The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2349
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[]Crain, Walt (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * After Atomic Power—Then What?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1952
- * The Answer Nobody Knows, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1951
- * Arteries on Ice, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1952
- * Atoms Have Loose Hips!, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1952
- * Battle Between Bees, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1952
- * Walt Crain, (bg) Amazing Stories February 1953
- * Electricity in Capsule Form, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1952
- * Fifth Column Gas, (ms) Amazing Stories May 1952
- * Heart of Steel, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1951
- * Hellfire and Brimstone, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1952
- * Ideas Make the Difference, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1952
- * Integers Do the Trick, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1952
- * Long Live the Dead!, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1952
- * Men Behind Amazing Stories:
* ___ Walt Crain, (bg) Amazing Stories February 1953
- * More Science—More Future, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1952
- * Palomar Begins to Perk!, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1951
- * Quick—the Doctor!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1952
- * The Robot That Had No Brain, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1952
- * Salamanders Suffer for Man, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1952
- * Salt versus Shock, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1951
- * Some Robots Are Nosy!, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1952
- * Tool…or Tyrant?, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1951
- * A Voice on the Wire!, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1951
- * The Wandering Graveyard, (nv) Fantastic Adventures February 1953
- * We’re in Hot Water!, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1951
- * Who’ll Do the Dirty Work?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1952
- * Why Reach the Moon?, (ms) Amazing Stories May 1951
- * You Can’t Stay Here, (ss) Amazing Stories February 1953
- * Your Humble Servant, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1951
[]Crair, Mel(vin) (1923-2007) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Giant Western (UK) #10, 1952
- * [front cover], (cv) Giant Western Dec 1952, Apr, Aug 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) Exciting Western January 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) Texas Western May 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) Western Magazine July 1956
- * [front cover], (cv) Best Western September 1956
- * [front cover], (cv) Complete Western Book Magazine December 1956
- * [front cover], (cv) Western Short Stories December 1956
- * [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine May, Oct 1958, Jan, Jun 1963, Sep, Dec 1964, Jun, Dec 1965, May, Jul,
Sep, Oct, Dec 1966
Mar, Jul, Oct, Nov 1967, Jan, Feb, May, Jul, Aug, Sep 1968
- * [front cover], (cv) Newsweek May 1960
- * [front cover], (cv) Bluebook for Men Feb 1961, Dec 1965, Jun, Aug 1969, Jun 1970
- * [front cover], (cv) Adventure June 1966
- * [front cover], (cv) Real Combat Stories October 1969
- * [front cover], (cv) Man’s Life (Australia) December 1970
- * [front cover], (cv) Man’s Epic (Australia) May/June 1971
- * [front cover], (cv) Bay Prowler by Mike Barry, Berkley, 1973
- * [front cover], (cv) Boston Avenger by Mike Barry, Berkley, 1973
- * [front cover], (cv) Night Raider by Mike Barry, Berkley, 1973
- * [front cover], (cv) Phoenix Inferno by Mike Barry, Berkley, 1975
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Men January 1958
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Adventure June 1966
[]Crais, Robert (Kyle) (1953- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Author Workspaces, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #56, May 2014
- * The Cricket Beneath the Hammer, (fw) The Harlan Ellison Hornbook by Harlan Ellison, Mirage, 1990
- * The Dust of Evening, (ss) 2076: The American Tricentennial ed. Edward Bryant, Pyramid, 1977
- * Elvis Cole and Joe Pike, (ar) The Mysterious Bookshop, 2007
- * Introducton, (in) The Best American Mystery Stories 2012 ed. Robert Crais, Mariner Books, 2012
- * The Man Who Knew Dick Bong [Philip Marlowe], (nv) Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe ed. Byron Preiss, Knopf, 1988
- * Weigh Station, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine May 1982
- * With Crooked Hands, (ss) Clarion SF ed. Kate Wilhelm, Berkley Medallion, 1977
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * A Book Is a Book by Michael Carlson, (iv) Crime Time #49, 2006
- * Elvis, Jesus and Coca-Cola by Robert de Gille, (ar) Crime Factory #9, March 2003
- * Interview: Robert Crais by Andrew F. Gulli, (iv) The Strand Magazine #41, October 2013/January 2014
- * L.A. Requiem by Peter Jonas, (br) Cemetery Dance #32, 1999
- * Q&A with Robert Crais by Jon Jordan, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #61, 2015
- * Racing the Light by Steven E. Steinbock, (br) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2022
- * Robert Crais: An Interview in Two Parts by Michael Carlson, (iv) Crime Time #24, 2001
- * Robert Crais: Detective in Disneyland by Calum Macleod, (ar) Sherlock #54, 2003
- * Robert Crais Interviewed by Jon Jordan, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #12, May/June 2006
- * Robert Crais Interviewed by Bryan VanMeter, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #50, February 2013
- * Take 5 with Robert Crais, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2013, uncredited.
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