The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 302
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[]Molloy, Mike & Tommy McNamara (about)
- William Hartley:
- Double Dynamite, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1936
- Satan’s Playmates, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces December 1936
- General Nuisance, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1937
- The Baron Drinks to Death, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces June 1937
- Liberty Loons, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1937
- Cloud Crazy, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1937
- Eagles of Death, (nv) Dare-Devil Aces November 1937
- The Sky Busters, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces December 1937
- Pigeons and Eagles, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1938
- The Hornets from Hell, (na) Dare-Devil Aces February 1938
- The Sky Road to Glory, (nv) Dare-Devil Aces March 1938
- A Warrior’s Wings, (na) Dare-Devil Aces May 1938
- The Hawk Patrol, (nv) Dare-Devil Aces June 1938
- Hell and Laughter, (nv) Dare-Devil Aces August 1938
- Salute to Satan, (nv) Dare-Devil Aces March 1939
- The Devil Flies with the Damned, (nv) Dare-Devil Aces September 1939
- Death Takes Off at Dawn, (na) Dare-Devil Aces November 1939
- The Devil Counts His Dead, (na) Dare-Devil Aces February 1940
- We’ll Drink to the Living, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1942
- Daniel Winters:
- Barry B. Longyear:
- The Tryouts, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November/December 1978
- The Second Law, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1979
- Proud Rider, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1979
- Dueling Clowns, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 1979
- The Magician’s Apprentice, (na) Asimov’s SF Adventure Magazine Spring 1979
- The Quest, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1979
- Priest of the Baraboo, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1979
- Follow the Red Wagons, (nv) Asimov’s SF Adventure Magazine Fall 1979
- John J. O’Hara’s Last Show on Earth, (na) Asimov’s SF Adventure Magazine Fall 1979
- The Book of Baraboo, (na) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 1980
- Circus World, (co) SFBC, January 1981
- Elephant Song, (nv) Omni January 1982
- James Yaffe:
- Mom Knows Best, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #103, June 1952
- Mom Makes a Bet, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #110, January 1953
- Mom in the Spring, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #126, May 1954
- Mom Sheds a Tear, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1954
- Mom Makes a Wish, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1955
- Mom Sings an Aria, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1966
- Mom and the Haunted Mink, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1967
- Mom Remembers, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1968
- Mom Lights a Candle, (ss) Crippen & Landru, December 2002
[]Mongolian Wizard
- Michael Swanwick:
- The Mongolian Wizard, (ss) July 4 2012
- The Fire Gown, (ss) August 15 2012
- Day of the Kraken, (ss) September 26 2012
- House of Dreams, (ss) November 27 2013
- The Night of the Salamander, (ss) August 5 2015
- The Pyramid of Krakow, (ss) September 30 2015
- The Phantom in the Maze, (ss) December 2 2015
- Murder in the Spook House, (ss) May 1 2019
- The New Prometheus, (ss) June 19 2019
- Halcyon Afternoon, (ss) Reactor October 17 2024
- Dragons of Paris, (ss) Reactor October 18 2024
[]Monk, Ivan (about)
- Gary Phillips:
- Dead Man’s Shadow, (ss) Spooks, Spies, and Private Eyes ed. Paula L. Woods, Doubleday, 1995
- Boom, Boom, (ss) New Mystery v6 #1, 1998
- Branded, (ss) Flesh & Blood ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2001
- The Raiders, (ss) Flesh & Blood: Guilty as Sin ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2003
[]Monogatari, Yamada
- Richard Parks:
- Foxtails, (ss) Realms of Fantasy June 2005
- Moon Viewing at Shijo Bridge, (nv) Realms of Fantasy April 2006
- The Mansion of Bones, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #19, June 18 2009
- Sanji’s Demon, (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #38, March 11 2010, etc.
- Lady of the Ghost Willow, (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #53, October 7 2010
- The Ghost of Shinoda Forest, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #63, February 24 2011
- Three Little Foxes, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #105, October 4 2012
- The Sorrow of Rain, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #157, October 2 2014
[]Monster Hunter
- Larry Correia:
- The Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game, (oc) Hero Games, July 2013
- Archer’s First Day, (ss) The Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game, Hero Games, 2013
- At Your Service, (ss) The Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game, Hero Games, 2013
- Down the Chimney, (ss) The Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game, Hero Games, 2013
- It’s in the Blood, (ss) The Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game, Hero Games, 2013
- Lawyer Fight, (nv) The Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game, Hero Games, 2013
- Maxim-um Fun, (ss) The Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game, Hero Games, 2013
- Reckoning Day, (ss) The Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game, Hero Games, 2013
- Bubba Shackleford’s Professional Monster Killers, (nv) Straight Outta Tombstone ed. David Boop, Baen, 2017
[]Montana, Captain
- Alec G. Pearson:
- Captain Montana: A Story of Peril and Adventure in Northern Mexico, (ss) Chums November 20 1907, as by Julian Linley
- Captain Montana: How He Dealt with a Rogue and a Coward, (ss) Chums December 11 1907, as by Julian Linley
- How a Life Was Saved by Captain Montana, (ss) Chums December 25 1907, as by Julian Linley
- The Traitor, (ss) Chums January 8 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Further Adventures of Captain Montana, (ss) Chums March 4 1908, etc., as by Julian Linley
- Guns for the Rebels, (ss) Chums March 11 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Silver Flagon, (ss) Chums April 1 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Copper King, (ss) Chums April 8 1908, as by Julian Linley
- A Matter of Justice, (ss) Chums April 15 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Gems of Fate, (ss) Chums April 22 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Raid in the Night, (ss) Chums April 29 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Aztec Treasure, (ss) Chums May 6 1908, as by Julian Linley
- A Game with Death, (ss) Chums May 13 1908, as by Julian Linley
- His Brother’s Name, (ss) Chums May 20 1908, as by Julian Linley
- Captain Montana in London, (ss) Chums June 17 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Manchester Bomb, (ss) Chums June 24 1908, as by Julian Linley
- Kidnapped in Liverpool, (ss) Chums July 1 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Secret, (ss) Chums July 15 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Purple Glass, (ss) Chums July 22 1908, as by Julian Linley
- Run to Earth (The Last Adventure of Captain Montana in Britain), (ss) Chums July 29 1908, as by Julian Linley
- The Mistake of Don Rafael, (ss) Chums February 14 1920, as by Julian Linley
[]Mooney, Bridget
- P. M. Carlson:
- The Father of the Bride; or, A Fate Worse Than Death!, (na) Mr. President, Private Eye ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Francis M. Nevins, Jr., Ballantine, 1989
- Death Scene; or, The Moor of Venice, (ss) Sisters in Crime 2 ed. Marilyn Wallace, Berkley, 1990
- The Jersey Lily; or, Make Me Immortal with a Kiss, (nv) Malice Domestic 1 ed. Elizabeth Peters, Pocket, 1992
- Dirty Little Coward That Shot Mr. Howard; or, Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On, (nv) Sisters in Crime 5 ed. Marilyn Wallace, Berkley, 1992
- The Eighth Wonder of the World; or, Golden Opinions, (nv) Deadly Allies II ed. Robert J. Randisi & Susan Dunlap, Doubleday, 1994
- The King of Comedy: or, A Policeman’s Lot Is Not a Happy One, (ss) Feline and Famous ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Ed Gorman, Donald I. Fine, 1994
- The Rosewood Coffin; or, The Devine Sarah, (nv) Crimes of the Heart ed. Carolyn G. Hart, Berkley, 1995
- Put Out the Light; or, The Napoleon of Science, (nv) Malice Domestic 4 ed. Carolyn G. Hart, Pocket, 1995
- Parties Unknown by the Jury; or, The Valour of My Tongue, (ss) Women on the Case ed. Sara Paretsky, Delacorte, 1996
- The Uncrowned King of Ireland; or, A Most Toad-Spotted Traitor, (nv) Murder, They Wrote II ed. Elizabeth Foxwell & Martin H. Greenberg, Boulevard Books, 1998
- Renowned Be Thy Grave, (co) Crippen & Landru, May 1998
- Farewell the Plumed Troop, (ss) Renowned Be Thy Grave, Crippen & Landru, 1998
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