The FictionMags Index
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Thomas, Edith Matilda (chron.) (continued)
- * Signs of the Season, (pm) Wide Awake April 1888
- * Silent Amyclae, (??) Scribner’s Magazine August 1893
- * Silent Applause, (??) The Century Magazine March 1892
- * The Silent Partner, (??) The Century Magazine January 1892
- * Silver and Gold, (??) Scribner’s Magazine September 1888
- * The Singer Goes Home: R.W.G., (pm) Putnam’s Magazine February 1910 [Ref. Richard Watson Gilder]
- * Snow-Burden, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine November 1910
- * Snow Stars, (ar) Wide Awake December 1887
- * The Solitary Bee, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1884
- * Something Passes, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1883
- * Somewhere, Once Again, (pm) The Smart Set March 1907
- * Song, (??) The Century Magazine July 1885
- * Song-Echoes from the German, (gp) Putnam’s Monthly June 1907
- * A Song of the Evanescent, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine June 1914
- * A Sonnet on the Sonnet, (pm)
- * A Soul at Lethe’s Brink, (pm) The Savoy #6, October 1896
- * The Soul-Migrant, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine May 1905
- * The Soul of the Violet, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1900
- * Speaking the Ships, (??) The Century Magazine January 1898
- * Spinning, (pm) Harper’s Magazine August 1925
- * Spirit to Spirit, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1885
- * Spring in Winter, (??) Scribner’s Magazine June 1889
- * A Spring Opening, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1881
- * The Strange Confidant, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1900
- * The Strange Guest, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1885
- * Sudden Rain, (pm) The Smart Set November 1904
- * A Summer Holinight, (??) The Century Magazine August 1884
- * Sundown Flower, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine November 1919
- * Sunshine Land, (pm) St. Nicholas September 1888
- * Sursum Corda, (??) The Century Magazine November 1891
- * Syrinx, (??) The Atlantic Monthly March 1882
- * Talking in Their Sleep, (pm) St. Nicholas November 1886
- * A Talking Race, (??) Scribner’s Magazine May 1894
- * “Tell Me Your Dream”, (pm) Harper’s Magazine January 1921
- * Thanks for All, (ss) Harper’s Bazar November 1903
- * Thefts of the Morning, (pm) The Century Magazine April 1888
- * Their Argument, (pm) The American Magazine July 1908
- * Their Garden, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine May 1916
- * They Asked for the People’s Highway, (pm) Putnam’s Magazine April 1910
- * They Said, (??) The Century Magazine August 1890
- * Thistledown, (pm) Harper’s Magazine January 1915
- * Three Women in War Time, (??) The Century Magazine September 1898
- * The Throbbing of the Air, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1903
- * The Tide of the Past, (pm) The Century Magazine October 1895
- * Timon to the Athenians, (pm) The Cosmopolitan November 1894
- * Toddling Island, (pm) St. Nicholas February 1890
- * To Ignorance, (??) Scribner’s Magazine April 1894
- * To One Who Sleeps, (??) Scribner’s Magazine May 1894
- * To Sleep, (pm)
- * To S. O. J., (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1885
- * To the Memory of Helen Hunt Jackson, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1886
- * To Those Coming, (pm) The Cosmopolitan January 1893
- * Toward Spring, (??) Scribner’s Magazine April 1888
- * The Tramp, (pm) Putnam’s Monthly June 1907
- * Transmigrants, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine September 1903
- * The Triumph of Forgotten Things, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1902
- * Truth and the White Lie: A Conversation, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1895
- * The Turn of the Night, (pm) The Smart Set January 1907
- * The Two Deaths, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1910
- * Two Sonnets, (gp) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1900
- * Two Sonnets, (gp) Scribner’s Magazine June 1901
- * Two Sonnets—Peace—Speech and Silence, (??) Scribner’s Magazine June 1896
- * The Two Tides, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine July 1904
- * Under the Sky, (??) The Atlantic Monthly November 1882
- * The Undertime of the Year, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1893
- * The Under-Word, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine May 1911
- * The Unfinished Portrait, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine June 1900
- * The Unknowing, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine March 1911
- * The Unknown Use, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1907
- * The Unspoken Word, (pm) The Smart Set September 1905
- * untitled (“I lingered by the Bodensee”), (pm) Putnam’s Monthly June 1907
- * Veiled Youth, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1917
- * The Verge of Tears, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1897
- * The Voice of Dreams, (??) The Century Magazine September 1893
- * Voices from Afar, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1894
- * Voyagers, (pm) The Cosmopolitan August 1894
- * The Waking of the Lilies, (pm) Collier’s Weekly April 6 1901
- * The Wander-Call, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly September 1906
- * Wander-Lure, (pm) Harper’s Magazine January 1914
- * A Watch on the Night of the Year, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal January 1896
- * The Water-Seeker, (??) The Century Magazine June 1889
- * The Weather-Vane, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1882
- * What the Lambs Say, (pm) Wide Awake September 1892
- * What Word?, (??) Scribner’s Magazine August 1887
- * When Hope Is Done, (pm) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine April 1898
- * When, Muse?, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1900
- * Where?, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1900
- * Where Goest Thou?, (??) The Century Magazine July 1894
- * Where It Listeth, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1884
- * While I Live, (pm) McClure’s Magazine February 1916
- * The White Bell-Mare, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine August 1907
- * The White Magician, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1912
- * Who Fills the Christmas Stockings?, (pm) Wide Awake December 1887
- * Wine of Lusitania, (??) Scribner’s Magazine October 1890
- * Winter Comrades—Greeting, (pm) Wide Awake January 1887
- * Winter-Sleep, (pm) The Century Magazine April 1913
- * Winter Solstice, (pm) Harper’s Magazine November 1924
- * Woodcraft, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 31 1886
- * A World of Roses, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1889
- * The World’s Lover, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly October 1904
- * Ye Merrie Christmas Feast, (pm) St. Nicholas January 1887
- * “You Have Come Back”, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine May 1912
- * Yule Fairies, (ar) The Century Magazine December 1911
- * [verses], (pm) The Atlantic Monthly April 1887
_____, [ref.]
[]Thomas, (Philip) Edward (1878-1917) (about) (chron.)
- * Adlestrop, (pm)
- * Apparitions at Death (with Frank Podmore), (ar) The Grand Magazine July 1906
- * August, (ex) The Heart of England by Edward Thomas, J.M. Dent, 1906
- * The Beginning of a Writer, (bg) 1913
- * Chalk Pits, the “Travellers’ Rests” of the People of the Road, (ar) Fry’s Magazine October 1911
- * The Death of Pan, (ss) Crampton’s Magazine April 1901
- * Elizabethan Pen-and-Ink Sketches, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine July 1901
- * Exiles at Play, (ss) Crampton’s Magazine January 1901
- * Gilbert White, (bg) Temple Bar October 1906 [Ref. Gilbert White]
- * Half a Loaf Is Better Than No Bread, (ss) from Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds,
- * Happiness, (ms)
- * Homestead, (ar) The Prose of Edward Thomas by Edward Thomas, Falcon Press, 1948
- * If I Should Ever by Chance, (pm) Modern British Poetry ed. Louis Untermeyer, Harcourt, Brace & Howe, 1920
- * In the Crowd at Goodwood, (ar) Fry’s Magazine July 1911
- * March, (pm)
- * The Mill-Water, (pm)
- * The Natural and the “Supernatural” (with Frank Podmore), (ar) The Grand Magazine May, Jun 1906
* ___ Part 6: Apparitions at Death (with Frank Podmore), (ar) The Grand Magazine July 1906
- * On Such a Day as This, (ms)
- * Out in the Dark, (pm)
- * The Passing of Pan, (ss) Reedy’s Mirror December 14 1917
- * Rent Free, (pm) Modern British Poetry ed. Louis Untermeyer, Harcourt, Brace & Howe, 1920, as "If I Should Ever by Chance"
- * Richard Jefferies, (bg) Temple Bar February 1906 [Ref. Richard Jefferies]
- * Tall Nettles, (pm)
- * Thomas De Quincey, (bg) Temple Bar April 1906 [Ref. Thomas De Quincey]
- * Two Scholars, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1900
- * Words, (pm)
_____, [ref.]
[]Thomas, Emma S. (fl. 1880s-1890s) (chron.)
- * The Art of the Potter, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 23 1888
- * Bernardo’s Farewell, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1887
- * Bittersweet, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1888
- * The Christmas-Tide, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1887
- * Cobwebs, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1890
- * Crinoids. “Stone Lilies”, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1887
- * The Field-Mouse, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1889
- * The Hens’ Revolt, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1891
- * Hope, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1886
- * I Thessalonians, V: 8, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1888
- * Left Behind, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1889
- * “Let Them Fade Away”, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1886
- * My Birds, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1891
- * The Oriole’s Song, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1888
- * A Requiem, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1889
- * Roses and Lilies, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1888
- * Spring, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1891
- * Sub Hoc Sogno Vinces, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1889
- * Summer Days, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1890
- * Sunbeams and Flowers, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1891
- * “This Endless Longing”, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1887
- * “Though It Tarry”, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1889
- * Together, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1889
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