The FictionMags Index
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[]Ellis, Thelma B(eckford) (fl. 1930s); used pseudonyms Allen Beckford, T. Beckford-Ellis & Andrew Larson (chron.)
- * All in a Night’s Work, (ss) French Night Life November 1936
- * Am I in a Jam, (ss) Bedtime Stories December 1933, as by T. Beckford-Ellis
- * “And So to Bed”, (ss) Real Bedtime Tales September 1934
- * Anything Goes with Fleurette, (ss) French Night Life December 1935
- * Are You Decent, Dearie?, (ss) Paris Gayety October 1934
- * Avonne—She Had to Be Won, (ss) French Night Life Stories January 1934
- * Bagdad Baby Sonya, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress July 1935
- * Bandit of Biarritz, (ss) Paris Nights August 1935
- * A Bargain in May, (ss) Paris Nights February 1934
- * Beauty and the Heat, (ss) Saucy Movie Tales July 1936, as by Andrew Larson
- * Behind the Scenes, (ss) Real French Capers February 1935
- * The Countess Conspires, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress September 1936
- * Countess of Monte Carlo, (ss) Paris Gayety February 1935
- * Dangerous Diagnosis, (ss) Paris Gayety September 1934
- * Desert Love, (ss) French Scandals November 1936
- * Did He Cook My Goose?, (sl) Real French Capers September 1934
- * Everything Is Jake, (ss) Cupid’s Capers November 1933, as by T. Beckford-Ellis
- * Fast on the Pick Up, (ss) New York Nights October 1936
- * The Flaming Mayor, (ss) Paris Gayety November 1933
- * Flaming Nemesis [Sue Corrigan], (ss) Scarlet Adventuress December 1935
- * The French System (with Frank Kenneth Young), (ss) Sizzling Romances September 1935
- * A Fugitive from Jane’s Gang, (ss) Tattle Tales August 1933
- * Greta Grabs the Gravy, (ss) Paris Nights June 1934
- * Hawaiian Jezebel, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress March 1936, as by Allen Beckford
- * He Wasn’t So Dumb, (ss) Paris Nights February 1935
- * Hidden Paradise, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 24 1934
- * High Flying Hearts, (ss) Paris Nights May/June 1935
- * How He Peeled This Belle, (ss) Real Tempting Tales March 1935
- * Hypnotic Beauty, (ss) Paris Gayety November 1934
- * Hypnotizing Henriette, (ss) Paris Nights January 1934
- * Imagine My Embarrassment, (ss) Stolen Sweets September 1933, as by T. Beckford-Ellis
- * Janet Juggles the Joker, (ss) Paris Nights December 1934
- * Jig-Saw Puzzle Bath, (ss) Tattle Tales May 1933, as by T. Beckford-Ellis
- * Lorelei of Haiti, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress May 1936, as by Allen Beckford
- * Lorette of the North, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress January 1936, as by Allen Beckford
- * Lucifer’s Lady, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress April 1936
- * Lure of Lycette, (ss) Paris Nights July 1934
- * Madame Paradise, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress May 1936
- * Mademoiselle T.N.T., (ss) Paris Gayety July 1934
- * The Maltese Menace [Sue Corrigan], (ss) Scarlet Adventuress March 1936
- * Maltese Minotaur, (ss) Saucy Romantic Adventures October 1936
- * Mam’selle Gives—Monsieur Takes, (ss) French Night Life September 1936
- * Man of Mystery (with Frank Kenneth Young), (ss) La Paree Stories June 1935
- * Mistress of Fortune, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress December 1935, as by Allen Beckford
- * Mistress of Masquerade, (ss) New York Nights July 1936, as by Allen Beckford
- * Mix Business with Pleasure, (ss) French Night Life July 1936, as by Allen Beckford
- * Monkey Business!, (ss) New York Nights February 1937
- * The Nemesis of Manchukuo [Sue Corrigan], (ss) Scarlet Adventuress July 1936
- * Neptune’s Daughter, (ss) Tattle Tales October 1933
- * No Stitch in Time, (ss) Real Boudoir Tales March 1935
- * Pardon Ze Intrusion, (ss) French Night Life January 1937
- * Parisian Cat, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress February 1936, as by Allen Beckford
- * Satan’s Step-Daughter, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress October 1935
- * Savage Enchantress, (ss) Paris Gayety January 1935
- * Shanghai Devil Woman, (ss) Scarlet Adventuress September 1935
- * The Siren of Suez [Sue Corrigan], (ss) Scarlet Adventuress February 1936
- * The Studio Detective, (ss) Spicy Screen Stories December 1935, as by Andrew Larson
- * Sylvia Gets Hot, (ss) Paris Nights October 1934
- * Their Hour of Love…, (nv) French Night Life December 1936
- * Thin Partitions, (ss) Paris Gayety March/April 1935
- * Was I Thrilled!, (sl) Cupid’s Capers Dec 1933, Feb 1934, as by T. Beckford-Ellis
- * Was My Face Red?, (ss) Bedtime Stories October 1933, as by T. Beckford-Ellis
- * White Witch of Addis Ababa [Sue Corrigan], (ss) Scarlet Adventuress January 1936
- * Who’ll Buy My Lingerie?, (ss) French Night Life May 1936
- * Wild About Perfume, (ss) French Night Life Stories February 1934
[]Ellis, Warren (1968- ) (books) (chron.)
- * At the Zoo, (vi) Nature #6810, November 16 2000
- * Crooked Little Vein, (n.) Morrow, July 2007
- Subterranean Press, March 2008
- * Dead Pig Collector, (nv) Subterranean Press, January 2019
- * Ghostmakers, (ss) Haunted Futures ed. Salomé Jones, Ghostwoods Books, 2017
- * Lich-House, (ss) An Aura of Familiarity, Institute for the Future, 2013
- * The Shipping Forecast, (ss) Twelve Tomorrows ed. Bruce Sterling, Technology Review, Inc., 2014
_____, [ref.]
[]Ellis, William T(homas) (1845-1925) (about) (chron.)
- * After Turkey Breaks Up—What?, (ar) The Outlook November 30 1912
- * An American Affair Amid the Alps, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 24 1923
- * Americans on Guard, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 25 1923
- * As the Shepherd Saw It, (ss) The Country Gentleman December 27 1924
- * The Boys of ’76 in France, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 15 1918
- * Broken Icons, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 2 1918
- * Everybody Works but Father, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 12 1923
- * The Great Game, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine March 1912
- * The Hate Sowers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 27 1923
- * Liberty à la Russe, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 23 1918
- * Me Und Mohammed, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 30 1918
- * The Old Romans and the New Prussians, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 16 1918
- * The Overflowing Melting Pot, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 2 1918
- * Russian Wheat Fields and Bread Lines, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 27 1917
- * Russia’s Substitute for Vodka, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 20 1917
- * The Son of Heaven Comes Back—and Goes Back, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Sep 15, Sep 22 1917
- * Speeding the Pilgrims to Mecca, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1911
- * The Tavarish, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 9 1918
- * Two Ghosts in Turkey, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 14 1923
- * Why Don’t the Churches Settle Things?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 12 1921
- * Woman Who Helped Mary, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal December 1918
[]Ellison, Bob (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * Brendan Behan, (ar) Rogue May 1961 [Ref. Brendan Behan]
- * A Closer Look at “The Bosom”, (ar) Rogue August 1964
- * Dan Sorkin, (ar) Rogue June 1961 [Ref. Dan Sorkin]
- * David Merrick, (ar) Rogue November 1963
- * David Susskind, (ar) Rogue February 1962 [Ref. David Susskind]
- * Dick Gregory—Last Man at the Lunch Counter, (ar) Rogue June 1964
- * Dixieland’s Denmother, (ar) Rogue March 1962
- * The Flash Merchants, (ar) Rogue June 1965
- * Has Success Spoiled Jayne Mansfield, (ar) Rogue April 1962
- * An Icebox in Every Igloo, (ar) Rogue August 1965
- * Immortal Barbs, (hu) The Dude July 1961
- * Jack Eigen, (ar) Rogue August 1961 [Ref. Jack Eigen]
- * Laughter, Sweet and Sour!, (ar) Rogue December 1965
- * The Lord Was a Swinger, (ar) Fling Festival Fall 1961 [Ref. Lord Buckley]
- * Makin’ a Movie, (ar) Rogue December 1964
- * The Mirth Monster, (ar) Fling Festival Fall 1961 [Ref. Don Rickles]
- * The Muscle Merchants, (ar) Rogue July 1961
- * The Swinger’s Guide to Chicago, (ar) Swank July 1972
- * Three Best-Selling Authors: Conversations, (ar) Rogue December 1963
- * Who’s Afraid of Edward Albee?, (ar) Rogue October 1963 [Ref. Edward Albee]
- * The Wild Side with Nelson Algren, (ar) Fling January 1963 [Ref. Nelson Algren]
[]Ellison, Dick (fl. 1910s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Charlie the Chauffeur, or, The Luck of a Working Lad, (sl) Wild West Weekly #1034, August 11 1922
- * Daring Dick Dare or Lost in the White Death [chapter 24], (sl) Wild West Weekly #631, November 20 1914
- * Dick Donnelly’s Fortune; or, The Boy Rancher of Texas, (sl) Wild West Weekly #539, February 14 1913
- * The Ghost Boat, (nv) Schoolboys’ Pocket Library #20, 1950
- * Going It Alone, or, A Boy Without a Home, (sl) Wild West Weekly #1080, June 29 1923
- * Starting at the Bottom, or, The Boy Who Won Out, (sl) Wild West Weekly #776, August 31 1917
- * The Sunken Fleet; or, Working for Millions, (sl) Wild West Weekly #531 Dec 20 1912, #536 Jan 24 1913
[]Ellison, Grace (Mary) (1880-1935) (about) (chron.)
- * Alfred East: The Poet of Landscape, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 1906 [Ref. Alfred East]
- * Careers for Women:
* ___ VIII. Medicine, (ar) The Lady’s Realm March 1905
* ___ X. Instruction in Physical Culture, (ar) The Lady’s Realm May 1905
- * The French Girl, (ar) The Lady’s Realm August 1905
- * The German Girl, (ar) The Lady’s Realm November 1905
- * The Gobelin Tapestry, (ar) The Lady’s Realm July 1906
- * Instruction in Physical Culture, (ar) The Lady’s Realm May 1905
- * The King and Queen, (ar) The London Magazine July 1910 [Ref. George V & Mary of Teck]
- * The Life Story of Princess Marina, (ar) The Passing Show Oct 6, Oct 13, Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17, Nov 24 1934
- * Medicine, (ar) The Lady’s Realm March 1905
- * Mr. T.P. O’Connor, M.P., (ar) Cassell’s Magazine September 1905 [Ref. T. P. O’Connor]
- * A Modern Diana: The Dowager Duchesse D’Uzès, (ar) The Lady’s Realm September 1909
- * La Présidente: Madame Fallières, (ar) The Lady’s Realm March 1907
- * Some Impressions of Minto, the Home of our New Viceroy, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine June 1906
- * Teaching French Pronunciation by Machinery, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1905
- * [Introduction to] “How We Escaped from the Harem”, (is) The Strand Magazine September 1907
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