The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9095
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[]Sawyer, Andrew (1952- ) (about) (chron.)
- * 2001, (br) Foundation #82, Summer 2001 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * The Administrator Speaks, (ed) Foundation #58, Summer 1993
- * The Annotated H.G. Wells, (br) Foundation #85, Summer 2002 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * Aztec Century, (br) Foundation #59, Autumn 1993 [Ref. Christopher Evans]
- * Back with Bunter, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #14, March/June 1993 [Ref. Frank Richards]
- * The Baines Fragments, (ss) Focus #10, February 1985
- * The Boat of a Million Years, (br) Foundation #52, Summer 1991 [Ref. Poul Anderson]
- * The Bradbury Chronicles, (br) Foundation #55, Summer 1992 [Ref. Martin H. Greenberg, William F. Nolan & Ray Bradbury]
- * British Future Fiction: 1700-1914, (br) Foundation #83, Autumn 2001 [Ref. I. F. Clarke]
- * By No Mortal Hand, (br) Ghosts & Scholars #36/37, November 2019 [Ref. Daniel McGachey]
- * Child’s Play!, (ar) Arena SF #6, August 1977
- * Choosing the Weird, (ar) Faunus #5, 2000
- * Chronosequence, (br) Foundation #54, Spring 1992 [Ref. Hilbert Schenck]
- * Classic Books About Popular Fiction:
* ___ 8: Fiction and the Reading Public by Q.D. Leavis, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #9, May/June 1992 [Ref. Q. D. Leavis]
- * The Collected Stories, (br) Foundation #82, Summer 2001 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * The Conclusion, (vi) The Gate #2, 1990
- * Cosmic Engineers: A Study of Hard Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #69, Spring 1997 [Ref. Gary Westfahl]
- * Creating Babylon 5, (br) Foundation #69, Spring 1997 [Ref. David Bassom]
- * Critical Theory and Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #80, Autumn 2000 [Ref. Carl Freedman]
- * Cyberpunk Handbook, (br) Foundation #69, Spring 1997 [Ref. St. Jude, R. U. Sirius & Bart Nagel]
- * A Distant Technology, (br) Foundation #80, Autumn 2000 [Ref. J. P. Telotte]
- * Don’t Blow It, It Will Come to You, (ss) The Silent Companion #19, 2023
- * Dragonfire, (br) Foundation #83, Autumn 2001 [Ref. Humphrey Hawksley]
- * The Dredd Phenomenon: Comics and Contemporary Society, (br) Foundation #80, Autumn 2000 [Ref. John Newsinger]
- * Drums in the Night, (ss) All Hallows #4, 1993
- * Ecce and Old Earth, (br) Foundation #56, Autumn 1992 [Ref. Jack Vance]
- * Editorial, (ed) Ghosts & Scholars #46, 2024
- * The Encyclopedia of Fantasy, (br) Foundation #70, Summer 1997 [Ref. John Clute & John Grant]
- * Excuse Me While I Leave the Room, (iv) Focus #2, Spring 1980 [Ref. Julia Riding]
- * The Expulsion of the Famine from the Land of Dralth, (ss) Another Earth #1, 1974
- * Fairy-Tale Horror, (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #4, July/August 1991 [Ref. Virginia Andrews]
- * Fantasy and Horror, (br) Foundation #82, Summer 2001 [Ref. Neil Barron]
- * Far Seeing?, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #10, July/August 1992 [Ref. Joan Grant]
- * Fiction and the Reading Public by Q.D. Leavis, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #9, May/June 1992 [Ref. Q. D. Leavis]
- * Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture, (br) Foundation #62, Winter 1994/1995 [Ref. Mark Dery]
- * Flights from the Iron Moon, (br) Foundation #69, Spring 1997 [Ref. Steve Sneyd]
- * Foundation’s Fortunes, (ar) Novacon 25 Programme Book ed. Martin Tudor, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1995
- * Foundation’s Friends, (br) Foundation #55, Summer 1992 [Ref. Martin H. Greenberg]
- * Harbouring Ghosts: Science Fiction and the Supernatural, (ar) All Hallows #21, June 1999
- * The Hard Man, (ss) Far Point #4, May/June 1992
- * Harm’s Way, (br) Foundation #59, Autumn 1993 [Ref. Colin Greenland]
- * The Haunting of M.R. James, (mr) Ghosts & Scholars #39, 2020
- * Hauntings: Tales of Supernatural Dread (2023), (br) Ghosts & Scholars #46, 2024 [Ref. Peter Bell]
- * Hong Kong Invaded!, (br) Foundation #83, Autumn 2001 [Ref. Gillian Bickley]
- * Impossibility Fiction, (br) Foundation #70, Summer 1997 [Ref. Derek Littlewood & Peter Stockwell]
- * Joan Aiken: Worlds Next Door, (ar) All Hallows #25, October 2000 [Ref. Joan Aiken]
- * John Wyndham and the Fantastic, (ar) Wormwood #3, 2004 [Ref. John Wyndham]
- * Lessingham, (ar) Aklo, A Volume of the Fantastic ed. Mark Valentine, Roger Dobson & R. B. Russell, Tartarus Press, 1998 [Ref. E. R. Eddison]
- * Licence Denied: Rumblings from the Doctor Who Underground, (br) Foundation #71, Autumn 1997 [Ref. Paul Cornell]
- * Lieutenant Cables, (ss) All Hallows #1, 1989
- * A Look at Dunsany, (ar) Another Earth #1, 1974, uncredited.
- * Magnolia Blossom and Whiplash, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #8, March/April 1992
- * The M.A. Program at Liverpool, (ms) Science-Fiction Studies November 1996
- * The Mechanical Art, (ss) Digital Dreams ed. David V. Barrett, NEL, 1990
- * Montague Rhodes James—Cyberpunk?, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #23, 1997 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * More Than Metaphor: Double Vision in Lang’s Metropolis, (ar) Foundation #64, Summer 1995
- * Mortal Engines, (br) Foundation #85, Summer 2002 [Ref. Philip Reeve]
- * M.R. James in China, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #33, 2001 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * New Pathways, (pm) Nerve Gardens #2, 1987
- * A Night in the Morgue, (ss) The Silent Companion #17, 2021
- * Ninety Six of the Best, (ms) The Alien Has Landed #4, Spring 1997
- * Nursery Realms, (br) Foundation #82, Summer 2001 [Ref. Gary Westfahl & George Slusser]
- * On the Island, (ss) Auguries #13, 1990
- * Philip José Farmer: A Quick Survey, (ar) Another Earth #1, 1974, uncredited.
- * Poor Ivan, (ss) All Hallows #3, 1991
- * Recent titles published by Borgo Press, (br) Foundation #72, Spring 1998
- * Replications: a Robotic History of the Science Fiction Film, (br) Foundation #69, Spring 1997 [Ref. J. P. Telotte]
- * Return of the Radical Post-Electronic Literary Guerrillas, (ss) Works #6, 1989
- * Romanian SF Anthology: Nemira ’94, (br) Foundation #63, Spring 1995 [Ref. Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania]
- * Romanian SF Anthology Nemira ’95, (br) Foundation #66, Spring 1996 [Ref. Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania]
- * The Roots of Horror, (ar) Skeleton Crew February 1991
- * Satan Is a Mathematician: Poems of the Weird, Surreal and Fantastic, (br) Foundation #79, Summer 2000 [Ref. Keith Allen Daniels]
- * Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #80, Autumn 2000 [Ref. Adam Roberts]
- * Science Fiction, Children’s Literature, and Popular Culture: Coming of Age in Fantasyland, (br) Foundation #82, Summer 2001 [Ref. Gary Westfahl]
- * Science Fiction from Wells to Heinlein, (br) Foundation #85, Summer 2002 [Ref. Leon Stover]
- * Science Fiction Short Stories, (fw) Science Fiction Short Stories ed. Laura Bulbeck, Flame Tree Publishing, 2015
- * The Science Fiction Writer Flicks Through the Advertisements in Search of Inspiration, (pm) Drabble II: Double Century ed. Rob Meades & David Wake, Beccon, 1990
- * The Sentinel, (br) Foundation #82, Summer 2001 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * The Shadows out of Time: Lovecraftian Echoes in Babylon 5, (ar) The Parliament of Dreams: Conferring on Babylon 5 ed. Edward James & Farah Mendlesohn, The Science Fiction Foundation, 1998
- * Sharing the Stage with Someone, (ss) All Hallows #11, February 1996
- * Space and Beyond: The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #82, Summer 2001 [Ref. Gary Westfahl]
- * Stanislaw Lem—Who’s He?, (ar) Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanislaw Lem ed. Magda Raczynska & Ra Page, Comma Press, 2011
- * Star Wars: the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, (br) Foundation #69, Spring 1997 [Ref. Bill Smith]
- * Stephen R. Donaldson’s Chronicles, (br) Foundation #70, Summer 1997 [Ref. W. A. Senior & Stephen R. Donaldson]
- * The Sterkarm Handshake, (br) Foundation #77, Autumn 1999 [Ref. Susan Price]
- * The Supplicants Revenge, (ss) Nerve Gardens #2, 1987
- * Systems of Romance, (br) Foundation #66, Spring 1996 [Ref. Paul Harland & Paul Evenblij]
- * A Top 10 Science Fiction Novels, (ar) The Zone and Premonitions #5, Spring 1997
- * The Tough Guide to Fantasyland, (br) Foundation #70, Summer 1997 [Ref. Diana Wynne Jones]
- * Twelve: a Romanian Science-Fiction Anthology, (br) Foundation #66, Spring 1996 [Ref. Cornel Robu]
- * 25: Celebrating 25 Years of Interzone, (ms) Interzone #212, September/October 2007
- * Utopian and Dystopian Writing for Children and Young Adults, (br) Foundation #89, Autumn 2003 [Ref. Carrie Hintz & Elaine Ostry]
- * Warlocks and Warpdrive, (br) Foundation #80, Autumn 2000 [Ref. Kurt Lancaster]
- * Who “Owns” Children’s Fantasy?, (ar) Foundation #88, Summer 2003
- * With All of Love: Selected Poems, (br) Foundation #71, Autumn 1997 [Ref. James Blish]
- * The Wyndham Archive and the “Return of the Triffids”, (ed) Foundation #74, Autumn 1998
- * [letter], (lt) Foundation #10 Jun 1976, #50 Aut 1990
- * [letter], (lt) Arena SF #5 Feb 1977, #10 Apr 1980
- * [letter], (lt) Focus #2 Spr 1980, #10 Feb 1985
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #3 Aut 1982, #12 Sum 1985, #15 Spr 1986, #31 Sep/Oct 1989, #89 Nov 1994, #106 Apr 1996, #118 Apr 1997
- * [letter], (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #142 Jun 2000, #161 Jan 2002, #190 Jun 2004
- * [letter], (lt) Trap Door #21 Mar 2002, #25 Feb 2008, #29 Dec 2012, #31 Dec 2014
_____, ed.
[]Sawyer, Bruce M. (chron.)
- * Futurians in a Fix, (sl) Zeus March 1941
- * Requiem, (pm) Austra-Fantasy v1 #3, 1940
- * Sea Things, (pm) Austra-Fantasy June 1941
- * Special Supplement, (ar) Zeus February 1941
- * Transport in the Future, (il) Austra-Fantasy June 1941
- * [front cover], (cv) Zeus Spring 1942
- * [front cover] (with Ted Russell), (cv) Austra-Fantasy June 1941
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Austra-Fantasy v1 #3 1940, Jun 1941
- * [letter], (lt) Austra-Fantasy v1 #3 1940, Mar, Jun 1941
- * [letter], (lt) Melbourne Bulletin January 1941
- * [letter], (lt) Zeus March 1941
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