The FictionMags Index
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[]Arnold, Winifred (1874-?) (chron.)
- * April Fool!, (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1918
- * Aunt Hepsey’s Heathen, (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1914
- * Beware of a Handsome Husband!, (ss) Smith’s Magazine February 1920
- * Billy and the Christmas Spirit, (ss) Smith’s Magazine January 1918
- * Blessed Are They That Mourn, (ss) Smith’s Magazine June 1913
- * The Boudoir-Cap and the Mere Man, (ss) McCall’s Magazine April 1916
- * A Bungalow in Spain, (ss) McCall’s Magazine February 1915
- * Comedy à la Grand’mre, (ss) Smith’s Magazine June 1910
- * The Crayon Enlargement, (ss) Smith’s Magazine March 1911
- * Dan Cupid—Efficiency Expert, (pm) Breezy Stories January 1918
- * A Favorite of Fate, (ss) Young’s Magazine August 1919
- * “First Aid to the Christmas Gifted”, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st January 1920
- * A Foolish Little Woman, (ss) Smith’s Magazine December 1919
- * For Art’s Sake, (vi) Smith’s Magazine August 1907
- * A Garden After Rain, (pm) The People’s Home Journal September 1923
- * The Girl That Made Herself Over, (ss) Young’s Magazine November 1913
- * The Girl Who Made Herself Cheap, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1914
- * The House That John Built, (vi) Smith’s Magazine May 1918
- * Ketury’s Diamond Wedding, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine February 1908
- * Lady Clara Vere de Vere and the Motorman, (ss) Today’s Housewife November 1917
- * Lightning’s Second Stroke, (ss) Top-Notch August 1 1912
- * Little Merry Christmas, (nv) Smith’s Magazine January 1914
- * A Lucky Sign, (ss) The Argosy June 1914
- * The Making of a Slacker, (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1918
- * A Match-maker in Union Square, (ss) People’s October 1908
- * Mis’ Bassett’s Matrimonial Bureau, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine August 1904
- * Morpheus Takes a Hand, (ss) Holland’s January 1914
- * Mrs. Bassett’s Squash Pie, (vi) Everybody’s Magazine October 1903
- * Mrs. Radigan Buys a Bond [Mrs. Radigan], (ss) Smith’s Magazine December 1918
- * Mrs. Radigan’s Picnic [Mrs. Radigan], (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1913
- * Only Ten Minutes, (ss) Smith’s Magazine June 1919
- * The Parkin Plan in Marcella Street [Mrs. Radigan], (ss) Smith’s Magazine October 1917
- * The Parlow Reunion, (ss) Smith’s Magazine August 1917
- * Philury Jane, Deaconess, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine June 1906
- * Polly Ann’s Memorial Party, (ss) The Outlook September 3 1904
- * The Preparedness of Polly, (ss) Smith’s Magazine September 1916
- * The Pundita’s Veil, (ss) The Bellman #416, July 4 1914
- * The Return, (ss) Smith’s Magazine September 1919
- * Sad Old Bill Wise, (pm) The Country Gentleman January 1 1916
- * “Safety First”—in Japan, (hu) Smith’s Magazine February 1920
- * “Showing” Trudie Renfrew, (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1917
- * A Small Town Adonis, (ss) Smith’s Magazine January 1919
- * Stansberry’s First Lesson, (ss) The Bellman #389, December 27 1913
- * “Thank You”, (pm) The New Magazine (UK) January 1916
- * Trust, (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1919
- * The Wife Test, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1916
- * With the Aid of the Boy, (vi) Smith’s Magazine August 1910
- * Your Uncle Zekle’s Carpet, (vi) Everybody’s Magazine April 1904
[]Arnott, Joanne (chron.)
- * Bear with Me: Daniel David Moses, Interview, (iv) Yellow Medicine Review v2, 2007 [Ref. Daniel David Moses]
- * Review of Daniel David Moses, Pursued by a Bear, Talks, Monologues, and Tales, Toronto: Exile Editions, 2005., (br) Yellow Medicine Review v2, 2007 [Ref. Daniel David Moses]
[]Arnott, Leonore (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Belated Honeymoon, (nv) All-Story Love Stories March 31 1934
- * Bride on Demand, (nv) All-Story Love Stories August 11 1934
- * Glimpses of Glory, (ss) All-Story Love Stories November 18 1933
- * Her Sacrifice, (ss) All-Story Love Stories January 1 1933
- * A Husband by the Hour, (ss) All-Story Love Stories February 15 1933
- * Lovers’ Moon, (nv) All-Story Love Stories September 22 1934
- * Scandal’s Child, (ss) All-Story Love Stories June 23 1934
- * That Sort of Girl, (ss) All-Story Love Stories April 14 1934
- * Three Times a Bridesmaid, (nv) All-Story Love Stories June 19 1937
- * Today’s Love, (ss) All-Story Love Stories April 15 1933
- * Too Good to Be Happy, (ss) All-Story Love Stories July 14 1934
- * Where Do I Come In?, (ss) All-Story Love Stories June 15 1933
- * Why Did I Marry?, (nv) All-Story Love Stories April 20 1935
[]Arnott, Marion (fl. 2000s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Alsiso, (nv) The Alsiso Project ed. Andrew Hook, Elastic Press, 2004
- * Angel, (ss)
- * Another in from the Cold, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories by Women ed. Marie O'Regan, Robinson, 2012
- * Dollface, (nv) Sleepwalkers, Elastic Press, 2003
- * Fortune’s Favourite, (ss)
- * Lest We Forget, (ss) Nova Scotia ed. Neil Williamson & Andrew J. Wilson, Crescent, 2005
- * The Little Drummer Boy, (nv) Extended Play ed. Gary Couzens, Elastic Press, 2006
- * Madeleine, (ss) Crimewave #7, 2003
- * Marbles, (nv) Crimewave #6, 2002
- * The Persistence of Memory, (ss) Midnight Street #12, Spring 2009
- * Princess, (ss) Roadworks #16, Summer/Autumn 2003
- * Prussian Snowdrops, (nv) Crimewave #4, 2000
- * Sleepwalkers, (co) Elastic Press, August 2003
- * Sleepwalkers, (ss)
- * A Small Miracle, (ss)
- * Underground, (ss)
- * When We Were Five, (nv) The Elastic Book of Numbers ed. Allen Ashley, Elastic Press, 2005
- * Yes, (ss)
_____, [ref.]
[]Arny, Grace Lea (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * The Cad [Jack & Jill], (ss) Smith’s Magazine January 1917
- * Don Pavlo and the Baby Doll [Jack & Jill], (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1917
- * The Fate of Gladys McGuiggin, (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1917
- * Happy People, (ss) Smith’s Magazine December 1915
- * The Hope Chest, (ss) McBride’s Magazine November 1915
- * The House That Jack Built [Jack & Jill], (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1916
- * The One Chance, (ss) Smith’s Magazine March 1916
- * Should I Let Him Kiss Me?, (ss) Smith’s Magazine May 1917
- * A Summertime Romance, (nv) Smith’s Magazine July 1918
- * When Jill Came Tumbling After [Jack & Jill], (ss) Smith’s Magazine October 1916
[]Arnzen, Michael A(ndrew) (1967- ) (books) (chron.)
- * 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, (co) Raw Dog Screaming, July 2004
- * After the Neo-Dark Age, (pm) Heliocentric Net #1, 1992
- * After Words, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #5, 1991
- * The Alternative: A Commentary, (as) A Primer to Ramsey Campbell by Ramsey Campbell, Dark Moon Books, 2021
- * Amityvillians, (pm) Doppelgänger #11, October 1989
- * Amputating the Phantom, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * Anniversary Meal, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * The Astronaut’s Camping Trip, (pm) Writhing in Darkness: Part II, Dark Regions Press, 1997
- * Awake, (pm) Unreality #4, 1993
- * Baby Steps, (vi) 100 Word Horrors ed. Kevin J. Kennedy & Brandy Yassa, KJK Publishing, 2018
- * Baby Teeth, (ss) Dead of Night #5, Spring 1990
- * Beyond Undead, (vi) FlashShot December 2002
- * The Bill: A Commentary, (as) A Primer to Ramsey Campbell by Ramsey Campbell, Dark Moon Books, 2021
- * The Bite, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #4, 1990
- * The Bitter Wife, (vi) August 2003
- * Blasphemebus, (ss) Thou Shalt Not… ed. Lee Allen Howard, Dark Cloud Press, 2006
- * Blind Spot, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * The Blood Ran Out, (vi) 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995
- * The Boblin, (ss) Scary! Holiday Tales to Make You Scream ed. Paul Melniczek, Double Dragon Publishing, 2003
- * Bone Cancer, (pm) Dark Animus #1, November 2002
- * Bookworm, (vi) Macabre #1, 2002
- * Brain Candy, (vi) FlashShot January 2004
- * Brazilian Night, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #35, September 1991
- * Breakdown for Breakfast, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #1, October 2002
- * Burning Bridges, (vi) The Murder Hole June 2002
- * Canines, (vi) FlashShot November 2002
- * Censorship, (pm) Wicked Mystic #19, 1992
- * The Chandelier, (pm) Dark Animus #3, May 2003
- * A Change of Policy, (vi) Needles and Sins, Dark Regions Press, 1993
- * Changing Channelers, (pm) Twisted #6, Summer/Fall 1991
- * Chanting Richard, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * Checkmate Roommate, (vi) 100 Word Horrors ed. Kevin J. Kennedy & Brandy Yassa, KJK Publishing, 2018
- * Cheese, (ss) The Urbanite #5, 1995
- * Chew Again, (pm) Writhing in Darkness: Part I, Dark Regions Press, 1997
- * Childhood and Media Literacy in The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #164, April 2002 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Choppers, (vi) 42opus December 2002
- * The Church at the Bottom of the Sea, (pm) Weird Tales: 100 Years of Weird ed. Jonathan Maberry, Blackstone Publishing, 2023
- * The Cold Man, (pm) Twisted #6, Summer/Fall 1991
- * Commute, (pm) Writhing in Darkness: Part II, Dark Regions Press, 1997
- * The Companion: A Commentary, (as) A Primer to Ramsey Campbell by Ramsey Campbell, Dark Moon Books, 2021
- * Contused, (vi) FlashShot March 2003
- * Convictions, (vi) Worlds of Surrealism Winter 1990
- * Copycats, (ss) Needles and Sins, Dark Regions Press, 1993
- * Counterpoint, (ss) Needles and Sins, Dark Regions Press, 1993
- * The Cow Cafe, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * Crusty Old Age, (vi) The Goreletter October 2002
- * The Curse of Fat Face, (vi) Vestal Review October 2002
- * The Cut of My Jib, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * Darkroom Cuts, (pm) Writhing in Darkness: Part II, Dark Regions Press, 1997
- * The Dead Head, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * The Dead Lantern (with Edgar Allan Poe), (ss) Poe’s Lighthouse ed. Christopher Conlon, Cemetery Dance, 2006
- * Dealer’s Choice, (ar) Palace Corbie #5, 1994
- * Death of Horror Poetry—or Kill the Peckers (with Wayne Edwards, Steve Eng, Joey Froehlich, W. Paul Ganley, Lisa Lepovetsky, Margaret Ballif Simon & Ree Young), (pm) Star*Line September/October 1992
- * Deck Stain, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #4, Fall 2002
- * Degrees of Separation, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * Diagara, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * Disgruntled, (vi) The Murder Hole March 2003
- * Diving In, (vi) August 2003
- * The Divorcée at the Airport, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #78, 2007
- * Doctor Thomas’s Brainstorm, (ss) Midnight Zoo v1 #3, 1991
- * Domestic Fowl, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * A Donation, (vi) Zoiks! 1989
- * Doofus, (vi) August 2003
- * Double Burial, (pm) The Sterling Web Winter 1991
- * Dreamachinery, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * Dried Red Leech Found in a Dusty Book, (pm) Writhing in Darkness: Part I, Dark Regions Press, 1997
- * Early to Bed, Early to Rise, (pm) Doppelgänger #11, October 1989
- * Eclipse of Reason, (pm) Glimpses #1, 1993
- * The Eight Ball in Big Mouth’s Pocket, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * Endless Shrimp, (ss) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #4, Fall 2010
- * End of a Millennium, (pm) Dead of Night #6, Summer 1990
- * The End of the Fly, (pm) Bare Bone #5, 2004
- * Environmental (with Ree Young), (pm) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
- * Everyone’s Too Busy, (pm) Macabre #3, 2004
- * An Evil Eye, (vi) 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, Raw Dog Screaming, 2004
- * Exogenesis, (pm) Thin Ice #9, 1991
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