The FictionMags Index
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Macfadden, Bernarr (chron.) (continued)
- * Economize or Face Insolvency—Chaos—Possible Revolution, (ed) Liberty January 6 1940
- * Economy at Last Given Consideration, (ed) Liberty September 23 1939
- * Editorial, (ed) Woman’s Physical Development December 1901
- * Editorial, (ed) Dream World June 1924
- * Editorial, (ed) Liberty Aug 29, Sep 19 1936
- * The Editor’s Viewpoint, (ed) Physical Culture August 1912
- * “Eight Hundred Thousand People Will Die This Year Unnecessarily”, (ar) Physical Culture October 1923
- * 84%—Labor’s Share of Industry’s Profits, (ed) Liberty April 23 1938
- * “The Employers Will Disappear,” says Harry Bridges, (ed) Liberty June 26 1937
- * An Enemy That Can Distroy Us—Intolerance, (ed) Liberty February 20 1937
- * Energizing the Vital Organs, (ar) Physical Culture February 1913
- * Entire Nation Must Train to Avoid Enslavement, (ed) Liberty January 18 1941
- * Exercise as a Character Builder, (ar) Physical Culture August 1923
- * Exercises for the Manual Worker, (ar) Physical Culture August 1913
- * Feeding the Hungry—the Criminal Waste Continues, (ed) Liberty September 24 1932
- * The Feeling of Well-Being, (ed) Physical Culture December 1931
- * Feminine Beauty Depends on Glandular Activity, (ar) Physical Culture January 1939
- * Fiction Fires the Imagination, (ed) Macfadden Fiction-Lovers Magazine December 1924
- * Fighting Fit at Fifty-Five, (ar) Physical Culture Nov, Dec 1923
- * A Finicky Stomach Is a Valuable Asset, (ar) Physical Culture December 1939
- * The Fire and Fervor of Youthful Spirits at 70, (ar) Liberty February 12 1938
- * “Fools Rush in—”, (ed) Liberty August 14 1937
- * 43 Years in the Publish Field, (ar) Liberty April 19 1941
- * France’s Defeat—A Powerful Lesson to Us, (ed) Liberty August 31 1940
- * Fulfil Your Mission, (ed) Dream World November 1928
- * Fundamental American Principles Should Guide Us, (ed) Liberty June 19 1937
- * Gaining Vitality and Manly Vigor, (ar) Physical Culture May 1913
- * The Ghastly Blunders of the Republican Campaign Managers, (ed) Liberty January 2 1937
- * The Gigantic Cost of Crime, (ed) Liberty April 5 1941
- * The Gland Rejuvenation Fantasy, (ar) Physical Culture July 1925
- * Glorify Christmas with the Night of Light, (ed) Liberty December 21 1940
- * Glorifying Skinny Women, (ed) Liberty August 19 1939
- * The Goal Within Reach, Then—Death, (ar) Physical Culture January 1925
- * Go Back to Nature—Your Car Will Take You There, (ar) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction June 1925
- * Good News for Tuberculosis Victims, (ed) Liberty October 21 1939
- * A Grateful Soul, (ed) Dream World April 1929
- * A Great American Citizen, (ar) Liberty November 16 1940
- * The Greatest Tragedy of My Life, (ed) Liberty July 8 1939
- * Great News for Labor, (ed) Liberty January 4 1941
- * A Great Wave of Relief Sweeps Over the Nation! Cause?—A Resignation!, (ed) Liberty January 9 1937
- * Happiness, (ed) Dream World July 1924
- * Hate, (ed) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day January 1924
- * Health Advice Should Be as Free as Air and Water, (ed) Liberty December 5 1936
- * Health Made and Preserved by Daily Exercise, (ar) The Cosmopolitan April 1903
- * The Health of Your Child, (ed) Physical Culture May 1931
- * Health Plays the Lead, (ar) Physical Culture January 1939 [Ref. Walter Pidgeon]
- * Hell’s Bells, (ed) Midnight #9, October 14 1922
- * The Hell That War Brings, (ed) Liberty June 22 1940
- * Henry Wallace, The Fair-Haired Dreamer, (ed) Liberty October 5 1940
- * Hey! Hey! Hurrah! Hurrah!, (ed) Liberty December 28 1940
- * Higher and Higher Wages—A Fool’s Paradise, (ed) Liberty March 19 1938
- * Hints on Light and Heavy Exercises, (ar) Physical Culture October 1913
- * The Hordes of Hell Now on a Rampage, (ed) Liberty October 7 1939
- * How About the Bonus Bill?, (ed) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day February 1924
- * How About Your Job—After Election?, (ed) Liberty October 31 1936
- * How Huge Sums Can Be Saved Through Registration System, (ed) Liberty September 14 1940
- * How I Keep Fit at Fifty-Eight: 1. I Learned the Value of Health, (ar) Physical Culture September 1926
- * How I Keep Fit at Fifty-Eight: 3. How to Eat to Be Healthy, (ar) Physical Culture November 1926
- * How Long Must We Carry This Staggering Load?, (ed) Liberty March 27 1937
- * How Long? Oh, Lord!! How Long?, (ed) Liberty August 17 1940
- * How Many Bronks Have You Busted?, (ed) Fighting Romances from the West and East May 1926
- * How Much Do You Know?, (ed) Radio Stories April 1925
- * How to Boost Business Sky High, (ed) Liberty January 8 1938
- * How to Build a Powerful Upper Arm, (ar) Muscle Builder March 1924
- * How to Develop Virile, Powerful Manhood, (ar) Physical Culture March 1912
- * How to Insure the Health of Your Child, (ar) Physical Culture April 1925
- * How to Lengthen Life, (ar) National Brain Power October 1923
- * How to Put On Healthy Flesh, (ar) Physical Culture May 1912
- * Ideal Manhood, (ed) Physical Culture February 1931
- * If Your Doctor Is a Good Business Man, Watch Out!, (ar) Physical Culture December 1931
- * Ignorant Specialists, (ar) Physical Culture September 1924
- * I Indict the New Deal For—, (ed) Liberty November 7 1936
- * Immigration Adds to Unemployment, (ar) Liberty May 20 1939
- * “I’m So Sorry!”, (ed) True Story Magazine #11, September 1923
- * The Incorrigible Corrigan, (ar) Liberty September 24 1938
- * Inspiring Dreams, (ed) Dream World October 1931
- * Intelligence!! For God’s Sake, Give Us Intelligence!, (ed) Liberty March 11 1939
- * Intelligence—The Greatest Need of the Democracies, (ed) Liberty October 28 1939
- * Into the Dream World, (ed) Dream World September 1924
- * Introduction to “700 Acres of Fresh Air”, (in) Liberty February 18 1939
- * Investing Your Leisure Time, (ed) Physical Culture September 1931
- * Is Hitler Playing the Old American Game—Bluffing?, (ed) Liberty April 9 1938
- * Is It Worth More than Life?, (ed) Liberty February 24 1940
- * Is Labor Walking Into a Trap?, (ed) Liberty May 22 1937
- * Isn’t Life Wonderful?, (ed) Dream World March 1925
- * Is Our Official Oath of Office Meaningless?, (ed) Liberty January 27 1940
- * Is the Fall of Rome a Warning to Us?, (ed) Liberty August 27 1938
- * Is the New Deal on the Way Out?, (ed) Liberty December 17 1938
- * Is the Physical Culture Life Worth While?, (ar) Physical Culture October 1931
- * Is the World Returning to Savagery?, (ed) Liberty December 31 1938
- * “I Thought I Loved Him”, (ed) Dream World October 1925
- * Job Insurance Far Better Than Unemployment Insurance, (ed) Liberty August 11 1934
- * Just a Bunch of Suckers!, (ed) Liberty September 12 1936
- * Just Plain Damn Fools, (ed) Liberty January 7 1939
- * Keep Us Out of War!!!, (ar) Liberty November 11 1939
- * Killing the Goose That Lays the Golden Egg, (ed) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day October 1923
- * Labor and Capital, Join Hands Against the Enemy—Government, (ed) Liberty October 15 1938
- * Labor—Seven Long Years, (ed) Liberty March 16 1940
- * Labor’s Regimentation—May Be Already Here?, (ed) Liberty November 27 1937
- * Law Enforcement the Only Remedy, (ed) Liberty April 24 1937
- * Lawlessness—That Is Our Main Trouble, (ed) Liberty April 8 1939
- * Lawlessness, with Its Ghastly Possibilities, (ed) Liberty May 1 1937
- * Laws Should Govern Us—Not Men!, (ed) Liberty August 22 1936
- * Learn Through Play, (ar) Physical Culture June 1924
- * Let’s Hold on to Americanism, (ed) Liberty November 16 1940
- * Life—A Great Mystery!, (ed) Dream World August 1924
- * A Lonely Heart, (ed) Dream World September 1927
- * Lost! Billions of Dollars—Millions of American Homes, (ed) Liberty May 6 1939
- * Lost in the Sky, (ar) Liberty October 5 1940
- * Love, (nf) Physical Culture February 1931
- * A Loveless Life, (ed) Dream World March 1930
- * Love Never Grows Old, (ed) True Story Magazine #127, June 1933
- * The Love of Home, (ed) Dream World October 1924
- * Love on the Auction Block, (ed) Liberty April 3 1937
- * Love’s Bewildering Delights, (ed) True Story March 1939
- * Love’s Unfathomable Mystery, (ar) True Story February 1930
- * Make Your Vacation Pay Health Dividends, (ed) Physical Culture June 1928
- * Making Limbs Strong and Symmetrical, (ar) Physical Culture July 1913
- * Making Money, (ed) National Brain Power January 1924
- * The Man Behind a Miracle, (ar) Liberty August 10 1940
- * The Manhood Test, (ed) National Brain Power December 1923
- * Man-Power Our Greatest Need, (ed) Liberty July 20 1940
- * The Man Who Is Never Licked, (ed) Fighting Romances from the West and East January 1926
- * The Man with the Wallop, (ed) Fighting Romances from the West and East December 1925
- * Marital Horrors—Can They Be Remedied?, (ed) Liberty September 7 1940
- * Massage an Aid to Exercise, (ar) Physical Culture July 1912
- * Maybe This Would Be a Good Platform for the Republicans, (ar) Liberty April 30 1938
- * May the Best Man Win!, (ed) Liberty November 14 1936
- * Measure Yourself, (ed) National Brain Power May 1924
- * The Medical Doctor, (ar) Physical Culture December 1924
- * “Medical Men a Sickly Crowd”, (ar) Physical Culture July 1924
- * Medical Treatment Cannot Cure Heart Disease, (ed) Physical Culture September 1926
- * A Menace to Happy Home Making, (ar) True Story April 1931
- * Midnight Sons, (ed) Midnight #8, October 7 1922
- * Money—the Root of All Evil, (ed) Liberty March 1 1941
- * A Monopoly in Human Life, (ar) Physical Culture January 1924
- * More Wages for Teachers, (ed) National Brain Power September 1923
- * The Motion-Picture Business a Political Football?, (ed) Liberty May 13 1939
- * Must We Be Prepared for Hell?, (ar) Liberty November 20 1937
- * My Fifty Years of Physical Culture, (ar) Physical Culture September 1933
- * My Life Story, (bg) Physical Culture Mar, Apr, Jun 1914
- * My Life Story: I Try Railroading and Tramping, (bg) Physical Culture September 1914
- * My Life Story: My First Visit to England, (bg) Physical Culture January 1915
- * My Life Story: Seeking Success Again in the City, (bg) Physical Culture October 1914
- * My Most Precious Possession, (ar) Physical Culture February 1929
- * My Moving Picture Course in Physical Culture, (ar) Physical Culture December 1915
- * Mystery in the Air, (ed) Midnight #13, November 11 1922
- * A National Tragedy—Neglected Youth, (ed) Liberty November 23 1940
- * A Nation-Wide Demand for the Resignation of Madam Perkins, (ed) Liberty October 22 1938
- * A New Daily Newspaper, (ed) Metropolitan Magazine September 1924
- * The New Deal Depression—Its Cause, (ed) Liberty May 28 1938
- * The New Deal Has Scuttled the Democratic Ship, (ed) Liberty October 12 1940
- * The New Deal Is Here—God Be Praised!, (ed) Liberty April 22 1933
- * The New Deal’s Most Damning Record, (ed) Liberty November 2 1940
- * Newspapers Driving Nails Into Their Own Coffins, (ed) Liberty February 19 1938
- * Nine Thousand Mothers Die Annually, (ed) Liberty May 15 1937
- * No More Experimentation, for God’s Sake!, (ar) Liberty April 25 1936
- * No Tax on Small Incomes, (ed) Liberty July 17 1937
- * Official Decisions—Watch Them Carefully, (ed) Liberty April 13 1940
- * Only a Huge Air Force Can Save Us, (ed) Liberty May 27 1939
- * Only a Sacrificial Spirit Can Save Our Country, (ed) Liberty June 29 1940
- * Only Congress Can Save Us, (ed) Liberty January 29 1938
- * Only Dictatorial Powers Can Save Us, (ed) Liberty March 25 1933
- * Only Indigestion, (ar) Physical Culture March 1925
- * Only Knowledge Can Save Democracy, (ed) Liberty September 10 1938
- * The Only Way to Save Americanism, (ed) Liberty April 6 1940
- * The Only Way to Save Democracy—Take the Profit Out of Politics, (ed) Liberty November 28 1936
- * An Open Letter to Justice Ford and John S. Sumner, (ar) Physical Culture February 1924
- * An Open Letter to Senator Robert F. Wagner, (ed) Liberty May 7 1938
- * Our Farmers Will Now Be Instructed Like Schoolboys, (ed) Liberty April 2 1938
- * Our Fighting Statesmen, (ed) Liberty August 28 1937
- * Our Foolish, Blundering Taxing System, (ed) Liberty May 8 1937
- * Our Greatest Battle, (ed) National Pictorial Brain Power Monthly November 1921
- * Our Last Line of Defense, (ed) Liberty March 2 1940
- * Our Lawless Auxiliary Congresses, (ed) Liberty May 4 1940
- * Our Loved Ones, (ed) Dream World October 1927
- * Our Merchant Marine Smells to High Heaven, (ed) Liberty March 5 1938
- * Our Miraculous National Achievements, (ed) Liberty May 29 1937
- * Our Name Is Liberty—And That’s What We Stand For, (ed) Liberty November 19 1938
- * Out of the Devil’s Clutches, (ed) Midnight #7, September 30 1922
- * Over the High-Wage Precipice—Maybe?, (ed) Liberty March 26 1938
- * Over the Precipice, (ed) Midnight #10, October 21 1922
- * Overwhelming Indebtedness Can Destroy Democracy, (ed) Liberty February 15 1941
- * The Pace That Kills, (ed) Midnight #2, August 26 1922
- * The Passing of a Great Athlete, (ar) Physical Culture May 1925
- * The Pathway to Hell, (ed) Midnight #5, September 16 1922
- * Patriotism—No Nation Can Live Without It, (ed) Liberty March 25 1939
- * Perfect Social Security—Life Imprisonment, (ar) Liberty December 3 1938
- * The Perilous Defects of Our Democracy, (ed) Liberty November 5 1938
- * Permanent Peace—Can It Be Achieved?, (ed) Liberty February 13 1937
- * Personal Message, (ed) Beautiful Womanhood October 1923
- * Physical Culture Solves the Bad Boy Problem, (ar) Physical Culture December 1915
- * The Physical Culture Union in Politics, (ar) Physical Culture August 1912
- * The Physical Effects of Financial Depression, (ar) Physical Culture May 1931
- * A Plan to Strengthen Democracy, (ed) Liberty August 24 1940
- * Playing the Farmers for Suckers, (ed) Liberty May 25 1940
- * Playing the United States for a “Good Thing”, (ed) Liberty October 10 1936
- * Playing with Romance, (ed) True Story March 1932
- * Pleasure-Loving Women, (ed) Macfadden Fiction-Lovers Magazine January 1925
- * The Poor Old Republican Party!, (ed) Liberty September 17 1938
- * Prepare to Fight or Face National Death, (ed) Liberty Feb 26 1938, Jul 13 1940
- * President Roosevelt—World Champion Peace Propagandist, (ed) Liberty July 1 1939
- * Priming the Pump—Prosperity by Increasing Taxes, (ed) Liberty July 9 1938
- * Prolonging Your Life, (ar) Physical Culture April 1928
- * The Property Class—Who Are They?, (ed) Liberty September 5 1936
- * Prudery, (ed) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day March 1924
- * Prudery—Christianity’s Greatest Enemy, (ed) Liberty December 16 1939
- * Prudery—Hypocrisy—Murder, (ar) Physical Culture January 1923
- * Prudery—the Malignant Foe of Christianity, (ed) Liberty December 7 1940
- * Put the Governmental Train Back on the Track, (ed) Liberty August 12 1939
- * Quack Remedies for the Unemployment Evil, (ed) Liberty September 30 1939
- * Quicksands of Sex Ignorance, (ar) Physical Culture June 1928
- * Railroad Workers—Do They All Want Government Jobs?, (ed) Liberty December 24 1938
- * A Reckless, Spendthrift Government, (ed) Liberty July 29 1939
- * Regimentation of Labor—Maybe?, (ed) Liberty August 26 1939
- * Reign of Terror on Wall Street, (ed) Liberty September 21 1940
- * Rejuvination—1936, (ar) Liberty December 28 1935
- * Religious Influence in Character Building, (ed) Liberty May 18 1940
- * Remove All Taxes from Capital and Labor, (ed) Liberty October 29 1932
- * Remove Commercialism from Public Health, (ed) Liberty February 3 1940
- * The Results of Experience Are Meaningless—To New Dealers, (ed) Liberty September 3 1938
- * Riches Are the Source of All Civilization, (ed) Liberty July 31 1937
- * The Road to Romance, (ed) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction May 1925
- * Romance Brings Inspiration, (ed) Dream World November 1931
- * Romance—Marriage, (ed) Dream World September 1925
- * The Romance of the Open Country, (ed) Fighting Romances from the West and East April 1926
- * Romances in Fighting—An Editorial, (ed) Fighting Romances from the West and East November 1925
- * Romantic Reveries, (ed) Dream World February 1932
- * The Savage Brutality of Modern War, (ed) Liberty November 13 1937
- * Saving Democracy—The Bill of Rights, (ed) Liberty February 22 1941
- * The Secret of Prolonged Youth, (ar) Physical Culture April 1931
- * Security—Our Most Highly Valued Possession, (ed) Liberty December 9 1939
- * Selecting a Husband, (ar) Physical Culture October 1924
- * Selecting a Wife, (ar) Physical Culture July 1923
- * Sex, (ed) Liberty October 23 1937
- * Sex Appeal Analyzed, (ed) Physical Culture June 1928
- * Shall We Be Forced Into War by Reckless Officials?, (ed) Liberty January 28 1939
- * Shall We Defend Free Speech?, (ed) Liberty March 30 1940
- * Shall We Destroy the Constitution?, (ed) Liberty March 20 1937
- * Shall We Throw Away Our Priceless Heritage?, (ed) Liberty July 10 1937
- * Shall We Vote for the New Deal?, (ed) Liberty November 12 1938
- * The Shipping Strike—Who Loses?, (ed) Liberty January 30 1937
- * Should the Workers Join a Union?, (ed) Liberty December 4 1937
- * The Simple Six System, (ar) Physical Culture August 1924
- * Sit-Down Strike Costly to Workers, (ed) Liberty March 6 1937
- * Six Long, Troubled Years, (ed) Liberty April 22 1939
- * Slicing the Veterans’ Pay, (ed) Liberty April 29 1933
- * Soak Idleness of Every Kind, (ed) Liberty July 9 1932
- * Some Humans Are as Blind as Contented Cows, (ed) Liberty October 30 1937
- * The Something-for-Nothing Dreamers, (ed) Liberty January 13 1940
- * The Spirit of Youth, (ar) True Story November 1923
- * Springtime Is Here, (ed) Physical Culture April 1931
- * Starting the Day Right, (ar) Physical Culture March 1913
- * Strikes—Knifing Labor in the Back, (ed) Liberty February 1 1941
- * Strong Body Needed for a Strong Mind, (ar) National Brain Power September 1923
- * Stupendous! Colossal!! Gigantic!!!, (ed) Liberty November 6 1937
- * Successful Men Don’t Work, (ed) National Pictorial Monthly May 1922
- * Syphilis—and the Clean (?) Book Bill, (ar) Physical Culture December 1923
- * Syphilization Will Replace Civilization, (ar) Physical Culture March 1924
- * Take Your Choice—Walk or Die, (ed) Physical Culture September 1933
- * Taking a Chance, (ed) Midnight #12, November 4 1922
- * Tax Idleness and Give Everybody a Job, (ed) Liberty March 18 1933
- * Technocracy’s Menacing Predictions, (ed) Liberty January 14 1933
- * Ten Million Prejudiced Charity Voters, (ed) Liberty October 9 1937
- * $10,000 for a New Name, (ms) Physical Culture Oct, Nov 1931
- * That Billionaire Relief (Political?) Fund, (ed) Liberty July 2 1938
- * That Gaunt Skeleton—Starvation, (ed) Liberty March 29 1941
- * “That Tired Feeling”, (ar) Physical Culture August 1925
- * There Will Be No War—for a Year—Maybe Five Years, (ed) Liberty June 10 1939
- * This Administration—Where Are We Going?, (ed) Liberty June 5 1937
- * This Crazy War-Mad World, (ed) Liberty February 10 1940
- * The Thrills of Aviation, (ar) Flying Stories March 1930
- * Throw Out the Foreign Traitors, (ed) Liberty November 26 1938
- * To Be an American—My What a Privilege!!!, (ed) Liberty November 4 1939
- * To Destroy Fear, to Bring Back Confidence—Liberty’s National Recovery Crusade, (ed) Liberty May 27 1933
- * To Give Your Mind a Chance—Take Care of Your Body!, (ar) National Brain Power March 1924
- * “To Hell with Capital!”, (ed) Liberty March 13 1937
- * To H___ with the Constitution—Perhaps?, (ed) Liberty February 17 1940
- * “To Make the World Safe for Democracy”, (ed) Liberty June 17 1939
- * Too Much Law, (ed) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day May 1924
- * To Your Unconquerable Soul, (ed) True Story January 1935
- * Tracing Americanism to Its Source, (ed) Liberty November 18 1939
- * A Tragical Need for Health Specialists, (ed) Liberty June 24 1939
- * Traitorous Officials?…Yes?…No?, (ed) Liberty March 9 1940
- * Treating Diseases by Natural Methods, (ar) Physical Culture June 1915
- * True Story for April: The Love Child, (ed) True Story April 1931
- * The Truth Will Save Your Boy, (ss) Physical Culture April 1928
- * A Tyrannical Dictator for Us? Perhaps!, (ed) Liberty May 11 1940
- * Unearned Wealth—Luxury—Leads to Destruction, (ed) Liberty October 2 1937
- * Unemployment Insurance—Old-Age Pensions—Good, But—, (ed) Liberty December 10 1938
- * Unionism—Gains and Losses, (ed) Liberty June 3 1939
- * Unionism Would Sweep the Country Like a Forest Fire, (ed) Liberty June 4 1938
- * Unions Should Clean House—Says President Green, (ed) Liberty April 20 1940
- * The United States—A Sleek, Fat Lamb, (ed) Liberty September 26 1936
- * Unparalleled Advantages of Our Wage System, (ed) Liberty April 1 1939
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