The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9750
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Spears, Raymond S(miley) (chron.) (continued)
- * First Choice in Rifles, (ar) North•West Stories 1st June 1927
- * First Frontier Bad Man, (ar) Golden Fleece April 1939
- * The First Settler, (ss) All-Story Weekly November 13 1915
- * Fishing and Camp Cookery (with Buro Johnson), (ar) Big-Book Western Magazine September 1935
- * Fishing Tricks, (ar) North•West Stories 1st June 1926
- * The Fitness of a Man, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 12 1924
- * For an Old Sweetheart, (ss) West November 12 1927
- * The Forest Feud, (ss) The All-Story Magazine February 1906
- * Framed, (nv) Argosy June 21 1919
- * Frayley’s Fighting Code, (ss) The Argosy October 1914
- * Fredonia’s Last Case, (ss) Flynn’s September 26 1925
- * French Harp Bill, (ss) Adventure September 30 1924
- * French Louey’s Delay, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 4 1922
- * Fretful Muncher, (ss) Adventure June 20 1923
- * A Friendship in the Wilderness, (nv) Adventure April 1 1927
- * From the Fields of Sin, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1918
- * The Frontier Names a Boy, (ss) West October 8 1927
- * The Fur Traders, (vi) Complete Stories August 1927
- * Fur Trails, (ar) North•West Stories 1st April 1926
- * The Gallery Shoot-Hitter, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 14 1934
- * Ghost Town Guns, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales November 1945
- * Going A-Wheel, (ar) North•West Stories 1st September 1926
- * Going Down with the Ice, (ss) The Ocean August 1907
- * Gold Bait, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 16 1917
- * The Golden Pears, (na) Munsey’s Magazine February 1917
- * The Gold Mill, (ss) The All-Story December 1913
- * A Good Agent’s Bluff, (ss) People’s March 15 1924
- * Good Enough for the Rangers, (ss) Western Fiction Monthly July 1936
- * Good—for a Kid, (ss) West June 16 1928
- * Good Hunting Without a Gun, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 18 1926
- * Good Ranger Blood, (ss) Texas Rangers May 1948
- * Good Year for Rabbits, (ss) West March 19 1930
- * Grandpap’s Gold Bricks, (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine July 1947
- * A Graveyard 4,000 Miles Long, (ar) The Live Wire August 1908
- * Great Lakes Treachery, (ss) People’s July 15 1924
- * The Great Siberian Trek, (ss) Brief Stories December 1929
- * The Great Turn-Outer, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1917
- * Green Eyes and Grit, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 6 1921
- * The Green Pearls [Pearl Trade], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) September 1914
- * The Green Sachem [Janie Frete], (sl) All-Story Weekly May 20, May 27, Jun 3, Jun 10 1916
- * The Grudge Recruit Ranger, (ss) West January 21 1931
- * Guardians of the Sheep, (ss) Everybody’s July 1928
- * Gun-Job Gold, (ss) Western Trails August 1937
- * Gun Justice at Good Water, (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine June 1948
- * Gunmen in the Scorpions, (ss) .44 Western Magazine October 1937
- * Guns for Business, (ss) Adventure April 1 1933
- * The Gunstore Rat, (ss) Adventure April 1 1929
- * Gunstore Wise Ones, (ss) Adventure February 15 1929
- * The Hackamatack Pirates, (ss) The All-Story Magazine March 1911
- * A Half-Told Story, (ss) The All-Story Magazine September 1910
- * The Handy Line, (ss) Adventure August 1 1931
- * The Harbor Kleptomaniac, (ss) Adventure February 15 1935
- * Hard Luck Ranch, (na) Short Stories September 25 1923
- * Harping Clem Forgets a Tune, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1945
- * Has Anybody Seen Sime Mideau?, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1940
- * Heck’s Personal Killing, (ss) West June 12 1929
- * The Helping Hand, (ss) People’s September 15 1923
- * A He-Man Proposition, (ss) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #59, April 1930
- * He’s My Dog, Judge!, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 16 1922
- * Hill-Billy, (ss) Adventure February 1 1935
- * Hills of Gold, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories February 1937
- * The Hired Killer, (ss) West September 17 1927
- * His Unluckiest Wife [Jeff Tavell], (ss) The Argosy March 16 1918
- * Hitting Woodland Trails, (ar) North•West Stories 2nd February 1926
- * Hit Your Own Gait, (ar) Adventure August 20 1924
- * Hoarded Assets, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine June 1918
- * Hopeless Creek, (nv) Short Stories August 1919
- * The Horse Thief Rendezvous, (ss) Adventure November 15 1927
- * The Horsethieves, (ss) Adventure February 15 1928
- * How Can I Tour Cheaply, (ar) North•West Stories 1st March 1926
- * The Hunted Ones, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales October 1946
- * Hunter of Herons, (ss) The All-Story Magazine March 1910
- * A Hunter Poses, (ss) Adventure October 15 1931
- * The Imprisonment of God, (ss) Complete Stories August 1928
- * In a Matter of Nuisances, (ss) West August 20 1930
- * In for His Health, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine February 10 1918
- * The Innocent Accomplice, (ss) Short Stories February 1921
- * In Right by Discipline, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 5 1917
- * In the Bad Lands, (ss) All-Story Weekly July 27 1918
- * In the Shadow of an Ancestor, (ss) All-Story Weekly November 4 1916
- * In the System’s Toils, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 18 1919
- * Islands of Stone (with C. Eleanor Spears), (sl) Argosy and Railroad Man’s Magazine Feb 22, Mar 1, Mar 8 1919
- * “I’ve Been Hungry Myself”, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine October 1941
- * Janie and the Waning Glories [Janie Frete], (sl) All-Story Weekly May 15, May 22, May 29, Jun 5, Jun 12, Jun 19 1920
- * Janie Frete, Intruder [Janie Frete], (sl) All-Story Weekly Jun 15, Jun 22, Jun 29, Jul 6 1918
- * Janie Pays a Debt of Honor [Janie Frete], (sl) All-Story Weekly Aug 23, Aug 30, Sep 6, Sep 13 1919
- * Jerry Stays On, (nv) West September 28 1932
- * A Jig-Time Defense, (ss) The Green Book Magazine February 1916
- * Jim Tilou, Wastrel, (ss) Collier’s January 19 1918
- * Jim Wright’s Girl, (ss) The All-Story Magazine December 1909
- * Jingle Smidt’s Nugget Gold, (ss) Everybody’s February 1928
- * Joe Baton’s Government Truck, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1930
- * Joe-Ed Rides to Kill, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1928
- * A Joke on Ranger Wickers, (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine November 1949
- * Just Another Killing [Wild Bunch], (ss) West January 1936
- * The Killers of Blizzard Basin, (nv) Everybody’s September 1928
- * The Killer’s Protege, (ss) West January 21 1928
- * Killing to Music, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1941
- * The Knife, (ss) Argosy July 6 1935
- * Lacking Luck, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1918
- * Ladies Don’t Count, (ss) The Argosy January 1917
- * A Lady Scouts Out, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine December 1946
- * A Lady Trips Old Mississip’, (ss) Short Stories December 1949
- * The Lake of Pearls, (ss) The All-Story Magazine February 1910
- * The Last Bad Man, (nv) All Star Adventure Fiction September 1936
- * The Last Wolf, (ss) Adventure May 10 1922
- * The Laugh, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1924
- * A Laughing Matter, (ss) The All-Story May 1913
- * A Law Not in the Books, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1915
- * Law of the Outdoors, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 26 1924
- * Law of the Range, (ss) West August 17 1932
- * A Lazy Man’s Poison, (ss) Adventure October 1 1928
- * Leaving the Gun in Camp, (ar) North•West Stories 2nd October 1926
- * Lem Lawson Is Deputized, (ss) West November 1949
- * “The Levee Holds!”, (ss) Collier’s November 10 1917
- * Light on a Subject, (ss) All-Story Weekly October 26 1918
- * The Little Cloud, (ss) Boys’ Life February 1921
- * The Little Woman, (ss) The All-Story Magazine April 1910
- * Lobo Gets His Outlaws [Lobo Cullman], (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories December 1936/January 1937
- * Lobo’s Guns [Lobo Cullman], (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories July 1937
- * Lobo Vengeance [Lobo Cullman], (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories August 1936
- * Lonesome, (ss) Adventure February 10 1923
- * Losing a Good River Cook, (ss) Adventure March 15 1930
- * Lost in the Green Timber, (na) Complete Stories March 1927
- * Love of Land, (ss) All-Story Weekly September 1 1917
- * Love’s Crossway, (ss) The All-Story Magazine April 1907
- * Luck of the Big Woods, (ss) Argosy December 5 1931
- * Lye-Ball, (ss) Argosy and Railroad Man’s Magazine May 10 1919
- * Mad Jim’s Example, (ss) West January 7 1928
- * The Man and the Money, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1913
- * A Man’s Best Dog, (ss) Adventure November 10 1922
- * A Man’s Weak Points, (ss) The Popular Stories November 19 1927
- * The Man Who Killed Jesse James, (ar) Fifteen Western Tales Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1948
- * Marble Eye, (ss) The Argosy November 24 1917
- * Marked on Glass, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 19 1918
- * Marked Saddle, (vi) Complete Western Book Magazine May 1937
- * The Marshal Goes Accordin’, (ss) West September 3 1927
- * The Marshal’s Disciple, (ss) West October 29 1927
- * A Matter of Ambition, (ss) Adventure June 1 1931
- * A Meal on the City Marshal [Wild Bunch], (ss) West October 1935
- * “Meanness” in the Cumberlands, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 2 1918
- * Meanness in the Mountains, (na) The Popular Magazine Dec 1, Dec 15 1912
- * A Mean River Lady, (ss) Argosy August 9 1919
- * Meestair Carcajou, (sl) The Popular Magazine Jan 7, Jan 20 1918
- * Mesa Joe Gets a Habit, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1947
- * Mice and Men, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 22 1919
- * Midnight Grist, (ss) All-Story Weekly December 11 1915
- * Migrating Old-Timer, (ss) West August 3 1932
- * The Miller of Fiddler’s Run, (ss) Collier’s August 11 1917
- * The Miller’s Best Hat, (ss) The All-Story March 1913
- * Minding Their Own Business, (ss) West July 1935
- * Mission Boat, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1946
- * Mississippi Magic, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine Nov, Dec 1930, Jan 1931
- * Mississippi Medicine, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1941
- * A Mississippi Soft-Paw, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1913
- * Moon-Blink, (ss) All-Story Cavalier Weekly May 8 1915
- * The Moon-Calves, (ss)
- * More Ways Than One, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 14 1919
- * A Mountain Error, (ss) The All-Story Magazine August 1906
- * The Mountain Sheriff, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine Jan, Feb 1930
- * Mountang Woman, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine January 1942
- * Muddy Gut Salvage, (ss) Short Stories September 10 1946
- * Muleskins, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1934
- * A Muskrat Mystery, (ss) The American Boy October 1919
- * Mutt Hide, (na) West August 20 1927
- * Mysterious Pearl Robberies, (sl) The Underworld Jan 20, Feb 1928
- * The Mystery of the Beyond, (ss) People’s Story Magazine August 10 1922
- * Mystery Range, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1925
- * Nature and Tim Betine, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1917
- * Neighbors on the Ridge, (ss) The Frontier November 1925
- * Nemesis in Good Humor, (ss) Collier’s March 9 1912
- * The Nester, (ss) Adventure September 15 1931
- * The Nester and the Unclothed Lady, (ss) Bluebook December 1954
- * Nests of Gold, (ar) North•West Stories 2nd April 1926
- * Neutral Bystander, (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine August 1949
- * The New Kind of Sport, (ss) Adventure September 8 1926
- * The New Marshal Inspects, (ss) West July 20 1932
- * The New Marshal Proves Up, (ss) West August 13 1927
- * Night Runner, (ss) Adventure June 1937
- * Noble Violence, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine November 10 1917
- * Noise in the Open Spaces, (ss) Adventure April 1 1931
- * The North Shore Fur Pocket, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1 1914
- * No Story, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1944
- * No Trespass Trapping, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1933
- * No Weather to Hang a Man, (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine January 1949
- * Off His Beat, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1931
- * Off the River, (ss) The Cavalier September 13 1913
- * Old Goldie, (ss) Adventure September 1 1932
- * The Old Home Town, (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine November 1948
- * Old Lady Ephraim, (ss) Boys’ Life October 1929
- * Old Mississip’, (ss) Romance May 1929
- * The Old Salesman, (ss) The Argosy December 1914
- * The One-Eyed Squirrel, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 25 1916
- * The One-Man Log Drive, (ss) The Thrill Book May 1 1919
- * One Man Posse, (ss) Triple-X Western #88, September 1931
- * One of the Clever Suttons, (ss) The All-Story Magazine September 1907
- * One of Those Bad Towns, (ss) Complete Story Magazine November 10 1924
- * One Playa Grande, (ss) People’s February 1 1924
- * $1,000, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine December 10 1917
- * On Getting Acquainted, (ss) Adventure February 15 1927
- * On the Dodge, (ss) Adventure March 1934
- * On the Long Road, (ss) The Live Wire August 1908
- * On the Trap Line, (nv) The Popular Magazine Nov 1, Nov 15 1913
- * The Orange Maid [Pearl Trade], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) November 1914
- * Ornery Cowboy, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales April 1946
- * Outdoor Trails, (cl) North•West Stories 2nd March 1926
* ___ Breeding Dogs for the Future, (cl) North•West Stories 1st May 1926
* ___ First Choice in Rifles, (cl) North•West Stories 1st June 1927
* ___ Fishing Tricks, (cl) North•West Stories 1st June 1926
* ___ Fur Trails, (cl) North•West Stories 1st April 1926
* ___ Going A-Wheel, (cl) North•West Stories 1st September 1926
* ___ Hitting Woodland Trails, (cl) North•West Stories 2nd February 1926
* ___ How Can I Tour Cheaply, (cl) North•West Stories 1st March 1926
* ___ Leaving the Gun in Camp, (cl) North•West Stories 2nd October 1926
* ___ Nests of Gold, (cl) North•West Stories 2nd April 1926
* ___ Recording Wild Life Facts, (cl) North•West Stories 2nd July 1926
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