The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 727
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Silverman, Brian (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Breadfruit [Leonard & Tubby], (nv) Mystery Tribune #3, Fall 2017
- * Cow Foot, (ss) Mystery Tribune #14, October/November 2020
- * Gastrofunkalicious, (ss) Mystery Weekly February 2021
- * Land of Promise, (ss) Mystery Tribune #12, Winter 2020
- * Oil Down [Leonard & Tubby], (ss) Mystery Tribune #4, Winter 2018
- * The Pizza Job: To Go, (ss) Mystery Magazine July 2023
- * Saltfish, (ss) Mystery Tribune #9, Spring 2019
- * Scotch Bonnet [Leonard & Tubby], (nv) Down & Out: The Magazine v1 #4, 2018
Silvester, Jack (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * Danger to Females, (nv) Leisure Detective #16, 195?
- * Framed for Murder, (nv) Action Detective Magazine #9, 1953
- * Gangster’s Girl, (ss) Colin Calhoun Detective #3, 195?
- * Girl Trap, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #2, 195?
- * The Naked Witness, (nv) Action Detective Magazine #11, 1953 (var.1)
- * The Prude Nude, (nv) Mystery Digest May 1959
Simenon, Georges (1903-1989) (chron.)
- * According to the Altar Boy [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Argosy (UK) January 1963; translated from the French (“Le Témoignage de l’Enfant de Chur”, Maigret et l’Inspecteur Malgracieux, Presses de la Cite, 1947) by J. E. Malcolm.
- * Affaire Ziliouk [Monsieur Froget], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #16, May 1944; translated from the French (Les 13 Coupables, 1932) by Anthony Boucher.
- * Blessed Are the Meek [Kachoudas], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #65, April 1949; translated from the French by Frances Frenaye.
- * The Case of Arnold Schuttringer [Monsieur Froget], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1942; translated from the French (Les 13 Coupables, 1932) by Anthony Boucher.
- * The Case of the Three Bicyclists [Monsieur Froget], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #32, July 1946; translated from the French (Les 13 Coupables, 1932) by Anthony Boucher.
- * Le Château de l’Arsenic [Dr. Jean Dollent], (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1947; translated from the French (Le Petit Docteur, 1943).
- * The Chateau of Missing Men [G.7], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #57, August 1948; translated from the French (Les 13 Enigmes, 1932) by Anthony Boucher.
- * Crime in the Rue Sainte-Catherine [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Argosy (UK) January 1963, as "According to the Altar Boy"
- * The Deadly Voyage [Insp. Jules Maigret], (na) Maigret Keeps a Rendezvous by Georges Simenon, George Routledge & Sons, 1940, as "The Sailors’ Rendezvous"
- * Dead Man’s Barge [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) December 1961; translated from the French (“La Péniche aux Deux Pendus”, Paris-Soir-Dimanche, November 1, 1936) by J. E. Malcolm.
- * Death of a Countess [Insp. Jules Maigret], (na) Maigret Keeps a Rendezvous by Georges Simenon, George Routledge & Sons, 1940, as "The Saint-Fiacre Affair"
- * Elusive Witness [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Suspense Magazine Summer 1951; translated from the French (“Le Témoignage de l’Enfant de Chur”, Maigret et l’Inspecteur Malgracieux, Presses de la Cite, 1947).
- * The Inn of the Drowned [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1975; translated from the French (“L’Auberge aux Noyés”, Police-Film/Police-Roman, November 11, 1938) by Mary Scudamore.
- * Inspector Maigret and the Missing Miniatures [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1972; translated from “Le Notaire du Châteauneuf” (Police-Film/Police-Roman, June 17, 1938) by Mary Scudamore.
- * Inspector Maigret Deduces [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) October 1961, as "Jeumont: 51 Minutes’ Wait"
- * Inspector Maigret Directs [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) November 1961, as "Under the Hammer"
- * Inspector Maigret Hesitates [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1969; translated from the French (“Monsieur Lundi”, Paris-Soir-Dimanche, December 20, 1936) by Jean Stewart.
- * Inspector Maigret Investigates [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) February 1962, as "Rue Pigalle"
- * Inspector Maigret Pursues [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) January 1962, as "The Man on the Run"
- * Inspector Maigret Smokes His Pipe [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1977; translated from the French (“La Fenêtre Ouverte”, Paris-Soir-Dimanche, November 8, 1936) by Bolton Melliss & Suzie deSurvilliers.
- * Inspector Maigret’s War of Nerves [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1968; translated from the French (“Peine de Mort”, Paris-Soir-Dimanche, November 15, 1936) by Eileen Ellenbogen.
- * Inspector Maigret Thinks [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) December 1961, as "Dead Man’s Barge"
- * Jeumont: 51 Minutes’ Wait [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) October 1961; translated from the French (“Jeumont, 51 minutes d’arrêt”, Les Nouvelles Enquêtes de Maigret, Gallimard, 1944) by J. E. Malcolm.
- * Journey Into Time [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1956; translated from the French (“Les Larmes de Bougie”, Paris-Soir-Dimanche, November 22, 1936) by Lawrence G. Blochman.
- * The Little Doctor and the Slipper Fiend [Dr. Jean Dollent], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1955; translated from the French (“L’Amoureux aus Pantoufles”, Le Petit Docteur, Gallimard, 1943) by Frances Frenaye.
- * The Little House at Croix-Rousse [Joseph Leborgne], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #48, November 1947; translated from the French (“Le Pavillon de la Croix-Rousse”, as by Georges Sim, Détective, May 2, 1929 & May 16, 1929) by Anthony Boucher.
- * Madame Maigret’s Admirer [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #86, January 1951, as "The Stronger Vessel"
- * Maigret and the Frightened Dressmaker [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1973; translated from the French (“Mademoiselle Berthe et son amant”, Police-Film, April 29, 1938) by Eileen Ellenbogen.
- * Maigret’s Christmas [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #122, January 1954; translated from the French (“Un Noél de Maigret”, Presses de la Cite, 1951) by Lawrence G. Blochman.
- * The Man Behind the Looking Glass, (na) The New Black Mask No.6 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, HBJ, 1986; translated from the French (“La Cage d’Emile”, 1943) by Harold J. Salemson.
- * The Man from Out There, (ss) 1944
- * The Man on the Run [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) January 1962; translated from the French “L’Homme dans la rue”, Maigret et les petits cochons sans queue, Presses de la Cité, 1950) by J. E. Malcolm.
- * A Matter of Life and Death, (na) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #98, January 1952; translated from the French (“Sept Petites Croix dans un Carnet”, Un Noël de Maigret, Presses de la Cité, 1951) by Geoffrey Sainsbury.
- * The Most Obstinate Man in Paris [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1957; translated from the French (“Le Client le plus obstiné du monde”, Maigret et l’Inspecteur Malchanceux, Presse de la Cite, 1947) by Lawrence G. Blochman.
- * Nouchi [Monsieur Froget], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #61, December 1948; translated from the French (Détective 10 & 24 Apr, 1930, as by Georges Sim) by Anthony Boucher.
- * The Old Lady of Bayeux [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #105, August 1952; translated from the French (“La Vieille Dame de Bayeux”, Police-Roman, February 3, 1939) by Anthony Boucher.
- * The Reluctant Killer, (n.) 2 Detective Mystery Novels Magazine Summer 1950
- * Rue Pigalle [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) February 1962; translated from the French (“Rue Pigalle”, Paris-Soir-Dimanche, November 29, 1936) by J. E. Malcolm.
- * The Safe of the S.S.S. [Joseph Leborgne], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #35, October 1946; translated from the French (Les 13 Mystères, 1932) by Anthony Boucher.
- * The Sailors’ Rendezvous [Insp. Jules Maigret], (na) Maigret Keeps a Rendezvous by Georges Simenon, George Routledge & Sons, 1940
- * The Saint-Fiacre Affair [Insp. Jules Maigret], (na) Maigret Keeps a Rendezvous by Georges Simenon, George Routledge & Sons, 1940
- * The Secret of Fort Bayard [G.7], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #13, November 1943; translated from the French (“Le Secret du Fort Bayard”, Détective, November 21, 1929 & December 5, 1929) by Anthony Boucher.
- * Simenon’s Red Lights, (ex) from Red Lights,
- * The Slipper Fiend [Dr. Jean Dollent], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1955, as "The Little Doctor and the Slipper Fiend"
- * Stan the Killer [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #70, September 1949; translated from the French (“Stan Le Tueur”, Police-Roman, December 23, 1938) by Anthony Boucher.
- * Storm in the Channel [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Maigret’s Pipe by Georges Simenon, tr. Jean Stewart, Hamish Hamilton, 1977
- * The Stronger Vessel [Insp. Jules Maigret], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #86, January 1951; translated from the French (“L’Amoureux de Madame Maigret”, Police-Roman, July 28, 1939) by Anthony Boucher.
- * The Three Rembrandts [Joseph Leborgne], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #12, September 1943; translated from the French (Les 13 Mystères, 1932) by Anthony Boucher.
- * The Tracy Enigma [G.7], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #42, May 1947; translated from the French (Les 13 Enigmes, 1932) by Anthony Boucher.
- * Under the Hammer [Insp. Jules Maigret], (ss) Argosy (UK) November 1961; translated from the French (“Vente à la bougie”, Les Petits Cochons sans Queue, Presse de la Cite, 1955) by J. E. Malcolm.
_____, [ref.]
- * All the Short Cases of Inspector Maigret by Gary L. Gannett, (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1977
- * And as for All These Pipes I’m Supposed to Smoke by Alison Joseph, (ar) Crime Time #35, 2003
- * A Bibliography and English Language Index to Georges Simenon’s Maigret Novels by Norman J. Shaffer, (bi) The Armchair Detective October 1969
- * The Complete Works of Georges Simenon by Claude Mauriac, (ar) The Armchair Detective April 1969
- * Desperately Seeking Simenon by Mike Ashley, (ar) Crime Time #35, 2003
- * Films Durs et Douces: The Continuing Appeal of the French Master by Michael Carlson, (ar) Crime Time #35, 2003
- * Georges Simenon: An Interview, (iv) The New Black Mask No.6 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, HBJ, 1986
- * Georges Simenon’s Jules Maigret by Peter Haining, (ar) The Strand Magazine #14, 2004
- * Inspector Jules Maigret by Peter Foord, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #33, 1999
- * In the Wake of Pipe Smoke: Georges Simenon, Maigret and the Police Procedural by Benjamin Welton, (ar) Crime Factory v2 #16, 2014
- * Know Your Favourite Author—Georges Simenon, (bg) MacKill’s Mystery Magazine August 1953
- * Maigret vs. Holmes by Alison Joseph, (ar) Crime Time #54, 2008
- * Simenon: An Introduction by David Carter, (ar) Crime Time #34, 2003
- * Simenon on the Road by Maxim Jakubowski, (ar) Crime Time #35, 2003
- * Simenon’s “The Blue Room”: A Double View by Michael Carlson & Susan Rowland, (ar) Crime Time #35, 2003
- * Simenon: The Rehabilitation of Genius by David Carter, (ar) Crime Time #35, 2003
- * [cartoon(s)] by Ralph Sallon, (ct) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #25, August 1966
Simmons, Albert (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * An Armful of Murder, (nv) Crime and Justice Detective Story Magazine #4, March 1957
- * Dead Air, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine June 1951
- * Deadly Downbeat, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine February 1953
- * Dead Swamp Racketeers, (nv) 15 Story Detective June 1950
- * The Desperate Whisper, (ss) Murder December 1956
- * Die Now, Lover, (ss) Mystery Tales February 1959
- * Disc-Jockey Dirge, (ss) Black Mask Detective November 1950
- * Hold That Tigress!, (nv) 15 Story Detective August 1950
- * Invitation to Murder, (nv) Manhunt September 1956
- * Murder Is the Best Policy, (ss) Black Mask Detective May 1950
- * Murder Spins the Disc, (nv) 15 Story Detective April 1950
- * The Prowler, (ss) Sure-Fire Detective Stories January 1957
- * She’ll Fool You Every Crime, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine May 1950
- * Stand In, (ss) Manhunt December 1959
- * Strictly Guilt-Edged, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine August 1952
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