The FictionMags Index
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Aumonier, Stacy (James) (1877-1928) (about) (items)
- The Preposterous Princess, (ss) The Smart Set August 1915
- The Friends, (nv) The Century Magazine October 1915
- Burney’s Laugh, (ss) The Century Magazine July 1916
- The Match: To-day and Yesterday, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1916
- The Triple Scarab, (ss) Pictorial Review September 1916
- In the Way of Business, (nv) Pictorial Review March 1917
- The Packet, (nv) Collier’s May 26 1917
- “Them Others”, (ss) The Century Magazine August 1917
- Old Fags, (nv) The Grim 13 ed. Frederick Stuart Greene, Dodd, Mead, 1917
- “Solemn-Looking Blokes”, (ss) The Century Magazine 1917
- Mr. Van Heel of Virginia, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1918
- A Source of Irritation, (ss) The Century Magazine January 1918
- The Return, (ss) Land & Water March 7 1918, etc.
- The Bitter End, (ss) The Story-teller April 1918
- Tuez! Tuez!, (ss) The Century Magazine December 1918
- Mrs. Huggins’s Hun, (ss) The Century Magazine January 1919
- The Brothers, (ss) The Living Age February 1 1919
- The Landlord of the Love-a-Duck, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine July 1919
- A Grave Responsibility, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1919
- The Vanisher, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine August 1919
- The Genie of the Dingle, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine September 1919
- The Golden Windmill, (ss) Pictorial Review October 1919
- The Great Unimpressionable, (ss) Pictorial Review November 1919
- Mrs. Twohey Goes Over the Top, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1920
- London Discovers “Uncle Abe”, (ar) The Century Magazine February 1920
- Just the Same, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine May 1920
- The Train Among the Minnows, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine June 1920
- The White Flower of a Blameless Life, (ss) The Story-teller June 1920
- The Brothers Krinkin, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine August 1920
- A Good Action, (ss) The Century Magazine August 1920
- Page 189, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #101, August 1920
- George, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) September 1920
- Business and Desires, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 2 1920
- The Bent Tree, (ss) Pan October 1920
- The Little Window of the Night, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine October 1920
- Little White Frock, (ss) The Story-teller November 1920
- Old Iron, (ss) McCall’s Magazine January 1921
- Where Was Wych Street?, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 26 1921
- The Lovers, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine February 1921
- A Steadying Influence, (ss) Pan April 1921
- The Strong, Silent Man and the Perfect Woman, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine May 1921
- A Man of Letters, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1921
- “Face”, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine August 1921
- The Beautiful Merciless Lady, (ss) Pictorial Review September 1921
- The Importance of Tripping Over a Mat, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 24 1921
- The Old Lady with Two Umbrellas, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine December 1921
- The Great Impressionable, (ss) The Love-a-Duck and Other Stories by Stacy Aumonier, Hutchinson, 1921
- The Angel of Accomplishment, (ss) The Story-teller February 1922
- The Accident of Crime, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1922
- Heart-Whole, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1922
- The Funny Man’s Day, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1922
- The Old Boys’ Dinner, (ss) Gaiety June 1922
- A Lesson for You, (ss) Gaiety July 1922
- The Last Night, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine August 1922
- Miss Bracegirdle Does Her Duty, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1922
- The Octave of Jealousy, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1922
- Second Subject, (ss) John o’ London’s Weekly December 9 1922
- One Thing Leads to Another, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1923
- Bilj, (pl) John o’ London’s Weekly February 3 1923
- Where Ideas Come From, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine March 1923
- The Fall, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 28 1923
- The Possessive Sense, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1923
- The Kidnapped “General”, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1923
- The Most Wonderful Thing in the World, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine September 1923
- It All Takes Time, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1923
- Overheard, (ss) John o’ London’s Weekly December 8 1923
- The Brown Wallet, (ss) Miss Bracegirdle and Others by Stacy Aumonier, Hutchinson, 1923
- Mrs. Beelbrow’s Lions, (ss) Miss Bracegirdle and Others by Stacy Aumonier, Hutchinson, 1923
- Are Our Prisoners Coddled?, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine January 1924
- Dark Red Roses, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1924
- Freddy Finds Himself, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1924
- The Persistent Mother, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1924
- What Chen Li Stole from His Neighbour, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #146, May 1924
- Within the Shadow of a Memory, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day May 1924
- The Dark Corridor, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1924
- Glittering Prizes, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1924
- Not Done, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1924
- Juxtapositions, (ss) Pictorial Review November 1924
- The Baby Grand, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1924
- One Sunday Morning, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1924
- What Was She to Think?, (ss) Overheard by Stacy Aumonier, Heinemann, 1924
- The Young Man Who Wrote Home to Mother, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1925
- The Man Who Married for Money, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1925
- The Happy Man, (nv) The Story-teller July 1925
- And Life Went On, (ss) The Blue Magazine #75, September 1925
- The Room, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1926
- Funeral March, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1926
- Mrs. Pomeroy’s Pies, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1926
- Armistice, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 15 1926
- Glancing Sideways, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine May 1926
- The One-Pound Note, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1926
- The Spoil-Sport, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1926
- The Perfect Murder, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1926
- The Halt, (ss) Woman December 1926
- The Interrupted Letter, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1927
- “How My Plots Come to Me”, (sy) The Strand Magazine April 1927, as by Stacy Aumonier, F. Britten Austin, J. D. Beresford, Gilbert Frankau, Ian Hay, W. W. Jacobs, Edgar Jepson, Sheila Kaye-Smith, Denis Mackail, Compton Mackenzie, W. B. Maxwell, Max Pemberton, Sapper & E. Temple Thurston
- Arpeggio, (ss) The London Magazine May 1927
- “Put It Down Outside!”, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine July 1927
- Two of Those Women, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1927
- Personality, (ar) Woman’s Journal December 1927
- Soames Forsyte, (ms) The Strand Magazine December 1927
- Holding the Mirror Up to Marriage, (ar) Woman’s Journal August 1928
- Why Be Ashamed of Civilization?, (ar) The London Magazine August 1928
- One Law for the Rich, (ss) The Funny Bone ed. Lady Cynthia Asquith, Jarrolds, 1928
- Nothing Ever Happens, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1928
- Straight Griggs, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1928
- The Song of Praise, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1929
- The Old Lady with the Two Umbrellas, (ss)
- What Chen Lin Stole from His Neighbour, (ss)
- What Happened to George, (ss)
Aunt Fanny; pseudonym of Fanny Barrow (1822-1894) (items)
- How Georgy Got the Oysters, (pm) The Riverside Magazine for Young People September 1867
- How Charlie Cracked the World, (vi) St. Nicholas October 1874
- The Fair at Pau, (ss) St. Nicholas April 1875
- The Blue-Coat Boy, (ss) St. Nicholas August 1877
- The New Clothes (A True Story), (vi) St. Nicholas December 1878
- Hearing Without Ears, (ar) St. Nicholas February 1880
- Sunshine in May Fair, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1880
- Some Gossiping Papers, (cl) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1880, etc.
- Mayo’s Mice, (vi) St. Nicholas June 1882
- Under the Apple Tree, (pm) St. Nicholas September 1883
Aurelian, Robin; pseudonym of Nina Kiriki Hoffman (1955- ) (items)
- Answering Machines, (ss) VB Tech Journal July 1995
- The Santa Trap, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1997
- Jelly Bones, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1997
- Proxies, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1998
- A Choice of Graces, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1999
- Foreign Exchange, (ss) Christmas Guests by Dean Wesley Smith & Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Writer's Ink Press, 2002, as by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
- Bait, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2010
Aus, Carol (1878-1934) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post November 20 1909
- [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post July 30 1910
- [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post September 24 1910
- [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post February 1 1913
- [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post May 3 1913
- [front cover], (cv) Smith’s Magazine November 1913
- [front cover], (cv) Smith’s Magazine August 1914
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories September 1914
- [front cover], (cv) Smith’s Magazine February 1915
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories with Keith’s House Plans April 1915
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories September 1915
Ausema, Daniel (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Sleep Magic, (ss) All Possible Worlds Spring 2007
- First Peeling, (ss) Kaleidotrope #2, April 2007
- The Underground School of Lower Education, (ss) OG’s Speculative Fiction #6, May 2007
- People of the Growing Moon, (ss) Spinning Whorl #3, Spring 2007
- Stump Courtship, (ss) Kaleidotrope #3, October 2007
- Word Doctor, (ss) Nemonymous #7, 2007, uncredited.
- The Bramble Wolf and the Hunter, (ss) New Myths #3, June 2008
- Exile, Self-selected, (ss) MindFlights #3, Summer 2008
- The Rude Man’s Menagerie, (ss) Nemonymous #9, 2009, uncredited.
- Cities of Nostalgia, (ss) Kaleidotrope #11, April 2011
- Fall of the City, (vi) Daily Science Fiction June 27 2011
- Spell, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss June 2011
- To Save a Hero, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2011
- The Square That Hides a Thousand Stories, (ss) Penumbra (online) October 2011
- Tree Ring Anthology, (ss) The Horror Anthology of Horror Anthologies ed. D. F. Lewis, Megazanthus Press, 2011
- Gallery of Vanquished Art, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2012
- A Dream of the City’s Future, (ss) Penumbra (online) August 2012
- Moon Magic Eclipse, (vi) New Myths #20, September 2012
- The Rustic Ladder, (ss) Bourbon Penn #5, September 2012
- Scolyard’s “The Constructs Foresee Their Doom”, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #23, May 2013
- Winter on Mars, (pm) Space and Time #119, Summer/Fall 2013
- Three Adventures of Simon Says, the Elder, (ss) Unlikely Story #6, August 2013
- To Hunt a Sky Eel, (ss) Perihelion October 12 2013
- The Letter Hidden in the Alphabet, (ss) Bourbon Penn #8, November 2013
- Seven Ways of Bringing Down the Regime, (ss) Electric Velocipede #27, 2013
- The Bridge of Lok-Altor, (ss) SQ Mag #12, January 2014
- The Skin Stealer, (ss) Penumbra (online) March 2014
- Orthography in the Lands of Yahm, (pm) Strange Horizons January 12 2015
- Seasons in a Moon Ocean, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #100, January 2015
- Among the Sighs of the Violoncellos, (ss) Strange Horizons April 13 2015
- Beings of Air, (pm) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2016
- The Blood Tree War, (ss) Diabolical Plots #14, April 2016
- The Flight of a Village in the Midst of War, (vi) Daily Science Fiction September 19 2016
- The Front, (ss) Bourbon Penn #12, November 2016
- Peace, a Triptych, (vi) Spirit’s Tincture #2, November 2016
- The Poetics of Defiance, (nv) GigaNotoSaurus January 1 2017
- Tending a Trace of Chaos, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2017
- Some Things Overlooked, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2017
- The Desert Cure, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) October/December 2017
- Three Days of Unnamed Silence, (ss) Diabolical Plots #32, October 2017
- Alien Artifact Restoration, (pm) On Spec #106, 2017
- The Towers Are on Strike, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 26 2018
- Doppelganger Showdown, (ss) FrostFire Worlds #20, May 2018
- The Scapegoat Village, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2019
- Amid Sun and Stone, an Alias, (ss) Mirror Dance #44, Spring 2019
- Carnival Days and Days, (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 29 2020
- Heroes Never Die, (vi) Frozen Wavelets #3, Spring 2020
- Body double for the oldest organism, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2020
- The Flying City, (pm) Liminality #24, Summer 2020
- Assailing the Garden of Pleasure, (ss) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #45, 2020
- The Huntress and the Conveyor Worlds, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #23, Autumn 2020
- The Bridge Fugue: Variations on Emptiness, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 15 2020
- The Pelagic Colossus, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2021
- Triptych of the Final String, (vi) New Myths #55, June 2021
- The Forbidden Path to Forgetting, (pm) Fantasy Magazine #71, September 2021
- A Chance to Breathe, (ss) Zooscape #13, December 15 2021
- Goddess of the Braided Light, (ss) New Myths #58, Spring 2022
- The Boatman Statue, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2022
- The Quartermaster Trial, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #30, Summer 2022
- By the Scars Shall You Know, (ss) Metaphorosis July 2022
- The Grammar of City Streets, (ss) Diabolical Plots #91, September 2022
- Excavating Lost Languages, (vi) Frozen Wavelets #8, 2023
- Hands That Cannot Grasp, (pm) Kaleidotrope Spring 2023
- What Passes for Eyes in Dreams and Death, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #92, June 2023
- The Alien Words, Formed and Empty, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2023
- In the City of the Faced, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #33, March 2024
- What Grows from Our Heads, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #127, May 2024
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