The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 721

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    Movie Detective   (about)
    Movie Detective capitalised on the popularity of the Hollywood screen magazines and mainly contained story adaptations of recent films. It only lasted for two issues, though sources differ on the dates of those issues, as indicated below.

    Movie Detective [Volume 1 Number 2, February 1942] (Manhattan Fiction Publications, 10¢, pulp)
    Other sources give this as v1 #1, dated December 1942.
    Details taken from Table of Contents.

    Movie Mystery Magazine   (about)
    Movie Mystery Magazine was a digest magazine, printed on the rough paper of the paperbacks of the day, and featuring one novelization of a movie in each issue. It stood little chance when competing with the slick, large, movie magazines of the time and folded after three issues.

    • Publishers:
      • Anson Bond Publications, Inc.; 913 La Cienaga Blvd., Hollywood 46, CA: Movie Mystery Magazine.
    • Editors:

    Murdaland   (about)
    Subtitled “Crime Fiction for the 21st Century”, Murdaland was “a literary magazine dedicated to fiction that evokes the spirit and motifs of classic crime novels and film noir: dread, lust, violence, greed, nasty habits, bad feelings and worse decisions”.

    • Publishers:
      • Mug Shot Press; 1739 East Carson Street, #355, Pittsburgh, PA 15203: Murdaland.
    • Editors:

    Murder   (about)
    Launched after the success of Manhunt, Murder featured the same mix of contemporary murder and crime-adventure stories, but was discontinued in the face of fierce competition before establishing its identity with the reading public. The title is given as Murder! on the cover only.

    • Publishers:
      • Flying Eagle Publications, Inc.; 545 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, NY: Murder, Sep 1956 – Dec 1956.
      • Fine Art Publications, Inc.; 545 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, NY: Murder, Mar 1957.
      • Decker Publications, Inc.; 122 East 42nd Street, New York 17, NY: Murder, Jul 1957.
    • Editors:

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