The FictionMags Index
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[]Atkey, Bertram (1880-1952) (about) (chron.)
- * The Academy for Traitors [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1915
- * The Adventure of “J. Bird” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1910, as "“J. Bird”"
- * The Adventure of Lord Fortworth’s Exit [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923
- * The Adventure of “The Brain” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1910, as "The Brain"
- * The Adventure of the House with the Baboons [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1910, as "The Place with the Baboons"
- * The Adventure of the Lost Rajah [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923
- * The Adventure of the Mogador Spider [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923
- * The Adventure of the Pig-Iron King [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine March/April 1910, as "A Pig-Iron King"
- * The Adventure of the Rajah’s Commission [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923
- * The Adventure of the Turncoats [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1910, as "The Turncoats"
- * The Adventure of the Two Gentlemen from San Francisco [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1910, as "Two Gentlemen from San Francisco"
- * The Adventure of the Wine Vaults [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923
- * The Affair at the Closed Hotel [Merlin O’Moore], (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1916
- * The Affair of Feosa Doza [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine February 20 1920
- * The Affair of the Nemean Man-Eater [Hercules], (ss) The Red Magazine June 1 1917
- * The Affair of Wishbone, (ss) The Yellow Magazine November 18 1921
- * After Dark, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1922
- * An Ally of the Wild, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1918
- * The Amazing Mr. Bunn:
* ___ The Adventure of “The Brain” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1910, as "The Brain"
* ___ The Adventure of the Turncoats [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1910, as "The Turncoats"
* ___ III.—The Adventure of the Pig-Iron King [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine March/April 1910, as "A Pig-Iron King"
* ___ IV.—The Adventure of “J. Bird” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1910, as "“J. Bird”"
* ___ V.—The Adventure of the House with the Baboons [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1910, as "The Place with the Baboons"
* ___ VI.—The Adventure of the Two Gentlemen from San Francisco [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1910, as "Two Gentlemen from San Francisco"
- * The Amazons of the Crypt [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1915
- * “And One Thing Led to Another” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1911
- * The Arrival of Mr. Ranger [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1915
- * The Assegai [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1929
- * “The Assegai Guy” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1929, as "The Assegai"
- * The Auctioneer, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine December 1905
- * The Backslidings of Mr. Hobart Honey:
* ___ 1: Back to Babylon [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1916
* ___ 2: The Wooing of Pru the Pretty [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1916
* ___ 3: The Pirate’s Choice [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1916
* ___ 4: Roughing It in Rome [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1916
* ___ 5: Wild Work with William the Conqueror [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1916
* ___ 6: The Private Assassin [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1916
* ___ 7: “The Fifth of November” [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine October 2 1916
* ___ 8: A Gift from the Sea [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine October 16 1916
* ___ 9: The Misunderstanding with Louis XIV [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine November 1 1916
- * Back to Babylon [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1916
- * A Bad Bit of Trouble [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1929
- * A “Bald” Statement, (pm) The Red Magazine June 15 1913
- * The Barford Heirlooms [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #142, January 1924
- * Barhall, (sl) The Red Magazine Jun 15, Jul 1 1915
- * Barhall—Barbarian, (ss) The Green Book Magazine January 1918
- * “Battling” Bailey, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine June 1911
- * The “Battling Blunt” Affair [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1916
- * The Beach of Assassins [Kotman Dass], (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1924
- * The Bear That Was Not Polar [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine December 26 1919
- * The Bear That Was Polar [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine May 28 1920
- * The Beautiful Ostrich [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1922
- * Behind the Times [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1913
- * The Boldershaw Bullies and Prosper Fair [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine May 31 1929
- * The Bonus, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1914
- * The Brain [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1910
- * The Bull Fighter—and the Bull [Hercules], (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1917
- * The Bullfighters, (ss) The Yellow Magazine October 7 1921
- * The Busted Brigands [Count Skydoff; Christofer Zed], (ss) The Red Magazine December 18 1925
- * By Favour of the “White Mist”, (ar) C.B. Fry’s Magazine August 1906
- * The Caldron of Gold [Captain Cormorant], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1931
- * The Call of the Wild Water [Misguided Nature], (ss) The Red Magazine November 1918
- * The Camp of the Diver, (ss) The Yellow Magazine November 4 1921
- * Captain Cormorant and the Mutador [Captain Cormorant], (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1938
- * Captain Cormorant Proposes [Captain Cormorant], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1927
- * Captain Ken, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1931
- * “Captain London Calling”, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1927
- * A Captain of Industry, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine July 1911
- * The Capt’n, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine August 1906
- * The Case of Boris the Horrible, (ss) The Red Magazine June 25 1920
- * The Case of Johnnie and Willie, (ss) The Yellow Magazine October 21 1921
- * The Case of Miss Blizzard, (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1915
- * The Case of Mr. Budd, A.B. [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1916
- * The Case of Sebastian Hope, (ss) The Red Magazine February 1 1914
- * The Castaways, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1909
- * Certain Trials of Blousiana:
* ___ 1: The First of the Heroes, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine April 1911
* ___ II: A Man of Fire, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 1911
* ___ III: “Battling” Bailey, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine June 1911
* ___ IV: A Captain of Industry, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine July 1911
* ___ V: Mr. Truelove, Piano Tuner, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine August 1911
* ___ VI: “Mr. Right”, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1911
- * A Change of Fortune, (ss) The Premier Magazine #6, October 1914
- * Chirripee, (ss) The Premier Magazine #89, June 4 1920
- * A Choice of Kingdoms, (ss) The Premier Magazine #92, July 16 1920
- * The Cider Seekers [Hercules], (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1917
- * A Circumstance of War [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1915
- * The Circus, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine September 1906
- * The Clash with Lamia Colet [Merlin O’Moore], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1916
- * Closed Trail, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1920
- * The Combat for Claudia [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine April 30 1920
- * “Come Away, William!” [Hannah], (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1913
- * The Comforter, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1915
- * The Competitors, (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1915
- * The Concession of Leopold Blanc [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1910
- * The Condors’ Hoard [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1922
- * The Conger-Hook, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1934
- * The Coward’s Blow [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #144, March 1924
- * The Crocodile Crawl, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1913
- * The Crucified Man [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1916
- * The Crusade of Big Bill Bull [Merlin O’Moore], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1916
- * The Crusade of Mr. H. Busher, (ss) The Elks Magazine December 1926
- * The Daffodil Dame [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1923
- * The Dangerous Salient [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1919
- * The Dark Guardian [Mesmer Milann, Mediator], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1915
- * The Dash for Easy Street [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1914
- * The Deadly House [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1926
- * The Deed-Hannaford Settlement [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1911
- * The Deed in the Labyrinth, (ss) The Red Magazine December 10 1920
- * The Deferential Man [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine August 14 1915
- * Delayed of Mankind, (ss) The Story-teller March 1922
- * Deliverance, (nv) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #106, January 1921
- * The Departure of Miss Downton [Merlin O’Moore], (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1916
- * The Destroyer [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine April 16 1920
- * The Diamond Joss [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1918
- * Dimity Gay, Aunt Eleanor’s Chick [Dimity Gay], (nv) The Saturday Evening Post Mar 6, Mar 13 1926
- * Dimity Gay, Daddy’s Good Girl [Dimity Gay], (nv) The Saturday Evening Post April 18 1925
- * Dimity Gay, Grandpa’s Little Maid [Dimity Gay], (na) The Saturday Evening Post Nov 7, Nov 14 1925
- * Disentangling Hannah [Hannah], (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1913
- * Down the Wander-Ways with Prosper Fair [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Elks Magazine February 1926
- * Dragour the Drugmaster:
* ___ I: The Entry of Dragour [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #141, December 1923
* ___ II: The Barford Heirlooms [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #142, January 1924
* ___ III: The Folly of Elaine Leahurst [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #143, February 1924, as "The Record of Elaine Leahurst"
* ___ III: The Record of Elaine Leahurst [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #143, February 1924
* ___ IV: The Coward’s Blow [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #144, March 1924
* ___ V: Little Boy Blue [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #145, April 1924
* ___ VI: The Trap for Vampires [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #146, May 1924
* ___ VII: The Last Ambush [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #147, June 1924
* ___ VIII: The Beach of Assassins [Kotman Dass], (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1924
- * A Drama in the Desert, (ss) The Strand Magazine (US) November 1912
- * The Duke and the Deceiver [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1916
- * “Eagle Hawked” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1920
- * The Earl Maker [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1911, as "The Earl-Maker of Holland Park"
- * The Earl-Maker of Holland Park [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1911
- * Easy Money, (n.) The Idler Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1908, Jan, Feb, Mar 1909
- * Easy Money, (n.) Grant Richards, 1908
- * Easy-Money Men:
* ___ No. 1. “The Assegai Guy” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1929, as "The Assegai"
* ___ No. II. The Haunted Rajah [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1929
* ___ No. III. Re-Enter Rupert [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Story-teller October 1929
* ___ No. IV. Men from Moscow [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Story-teller November 1929
* ___ No. V. The Indestructible Lady [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Story-teller December 1929
* ___ No. VI. The Silver Galleon [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Story-teller January 1930
- * Easy Street Experts:
* ___ The Beautiful Ostrich [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1922
* ___ The Condors’ Hoard [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1922
* ___ The Daffodil Dame [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1923
* ___ The Dangerous Salient [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1919
* ___ The Deadly House [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1926
* ___ The Deed-Hannaford Settlement [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1911
* ___ The Diamond Joss [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1918
* ___ “Eagle Hawked” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1920
* ___ The Earl Maker [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1911, as "The Earl-Maker of Holland Park"
* ___ Exit Lord Fortworth [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923, as "The Adventure of Lord Fortworth’s Exit"
* ___ The Fight for Peace [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1914
* ___ Finding Eily [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1925
* ___ The Firm That Flitted [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1921
* ___ The Gamble in Ghi [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1920
* ___ The Hide of the Wolf [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1919
* ___ The Holiday Haul [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1926
* ___ The House of Jewels [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1913
* ___ The Looting at “Lard” Le Hays [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1919
* ___ The Lost Rajah [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923, as "The Adventure of the Lost Rajah"
* ___ The Mogador Spider [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923, as "The Adventure of the Mogador Spider"
* ___ The Multi-Brothered Matron [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1920
* ___ Only Buffaloes [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1914
* ___ Prince Rupert of Rottenville [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1923
* ___ The Prodigal Wife [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1922
* ___ The Rajah-Protectors [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1914
* ___ The Rajah’s Commission [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923, as "The Adventure of the Rajah’s Commission"
* ___ The Skeleton Trail [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1918
* ___ The Statue Stealers [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1919
* ___ The Stolen Star [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1922
* ___ The Tantalized Millionaire [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1925
* ___ Trailers of the Tusk [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1926
* ___ The Unexpected Lady [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1913
* ___ The Un-Punctual Painting [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1920
* ___ [untitled?] [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1922
* ___ Wine-Vaulting Ambition [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923, as "The Adventure of the Wine Vaults"
* ___ Yes, We Have Some— [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1924
- * “Edie” [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine March 5 1920
- * The Enchantress [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine May 14 1920
- * The End of the Search, (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1911
- * The Entry of Dragour [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #141, December 1923
- * The Escape of Mr. Honey [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1942
- * Even That Which He Hath, (nv) The Story-teller May 1920
- * An Exchange of Kingdoms, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1911
- * Exit Lord Fortworth [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923, as "The Adventure of Lord Fortworth’s Exit"
- * Exit Partridge Johnson, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1928
- * The Experiment of Toto, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1918
- * Fat-Headed Flood [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1910
- * “Father St. Claws”, (ss) The Red Magazine December 24 1920
- * “The Fifth of November” [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine October 2 1916
- * The Fight for Peace [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1914
- * Finding Eily [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1925
- * Finding Patience [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1916
- * Fintale the Merman [Misguided Nature], (ss) The Red Magazine September 19 1919
- * The Firm That Flitted [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1921
- * The First Bowmen, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1948
- * The First of the Heroes, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine April 1911
- * The Fluctuations of Smiler Bunn, (ss) Short Stories August 1912
- * A Flutter in Wives [Captain Cormorant], (ss) The Premier Magazine #84, March 26 1920
- * The Folly of Elaine Leahurst [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #143, February 1924, as "The Record of Elaine Leahurst"
- * The Forlorn Hope, (ss) The Red Magazine November 15 1915
- * The Formula for Dragon-Fly Green [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1917
- * Forty-Eight, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1918
- * “Freezomint”, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1915
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