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    The Novel Magazine [v4, #22, January 1907] (C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 4d, 138pp+) []
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from British Library microfilm.
    • 409 · The Most Popular Plots for Stories · The Editor · ed
    • 410 · Two on a Roof · Catherine Adams · ss
    • 416 · The Clapham Mystery · Roy Tellet · ss (r)
    • 419 · A Case of Conscience · Jane Hardy · ss
    • 423 · Stories in Verse
    • _423 · The Treasure-House of Rhamsinitus · Hansard Watt · pm
    • _425 · The Fate of Captain Might · Andrew Murray · pm
    • 426 · The Mahogany Looking-Glass · The Hon. Frances Lyttelton · ss
    • 431 · Red Pete’s Conversion · Albert W. Bradley · ss
    • 434 · Tales of a Typist: IV.—The House at Hampstead · L. G. Moberly · ss
    • 439 · A Rehabilitation · Gerald Halford · ss
    • 448 · The Curate’s Dilemma · Lettice Grafton · ss
    • 452 · Masterpieces of Foreign Fiction
    • _452 · The Power of Fate · translated by Alice E. Dracott · ss
      translated from the Hindustani.
    • _455 · The Blue House · Emmanuel Arène; translated by D. M. Parrott · ss
      translated from the French.
    • 458 · At the Dentist’s · Leslie Thrale · pl
    • 462 · The Mystery of Lady Isobel [Part 2 of 8] · E. R. Punshon · sl
    • 470 · The Snowflake and the Snowdrop · Brammall Shrewsbury · pm
    • 471 · The Golden Chalice · Alice & Claude Askew · ss
    • 477 · Little Pete · A. Weaver · ss
    • 480 · Guilty or Not Guilty
    • _480 · The Trial of Mr. Pickwick · Charles Dickens · ex Chapman & Hall, 1837
      from The Pickwick Papers.
    • _485 · The Trial of Eugene Aram · Lord Lytton · ex (r)
      from Eugene Aram.
    • 488 · True Love · Thomas Collin · pm
    • 489 · The Raiding of Kilknock · E. de Foubert · ss
    • 494 · First Stories
    • _494 · A Woman · Olive Bree · ss
    • _496 · The Opal of Broadmere · C. M. Wills · ss
    • _497 · What I Saw · Florence Edwardes · pm
    • 498 · The Foundling · Joan Nathin · ss
    • 510 · Half-Minute Stories · Various · hu
    • 515 · My Best Story: Immediately Afterwards · J. S. Fletcher · ss The Death That Lurks Unseen by J. S. Fletcher, Ward, 1899
    • 521 · Our Pinafore Pages · Various · ms
    • 527 · His Satanic Majesty and Us · Marion Ward Armitage · ss
    • 531 · The Capitulation of General Blessington · Mrs. J. D. Hay Shaw · ss
    • 534 · Books in Brief
    • _534 · Sophy of Kravonia · Anthony Hope · n. The Windsor Magazine December 1905 (+10); condensed as a 2-page short story in place of a book review.
    • _536 · The Etonian · Alice & Claude Askew · n. (r); condensed as a 2-page short story in place of a book review.
    • 538 · The Journal of Arthur Stirling [Part 5 of 7] · Upton Sinclair · n. D. Appleton & Co., 1903

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