The FictionMags Index
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Pushkin, Alexander Sergeievitch (1799-1837) (about) (items)
- The Queen of Spades, (ex) 1834; translated by Paul Debreczeny
- Echo, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science September 1873; translated by A. J.
- Queen of Spades, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science September 1876; translated by Arthur Venner
- The Drowned Man, (pm) The Cosmopolitan October 1887
- The Pistol Shot, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1891, etc.
- The Snowstorm, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1891
- The Shot, (ss) The Queen of Spades and Other Stories by Alexander Pushkin, G. Bell & Sons, 1894
- The Shot, (nv) The Prose Tales of Poushkin by Alexander Poushkin, G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1894; translated by T. Keane
- The Snow Storm, (ss) The Prose Tales of Poushkin by Alexander Poushkin, G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1894; translated by T. Keane
- Silvio’s Revenge, (ss) The Grand Magazine of Fiction January 1909
- An Unpublished Poem by Alexander Pushkin (“The light of day grew pale and paler—died…”), (pm) Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life #34, October 1925; translated by Edna Worthley Underwood
- Golden Cock, (ss) The Bookman February 1926
- The Queen of Spades, (ss) The Argosy (UK) March 1927; translated by Heron Lepper
- Dubrovski, (nv) The Argosy (UK) August 1928; translated by Reginald Merton
- The Undertaker, (ss) The Evening Standard August 29 1933
- The Peasant Girl, (ss) The Argosy (UK) July 1934; translated by Joseph Arthur Bimstone
- Paper Pushkin, (ex) Harper’s Magazine September 2008; translated by Simona Schneider
- An Amateur Peasant Girl, (ss)
- The Black Shawl, (pm)
- The Captain’s Daughter, (ss)
- The Coffin-Maker, (ss)
- Dounia, (ss)
- Eugene Onegin, (ex) ; translated by Henry Spalding
- A Good Shot, (ss)
- Kirdjali, (ss)
- A Midnight Elopement, (ss)
- The Queen of Spades, (nv) , etc.
- The Upas Tree, (pm) ; translated by D. S. Mirsky
Pusillo, Brian K. (fl. 1990s) (items)
- Monsters, (ss) Fang 1991
- T’was the Fright Before Christmas, (ss) Fang 1991
- Among the Living (with Michael A. Grotton), (ed) Fang #1, 1992
- Moo Pt II (with Michael A. Grotton & Ron Moody), (cs) Fang #1, 1992
- The Hitch Hiker, (cs) Fang #3, 1992
- Satan Stone (with Ron Moody), (ss) Fang #3, 1992
P’u Sung-Ling (1640-1715) (items)
- The Corpse Rises, (vi) Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio by Herbert A. Giles, De La Rue, 1880
- The Painted Skin, (ss) Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio by Herbert A. Giles, De La Rue, 1880
- The Tiger of Chao-ch’êng, (vi) Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio by Herbert A. Giles, De La Rue, 1880
- The Virtuous Daughter-in-Law, (ss) Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio by Herbert A. Giles, De La Rue, 1880; translated by Herbert A. Giles
- Another Solomon, (vi) Library of the World’s Best Mystery and Detective Stories: Oriental: True Stories of Modern Magic ed. Julian Hawthorne, The Review of Reviews, 1907; translated by Herbert A. Giles
- Judgment of a Solomon, (vi) Library of the World’s Best Mystery and Detective Stories: Oriental: True Stories of Modern Magic ed. Julian Hawthorne, The Review of Reviews, 1907; translated by Herbert A. Giles
- The Unjust Sentence, (vi) Library of the World’s Best Mystery and Detective Stories: Oriental: True Stories of Modern Magic ed. Julian Hawthorne, The Review of Reviews, 1907; translated by Herbert A. Giles
- The Wonderful Stone, (ss) Library of the World’s Best Mystery and Detective Stories: Oriental: True Stories of Modern Magic ed. Julian Hawthorne, The Review of Reviews, 1907; translated by Herbert A. Giles
- The Corpse the Blood-Drinker, (ss) Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures by George Soulie, Constable, 1913; translated by George Soulié, uncredited.
- The Corpse at the Inn, (vi) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965; adapted by Bernhardt J. Hurwood
- The Demon Who Changed Its Skin, (vi) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965; adapted by Bernhardt J. Hurwood
- Corpse and the Blood-Drinker, (ss) ; adapted by Bernhardt J. Hurwood
- The Hideous Deceivers, (ss) ; adapted by Bernhardt J. Hurwood
- The Inn at Ts’ai-Tien, (vi) ; translated by Herbert A. Giles
- The Magistrate of Hu-Nan, (ss) ; translated by Herbert A. Giles
- Miss Ying-Ning, or the Laughing Girl, (ss) ; translated by Herbert A. Giles
- The Painted Wall, (ss)
- A Scholar of Feng-Yang, (ss)
- The Singing Girl Rui-Yun, (ss) ; translated by Rose Quong
- The Story of the Maiden Lien-hsiang, (ss) ; adapted by Bernhardt J. Hurwood
- Wu Ch’iu-yueh, (ss)
Puterman, Simone (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- The Quarry (with Les Allen, Tom Considine & Liz Simmonds), (vi) Probe #132, Year End 2006
- Lox, Stocks and Smoking Salmons (with Dennis M. Lane, Liz Simmonds & Franz Tomasek), (vi) Probe #145, September 2010
- untitled (“Until I saw you looking out of her green eyes”) (with John Dean, Vincent Risi & Ilse von Willich), (vi) Probe #150, November 2011
- Here Fumes Rust the Sky (with Nick Heyns & Nial Mollison), (pm) Probe #166, December 2015
- Turning Under a Blood Red Sun (with Ron Cowley, Carla Martins & Brett Ward), (vi) Probe #174, December 2017
Putnam, Arthur Lee; pseudonym of Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832-1899) (items)
- Number 91; or, The Adventures of a New York Telegraph Boy, (sl) The Golden Argosy May 8 1886, etc.
- Tom Tracy; or, The Trials of a New York Newsboy, (sl) The Golden Argosy September 25 1886, etc.
- Ned Newton; or, The Fortunes of a New York Bootblack, (sl) The Golden Argosy April 9 1887, etc.
- Walter Griffith; or, The Adventures of a Young Street Salesman, (sl) The Golden Argosy October 22 1887, etc.
- A New York Boy; or, The Haps and Mishaps of Rufe Rodman, (sl) The Golden Argosy April 28 1888, etc.
- Tom Brace; Who He Was, and How He Fared, (sl) The Argosy February 23 1889, etc.
- Silas Snobden’s Office Boy, (n.) The Argosy November 30 1889, etc.
- A.D.T. 79; or, The Trials and Triumphs of Mark Mason, (sl) The Argosy #492, May 7 1892, etc.
- Ben Bruce, or Scenes in the Life of a Bowery Newsboy, (sl) The Argosy #523, December 10 1892, etc.
- Cast Upon the Breakers, (sl) The Argosy #547, May 27 1893, etc.
- A Bad Lot, (sl) The Argosy #568, October 21 1893, etc.
- A Rolling Stone, (sl) The Argosy #586, February 24 1894, etc.
Putnam, Eleanor; pseudonym of Harriet Bates (1856-1886) (items)
- Bob’s “Breaking In”, (ss) Wide Awake January 1880
- Bob’s Father, (ss) Wide Awake December 1881
- Quel Dommage?, (??) The Century Magazine January 1882
- Edge-Tools, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine August 1882
- The Snake-Charmer, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine February 1883
- Cyrus’s Wife, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1883
- Old Salem Shops, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1884
- Fanchon’s German, (ss) St. Nicholas January 1885
- A Salem Dame-School, (??) The Atlantic Monthly January 1885
- Salem Cupboards, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1886
- The Awful Thing That Tilly Ann Did (with Arlo Bates), (ss) St. Nicholas June 1889
- About Ted Russell (A College Story), (ss) St. Nicholas October 1889
Putnam, Emily James (1865-1944) (about) (items)
- A Classical Education, (ar) Putnam’s Monthly January 1908
- Some Women of France, (br) Putnam’s Monthly & The Reader June 1908
- As Europe Sees Us, (br) Putnam’s Monthly & The Reader December 1908
- Sicily: The Land of Unrest, (ar) Putnam’s Magazine April 1909
- George Meredith, (bg) Putnam’s Magazine July 1909 [Ref. George Meredith]
- The Greek Lady, (ar) Putnam’s Magazine March 1910, etc.
- Helen in Egypt, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly April 1926
- Hippoclides Doesn’t Care, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly May 1926
- Candaule’s Wife, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly August 1926
Putnam, Frank (A.) (fl. 1890s-1910s) (items)
- In a Club Corner, (ar) National Magazine April 1899
- In a Club Inglenook, (ar) National Magazine May 1899
- The “Original” Mr. Dooley, (ar) National Magazine June 1899
- Song for Cecilia, (pm) National Magazine June 1899
- Ballad of Country Tramps, (pm) National Magazine August 1899
- The Creed of Toil, (pm) National Magazine September 1899
- In the Flag of These States a New Star, (pm) National Magazine September 1899
- Auto-Analysis, (pm) National Magazine October 1899
- Edwin Markham’s Mission As Poet, (ar) National Magazine October 1899
- Desolation, (pm) National Magazine November 1899
- Observations on a Late Essayist, (ar) National Magazine November 1899
- The Poems That Nobody Writes, (pm) National Magazine April 1900
- A Reform, (pm) National Magazine May 1900
- Lafayette Ode, Paris, July 4, 1900, (ar) National Magazine July 1900
- The Little Dog (sketch), (ar) National Magazine July 1900
- Song, (pm) National Magazine July 1900
- In the Open Air, (pm) National Magazine August 1900
- Come, Gentle Melancholy, (pm) National Magazine September 1900
- God’s Cargo in the Fleets of Trade, (ar) National Magazine October 1900
- The Treaty Signed on the Sea, (pm) National Magazine November 1900
- Ye Piteous Truthful Ballad of Ye Bard, (ar) National Magazine November 1900
- Who Are the Poets of America?, (ar) National Magazine December 1900
- Ben Harrison the President, (pm) National Magazine April 1901
- The Spirit of Change, (pm) National Magazine April 1901
- A Remarkable Novel: “The Kidnapped Millionaires”, (ar) National Magazine August 1901
- The Spirit of the Pan-American, (ar) National Magazine August 1901
- The Story of the Sampson-Schley Feud, (ar) National Magazine September 1901
- Ballad of Fall Fishing, (pm) National Magazine October 1901
- The Passing of the Little Peoples, (ar) National Magazine October 1901
- Autumn, (pm) National Magazine November 1901
- A Christmas Dinner, (pm) National Magazine December 1901
- “Harlequinade”, (pm) National Magazine December 1901
- A Chat in the Smoking Car, (pm) National Magazine January 1902
- On a Drive Out Cambridge-Way, (pm) National Magazine February 1902
- Twenty-Third Psalm, (pm) National Magazine February 1902
- “Wild Life Near Home”, (ar) National Magazine February 1902
- Lowell and Field, (ar) National Magazine March 1902
- Our Poets, (pm) National Magazine March 1902, etc.
- The Gentleman from Germany, (ar) National Magazine April 1902
- The Birth of a New Republic, (ar) National Magazine May 1902
- Andrew Carnegie: His Book, (ar) National Magazine June 1902
- Note and Comment, (cl) National Magazine June 1902, etc.
- Recompense, (pm) National Magazine June 1902
- Men and Women of the Month, (ar) National Magazine July 1902
- Poor Little Mary MacLane, (pm) National Magazine July 1902
- Kipling, Body-Snatcher, (ar) National Magazine October 1902
- The Future of Mankind on the Earth, (ar) National Magazine November 1902
- Is This Another of Noguchi’s Pranks?, (ar) National Magazine December 1902
- The Retreat, (pm) National Magazine February 1903
- A Bill to Provide Corporations with Souls, (ar) National Magazine March 1903
- The End of It All, (pm) National Magazine March 1903
- If Cities Sell Light and Water, Why Not Heat?, (ar) National Magazine March 1903
- Man Adding Another Realm to His Estate, (ar) National Magazine March 1903
- The True Conservatives in America, (ar) National Magazine March 1903
- Will the Negro Assimilate, or Will He Perish?, (ar) National Magazine March 1903
- Concerning Some Recent Discussion of Pensions, (ar) National Magazine April 1903
- A New Vocabulary for a Good Old Game, (ar) National Magazine April 1903
- Service, (pm) National Magazine April 1903
- Socialism-What It Is and What It Means, (ar) National Magazine April 1903
- Beauty As an Inspirer of Divine Worship, (ar) National Magazine May 1903
- Concerning an Alleged Shortage in the Baby Crop, (ar) National Magazine May 1903
- The Farmer’s Son and His Problems, (ar) National Magazine May 1903
- Five First Class Americans of the Last Century, (ar) National Magazine May 1903
- Alone, (pm) National Magazine June 1903
- Draga, (pm) National Magazine August 1903
- This Man, They Said, Was False, (pm) National Magazine August 1903
- Mary MacClane’s Second Book, (br) National Magazine October 1903
- Charles Warren Stoddard in Cambridge, (br) National Magazine November 1903
- A Satar in the Literary Vaudville, (rv) National Magazine November 1903
- The Squire of Harvard Yard, (ar) National Magazine November 1903
- A Superfluous Autobiography, (br) National Magazine November 1903
- The Year with the Labor Unions, (ar) National Magazine November 1903
- 1904: A Chapter of Mere Personal Opinion, (es) National Magazine February 1904
- Revelation, (pm) National Magazine February 1904
- The War in the Far East, (ar) National Magazine March 1904
- From Boston, to the Boys, (pm) National Magazine April 1904
- On the Editor’s Desk, (cl) National Magazine April 1904, etc.
- Why Have We So Many Illiterates?, (ar) National Magazine April 1904
- New England’s Poet Laureate, (ar) National Magazine May 1904
- The Rising Tide of Presidential Year, (ar) National Magazine May 1904
- A Wood Song, (pm) National Magazine June 1904
- America’s Newest Humorist, (ar) National Magazine July 1904
- Civilization or Anarchy?, (ar) National Magazine July 1904
- Thaddy’s Song, (pm) National Magazine October 1904
- Setting the Heathen Free, (pm) National Magazine November 1904
- Favorite Books, (pm) National Magazine December 1904
- Song for the Savage Peoples, (pm) National Magazine January 1905
- A Ballad of the Gallery, (pm) The London Magazine May 1905
- Gomez, (pm) National Magazine August 1905
- Night, (pm) National Magazine August 1905
- The November Elections, (ar) National Magazine December 1905
- The Beggar at Our Door, (pm) National Magazine March 1906
- Ballade of Fate, (pm) National Magazine July 1906
- His Highness Heir-Apparent of Tomorrow, (pm) National Magazine July 1906
- The Lesson of the Portrait Busts, (ar) National Magazine July 1906
- Whitman and Traubel, (ar) National Magazine July 1906
- Six Great Editorial Writers, (ar) National Magazine September 1906
- The Mastery of the Gulf, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 9 1907
- A Texan’s European Studies, (cl) National Magazine February 1913, etc.
- America’s Issue with Japan, (ar) National Magazine January 1915
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