The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3464
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[]Feibleman, Minna; pseudonym of Minna Bardon (1900-1974) (chron.)
- * Ambassador to Mars, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine 1st October 1930
- * The Boy Next Door, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 22 1931
- * Dining with Death, (nv) The Dragnet Magazine April 1930
- * June Night, (pm) Best Love Stories—Cupid’s September 17 1930
- * Letters, (vi) Saucy Stories April 1925
- * New World, (pm) Cupid’s Diary April 2 1930
- * Question, (pm) Best Love Stories—Cupid’s July 23 1930
- * Shadowing Jessica, (ss) Cupid’s Diary March 19 1930
- * Tear Gas, (nv) The Dragnet Magazine March 1930
- * Toilers of the Yuletide, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine 1st January 1931
[]Fei Dao; pseudonym of Jia Liyuan (1983- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Legend of the Giant, (ss) Clarkesworld #181, October 2021; translated from the Chinese (New Science Fiction Literature, issue 2, 2011) by Ken Liu.
- * The Robot Who Liked to Tell Tall Tales, (nv) Clarkesworld #127, April 2017; translated from the Chinese (Zui Found, November 2014) by Ken Liu.
- * Science Fiction: Embarrassing No More, (ar) Broken Stars ed. Ken Liu, Tor, 2019; translated by Ken Liu
_____, [ref.]
[]Feiffer, Jules (Ralph) (1929-2025) (about) (chron.)
- * Boob Noir, (ss) Long Island Noir ed. Kaylie Jones, Akashic Books, 2012
- * Cellulove, (cs) Playboy September 1999
- * Harry, the Rat with Women, (n.) McGraw-Hill, 1963
- * The Lonely Machine, (ss) Playboy December 1962
- * The Meaningful Relationship, (ss) Playboy February 1961
- * Our Friend Marsha, (ss) Playboy November 1964
- * Passion, (ss) Playboy May 1959
- * The Relationship, (pi) Playboy September 1963
- * The Voice from the Village, (hu) Lilliput December 1958
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Playboy
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Hall Syndicate, December 1961
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) 1963
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[]Feige, Conrad G(ustav) (1910-1989) (chron.)
- * Battle-Song of the Wild Ones, (ss) New Western Magazine November 1944
- * A Bear Is a Gentleman, (ss) Range Riders Western March 1947
- * Blue Clay, (ss) Western Short Stories December 1952
- * Buckskin Beauty, (ss) Western Romances November 1957
- * Creepin’ and Peepin’ [Pinkney P. Penthoven], (ss) Doc Savage December 1943
- * A Dance for Two, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 1946
- * Duplicate Desperado, (ss) Western Trails October 1945
- * .45’s Fan a Fire, (ss) Western Aces June 1946
- * Gun River Crossing, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales March 1952
- * Hot Lead for Owlhooters, (ss) Thrilling Western May 1946
- * Petticoat Powder Keg, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st August 1956
- * Sizzling Catfish [Pinkney P. Penthoven], (ss) Doc Savage November 1943
- * Target for Death, (ss) Texas Rangers November 1956
- * Tin-Pot Samaritan, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories February 1946
- * Trail of Treachery, (ss) Frontier Stories Spring 1950
- * Vacation for Romance, (ss) Western Love February 1946
- * The Wapiti Terror, (ss) Doc Savage April 1944
- * Witch of the Wilderness, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine May 1948
[]Feige, (Herman Albert) Otto (Maximilian) (1882-1969); used pseudonym B. Traven (chron.)
- * Assembly Line, (ss) The California Quarterly Winter 1952, as "A Legend of Huehuetonoc", by B. Traven
- * A Bomb for Philomena, (ss) Fury July 1963, as by B. Traven
- * Bombs by Request, (ss) The Passing Show April 23 1938, as by B. Traven
- * Burro Trading, (ss) Short Stories December 1957, as by B. Traven; first published in German (“Der Eselskauf”, Das Buch für Alle v59 #1, 1927).
- * Ceremony Slightly Delayed, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine October 1957, as by B. Traven
- * The Donna Maria Mine, (ss) Lovat Dickson’s Magazine November 1934, as by B. Traven
- * Effective Medicine, (nv) Manhunt August 1954, as by B. Traven
- * Friendship, (ss) , as by B. Traven
- * His Wife’s Legs, (ss) Accused Detective Story Magazine July 1956, as by B. Traven
- * How to Tame Them, (nv) Short Stories November 1956, as by B. Traven
- * Indian Trading, (ss) Short Stories March 1957, as by B. Traven; first published in German (“Ein Hundegeschäft”, Das Buch für Alle v60 #2, 1927).
- * A Legend of Huehuetonoc, (ss) The California Quarterly Winter 1952, as by B. Traven; first published in German (“Der Grossindustrielle”, Der Busch, 1930).
- * Love, Justice and a Bomb, (ss) Argosy (UK) February 1966, as by B. Traven
- * Macario, (nv) The Night Visitor, and Other Stories by B. Traven, Hill and Wang, 1966, as by B. Traven
- * Midnight Call, (nv) The Man Nobody Knows by B. Traven, Regency, 1961, as by B. Traven
- * Monkey-Donkey Business, (ss) The Passing Show May 14 1938, as by B. Traven
- * A New God Was Born, (ar) The Night Visitor, and Other Stories by B. Traven, Hill and Wang, 1966, as by B. Traven
- * Peso for a Pup, (ss) The Passing Show November 26 1938, as by B. Traven
- * The Quarter, (ss) Fling March 1966, as by B. Traven
- * Submission, (ss) The Man Nobody Knows by B. Traven, Regency, 1961, as by B. Traven
- * Sun Creation, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1964, as by B. Traven
- * The Third Guest, (nv) Fantastic March/April 1953, as by B. Traven; translation from the German of “Macario”, published in Zurich in 1950.
- * Tin Can, (ss) Manhunt September 1954, as by B. Traven
- Verdict Detective Story Magazine #2, 1955, as by B. Traven
- Giant Manhunt #7 (var.2), #8 (var.1), #8 (var.2), #8 (var.3), #8 (var.4) 195?, as by B. Traven
- Adam Passion, #43 Jun 1970, as by B. Traven
- The Best of Manhunt 3 ed. Jeff Vorzimmer, Stark House Press, 2022, as by B. Traven
- * An Unexpected Solution, (ss) Short Stories June 1957, as by B. Traven
- * Visitor from Nowhere, (na) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy November 1953, as by B. Traven; first published in German (“Im tropischen Busch”, Westermanns Monatshefte, July 1926).
- * When the Priest Is Not at Home, (ss) Stories by the Man Nobody Knows by B. Traven, Regency Books, 1961, as by B. Traven
- * Why I Don’t Get Drunk No More at Doña Amalia’s Cantina, (ss) Short Stories December 1957, as "Burro Trading", by B. Traven
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[]Feild, Claire T. (fl. 1990s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Abstract, (pm) Ghostlight Fall 2020
- * The Adventure, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #3, August 1999
- * Borderline, (pm) Ghostlight Fall 2020
- * Dang Joe, (vi) Ghostlight Fall 2016
- * Death in the Forest, (pm) Ghostlight Winter/Spring 2018
- * Dinosauric, (pm) Space and Time #133, Spring/Summer 2019
- * Icecasby, (vi) Ghostlight Fall 2016
- * In the Zone, (pm) Ghostlight Winter/Spring 2018
[]Feiling, C. A. (fl. 1840s-1890s) (books) (chron.)
_____, ed.
_____, trans.
- * Alamontade by Heinrich Zschokke, (nv) Tales from the German ed. John Oxenford & C. A. Feiling, Chapman & Hall, 1844; translated from the German (Alimontade der Galeerensklave, 1802).
- * Ali and Gulhyndi by Adam Oehlenschläger, (nv) Tales from the German ed. John Oxenford & C. A. Feiling, Chapman & Hall, 1844; translated from the German (“Ali og Gulhyndi”, 1812).
- * Axel by C. F. Van der Velde, (ss) Tales from the German ed. John Oxenford & C. A. Feiling, Chapman & Hall, 1844; translated from the German (Schirfren, 1824-1827).
- * The Cold Heart by Wilhelm Hauff, (nv) Tales from the German ed. John Oxenford & C. A. Feiling, Chapman & Hall, 1844; translated from the German (“Das kalte Herz”, Märchen for Söhne und Töchter, 1825).
- * The Klausenburg by Johann Ludwig Tieck, (nv) Tales from the German ed. John Oxenford & C. A. Feiling, Chapman & Hall, 1844; translated from the German (“Die Klausenburg”, 1837).
- * Nose, the Dwarf by Wilhelm Hauff, (ss) Tales from the German ed. John Oxenford & C. A. Feiling, Chapman & Hall, 1844; translated from the German (“Der Zwerg Nase”, Märchen for Söhne und Töchter, 1825).
- * The Severed Hand by Wilhelm Hauff, (ss) Tales from the German ed. John Oxenford & C. A. Feiling, Chapman & Hall, 1844; translated from the German (“Die Geschichte von der Abgehauenen Hand”, Märchen-Almanach auf das Jahr 1826, 1825).
[]Fein, Richard (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Birth of Agriculture, (pm) Beyond #17, 1990
- * The Devil’s Muse, (pm) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * Faintest Attraction, (pm) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * Fecund Field Seduction, (pm) EOTU Ezine April 2002
- * Forensic Truth, (pm) Flesh & Blood v1 #2, 1998
- * Fractal Entities, (pm) Dark Planet (online) Summer 1996
- * Friction, (pm) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * It’s, That and This, (pm) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * Lament of the Ancient Astronauts, (pm) Beyond #17, 1990
- * The Let Down, (pm) Beyond #17, 1990
- * Ode to Death Angel and Its Fungal Kin, (pm) Dark Planet (online) Summer 1996
- * Outcast, (pm) Beyond #17, 1990
- * Overview, (pm) HMS Beagle #7, May 2/May 15 1997
- * Perhaps Just a Poem, (pm) Dark Planet (online) Summer 1996
- * The Quantum States of Insane Reality and Sane Fantasy, (pm) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * Rhetorical Questions About Ultimate Cause, (pm) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * Star Trek Dare, (pm) Space and Time #115, Fall 2011
- * Teeth, (pm) HMS Beagle #15, September 5/September 18 1997
- * Under a Nova Star, (pm) Dark Planet (online) Summer 1996
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