moris Klaw], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) December 1913
- * Case of the Whispering Poplars [Moris Klaw], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) September 1913
- * The Cat, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) March 1914
- * Cinderella’s Slipper [Major Bernard De Treville (The Crime Magnet)], (ss) This Week February 27 1938
- * The City of a Hundred Gates, (ar) Lloyd’s Magazine December 1917
- * The City of Fire [Paul Harley], (ss) Collier’s March 12 1921
- * The Clue of the Pigtail [Fu Manchu; (Sir Denis) Nayland Smith], (ss) The Story-teller November 1912
- * The Cord, (ss) The Premier Magazine #8, December 1914
- * A Corner in Millionaires, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #7, October 1912
- * The Coughing Horror [Fu Manchu; (Sir Denis) Nayland Smith], (ss) Collier’s April 3 1915
- * Count D’Ambro’s Widow [Major Bernard De Treville (The Crime Magnet)], (ss) This Week January 9 1938
- * Cragmire Tower [Fu Manchu; (Sir Denis) Nayland Smith], (ss) Collier’s July 17 1915
- * The Crouching Man, (ss) The Story-teller November 1914
- * The Cry of the Nighthawk [Fu Manchu; (Sir Denis) Nayland Smith], (ss) Collier’s December 26 1914
- * The Curse of a Thousand Kisses, (ss) The Premier Magazine #55, November 1918
- * The Curse of Dhoon, (ss) The Premier Magazine #3, July 1914
- * The Curse of the House of Dhoon, (ss) The Premier Magazine #3, July 1914, as "The Curse of Dhoon"
- * The Dance of the Veils, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine June 1920
- * Dark Forces in Statecraft, (ar) Lloyd’s Magazine August 1917 [Ref. Grigori Rasputin]
- * A Date at Shepheard’s, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1950
- * The Daughter of Huang Chow [Daniel “Red” Kerry], (na) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #117, December 1921
- * The Day the World Ended [Gaston Max], (n.) Collier’s May 4, May 11, May 18, May 25, Jun 1, Jun 8, Jun 15, Jun 22, Jun 29, Jul 6,
Jul 13, Jul 20 1929
- * The Deadly Blonde of Dartmoor, (ss) This Week October 19 1958
- * The Deadly Plot of Mr. Ko [Bimbashi Baruk], (ss) Collier’s September 19 1942, as "Blue Anemones"
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