The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6819
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[]Mann, Thomas (1875-1955) (chron.)
- * The Blood of the Walsungs, (nv) Stories of Three Decades by Thomas Mann, Knopf, 1936
- * Buy a Share of Victory, (ms) Exciting Detective Summer 1943
- * Death in Venice, (na)
- * Dina, (ss) This Quarter October/December 1930
- * Disorder and Early Sorrow, (nv) The Dial Oct, Nov 1926; translated from the German.
- * A Gleam, (ss)
- * The Godly Warrior, (ss) Esquire April 1936
- * The Hungry, (ss) Esquire March 1935
- * Hungry Souls, (ss) The Nation September 26 1923
- * The Infant Prodigy, (ss)
- * The Infant Prodigy, (ss)
- * Is World Security Possible?, (sy) Argosy June 1944
- * Little Lizzy, (ss) 1936
- * Little Louise, (ss)
- * Loulou, (ss) The Dial April 1921
- * The Majesty of the Law, (sa) Feature Movie Magazine September 10 1915; based on the 1915 film, scenario by Julia Crawford Ivers.
- * Mario and the Magician, (nv) 1931
- * Measure and Value, (ar) Story #64, November 1937
- * The Path to the Cemetery, (ss)
- * The Room of Apparitions, (ts)
- * That Man Is My Brother, (ar) Esquire March 1939
- * Tristan, (sl) The Dial Dec 1922, Jan 1923
- * The Two Fine Gentlemen, (ss) Tomorrow September 1943
- * The Wardrobe, (ss) Stories of Three Decades by Thomas Mann, Knopf, 1936
- Strange To Tell ed. Marjorie Fischer & Rolfe Humphries, Julian Messner, 1946; translated from the German (“Der Kleiderschrank”, 1899) by H. T. Lowe-Porter.
- More Stories Strange and Sinister ed. Laurette Naomi Pizer, Panther, 1967
- Summoned from the Tomb (var. 1) ed. Peter Haining, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
- Strangeness ed. Thomas M. Disch & Charles Naylor, Scribner's, 1977
- Magical Realist Fiction ed. David Young & Keith Hollaman, Longman, 1984
- The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin, 1984
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[]Mann, Vera (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * Arrogant Brute, (ss) Today’s Love Stories October 1951
- * Dream Knight, (ss) Popular Love Winter 1952
- * He Lied to Win Her Heart, (ss) Today’s Love Stories April 1953
- * Her Headline Marriage, (ss) Ideal Love Stories November 1953
- * Just Her Type, (ss) Today’s Love Stories December 1954
- * The Lady Wants a Date, (ss) Thrilling Love February 1952
- * Miss Christmas Eve, (nv) Today’s Love Stories February 1953
- * No Chance of Winning Him, (ss) Thrilling Love April 1952
- * Please Break My Heart, (ss) Exciting Love Summer 1952
- * She Met a Redhead, (ss) Gay Love Stories November 1952
- * Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, (ss) Gay Love Stories September 1953
- * Too Glamorous, (ss) Gay Love Stories May 1953
- * The Way She Got Him, (ss) Exciting Love Spring 1952
- * Wedding Wary, (ss) Thrilling Love Winter 1954
[]Mannering, Mitchell (chron.)
- * American Observer in Asia. An, (ar) National Magazine February 1914
- * American Railroads As Export Factors, (ar) National Magazine December 1901
- * The American “Traveling Man”, (ar) National Magazine February 1904
- * America’s Greatest Railroad, (ar) National Magazine February 1902
- * Amid the Exposition Throngs, (ar) National Magazine August 1901
- * The Bankers in Boston, (ar) National Magazine October 1913
- * Captain John W. Weeks for Senator, (ar) National Magazine January 1913
- * Collecting the Relics of a Martyred President, (ar) National Magazine May 1914
- * Concerning William Sulzer, (ar) National Magazine May 1912
- * The Dawes Hotel by the Side of the Road, (ar) National Magazine August 1914
- * A Day at Historic Nazareth Hall, (ar) National Magazine September 1914
- * A Day at West Point, (ar) National Magazine November 1913
- * Elihu Root—Statesman, (ar) National Magazine October 1914
- * The “Father” of Modern Advertising, (ar) National Magazine January 1915
- * The Future of Cut-over Timber Lands, (ar) National Magazine July 1901
- * Government Ownership of Telephones, (ar) National Magazine July 1914
- * Henry Ford and the Birds, (ar) National Magazine March 1913
- * Historic Cartoons in American Politics, (ar) National Magazine November 1900
- * How War Expenses May Be Met, (ar) National Magazine February 1915
- * In the Lake Superior Country, (ar) National Magazine February 1912
- * Laughs Echoed from the Cloak Room, (ar) National Magazine January 1914
- * A Leader in Fundamental Ideas, (ar) National Magazine November 1914
- * The Loan for Liberty, (ar) National Magazine September 1917
- * The Loss of the Titanic, (ar) National Magazine June 1912
- * The Making of the Nation’s Capital, (ar) National Magazine July 1913
- * The Memorial to Senator Allison, (ar) National Magazine August 1913
- * Miss Mary Johnston, (ar) National Magazine August 1899
- * The New Glacier National Park, (ar) National Magazine October 1912
- * Old Novels in New Plays, (ar) National Magazine March 1900
- * Picturesque Phases of the Presidential Campaign, (ar) National Magazine November 1900
- * Preparing Party Guns for Action, (ar) National Magazine March 1914
- * The Presidents of America, (ar) National Magazine April 1911
- * Qbata Infant Incubators at the Pan-American, (ar) National Magazine August 1901
- * “Remember the Maine”, (ar) National Magazine May 1911
- * The Rise of a New Oil King, (ar) National Magazine January 1902
- * A Scene Within a Scene, (ar) National Magazine March 1912
- * Shall All Competition Cease, (ar) National Magazine May 1899
- * Shall It Be a United New England?, (ar) National Magazine April 1913
- * The Sign of the Spear, (ar) National Magazine March 1912
- * A Statesman in the Realm of Business, (ar) National Magazine May 1914
- * A Story of a Modern Traction System, (ar) National Magazine December 1912
- * The Textbook of the Fourth Estate, (ar) National Magazine September 1912
- * Thomas A. Edison and His Triumphs, (ar) National Magazine December 1914
- * Triumphs of the Pan-American Exposition, (ar) National Magazine June 1901
- * Typical Americans. Herbert S. Duncombe, (ar) National Magazine May 1912
- * United States Colonies and Dependencies, (ar) National Magazine March 1915
- * An Unknown Man, Known to Millions, (ar) National Magazine February 1900
- * Washington’s Famous Golf Players, (ar) National Magazine October 1901
- * The Wayside Inn, (ar) National Magazine December 1911
- * The White Star Line, (ar) National Magazine November 1911
- * With the Living Lincoln, (ar) National Magazine February 1913
- * [frontispiece], (fp) National Magazine August 1911
[]Mannering, Paul (fl. 2000s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * The Birth, (ss) The Willows January 2008
- * Editorial, (ed) Midnight Echo #13, December 2018
- * Where the Sun, (nv) Hellhole ed. Lee Murray, Adrenaline Press, 2018
- * Why I Hate Cake, (vi) Te Korero Ahi Ka ed. Grace Bridges, Lee Murray & Aaron Compton, SpecFicNZ, 2018; previously available as an audio download from Pseudopod, November 11, 2007.
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[]Manners, Corinne (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * The Girl with Purple Hair, (ss) Complete Love Magazine June 1947
- * Heedless Heart, (ss) Variety Love Stories October 1943
- * Her Extra Boy Friend, (ss) Love Fiction Magazine February 1945
- * His Romance Jinx, (ss) Variety Love Stories May 1945
- * If She Hadn’t Pretended, (ss) Complete Love Magazine March 1946
- * I Want Him Too!, (ss) Ten-Story Love Magazine October 1944
- * Pinch-Hit Date, (ss) Ten-Story Love Magazine November 1943
- * Reckless Chaperon, (ss) Complete Love Magazine September 1945
- * The Redhead’s Technique, (ss) Ten-Story Love Magazine April 1945
- * Rivals for Him, (ss) Complete Love Magazine April 1944
- * Too Ladylike for Him, (ss) Love Fiction Magazine October 1947
- * Use Your Wiles!, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly November 1943
- * Who Mentioned Love?, (ss) Ten-Story Love Magazine February 1945
- * Why Break Your Heart?, (ss) Love Fiction Magazine January 1944
- * Why Not Forget Her?, (ss) Love Fiction Magazine August 1945
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