The FictionMags Index
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[]Marston, William Moulton (1893-1947) (about) (chron.)
- * Can You Explain It?, (ar) This Week March 28 1937
- * Execute Me!, (ts) Detective Action Stories October 1936
- * Hollywood Hate, (ss) Liberty March 16 1935
- * How to Remodel Your Wife, (ar) Argosy March 1944
- * If You Want It, Set Your Heart on It, (ar) This Week October 16 1938
- * Inventor of the Truth Extractor, (ar) Esquire May 1937 [Ref. Thomas E. Dewey]
- * Kidnapers’ Contact, (ss) Liberty January 19 1935
- * Let the Worst Happen, (ar) This Week June 18 1939
- * Living Can Begin at Seventy, (ar) This Week March 19 1939
- * More Work for the Lie Detector, (ms) Books in Brief December 1937
- * Motion Pictures as Mental Exercises for Children, (ar) Plotweaver May 1929
- * A One-Orchestra Instrument, (ar) This Week May 30 1937
- * The Petty Girl: Miss Clinging Vine, (ar) True #94, March 1945
- * Rawlins Remembers, (ss) Liberty February 2 1935
- * Science Tells, (ms) This Week June 27 1937
- * She Showed ’Em, (ar) This Week May 9 1937
- * Stories and Emotion Pictures, (ar) Plotweaver April 1929
- * The Tears We Waste, (ar) Good Housekeeping January 1937
- * Try Living, (cl) This Week Dec 13 1936, Jan 3, Jan 10, Jan 24, Feb 7, Feb 28, May 16, Jul 11, Jul 25, Aug 1,
Aug 22, Sep 5, Nov 7 1937
Feb 13, Mar 13 1938
- * Try Living, (cl) Good Housekeeping April 1937
- * What Makes You Peculiar, (ar) This Week March 14 1937
- * What’s Your Worry, (ar) Argosy April 1945
- * Women Need Love Education, (ar) Argosy May 1944
[]Martel, Charles; pseudonym of Thomas Delf (1810-1865) (books) (chron.)
- * The Absconding Debtor [Jack Bolter], (nv) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Beggar’s Ring [Jack Bolter], (nv) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Burglar’s Hat [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Button [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Caught in His Own Trap [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Cheating the Gallows [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Closest Shave of My Life [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Confidential Clerk [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Detective’s Note-Book [Jack Bolter], (oc) Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Diary of an Ex-Detective [Jack Bolter], (oc) Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Doctor’s Story [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Ebony Box [Jack Bolter], (nv) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Esther [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Ex-Policeman’s Story [Jack Bolter], (nv) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Forger’s Cipher [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Gallant Son of Mars [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Gamester [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Golden-Haired Wig [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Hanged by the Neck [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * How Sergeant Bolter’s Prisoner Escaped [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Innkeeper’s Dog [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Introduction, (lk) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Libertine’s Victim [Jack Bolter], (na) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Lost Portfolio [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Marked Money [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Moneybags and Son [Jack Bolter], (nv) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Monsieur Peligon [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Murdered Judge [Jack Bolter], (nv) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * On the Means of Detecting Spots of Blood, (ar) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Pawned Jewels [Jack Bolter], (na) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Robbing the Bank [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * Robbing the Mail [Jack Bolter], (ss) Diary of an Ex-Detective by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * The Wrong Burglar [Jack Bolter], (ss) The Detective’s Note-Book by Charles Martel, Ward and Lock, 1860
- * [illustration(s)], (il) People’s Home Journal September 1928
[]Martel, Julie (chron.)
- * Entrevue: Jean Dion ou le temps bousculé, (iv) Solaris #108, January 1994 [Ref. Jean Dion]
- * Entrevue: Jean-Pierre Normand, (iv) Solaris #118, August 1996 [Ref. Jean-Pierre Normand]
- * Entrevue: Joël Champetier, (iv) Solaris #103, December 1992 [Ref. Joël Champetier]
- * Entrevue: Norbert Spehner (with Alain Lortie), (iv) Solaris #104, March 1993 [Ref. Norbert Spehner], as by Julie Martel & Daniel Sernine
- * Entrevue: Sylvain Bellemare, (iv) Solaris #117, April 1996 [Ref. Sylvain Bellemare]
- * Entrevue: Yves Meynard ou la poésie des mots (with Alain Lortie), (iv) Solaris #109, April 1994 [Ref. Yves Meynard], as by Julie Martel & Daniel Sernine
- * L’Envoyé de Harva, (ss) Solaris #157, December 2005
- * Francine Pelletier, (iv) Solaris #102, Summer 1992 [Ref. Francine Pelletier]
- * Index des numéros 101 à 110 de Solaris Index (with Joël Champetier), (in) Solaris #111, October 1994
- * Lectures (with Élisabeth Vonarburg), (br) Solaris #131, October 1999
- * Lectures (with Roger Bozzetto & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (cr) Solaris #130, August 1999
- * Les Littéranautes, (cl) Solaris #128, Winter 1999
- * Littérature pour jeunes, (cl) Solaris #96 May 1991, #99 May 1992, #105 May 1993, #110 Jul 1994
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Simon Dupuis & Charles Montpetit), (cl) Solaris #106, August 1993
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Alain Lortie), (cl) Solaris #109, April 1994
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Alain Lortie & Charles Montpetit), (cl) Solaris #103 Dec 1992, #108 Jan 1994
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Alain Lortie & Francine Pelletier), (cl) Solaris #98 Nov 1991, #104 Mar 1993
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Francine Pelletier), (cl) Solaris #107, October 1993
- * Une poésie technologique, (iv) Solaris #124, Winter 1998 [Ref. Alain Bergeron]
- * Une rencontre avec Claude Bolduc, (iv) Solaris #144, December 2002 [Ref. Claude Bolduc]
- * Une rencontre avec Éric Gauthier, (iv) Solaris #147, September 2003 [Ref. Éric Gauthier]
- * Une rencontre avec Natasha Beaulieu, (iv) Solaris #143, September 2002 [Ref. Natasha Beaulieu]
- * Science-fiction et fantastique dans l’uvre romantique de Susan Krinard (with Joël Champetier & Christian Sauvé), (ar) Solaris #124, Winter 1998 [Ref. Susan Krinard]
- * Stiletto, (ss) Solaris #160, September 2006
- * Les Voix cruelles, (ss) Solaris #121, April 1997
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Solaris #183, July 2012
_____, [ref.]
[]Martell, Edward (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Getting Away with It, (ss) Tales of Terror and Surprise, The Mitre Press, 1942
- * Must Night Fall?, (sl) This Week (UK) Aug 18, Aug 25, Sep 1 1939
- * “O Death…”, (ss) Tales of Terror and Surprise, The Mitre Press, 1942
- * The Old Man Passes, (ss) This Week (UK) August 11 1939
- * Third Finger Left Hand, (ss) More Tales of Terror and Surprise, The Mitre Press, 1943
[]Martell, Francis (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * And Now I’m Stuck, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #167, May 1936
- * Blank Walls, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #168, June 1936
- * Breaking Strain, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #185, November 1937
- * ’Enry’s Deliverance, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #145, July 1934
- * Ha’porth of Tan, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #156, June 1935
- * The Ladder, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #163, January 1936
- * The Madness of Hedley, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #161, November 1935
- * Nothing Physical, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #194, August 1938
- * Perceval’s Swan Song, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #149, November 1934
- * Reunion, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #199, January 1939
- * Shady Sleuth, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #213, March 1940
- * The Substitute, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #188, February 1938
- * Thriller Murder, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #154, April 1935
- * Unguessed Factor, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #189, March 1938
[]Martelle, Craig (fl. 2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Foreword, (fw) The Expanding Universe Volume 3 ed. Craig Martelle, MBPN Publishing, 2017
- * Foreword, (fw) The Expanding Universe Volume 4 ed. Craig Martelle, LMBPN Publishing, 2018
- * Information War, (na) The Expanding Universe Volume 4 ed. Craig Martelle, LMBPN Publishing, 2018
- * Language Barrier, (nv) The Expanding Universe Volume 3 ed. Craig Martelle, MBPN Publishing, 2017
- * The Trenches of Centauri Prime, (nv) Galactic Frontiers ed. C. C. Ekeke, 2017
_____, ed.
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