The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1560
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Butterworth, Michael (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * untitled (“When all the charging about’s been done”), (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * untitled (“When I walk, I bounce”), (pm) Emanations ed. Carter Kaplan, International Authors, 2011
- * untitled (“When I was asked by Mary Lou”), (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * untitled (“While our parents live”), (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * untitled (“Wounded in the flesh”), (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * untitled (“You can have me. But”), (pm) Octo-Emanations ed. Carter Kaplan, International Authors, 2020
- * untitled (“you in your smart clothes”), (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * untitled (“You’re moving through life”), (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * untitled (“Your eyes wide”), (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * untitled (“You say green, Is a socialist plot”), (pm) Emanations: Zen ed. Carter Kaplan, International Authors, 2023
- * Useless Black and White Sex Over Manchester, (pm) Manchester Independent March 7 1967
- * Virus, (ss) Tangent #3, 1966 (unpublished)
- * Wanker, (ss) Peeping Tom #2, 1980
- * Wanker, (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * Waste Paper, (vi) Emanations: Foray Into Forever ed. Carter Kaplan, International Authors, 2014
- * A Weight of Fog, Please, (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * Where Am I? Here I Am!, (pm) Emanations: I Am Not a Number ed. Carter Kaplan, International Authors, 2017, as "Summer Poems"
- * Whithersoever (To Absolutely Any Place You Like), (ss) Emanations: When a Planet Was a Planet ed. Carter Kaplan, International Authors, 2021
- * Wind, (pm) Speculative Fictions #6, 2019
- * Women’s Libya, (ss) Blade August 1975
- * “Woodland Near Otley”, Phill Hopkins, (pm) Octo-Emanations ed. Carter Kaplan, International Authors, 2020, as "Shall I Go"
- * Zazen at Bookchain, (pm) Complete Poems: 1965-2020, Space Cowboy Books, 2023
- * Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah!, (ed) Meng & Ecker Number 5 by David Britton, Savoy, 1992
- * [illustration(s)] (with John Coulthart), (il) Hard Core Horror No. 5 by David Britton, Savoy, 1991
- * [letter], (lt) sf Impulse Nov 1966, Feb 1967
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Concentrate #1, 1968
- * Editor: Corridor #1 Jan/Feb, #2 May/Jun 1971, #3 May/Jun, #4 Win 1972, #5 1974, #6 1975, #7 1976
- * Editor: Avallaunius Autumn 1993
- * The Auschwitz of Oz by David Britton, (ss) Reverbstorm No. 4 by David Britton, Savoy, 1995
- * Baptised in the Blood of Millions by David Britton, (n.) Savoy, February 2001
- * The Big Beat of Apes (Bo Diddley Meets William Hope Hodgson) by David Britton, (ss) Reverbstorm No. 3 by David Britton, Savoy, 1994
- * The Deadlung by David Britton, (ss) Hard Core Horror No. 4 by David Britton, Savoy, 1990
- * Full-Metal-Horror by David Britton, (ss) Hard Core Horror No. 2 by David Britton, Savoy, 1990
- * Hitler the Messiah (unpublished) (with David Britton), (an) Savoy Books, n.d.
- * Invictus Horror by David Britton, (n.) Savoy Books, August 2013
- * Jewlung by David Britton, (ss) Hard Core Horror No. 5 by David Britton, Savoy, 1991
- * Juden Wars by David Britton, (ss) Reverbstorm No. 7 by David Britton, Savoy, 2000
- * The Land of Love-It-to-Death by David Britton, (ss) Reverbstorm No. 2 by David Britton, Savoy, 1994
- * Meng & Ecker Halt the Decline of Eng. Lit. by David Britton, (cs) Meng & Ecker Number 2 by David Britton, Savoy, 1989
- * Meng & Ecker Number 1 by David Britton, (gc) Savoy, June 1989
- * Motherfuckers: The Auschwitz of Oz by David Britton, (n.) Savoy, August 1996
- * The Mutha-Fucka-Horror by David Britton, (ss) Hard Core Horror No. 3 by David Britton, Savoy, 1990
- * New Wave Sword & Sorcery (unpublished) (with David Britton), (an) Savoy Books, n.d.
- * Old Death by David Britton, (n.) Savoy Books, May 2022
- * Our Lord of Fuck Off by David Britton, (ss) Reverbstorm No. 1 by David Britton, Savoy, 1994
- * Razor King by David Britton, (n.) Savoy Books, October 2017
- * The Razor Kings on Mars by David Britton, (ss) Reverbstorm No. 6 by David Britton, Savoy, 1997
- * The Running Dogs of Anthony Powell by David Britton, (ss) Reverbstorm No. 5 by David Britton, Savoy, 1996
- * The Savoy Book (with David Britton), (oa) Savoy Books Ltd., September 1978
- * Savoy Dreams (with David Britton), (oa) Savoy, July 1984
- * La Squab by David Britton, (n.) Savoy, April 2012
- * Topsy-Turvy-Horror by David Britton, (ss) Hard Core Horror No. 1 by David Britton, Savoy, 1990
_____, [ref.]
- * AC/DC: Hell Ain’t No Bad Place to Be (with David Britton), (br) Record Collector, uncredited.
- * Driven by Anger by Mike Holliday, (iv) Ballardian November 5 2009
- * Led Zeppelin—in the Light (with David Britton & Howard Mylett), (br) Hot Press, uncredited.
- * A Memoir of William Burroughs by Sara Jane Inkster, (iv) geek (online) September 1997
- * Michael Butterworth, Contributor by David Brittain, (iv) Eduardo Paolozzi at New Worlds by David Brittain, Savoy Books, 2013
- * The Savoy Book (with David Britton) by Peter Inch, (br) New Yorkshire Writing
- * Savoy Dreams (with David Britton) by Colin Greenland, (br) Interzone #9, Autumn 1984
[]Button, Arthur (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Boston Sunday Globe Magazine Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 10, Dec 17, Dec 31 1916, Jan 7, Jan 21, Jan 28, Feb 11, Feb 25,
Mar 4, Mar 11, Mar 18, Apr 15, Apr 22, Apr 29, May 20, May 27, Jun 3, Jun 24, Jul 1,
Jul 15, Jul 29, Aug 12, Oct 7, Oct 28, Nov 18, Nov 25, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16, Dec 23 1917
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Green Book Magazine July 1918
[]Buttress, Leonard (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * The Birds of Shakespeare, (ar) The Windsor Magazine November 1909
- * How Birds Make Love (with Jerrard Grant Allen), (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1905
- * The Migration of Birds, (ar) The Windsor Magazine October 1911
- * Modern Falconry (with A. Henriques Valentine), (ar) The Windsor Magazine April 1914
- * Waders, (ar) The Windsor Magazine May 1901
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine May 1901, Aug 1903, Nov 1909, Oct 1911, Mar 1913
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1904
[]Butts, Mary (1892-1937) (chron.)
- * The Art of Montagu James, (ar) The London Mercury February 1934 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * Change, (ss) The Dial May 1922
- * Deosil, (ss) Transatlantic Review March 1924
- * The Golden Bough, (ss) Speed the Plough and Other Stories by Mary Butts, Chapman & Hall, 1923
- * Green, (ss) Pagany October/December 1931
- * House Party, (ss) Pagany January/March 1930
- * Mappa Mundi, (ss) Last Stories by Mary Butts, Brendin Publishing Company, 1938
- * The Master’s Last Dancing, (ss) The New Yorker March 30 1998
- * One Roman Speaks, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine October 1935
- * Scylla and Charybdis, (ss) Pagany Fall 1930
- * Speed the Plough, (ss) The Dial October 1921
- * With and Without Buttons, (ss) Last Stories by Mary Butts, Brendin Publishing Company, 1938
_____, [ref.]
[]Butts, Mrs. Mary F(rances Barber) (fl. 1870s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Angels’ Ladder, (pm) St. Nicholas March 1876
- * April’s Answer to a Child, (pm) Wide Awake April 1893
- * Autumn, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 1 1888
- * Baby’s Stories, (pm) Wide Awake January 1891
- * A Bird Speaks, (pm) Wide Awake August 1880
- * The Brook’s Song, (pm) St. Nicholas July 1884
- * Build a Little Fence, (pm) Grit Story Section #1923, November 29 1931
- * A Case of Insomnia, (pm) Wide Awake October 1888
- * The Child and the Gentian, (pm) Wide Awake October 1881
- * A Child’s Thanksgiving Hymn, (pm) Wide Awake November 1876
- * A Child’s Thought, (pm) Wide Awake May 1882
- * Corporal Clover, (pm) Wide Awake July 1880
- * The Earth’s Little Babies, (pm) Wide Awake April 1879
- * A Fair Exchange, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1878
- * The Fairy Bridge, (pm) Wide Awake December 1882
- * A Fairy Voyager, (pm) Wide Awake October 1889
- * “Hark! Hark! What’s That Noise?”, (pm) St. Nicholas July 1880
- * A Heavenly Visitant, (pm) Wide Awake February 1889
- * I Saw a Ship, (pm) Wide Awake May 1893
- * June, (pm) Wide Awake June 1893
- * Like Me, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly July 1874
- * The Little Fellow That Ran After Five More, (pm) Wide Awake September 1881
- * A Little Shopper, (pm) Wide Awake November 1881
- * Making Poems, (pm) Wide Awake July 1884
- * Marching Home, (pm) Wide Awake September 1891
- * May Miracles, (pm) Wide Awake May 1880
- * A Million Little Diamonds, (pm) The Storytellers’ Magazine July 1916
- * My Lady Is Eating Her Mush, (pm) St. Nicholas May 1880
- * My Little Valentine, (pm) St. Nicholas February 1881
- * Nature’s Thoughtfulness, (pm) Wide Awake August 1892
- * Our Pictures, (pm) Wide Awake March 1889
- * A Parable, (pm) Wide Awake June 1886
- * A Parting Wish, (??) The Century Magazine July 1887
- * The Price, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly July 1878
- * Prince Puff-Up, (pm) Wide Awake February 1890
- * A Promise, (pm) Wide Awake February 1893
- * Roses, (pm) St. Nicholas July 1880
- * The Sand Diggers, (pm) Wide Awake September 1888
- * The Season That Is Coming, (pm) Wide Awake April 1885
- * Shadow and Echo, (pm) Wide Awake March 1882
- * The Silver Boat, (pm) Wide Awake August 1879
- * So the Snow Comes Down, (pm) Wide Awake January 1893
- * A Spring Outfit, (pm) Wide Awake May 1879
- * The Story of Mussentouchit, (ar) Wide Awake December 1888
- * Sweet Pea, (pm) Wide Awake August 1888
- * Taking the Morning Air, (pm) Wide Awake August 1885
- * To-Day, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1890, uncredited.
- * Two Little Chicks, (pm) Wide Awake June 1890
- * The Voice of the Chestnut Tree, (pm) Wide Awake December 1880
- * The Water Lily, (pm) Grit Story Section #2188, December 27 1936
- * What the Jonquil Said, (pm) St. Nicholas April 1887
- * Young March Wind, (pm) St. Nicholas March 1881
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