The FictionMags Index
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Avallone, Michael (Angelo, Jr.) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * ’Tec Titles: or, The American Pun Mystery, (hu) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1970
- * The Ten Best John Wayne Movies, (ar) Echoes #33, October 1987 [Ref. John Wayne]
- * The Ten Percent Kill [Ed Noon], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1961
- * Terror in the Window, (vi) Tales of the Frightened, Belmont, 1963
- * Theda Is Death, (vi) Tales of the Frightened, Belmont, 1963
- * The Thing in Evening Dress [Ed Noon], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1965
- * This Little Paperback Went to Market or Kiss My Deadly Typewriter (#539), (ar) Paperback Parade #6, February 1988
- * Those Old Pulp & Paperback Writers in the Sky, (ss) Paperback Parade #40, October 1994
- * Tom, Dick and Horror, (vi) Tales of the Frightened, Belmont, 1963
- * The Top Ten Spider Novels—And One Stinker, (sy) Megavore #13, March 1981
- * Trouble at Travers Pharmacy [Ed Noon], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1964
- * The Ugly Penny Murder [Ed Noon], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1968
- * The Unguessable Bullet, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) December 1963
- * The Vampire Sleeps, (vi) Tales of the Frightened, Belmont, 1963
- * Vengeance Is a Long Shot, (ss) Real Western Stories October 1956
- * The Violencers, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #5, December 1979
- * Violent Night: or Play It Again Sam, (ar)
- * Violin Solo for a Corpse [Ed Noon], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1974
- * Voice from the Grave, (vi) Tales of the Frightened, Belmont, 1963
- * Walter Ego, (ss) A Matter of Crime, Vol. 2 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, Harvest, 1987
- * Walter M. Baumhofer, Pulp Mag Michelangelo, (ar) The Pulp Collector Fall 1986
- * The Way West for Children and Authors, (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #24, March 1987
- * What’s in a Name? Unforgettable Character, That’s What! [Doc Savage], (ar) Echoes #31, June 1987
- * When Pulp Was Gold, (ar) Xenophile #7, August/September 1974
- * White Legs, (ss) Tales of the Frightened v1 #2, 1957, as by Mark Dane
- * Ya’ Don’t Get Ya’ Kids Back, Unless…, (ss) New Mystery v1 #3, 1993
- * You Cannot Go Through Life Without Reading These Books, (ar) The Pulp Collector Fall 1988
- * You Can Take It with You, (vi) Tales of the Frightened, Belmont, 1963
- * You Can’t Kiss a Corpse [Ed Noon], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1981
- * [letter], (lt) The Science-Fiction Collector #4, July 1977
- * [letter], (lt) The Pulp Collector Spring 1989
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * Avallone by Tom Johnson, (ar) Megavore #9, June 1980
- * Ave Avallone! by Robert Bloch, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #8, June 1980
- * Beneath the Planet of the Apes by Paul Walker, (br) Science Fiction Review #43, March 1971
- * Death Dives Deep by Hellgate Newlander, (br) The Armchair Detective July 1971
- * Ed Noon’s Quickest Caper, or Revenge: Italian Style by R. T. Karlinchak, (ar) Xenophile #38, March/April 1978
- * A Giant Passed Our Way: An “Avo” Tribute by Gary Lovisi, (ob) Paperback Parade #52, May 1999
- * The Historical Novels of Michael Avallone by Link Hullar, (ar) Echoes #23, February 1986
- * Little Miss Murder by Hellgate Newlander, (br) The Armchair Detective July 1971
- * Michael Avallone: A Checklist by Stephen Mertz, (bi) The Armchair Detective February 1976
- * Michael Avallone Additions by Wally Pattengill, (bi) Books Are Everything September 1992
- * Michael Avallone Checklist by Elwanda & R. C. Holland, (bi) Books Are Everything September 1988
- * Michael Avallone: Prolific Author Created Ed Noon by Myrna Oliver, (ob) Los Angeles Times March 1 1999
- * Michael Avallone: Some Informal Observations on the Writer and the Man by Link Hullar, (ar) Paperback, Pulp and Comic Collector #4, December 1991
- * Michael Avallone’s “The Butcher” by Link Hullar, (ar) Echoes #2, September/October 1982
- * Michael Avallone—Writer Extraordinaire by Michael L. Cook, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #8, June 1980
- * Michael (Ed Noon) Avallone: An Interview by R. C. Holland, (iv) Books Are Everything July 1988
- * Mike Shayne Mystery Makers by Charles E. Fritch, (bg) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1979
- * Mucking About in the Mouse Auditorium: An Introduction to That “Swinging Private Dick, Ed Noon”—The Worst Detective Ever Created by Thomas Deja, (ar) Bare•Bones #1, Winter 2020
- * Of Paperback, Pulps, and a Master Writer; Michael Avallone, (ar) Paperback Parade #3, May 1987
- * Sheriff fer a Day by John Locke, (ss) Near-Miss Western August 1995
- * What the Hell Ever Happened to…Michael Avallone? by Robert Morrish, (iv) The Scream Factory #10, Autumn 1992
[]Avati, James (Sante) (1912-2005) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy Sep, Nov 1949, Aug, Nov, Dec 1950, Mar 1951
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Magazine Aug, Nov 1950, Jan 1951, Feb 1952
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cosmopolitan August 1960
_____, [ref.]
- * The Avait Exhibit Reported by Gary Lovisi, (ar) Paperback Parade #24, June 1991
- * Avati Checklist Addenda by Richard Lieberson, (bi) Paperback Parade #24, June 1991
- * James Avati Checklist by Richard Lieberson, (bi) Books Are Everything July 1988
- * James Avati: Part 1 by Richard Lieberson, (iv) Books Are Everything March 1988
- * James Avati: Part 2 by Richard Lieberson, (iv) Books Are Everything May 1988
- * The Paperback Art of James Avati by Piet Schreuders, (bg) Illustration #1, October 2001
- * A Talk with James Avati by Gary Lovisi, (iv) Paperback Parade #24, June 1991
- * Understanding Avati: Understanding Ourselves by Stanley Meltzoff, (ar) Paperback Parade #24, June 1991
- * William Faulkner, James Avati, and the Art of the Paperback Novel by M. Thomas Inge, (ar) Illustration #56, May 2017
[]Aveling, Harry
_____, trans.
- * The Bastard by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, (nv) Surabaya to Armageddon ed. Harry Aveling, Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd., 1976
- * The Decline and Fall of Our Local Mosque by A. A. Navis, (ss) From Surabaya to Armageddon ed. Harry Aveling, Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd., 1976
- * Fall in Connecticut by Umar Kayam, (ss) From Surabaya to Armageddon ed. Harry Aveling, Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd., 1976
- * The Soldier by Nugroho Notosusanto, (ss) Surabaya to Armageddon ed. Harry Aveling, Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd., 1976
[]Avellano, Albert; pseudonym of Dan J. Marlowe (1914-1986) (chron.)
- * Blue Devil, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1975
- * Crime by Accident, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 1975
- * Funeral Talent, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1975
- * Guest Spot, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1976
- * Like Any Other Wild Animal, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1975
- * The Lion’s Share, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1971
- * Nothing Personal, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1972
- * Open Sights, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1975
- * Routine Investigation, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1976
- * When the Captain Died, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 1974
[]Avenell, Donne (1925-1997) (about) (chron.)
- * Asch the Alsatian, (ss) Boys’ World April 27 1963
- * Brunt the Badger, (ss) Boys’ World February 2 1963
- * Chalif the Camel, (ss) Boys’ World April 13 1963
- * Chikal the Cheetah, (ss) Boys’ World January 26 1963
- * Crack-Up, (cs) Battle Picture Library May 1961
- * Delphis the Dolphin, (ss) Boys’ World March 2 1963
- * The Demon of Dughlu, (ss) Boys’ World July 27 1963, uncredited.
- * Doola the Elephant, (ss) Boys’ World February 23 1963
- * Dorcus the Dinosaur, (ss) Boys’ World March 16 1963
- * Ekla the Eagle, (ss) Boys’ World March 30 1963
- * Fleet the Foxhound, (ss) Boys’ World February 9 1963
- * Foxhole Glory, (cs) War Picture Library November 1962
- * Hand of Fate:
* ___ The Jaws of Death!, (cs) Boys’ World March 9 1963, uncredited.
* ___ Outlaw in Armour, (cs) Boys’ World March 2 1963, uncredited.
* ___ The Wild Boy, (cs) Boys’ World March 23 1963, uncredited.
- * The Happy Return, (ss) Reveille #197, April 15 1947
- * High Quest, (na)
- * Hugly the Hippo, (ss) Boys’ World March 23 1963
- * The Island of Guilt, (cs) Battle Picture Library February 1961
- * I Still Hate Vultures, (ss) Boys’ World August 17 1963, uncredited.
- * The Jaws of Death!, (cs) Boys’ World March 9 1963, uncredited.
- * Karra the Kangaroo, (ss) Boys’ World February 16 1963
- * Killer at Large, (cs) Battle Picture Library April 1961
- * King of the Big Top, (ss) Boys’ World June 1 1963, uncredited.
- * Lash the Long-Horn, (ss) Boys’ World April 6 1963
- * The Last Fight, (ss) Boys’ World August 3 1963, uncredited.
- * The Masterful Courtship, (ss) Reveille #202, May 20 1947
- * My Year Among the Silent Snows, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1945
- * Only a Sideshow, (ss) Reveille #238, January 30 1948
- * Outlaw in Armour, (cs) Boys’ World March 2 1963, uncredited.
- * Paratroop, (cs) War Picture Library August 1962
- * Parko the Polar Bear, (ss) Boys’ World April 20 1963
- * Peril of the Mine, (ss) Boys’ World May 11 1963
- * The Secret Enemy, (cs) War Picture Library May 1964
- * Seize—and Hold, (cs) Battle Picture Library July 1962
- * A Shocking Story, (ss) Reveille #207, June 24 1947
- * Shoot First, (cs) Battle Picture Library August 1961
- * Snarl of Battle, (cs) War Picture Library September 1962
- * The Troubleshooters, (cs) Battle Picture Library July 1961
- * Up the Marines!, (cs) War Picture Library July 1960
- * Warlac the Wolf, (ss) Boys’ World March 9 1963
- * The Wild Boy, (cs) Boys’ World March 23 1963, uncredited.
- * Wingbeat, (ss) Boys’ World October 5 1963, uncredited.
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