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Derleth, August (William) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Amateur Philologist [Solar Pons], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1964
- The Casebook of Solar Pons, Mycroft & Moran, 1965, as "The Adventure of the Amateur Philologist"
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Sampler Fll (var.1), Fll (var.3), Fll (var.4) 1965
- Meet Death at Night and Other Tales of Terror ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Four Square, 1967
- Behind the Death Ball ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1974
- Coffin Corner ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1975
- The Solar Pons Omnibus, Volume One, Arkham House, 1982, as "The Adventure of the Amateur Philologist"
- * The Ambush, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * American Portrait: 1877, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Amos Kled [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * The Ancestor (with H. P. Lovecraft), (ss) The Survivor and Others with H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1957; written by Derleth from a fragment by Lovecraft.
- * And You, Thoreau!, (oc) The Poets of the Year, 1944
- * Angler at Dusk, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Angler by Full Moon, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * Angler in a Boat, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Anglers, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * Anguish, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * Anson Boggs [Sac Prairie], (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Anthony Boucher, (ob) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968 [Ref. Anthony Boucher], uncredited.
- * Any Day Now [Sac Prairie], (nv) Redbook Magazine May 1938
- * Apples by Snowfall, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Approaching Storm, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * April at Evening, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * April Brook, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * April Evening Dialogue, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * April: High Noon, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * April Kinney, (nv) Wisconsin in Their Bones, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- * April Morning Train, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * April Shower in Woods, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Arclights at Evening, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Arcturus in October, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Arcturus Late, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Arkham House: A Thumbnail Story, (ar) The Fossil October 1950
- * Arkham House Enters Its Third Decade, (ar) New Frontiers August 1960
- * Arkham House in 1969, (ms) The Arkham Collector #4, Winter 1969, uncredited.
- * Arkham House in London, (ms) The Arkham Collector #2, Winter 1968, uncredited.
- * The Arkham House Story, (ar) Fantastic Worlds Summer 1952
- * Arkham House vs. Mycroft & Moran, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * The Arkham Program, (ms) The Arkham Collector #2, Winter 1968, uncredited.
- * An Arkham Warehouse, (ms) The Arkham Collector #5, Summer 1969, uncredited.
- * Arm in Arm, the Girls…, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * The Art of the Pastiche, (ms) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967 [Ref. Michael Harrison], uncredited.
- * Arum: Autumn, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Associational, (ms) The Arkham Collector #8, Winter 1971, uncredited.
- * Associational Items, (ms) The Arkham Collector #7, Summer 1970, uncredited.
- * At Pond’s Edge, Quiet Afternoon, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * At the Bend in the Road, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * At the End of the Path, (ss) Consider Your Verdict by Tally Mason, Stackpole Sons, 1937, as by Tally Mason
- * At the Grave of Edgar Lee Masters, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Aubade, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Aubade: Dusk, (pm) Habitant of Dusk, Walden Press, 1946
- * The Auctioneer, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * August Derleth and Jesse Stuart, (ms) The Arkham Collector #2, Winter 1968, uncredited.
- * August Derleth’s Eerie Creatures, (co) The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, February 2009
- * August Evening, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Aunt May and the Refugees [Sac Prairie], (ss) Sac Prairie People, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Aunt May Strikes Again!, (co) Hawk & Whippoorwill, 1996
- * Autumn: A Little Sonata, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Autumn: A Robin Caroling, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Autumn Equinox, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Autumn Letter, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Autumn Whippoorwill, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Back to Praed Street, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * Balu, (ss) Weird Tales January 1949, as by Stephen Grendon
- Mr. George and Other Odd Persons by Stephen Grendon, Arkham House, 1963, as by Stephen Grendon
- Supernatural Cats ed. Claire Necker, Doubleday, 1972
- Mysterious Cat Stories ed. John Richard Stephens & Kim Smith, Carroll & Graf, 1993
- August Derleth’s Eerie Creatures, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009, as by Stephen Grendon
- * Barney Ferle [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Barney Yancy [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Bart Hinch [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * The Baseball Game, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * A Base of Operations: Place of Hawks, (ar) A Derleth Collection, Geranium Press, 1993
- * The Bat, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Bat’s Belfry, (ss) Weird Tales May 1926
- More Not at Night ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1926
- Not at Night! ed. Herbert Asbury, Macy-Macius, 1928
- The Midnight People ed. Peter Haining, Leslie Frewin, 1968
- Dracula’s Guest and Other Stories ed. Vic Ghidalia, Xerox Education, 1972
- Weird Tales #1 ed. Lin Carter, Zebra, 1981
- Etchings & Odysseys #6, 1985
- August Derleth’s Eerie Creatures, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009
- Weird Tales: Best of the Early Years 1926-27 ed. Jonathan Maberry & Kaye Lynne Booth, WordFire Press, 2022
- * A Battle Over the Tea-Cups, (ss) Oriental Stories Summer 1932
- * Baynter’s Imp, (ss) Weird Tales September 1943
- * The Beetle in the Wall, (pm) Habitant of Dusk, Walden Press, 1946
- * The Beginnings of Solar Pons [Solar Pons], (ar) Baker Street Gasogene April 1962
- * Beleaguered, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * The Belfry, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * The Bell in the Arbor, (ss) Notable Short Stories ed. Nelson Antrim Crawford, Haldeman-Julius, 1945
- * Bergamotte Underfoot, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Berlin, Leipzig, Emden, Mannheim, etc., (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Bertram Bunn [Sac Prairie], (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Beyond the Pasture Gate, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Beyond the Threshold [Cthulhu], (nv) Weird Tales September 1941
- Something Near, Arkham House, 1945
- Short Story Magazine (Australia) #45, April 1948
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1969
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Volume 1 ed. August Derleth, Ballantine Books, 1971
- Beware More Beasts ed. Vic Ghidalia & Roger Elwood, Manor, 1975
- A Treasury of American Horror Stories ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Bonanza, 1985
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Arkham House, 1989
- The Cthulhu Mythos, Barnes & Noble, 1997
- In Lovecraft’s Shadow, Mycroft & Moran, 1998
- * Bibliographical, (ms) The Arkham Collector #4 Wtr 1969, #10 Sum 1971, uncredited.
- * Bibliographical Notes, (ms) The Arkham Collector #2 Wtr 1968, #5 Sum 1969, #9 Spr 1971, uncredited.
- * Bibliographic Notes, (ms) The Arkham Collector #1 Sum 1967, #3 Sum 1968, #6 Wtr 1970, uncredited.
- * Billy Sand [Sac Prairie], (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Birkett’s Twelfth Corpse, (vi) The Fantasy Fan December 1933
- * The Bishop Sees Through, (ss) Weird Tales May 1932
- * Bishop’s Gambit, (ss) Avon Fantasy Reader 3 ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Avon Book Co., 1947, as by Stephen Grendon
- * The Black Castle (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales May 1927
- * The Black Island [Laban Shrewsbury], (nv) Weird Tales January 1952
- * Blessed Are the Meek, (ss) Weird Tales November 1948, as by Stephen Grendon
- * Blue, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Bluebirds, (pm) The Dragon-Fly #2, 1936
- * The Blue Dress, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * The Blue Goose [Sac Prairie], (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- * Blue Heron, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Blue Racer, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * The Blue Spectacles, (ss) Weird Tales July 1949, as by Stephen Grendon
- Weird Tales (UK) #1, 1949, as by Stephen Grendon
- Mr. George and Other Odd Persons by Stephen Grendon, Arkham House, 1963, as by Stephen Grendon
- Kurt Singer’s Ghost Omnibus ed. Kurt Singer, W.H. Allen, 1965, as by Stephen Grendon
- Kurt Singer’s Second Ghost Omnibus ed. Kurt Singer, Four Square, 1967, as by Stephen Grendon
- Kurt Singer’s Ghost Omnibus (var. 2) ed. Kurt Singer, Leisure Books, 1971, as by Stephen Grendon
- Pirate Ghosts of the American Coast ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, August House, 1988
- That Is Not Dead, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009, as by Stephen Grendon
- * Bob [Sac Prairie], (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * The Bobbing Cork, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Bob-Sledding, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Body’s Breviary, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * A Bok Folio, (br) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967 [Ref. Hannes Bok], uncredited.
- * Bonfire in the Evening Wood, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * Bonfire in the Woods, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * A Book of Poems by Robert Frost, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * Book Review, (br) (Madison, WI) June 26 1943
- * Book Review, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * A Bottle for Corezzi (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) That Is Not Dead, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009
- * The Boundary of Now, (ss) Wisconsin in Their Bones, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- * Box-Social, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Boy and Whippoorwill, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Boy in a Field of Daisies, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Boy Listening to Rain, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * A Boy’s Way, (oc) Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Boy with Harmonica, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Bramwell’s Guardian, (ss) Weird Tales March 1940
- * The Bridge of Sighs [Chronicles of the City-States], (ss) Weird Tales September 1931
- * Bright Flame, Bright Glow, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Bringer of Spring, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Broadwing Soaring, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Brook, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Brook Sound at Evening, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Brook Talk, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Brown Bat, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Brush Fire, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Buck Carringill [Sac Prairie], (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Buck in the Bottoms [Sac Prairie], (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- * Bullheading, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * The Burning Bush, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * By Lanternlight, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * By Rocket to the Moon [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Ventura 1965
- * The Cabin in the Woods, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * The Caboose on the Train, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Cactus Bluff: Midnight, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Caffee Was a Gallowsbird, (ar) Wisconsin Murders, Mycroft & Moran, 1968
- * Calliope Music, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Camomile, (ss) 1959
- * The Captain Is Afraid, (ss) Weird Tales October 1931
- * Carousel, (ss) Fantastic Adventures April 1945
- Something Near, Arkham House, 1945
- Short Story Magazine (Australia) #18, 1946
- Fantastic September 1966
- The Freak Show ed. Peter Haining, Rapp & Whiting, 1970
- The Wickedest Show on Earth ed. Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini, Morrow, 1985
- The Sleepers and Other Wakeful Things, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009
- The Century’s Best Horror Fiction, Volume One: 1901-1950 ed. John Pelan, CD Publications, 2012
- * Carp, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * The Carven Image (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales May 1933
- * The Casebook of Solar Pons [Solar Pons], (co) Mycroft & Moran, 1965
- * The Case of the Lost Dutchman [Solar Pons], (nv) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #7, January 1955
- * The Case of the Remarkable Worm [Solar Pons], (nv) Three Problems for Solar Pons, Mycroft & Moran, 1952, as "The Adventure of the Remarkable Worm"
- * A Cautionary Word, (in) When Evil Wakes ed. August Derleth, Souvenir Press, 1963
- * The Cellar Dweller, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Cemetery, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Century Jumper [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Orbit v1 #2, 1953, as "A Traveler in Time"
- * Charlie Techmann [Sac Prairie], (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Chicago: Night Train, (pm) Habitant of Dusk, Walden Press, 1946
- * The China Cottage [Solar Pons], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1965
- The Casebook of Solar Pons, Mycroft & Moran, 1965, as "The Adventure of the China Cottage"
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine (UK) May 1967
- The Late Unlamented and Other Tales of Evil ed. Alfred Hitchcock, NEL, 1967
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Games Killers Play ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1968
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Anthology #9, Fall/Winter 1981
- The Solar Pons Omnibus, Volume Two, Arkham House, 1982, as "The Adventure of the China Cottage"
- Alfred Hitchcock Tales of Terror ed. Eleanor Sullivan, Galahad, 1986
- * Chipmunk, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * Christian Wingdon [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Christmas, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Christmas Package, (ar) Wisconsin Murders, Mycroft & Moran, 1968
- * The Christmas Virgin, (ss) Wisconsin in Their Bones, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- * The Chronicles of Solar Pons [Solar Pons], (co) Mycroft & Moran, 1973
- * Church, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * The Churchyard Yew, (ss) Weird Tales July 1947, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Weird Tales (Canada) September 1947, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Night’s Yawning Peal ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1952, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Night’s Yawning Peal (var. 1) ed. August Derleth, Consul Books, 1965, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Night’s Yawning Peal (var. 2) ed. August Derleth, Signet, 1974, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Purcell Papers (var. 1) by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Arkham House, 1975, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Sleepers and Other Wakeful Things, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- * Cicada on the Cornfield’s Edge, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Clifford M. Eddy, (ob) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968 [Ref. C. M. Eddy, Jr.], uncredited.
- * A Cloak from Messer Lando [Chronicles of the City-States], (ss) Weird Tales September 1934
- * The Closing Door, (ss) Weird Tales July 1950
- * Clouds, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Cloudy, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * The Coffin of Lissa, (ss) Weird Tales October 1926
- * Coincidence and Dr. Garner, (ar) Wisconsin Murders, Mycroft & Moran, 1968
- * Colin Wilson, (ar) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967 [Ref. Colin Wilson], uncredited.
- * A Collector of Stones, (ss) Weird Tales November 1946
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