The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3273
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[]Ely, Richard T. (fl. 1880s-1900s) (chron.)
- * The Advantages of Public Ownership and Management of Natural Monopolies, (ar) The Cosmopolitan March 1901
- * Amana: A Study of Religious Communism, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine October 1902
- * American Colleges and German Universities, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1880
- * An American Industrial Experiment, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1902
- * An Analysis of the Steel Trust, (ar) The Cosmopolitan August 1901
- * Economic Aspects of Mormonism, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1903
- * Fraternalism vs. Paternalism in Government, (??) The Century Magazine March 1898
- * The Future of Corporations, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1887
- * German Cooperative Credit Unions, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1881
- * The Growth of Corporations, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1887
- * Industrial Betterment, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine September 1902
- * The Nature and Significance of Corporations, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1887
- * Our Common Schools, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine January 1882
- * A Programme for Labor Reform, (??) The Century Magazine April 1890
- * Public Control of Private Corporations, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1901
- * Pullman: A Social Study, (??) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1885
- * Questions of the Day:
* ___ The Advantages of Public Ownership and Management of Natural Monopolies, (ar) The Cosmopolitan March 1901
* ___ Public Control of Private Corporations, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1901
* ___ Reforms in Taxation, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1901
* ___ Social Progress, (ar) The Cosmopolitan May 1901
- * Reforms in Taxation, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1901
- * Social Progress, (ar) The Cosmopolitan May 1901
- * Social Studies. The Economic Evils in American Railway Methods, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1886
- * Social Studies. The Nature of the Railway Problem, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1886
- * Social Studies. The Reform of Railway Abuses, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1886
- * Social Studies:
* ___ I. The Nature and Significance of Corporations, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1887
* ___ II. The Growth of Corporations, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1887
* ___ III. The Future of Corporations, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1887
- * Some Ethical Aspects of Ownership, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1902
- * State Universities, (ar) The Cosmopolitan October 1895
- * A Study of a “Decreed” Town, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1903
_____, [ref.]
[]Elyot, Justine (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Advanced Corsetry, (ss) Liaisons ed. Lindsay Gordon, Black Lace, 2009
- * Briony Remastered, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Erotic Romance and Domination ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2014
- * Coming Home, (nv) The Mammoth Book of Hot Romance ed. Sonia Florens, Robinson, 2011
- * Thames Link, (ss) Sex in the City: London ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Xcite Books, 2010
[]Emahiser, Bob (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Appointment in Manila, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 14 1941
- * Blonde Flies Pacific, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 27 1939
- * Blue Butterfly, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 3, May 10 1941
- * Blue Desert, (ss) Adventure February 1939
- * “Bomber Missing”, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 21 1942
- * Down Draft, (ss) Love Book Magazine December 1941
- * Intrigue in Vancouver, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 22 1942
- * Just Plain Red-Headed, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 8 1944
- * Lady of Latimore Lake, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 2 1941
- * Lady of the Evening, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Nov 14, Nov 21, Nov 28 1936
- * The Lady Returns, (ss) Smart Love Stories March 1937
- * Love Takes a Holiday, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 22 1938
- * Molly Turns Recruiting Officer, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 31 1942
- * The Naughty Napoleon, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine September 13 1941
- * No Place for Wimmin, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1946
- * No. 1 Man, (ss) Smart Love Stories October 1937
- * Sabotage, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Feb 28, Mar 7, Mar 14, Mar 21, Mar 28, Apr 4 1942
- * The Scarlet Salamander, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Jul 27, Aug 10, Aug 24, Sep 7 1943
- * That Gal, Mary, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 18 1938
- * Two Alone, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 12 1938
- * Yellow Jasmine, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 10 1940
- * Yellow Wings, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 11 1941
[]Emans, Elaine V. (fl. 1930s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Among Other Things, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 16 1944
- * And Then, On Turning, (pm) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1940
- * The Answer, (pm) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1946
- * April, Teach Me, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 1944
- * Black Cat, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 4 1944
- * Bride, (pm) The Household Magazine June 1934
- * Cat Magic, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 1944
- * Cat’s Company, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 25 1944
- * Cats I Have Loved, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 1945
- * Corners, (pm) Good Housekeeping November 1950
- * Curfew Song, (pm) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1938
- * Footsteps, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 1946
- * For a Kitten, Returned, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 1944
- * For an Absentee Cat, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 1945
- * For a Would-Be Napper, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 1945
- * “How Good a Little Town Can Smell”, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 27 1950
- * If He Should Tire of Me, (pm) Good Housekeeping July 1933
- * If Life Is Hard, (pm) Good Housekeeping October 1934
- * I Found No Words, (pm) Good Housekeeping February 1936
- * Lost October, (pm) Good Housekeeping October 1936
- * Lullaby, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 31 1951
- * Maturity, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1950
- * Memo in Midsummer, (pm) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range July 1946
- * Memorandum, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 19 1942
- * My Heart Went Winging, (pm) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1946
- * Neighbors, (pm) The Household Magazine December 1935
- * New Cat, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 1944
- * Night Fog, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 16 1943
- * Note to Science, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 19 1943
- * On Opening a Jar of Apple Butter, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 8 1944
- * The Paradox, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 10 1951
- * Plan for the Years, (pm) Good Housekeeping January 1935
- * Plans for a Vacation, (pm) Woman’s World November 1934
- * Precaution, (pm) Good Housekeeping July 1934
- * Query, (pm) The Household Magazine February 1940
- * Remembered Glory, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 1946
- * Reverie, (pm) Good Housekeeping November 1937
- * Smart Cat, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 11 1944
- * Snowbirds, (pm) The Household Magazine February 1934
- * So Long as I Have Trees, (pm) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1946
- * Somewhere a Moment, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 1945
- * Song at the Year’s Beginning, (pm) Good Housekeeping January 1936
- * Song for a Kitten, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 21 1944
- * Song for a Pantry, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 4 1950
- * Song for Lovers, (pm) Good Housekeeping June 1936
- * Song for the Keeping of a House, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 2 1943
- * Strange How a Sparrow, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 2 1943
- * Tardy One, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 13 1943
- * The Tea Cakes, (pm) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1945
- * Terza Rima for Weasel, (pm) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980
- * There Is a Brotherhood, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 18 1944
- * They Call You My Cat, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 1945
- * Three Kittens, (pm) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1945
- * To a Cat, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 7 1944
- * To a Loquacious One, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 29 1950
- * To a Young Girl, (pm) Good Housekeeping February 1934
- * To a Young Wife, (pm) Good Housekeeping June 1935
- * Trees, (pm) Grit Story Section #1977, December 11 1932
- * The Two Homes, (pm) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range December 1945
- * We Have Not Hurried Love, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1936
- * What Malady, (pm) Good Housekeeping September 1950
- * Where Do You Go?, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 1944
- * Who Can Accurately Say?, (pm) Extension Magazine May 1939
- * A Wife’s New Year Prayer, (pm) Good Housekeeping January 1934
- * Yellow Cat, by Moonlight, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine September 21 1943
[]Emanuel, Frank (Lewis) (1865-1948) (chron.)
- * Bethesda, Wales, (il) The Idler March 1900
- * La Cathedral de Fique, (il) The Idler September 1899
- * The Chase, (il) The Idler January 1900
- * Nymph and Satyr, (il) The Idler February 1900
- * The Pilot House, Antwerp, (il) The Idler August 1900
- * Temporary Works on the Thames, (il) The Idler January 1900
- * La Viellle Boucherie, Antwerp, (il) The Idler January 1901
- * Whitby, (il) The Idler December 1899
[]Emanuel, Victor Rousseau; [born Avigdor Rousseau Emanuel] (1879-1960); used pseudonyms John Austin, Arthur Branscombe?, Eugene Branscombe, Stewart Brooks, H. M. Egbert, John Grange, Lew Merrill, George Munson, Harry Rogers, Victor Rousseau, Albert Sewell, Hugh Speer & Clive Trent (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Adventure of the Three Georges [Peggy Roche], (ss) Photoplay Magazine March 1917, as by Victor Rousseau
- * The Adventures of Anne Ives, Mascot, (sl) People’s Popular Monthly May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov 1912, as by H. M. Egbert
- * The Aerial War, (ss) Short Stories with Keith’s House Plans December 1914, as by Victor Rousseau
- * The Affair of the North Sea, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1910, as by H. M. Egbert
- * Afghan Gold, (ss) Action Stories June 1930, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Air Maiden, (nv) Spicy Mystery Stories October 1940, as by Clive Trent
- * Alf Barton’s Princess [Dr. Phileas Immanuel], (ss) Holland’s August 1913, as by Victor Rousseau
- * The Alibi That Failed, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919, as by George Munson
- * Alice of Chalons [The Flights of François], (ss) Ainslee’s December 1915, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Among Those Present, (ss) Speed Mystery January 1944, as by Hugh Speer
- * The Amulet of Marduk [Dr. Phileas Immanuel], (ss) Holland’s June 1913, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Angel of Mercy, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories January 1936, as by Lew Merrill
- * The Angel of the Marne, (ts) Ghost Stories July 1929, as by Albert Sewell; as told to Victor Rousseau
- * Arc of Death, (nv) Spicy Mystery Stories November 1941, as by Lew Merrill
- * Arc of Death, (ss) Speed Mystery September 1943, as by Clive Trent
- * Arctic Treasure, (ss) North•West Stories 1st September 1926, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Army of the Dead, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories May 1939, as by Lew Merrill
- * As the Gods Intended, (ss) The Red Magazine April 25 1924, as by John Austin
- * Astral Murder, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories March 1936, as by Lew Merrill
- * The Atom-Smasher, (na) Astounding Stories of Super-Science May 1930, as by Victor Rousseau
- * At the Foot of the Monument, (ss) Harper’s Weekly April 16 1910, as by Victor Rousseau
- * The Avenger’s Sinless Crime, (vi) The Day Book October 7 1916, as "Killing No Murder", by H. M. Egbert
- * The Awakening of Edith, (sl) Physical Culture Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1925, as by Victor Rousseau
- * The Bacillus Prodigiosus, (vi) , as by H. M. Egbert
- * Bamboo Flower, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories March 1936, as by Clive Trent
- * The Bandit of Batakaland, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly Jan 28, Feb 4, Feb 11, Feb 18, Feb 25 1922, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Banzai Charge, (ss) Speed Adventure Stories July 1945, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Barbary Brew, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories May 1937, as by Lew Merrill
- * Bat Man, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories February 1936, as by Lew Merrill
- * Beast of the Kremlin, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories December 1938, as by Lew Merrill
- * Beef Trail, (ss) Leading Western April 1945, as by Lew Merrill
- * The Beetle Horde, (na) Astounding Stories of Super-Science Jan, Feb 1930, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Beggar-Ticks [Dr. Gabriel], (ss) Speed Mystery May 1944, as by Hugh Speer
- * Bell-Bottom Trousers, (ss) Super-Detective March 1946, as by Lew Merrill
- * Bern’s Blunder, (ss) Speed Adventure Stories September 1943, as by Hugh Speer
- * Beyond Hell’s Barriers, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories June 1938, as by Hugh Speer
- * Beyond the Veil, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories September 1936, as by Lew Merrill
- * A Bid for a Throne, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1911, as by H. M. Egbert
- * The Big Muskeg, (sl) Argosy Jan 3, Jan 10, Jan 17, Jan 24 1920, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Big Pierre’s Idol [St. Lawrence Riverway], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1915, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Big Swamp, (na) Brief Stories November 1927, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Birchall, the Canadian Murderer, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 24 1919, as by George Munson
- * The Black Avatar, (ss) Thrilling Adventures December 1931, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Black Doe, (vi) The Day Book October 21 1916, as by H. M. Egbert
- * Black Goddess, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories June 1937, as by Hugh Speer
- * Black Gods, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories April 1937, as by Lew Merrill
- * The Black Gods of Ngami, (nv) Jungle Stories Fall 1939, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Blind Luck, (ss) Speed Western Stories June 1945, as by Lew Merrill
- * Bloated Death [Jim Anthony], (na) Super-Detective January 1941, as by John Grange
- * Blood on the Snow, (ss) North•West Romances Winter 1937, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Blood Racket, (ss) Speed Mystery September 1944, as by Hugh Speer
- * The Blue Dimity Dress, (ss) Harper’s Magazine March 1914, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Body Divided, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories February 1938, as by Hugh Speer
- * The Body in the Box, (ar) Detective Story Magazine May 27 1919, as by George Munson
- * The Body in the Parcels, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 30 1920, as by George Munson
- * A Book of Verse—and Thou, (ss) The Red Magazine July 7 1922, as by John Austin
- * Border Napoleon [Jim Anthony], (na) Super-Detective August 1941, as by John Grange
- * Bows of Fortune, (nv) Speed Adventure Stories January 1946, as by Lew Merrill
- * Bows of Muscovy, (na) Soldiers of Fortune December 1931, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Brain-Buster, (ss) Private Detective Stories November 1944, as by Lew Merrill
- * The Branded Man, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly Apr 13, Apr 20, Apr 27, May 4 1929, as by Victor Rousseau
- * The Brazen Bull, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories July 1937, as by Clive Trent
- * Bridal Eve, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine December 1936, as by Victor Rousseau
- * The Bride of Eagle Pass, (na) Western Romances #70, March 1937, as by Victor Rousseau
- * The Bride of Golden Mountain, (sl) All-Story Cavalier Weekly February 13 1915 (+3), as "Jacqueline of Golden River", by Victor Rousseau
- * Bride of the Pyramid, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories March 1936, as by Hugh Speer
- * Bride of the Sun, (nv) Spicy-Adventure Stories August 1937, as by Lew Merrill
- * Bride of the Sword, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories April 1936, as by Lew Merrill
- * The Brides of Coco Island, (ss) Speed Adventure Stories January 1945, as by Clive Trent
- * Bright Isle of Enchantment, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories February 1938, as by Lew Merrill
- * Broccoli Burlesque, (ss) Super-Detective September 1944, as by Lew Merrill
- * Broken Men, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly March 1928, as by Victor Rousseau
- * The Brother of the Moon, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1912, as by H. M. Egbert
- * Brothers in Blood, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories December 1935, as by Lew Merrill
- * Brushless Cream [Adam Somervell], (ss) Super-Detective November 1946, as by Lew Merrill
- * Buffalo Trail, (ss) Fighting Western October 1946, as by Victor Rousseau
- * Bugle Call, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories February 1939, as by Clive Trent
- * The Bulgarian Papers [Mr. X], (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1915, as by H. M. Egbert
- * The Bullet-Proof Mantle [Mr. X], (ss) The Popular Magazine January 23 1915, as by H. M. Egbert
- * Bulls Have Jaws, (ss) Speed Adventure Stories November 1943, as by Lew Merrill
- * Burma Road, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories May 1941, as by Lew Merrill
- * The Burning of Batoum, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1911, as by H. M. Egbert
- * Button, Button, (ss) Private Detective Stories June 1945, as by Lew Merrill
- * By Name of Brown, (ss) Fighting Western June 1946, as by Lew Merrill
- * Cactus Trail, (sl) Ranch Romances 2nd Jun, 1st Jul, 2nd Jul, 3rd Jul, 1st Aug, 2nd Aug 1931, as by Victor Rousseau
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