The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 3191

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    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. V, No. 26, February 1862] (Smith, Elder and Co., 129-256pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 129 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XXIX. In the Departments of Seine, Loire, and Styx(Inférieur) · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl; story title given as just “Philip” on the story title page.
    • 141 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XXX. Returns to Old Friends · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 153 · What Are the Nerves? · James Hinton, uncredited · ar
    • 167 · Frozen-out Actors · John Doran, uncredited · ar
    • 178 · The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson: Chapter XIX. George Robinson’s Marriage · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 182 · The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson: Chapter XX. Showing How Mr. Brisket Didn’t See His Way · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 186 · The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson: Chapter XXI. Mr. Brown Is Taken Ill · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 195 · Fish Culture · James G. Bertram, uncredited · ar
    • 204 · The Winter in Canada · Thomas R. Patterson, uncredited · ar
    • 218 · Belgravia Out of Doors · Richard Doyle, uncredited · ar
    • 220 · Commissions of Lunacy · J. Fitzjames Stephen, uncredited · ar
    • 233 · Agnes of Sorrento: Chapter XX. Florence and Her Prophet · Harriet Beecher Stowe · sl
    • 237 · Agnes of Sorrento: Chapter XXI. The Attack on San Marco · Harriet Beecher Stowe · sl
    • 241 · Agnes of Sorrento: Chapter XXII. The Cathedral · Harriet Beecher Stowe · sl
    • 250 · Roundabout Papers—No. XIX. On Half a Loaf—A Letter to Messrs. Broadway, Battery and Co., of New York, Bankers · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · cl

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. V, No. 27, March 1862] (Smith, Elder and Co., 257-384pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 257 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XXXI. Narrates That Famous Joke About Miss Grigsby · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl; story title given as just “Philip” on the story title page.
    • 272 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XXXII. Ways and Means · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 281 · The Winter Time: A Peep Through the Fog · John Skelton, uncredited · ar
    • 294 · The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson: Chapter XXII. Wasteful and Impetuous Sale · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 301 · The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson: Chapter XXIII. Farewell · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 307 · The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson: Chapter XXIV. George Robinson’s Dream · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 311 · A Vision of Animal Existences · Edmund S. Dixon, uncredited · fa
    • 319 · Covent Garden Market · John Hollingshead, uncredited · ar
    • 327 · Gentlemen · J. Fitzjames Stephen, uncredited · ar
    • 343 · Life and Labour in the Coal-Fields · John R. Leifchild, uncredited · ar
    • 354 · Recent Discoveries in Australia · Francis Galton, uncredited · ar
    • 365 · After Dinner · Richard Doyle, uncredited · ar
    • 367 · Agnes of Sorrento: Chapter XXIII. The Pilgrimage · Harriet Beecher Stowe · sl
    • 371 · Agnes of Sorrento: Chapter XXIV. The Mountain Fortress · Harriet Beecher Stowe · sl
    • 376 · Agnes of Sorrento: Chapter XXV. The Crisis · Harriet Beecher Stowe · sl
    • 381 · Agnes of Sorrento: Chapter XXVI. Rome · Harriet Beecher Stowe · sl

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. V, No. 28, April 1862] (Smith, Elder and Co., 385-512pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 385 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XXXIII. Describes a Situation Interesting but Not Unexpected · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl; story title given as just “Philip” on the story title page.
    • 393 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XXXIV. In Which I Own That Philip Tells an Untruth · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 409 · The Brain and Its Use · James Hinton, uncredited · ar
    • 426 · Fire-Damp and Its Victims · John R. Leifchild, uncredited · ar
    • 438 · A Fit of Jealousy · Coke Richardson, uncredited · nv
    • 462 · Inner Life of a Hospital · John G. Wood, uncredited · ar
    • 478 · Irené · R. M. · pm
    • 481 · First Beginnings · Andrew Wynter, uncredited · ar
    • 495 · On Growing Old · John W. Kaye, uncredited · ar
    • 508 · Roundabout Papers—No. XX. The Notch on the Axe [Part 1 of 3] · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · nv; subtitled “A Story à la Mode”.

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. VI, No. 31, July 1862] (Smith, Elder and Co., 144pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 1 · Romola: Proem · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 8 · Romola: Chapter I. The Shipwrecked Stranger · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 18 · Romola: Chapter II. A Breakfast for Love · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 22 · Romola: Chapter III. The Barber’s Shop · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 30 · Romola: Chapter IV. First Impressions · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 33 · Romola: Chapter V. The Blind Scholar and His Daughter · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 44 · French System of Relieving the Poor · John D. Brady, uncredited · ar
    • 52 · Journalism · J. Fitzjames Stephen, uncredited · ar
    • 64 · Seeing with the Eyes Shut · James Hinton, uncredited · ar
    • 71 · The Frenchman in London · Henry A. Esquiros, uncredited · ar
    • 82 · Surname and Arms · Thornton L. Hunt, uncredited · ar
    • 100 · The Bishop and the Knight · M. · pm
    • 103 · Our Survey of Literature, Science, and Art · George H. Lewes & Frederick Greenwood, uncredited · cl
    • 121 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XXXIX. In Which Several People Have Their Trials · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl; story title given as just “Philip” on the story title page.
    • 127 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XL. In Which the Luck Goes Very Much Against Us · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. VI, No. 32, August 1862] (Smith, Elder and Co., 145-288pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 145 · Romola: Chapter VI. Dawning Hopes · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 158 · Romola: Chapter VII. A Learned Squabble · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 162 · Romola: Chapter VIII. A Face in the Crowd · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 172 · Romola: Chapter IX. A Man’s Ransom · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 178 · Romola: Chapter X. Under the Plane-Tree · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 187 · The Cruise of the Confederate Ship “Sumter”. (From the Private Journal of an Officer.) · Frank Drake, uncredited · ar
    • 206 · The Art of Alpine Travel · John Ormsby, uncredited · ar
    • 217 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XLI. In Which We Reach the Last Stage but One of This Journey · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl; story title given as just “Philip” on the story title page.
    • 222 · The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World: Chapter XLII. The Realms of Bliss · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 241 · The Climate and the Work · William H. Russell, uncredited · ar
    • 258 · A House in Westminster · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · ar
    • 269 · Conversazione: Science and Art · Richard Doyle, uncredited · ar
    • 270 · The Battle with Time · J. W. K. · pm
    • 271 · Our Survey of Literature, Science, and Art · George H. Lewes & Frederick Greenwood, uncredited · cl
    • 282 · Roundabout Papers—No. XXIII. De Finibus · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · cl

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. VI, No. 34, October 1862] (Smith, Elder and Co., 433-576pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 433 · Romola: Chapter XV. The Dying Message · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 440 · Romola: Chapter XVI. A Florentine Joke · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 450 · Romola: Chapter XVII. Under the Loggia · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 455 · Romola: Chapter XVIII. The Portrait · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 460 · Romola: Chapter XIX. The Old Man’s Hope · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 463 · Romola: Chapter XX. The Day of the Betrothal · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 471 · How We Broke the Blockade · Edwin De Leon, uncredited · ts
    • 480 · Effect of Railways on Health · George H. Lewes, uncredited · ar
    • 490 · The Story of Elizabeth [Part 2 of 5] · Anne Isabella Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 512 · The Smoking-Room at the Club · Richard Doyle, uncredited · ar
    • 513 · Dreaming in Italy · G. B. · pm
    • 514 · A Norwegian Musician · Meir A. Goldschmidt, uncredited · ar
    • 528 · Capture of the Delhi Prizes · Theobald Mathew, uncredited · ts
    • 535 · Youth in Exile · H. E. B. H. · pm
    • 537 · Our Survey of Literature and Science · George H. Lewes, John F. W. Herschel & George Hooper, uncredited · cl
    • 552 · The Small House at Allington: Chapter IV. Mrs. Roper’s Boarding-House · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 560 · The Small House at Allington: Chapter V. About L. D. · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 566 · The Small House at Allington: Chapter VI. Beautiful Days · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. VI, No. 36, December 1862] (Smith, Elder and Co., 721-864pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 721 · Romola: Chapter XXVII. The Young Wife · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 729 · Romola: Chapter XXVIII. The Painted Record · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 733 · Romola: Chapter XXIX. A Moment of Triumph · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 739 · Romola: Chapter XXX. The Avenger’s Secret · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 746 · Romola: Chapter XXXI. Fruit Is Seed · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 750 · Romola: Chapter XXXII. A Revelation · George Eliot, uncredited · sl
    • 758 · Campaigning with General Pope · George Alfred Townsend, uncredited · ts
    • 771 · Roundabout Papers—No. XXVI. Dessein’s · William Makepeace Thackeray, uncredited · cl
    • 780 · The Small House at Allington: Chapter X. Mrs. Lupex and Amelia Roper · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 786 · The Small House at Allington: Chapter XI. Social Life · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 791 · The Small House at Allington: Chapter XII. Lilian Dale Becomes a Butterfly · Anthony Trollope, uncredited · sl
    • 804 · Reflections on My Daughter’s Marriage · Frederick Greenwood, uncredited · ar
    • 812 · The Prisoner of Spezzia · E. B. P. · pm
    • 814 · The Story of Elizabeth [Part 4 of 5] · Anne Isabella Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 830 · How Prior Richard of Dunstable Ruled His Monks and Tenants, and How He Treated His Neighbours · Thomas Wright, uncredited · ar
    • 842 · Our Survey of Literature and Science · George H. Lewes & John F. W. Herschel, uncredited · cl

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