The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7816
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Oppenheim, E(dward) Phillips (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Private Secretary, (ss) Love Story Magazine May 3 1930
- * A Problem of Identity, (ex) from The Great Impersonation, Little, Brown, 1920
- * The Profiteers, (na) Cosmopolitan Dec 1920, Jan, Feb 1921
- * The Proud Lady, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1928
- * A Pulpit in the Grill Room [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week October 18 1936
- * A Pulpit in the Grill-Room:
* ___ The Twelve Drugged Men [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week November 1 1936
* ___ I. The Mayor of Ballydaghan [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week October 18 1936, as "A Pulpit in the Grill Room"
* ___ II. The Third Shot [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week October 25 1936
* ___ III. Tragedy Dined with Sir Gerald [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) A Pulpit in the Grill Room by E. Phillips Oppenheim, Hodder & Stoughton, 1938, as "Tragedy Dined with Lord Blunt"
* ___ IV. A Rough House at Elstree [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week November 1 1936, as "The Twelve Drugged Men"
* ___ V. The Hour of Reckoning [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week February 7 1937
* ___ VI. Murder at the Milan [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week February 21 1937
* ___ VII. Julie Joins the Force [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week February 14 1937
* ___ VIII. The Three Strangers [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) A Pulpit in the Grill Room by E. Phillips Oppenheim, Hodder & Stoughton, 1938
* ___ IX. Bunglers at the Game [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week February 28 1937
* ___ X. The Flower of Death [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week May 23 1937
- * Pussyfoot in Mischief [Joseph P. Cray], (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1921
- * Quits, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1910
- * Rachael, the Woman of Death [John T. Laxworthy], (ss) The Popular Magazine June 15 1912
- * The Rakes of Keston Court [The Inevitable Millionaires], (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1919
- * Rapasto’s Last Service [Madame & Her Twelve Virgins], (ss) Harper’s Bazar January 1925, as "The Wrung Heart"
- * The Recalcitrant Mr. Cray [Joseph P. Cray], (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1921
- * The Reckoning [Joseph P. Cray], (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1921, as "The Reckoning with Otto Schreed"
- * The Reckoning with Otto Schreed [Joseph P. Cray], (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1921
- * The Regeneration of Jacobs [Mannister], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1908
- * The Remarkable Astuteness of Police-Constable Chopping, (ss) The Chicago Tribune March 28 1926
- * The Remarkable Exploits of Grace Burton and Stephen Pmyde:
* ___ The Tragedy of Charlecot Mansions, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine January 1913
- * The Remarkable Exploits of Grace Burton and Stephen Pryde:
* ___ The Conversion of Mr. Francis [Grace Burton; Stephen Pryde], (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1913
* ___ The Eternal Weakness [Grace Burton; Stephen Pryde], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1912
* ___ The House of Rest [Grace Burton; Stephen Pryde], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine February 1913
* ___ The Human Four [Grace Burton; Stephen Pryde], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1912
* ___ In the Service of the Queen [Grace Burton; Stephen Pryde], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine October 1912
- * The Rescue of Warren Tyrrwell [Stanley Brooke], (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1913
- * The Restless Traveller, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1910
- * The Return of Ulysses, (ss) The Novel Magazine September 1913
- * Richest Client, (ss) Collier’s June 18 1927
- * The Rift [Joseph P. Cray], (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1921
- * Riverside Snowballing [Insp. John Dickins], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 19 1929
- * The Road to Liberty, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1913
- * A Room with a View [Sir Jasper Slane], (ss) Collier’s October 19 1929, as "The Spider and the Flies"
- * The Rossheimer Tragedy, (ss) The Story-teller May 1912
- * A Rough House at Elstree [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur; Louis the Manager], (ss) This Week November 1 1936, as "The Twelve Drugged Men"
- * Rough House in the Studio [Charles Lyson, the Raconteur], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1937
- * A Royal Dilemma, (ss) The Premier Magazine #33, January 1917
- * The Royal Game [Samuel T. Billingham], (ss) Collier’s May 23 1925
- * Royal Prisoners on Board [General Samuel Besserley], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1938
- * Running Away from Money, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1927
- * Running Away from the Mones, (ss)
- * The Sad End of Mr. Wm. Starr [Peter Benskin], (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1928
- * The Sad Faced Hermit, (ss)
- * The Salvation of Mr. Norton [Samuel T. Billingham], (ss) Collier’s June 13 1925
- * The Salving of Mr. Stanley Witt [Nicholas Goade], (nv) Collier’s February 27 1926, as "In the Upstairs Room"
- * Satan and the Spirit [Joseph P. Cray], (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1921
- * The Scar, (ss) The Story-teller July/August 1926
- * The Scarlet Patch [Sir Joseph Londe], (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1923
- * The Scratching of “Mr. Pontifex”, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1914
- * The Secret of the “Magnifique” [John T. Laxworthy], (nv) Nash’s Magazine August 1911
- * The Secret Way, (sl) Success Magazine March 1927
- * The Sentence of the Court [Ambrose Lavendale; Suzanne de Freyne], (ss) Hearst’s Magazine October 1916
- * The Sentimental Journeyings of Nicholas Goade, Detective:
* ___ The Beautiful Sisters of Wryde [Nicholas Goade], (nv) Collier’s April 17 1926
* ___ The Destined Woman [Nicholas Goade], (nv) Collier’s April 24 1926
* ___ The Emerald Pendant [Nicholas Goade], (nv) Collier’s March 13 1926
* ___ The Warrant [Nicholas Goade], (ss) Collier’s April 10 1926
* ___ Wild Man’s Logic [Nicholas Goade], (nv) Collier’s March 6 1926, as "The Adventure of the Caveman"
* ___ 1: The Coroner’s Dilemma [Nicholas Goade], (nv) Collier’s February 20 1926, as "The Adjourned Inquest"
* ___ 2: The Spinsters [Nicholas Goade], (nv) The Grand Magazine June 1926
* ___ 3: The Salving of Mr. Stanley Witt [Nicholas Goade], (nv) Collier’s February 27 1926, as "In the Upstairs Room"
* ___ 4: The Temporary Insanity of Nicholas Goade [Nicholas Goade], (nv) The Grand Magazine August 1926
- * Settled out of Jail, (??) Collier’s April 6 1935
- * Seven Boxes of Gold [Michael Sayers], (nv) The Strand Magazine June 1922
- * The Seven Conundrums:
* ___ I. The First Conundrum, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal November 1920, as "The Stolen Minute Book"
* ___ The Stolen Minute Book, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal November 1920
* ___ II. What Happened at Bath, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal December 1920
* ___ What Happened at Bath, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal December 1920
* ___ III. The Spider’s Parlour, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal January 1921
* ___ The Spider’s Parlour, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal January 1921
* ___ The Courtship of Naida, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal February 1921
* ___ The Courtship of Naida, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal February 1921
* ___ The Tragedy at Greymarshes, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal March 1921
* ___ The Tragedy at Greymarshes, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal March 1921
* ___ The Duke’s Dilemma, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal April 1921
* ___ The Duke’s Dilemma, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal April 1921
* ___ The Greatest Argument, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1921
* ___ The Greatest Argument, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1921
- * The Seven Suppers of Andrea Korust [Peter Ruff], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1911
- * The Seven Taverns of Marseilles [Commodore Jasen], (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1932
- * The Shaftesbury Avenue Murder [Sir Joseph Londe], (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1923
- * Sherlock Holmes, (ms) The Strand Magazine December 1927
- * The Shining Hour [General Samuel Besserley], (ss) This Week March 17 1935
- * A Shocking Mésalliance, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1901
- * “The Shorn Lamb” [Joseph H. Bundercombe], (ss) The Story-teller December 1914
- * Sibyl:
* ___ Broken Engagements [Baroness Clara Linz], (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal October 1933
* ___ An Olympian Debacle [Baroness Clara Linz], (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal August 1933
* ___ The Oracle of Merton Mews [Baroness Clara Linz], (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1933
- * The Signal, (ss) The Story-teller May 1909
- * The Silenced Partner [Rooke Legatees], (ss) This Week October 27 1935
- * The Silent People [Stanley Brooke], (ss) The Story-teller December 1913
- * The Silken Monkey Wrench [General Samuel Besserley], (ss) This Week August 28 1938
- * “The Simpler Way”, (ss) Holly Leaves November 20 1934
- * Sin, (sl) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1924
- * “The Singing Bird” [The Inevitable Millionaires], (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1919
- * The Sinister Quest of Norman Greyes:
* ___ No. 1. The Undiscovered Murder [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1921
* ___ No. 2 “The Kiss of Judas” [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1922
* ___ No. 3 “The Menwood Road Bank Robbery” [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1922
* ___ No. 4.—The Honour of Monsieur Lutarde [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1922
* ___ No. 5.—The Three Malefactors [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1922
* ___ No. 6.—The Winds of Death [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1922
* ___ No. 7.—Seven Boxes of Gold [Michael Sayers], (nv) The Strand Magazine June 1922
* ___ No. 8.—The Unfamiliar Triangle [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1922
* ___ No. 9.—Michael’s Wedding Gift [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1922
* ___ No. 10.—The Mystery Advertisement [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1922
* ___ No. 11.—The Great Elusion [Michael Sayers], (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- * Sinners Beware, (ss) The Thriller #298, October 20 1934
- * Sinners Beware!:
* ___ No. 1. The Lady at the Café Régal [Peter Hames], (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1931
* ___ No. 2 “Anon—£1,000” [Peter Hames], (ss) Collier’s January 24 1931, as "No Questions Asked"
* ___ No. 3 The Tiger on the Mountains [Peter Hames], (ss) Collier’s February 28 1931
* ___ No. 4 Paddy Collins Flaps His Wings [Peter Hames], (ss) Collier’s March 14 1931, as "Paddy Flaps His Wings"
* ___ No. 5. The Imperfect Crime [Peter Hames], (ss) Collier’s March 28 1931
* ___ No. 6. The Luckiest Young Man in the World [Peter Hames], (ss) Collier’s May 16 1931, as "The Luckiest Young Man"
* ___ No. 7. Mademoiselle Anna Disappears [Peter Hames], (ss) Collier’s May 30 1931
- * The Siren of the Madrid [Major Forester], (ss) Collier’s October 29 1927
- * The Siren of the Marsh [Sir Jasper Slane], (ss) Collier’s August 24 1929
- * The Siren Voice [Edmund Martin], (ss) The Premier Magazine #14, June 1915
- * Sir Galahad, Junior, (ss) The Story-teller February 1910
- * Sir James Pays, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1914
- * The Small Tragedy of Mr. Tidd, (ss) The Chicago Tribune September 6 1925
- * Sometimes Juries Err [Malcolm Gossett], (ss) Maclean’s April 15 1933
- * The Sovereign in the Gutter, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1909
- * “The Sphinx Whispered” [General Samuel Besserley], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1938
- * The Spider and the Flies [Sir Jasper Slane], (ss) Collier’s October 19 1929
- * The Spider’s Parlor [Stanley Brooke], (ss) The Story-teller February 1914
- * The Spider’s Parlour, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal January 1921
- * The Spinsters [Nicholas Goade], (nv) The Grand Magazine June 1926
- McClure’s August 1926, as "Two Spinsters"
- Beware After Dark! ed. T. Everett Harré, Macauley, 1929, as "Two Spinsters"
- Argosy (UK) June 1946, as "Two Spinsters"
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories That Scared Even Me ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1967, as "Two Spinsters"
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories That Scared Even Me (var. 1) ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Max Reinhardt, 1967, as "Two Spinsters"
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories That Scared Even Me, Part One ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Pan, 1970, as "Two Spinsters"
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Slay Ride ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1971, as "Two Spinsters"
- Mysterious, Menacing & Macabre ed. Helen Hoke, Elsevier, 1981, as "Two Spinsters"
- * A Sporting Gesture [Malcolm Gossett], (ss) Maclean’s June 1 1933
- * A Sprig of Heather, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1896
- * The Spymaster, (sl) Collier’s Aug 20, Aug 27, Sep 3, Sep 10, Sep 17, Sep 24, Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22 1938
- * The Spy Paramount, (Hodder & Stoughton, 1935, n.)
- * The Spy Paramount, (The British Library, July 2014, n.)
- * The Stetson Affair [John T. Laxworthy], (ss) The Popular Magazine September 15 1912
- * The Stolen Minute Book, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal November 1920
- * The Story That Was Never Told [Major Radford], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1931
- * The Strange Boarders of Palace Crescent, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Apr 7, Apr 14, Apr 21, Apr 28, May 5, May 12, May 19 1934
- * The Strange Case of Mr. Jocelyn Thew, (n.) Lloyd’s Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1919
- * A Strange Conspiracy, (nv) The Underworld August 1927
- * The Strange Disappearance of Mr. James Westhrop [Edmund Martin], (ss) The Premier Magazine #13, May 1915
- * The Strange Partnership of Grace Burton and Stephen Pryde:
* ___ I— The Mysterious Rescue at Dover [Grace Burton; Stephen Pryde], (ss) Nash’s Magazine December 1912
* ___ II— The Human Four [Grace Burton; Stephen Pryde], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1912
* ___ III— The Eternal Weakness [Grace Burton; Stephen Pryde], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1912
* ___ IV) The Tragedy at Charlecot Mansions [Grace Burton; Stephen Pryde], (ss) Nash’s Magazine March 1913
- * A Street Caravanner, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1914
- * The Stubborn End [Peter Benskin], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 3 1928
- * The Stubborn End [Peter Brett], (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1928; slightly revised from the original publication (Saturday Evening Post, March 3, 1928) in which the protagonist was named “Peter Benskin”.
- * The Sullen Maiden [Andrew Tresholm], (ss) Pall Mall Magazine March 1929
- * The Survivor, (sl) The Scrap Book Dec 1911, Jan 1912
- * The Survivor, (sl) The Cavalier and the Scrap Book Jan 6, Jan 13 1912
- * Susceptible Mr. Kessner [Ambrose Lavendale; Suzanne de Freyne], (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1916
- * The Symbol in the Boot [Samuel T. Billingham], (ss) Collier’s June 6 1925, as "The Hidden Symbol"
- * The Tabernacle of Judgment [Insp. John Dickins], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 24 1929
- * The Table Under the Tree [Commodore Jasen], (nv) Crooks in the Sunshine by E. Phillips Oppenheim, Hodder & Stoughton, 1932
- * Tawsitter’s Millions [Gerald Jennerton], (ss) The Country Gentleman October 1928
- * The Tax Collector [Gerald Jennerton], (ss) Jennerton & Co. by E. Phillips Oppenheim, Hodder, 1929
- * The Temporary Insanity of Nicholas Goade [Nicholas Goade], (nv) The Grand Magazine August 1926
- * The Tempting of Tavernake, (n.) The Popular Magazine Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 1, Mar 15, Apr 1, Apr 15, May 1 1912
- * The Tenant of the Lighthouse [Sir Joseph Londe], (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1923
- * The Terrible Hobby of Sir Joseph Londe, Bart:
* ___ No. 1—The Scarlet Patch [Sir Joseph Londe], (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1923
* ___ No. 2—The Terror of Elton Lodge [Sir Joseph Londe], (ss) Hearst’s International May 1923
* ___ No. 3—The House on Salisbury Plain [Sir Joseph Londe], (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1923
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