The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 557
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Michel, John B(lythe) (1917-1968); used pseudonyms Alan Barrister, Bowen Conway, Hugh Raymond & John Tara (about) (chron.)
- * After Five Slays, Return, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1943
- * “…And He but Naked…”, (ss) Famous Detective Stories February 1956, as by John Tara
- * Claggett’s Folly, (ss) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1942, as by Hugh Raymond
- * Cop Suey, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1944, as by Alan Barrister
- * God Rest Ye, Mrs. Qympen, (ss) Famous Detective Stories April 1956, as by John Tara
- * Horizon, (ss) Fast Action Detective and Mystery Stories March 1957, as by John Tara
- * If the Shroud Fits, (ss) Ten Detective Aces August 1943
- * The Model Corpse, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine October 1944, as by Bowen Conway
- * A Nose for Crime, (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1943
- * The State vs. Wm. Shakespeare, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1943
- * T.N.T. for Two, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1943
- * Tomb Enough for All, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine March 1944
Middleton, Frances Bragg (fl. 1920s-1940s) (about) (chron.); there are suggestions that some of the stories under the Middleton name may have been written by, or with the assistance of, Frank Richardson Pierce, but no clear evidence has been found to support this.
- * Blood on Its Paws, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1935
- * The Bride Wore Black, (ss) Red Star Mystery October 1940
- * The Corpse Came Back!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1934
- * The Dark Brother, (ss) Mystery Stories September 1928
- * The Dead Need Guardians!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1936
- * Death Follows the River Road, (ss) Thrilling Mystery November 1936
- * The Dream of Jason Marti, (ss) Mystery Stories August 1928
- * The Serpent Woman, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1935
- * Shrine of the Devil-Dolls, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1937
- * The Swamp God Dines, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1935
- * When the Banshee Laughed, (ss) Red Star Mystery June 1940
- * The Witch Queen’s Curse, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1934
Miles, Barry; pseudonym of Laurence M. Janifer (1933-2002) (chron.)
- * Escape, (ss) Murder July 1957
- * Itchyfoot, (ss) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #4, June 1955
- * Little Arthur, (ss) Pursued July 1957
- * The Little Girl, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #11, September 1955
- * Mr. Hennessy, (ss) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #7, December 1955
- * Peeping Tom, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #10, July 1955
- * Somebody Knew Her, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #18, November 1956
Miles, Keith (1940- ); used pseudonym Edward Marston (chron.)
- * Artistic License, (ss) The Strand Magazine #3, November 1999/February 2000, as by Edward Marston
- * Closedown, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 2006
- * Crash Tackle, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2007
- * Edward Marston: On the Right Track, (iv) Crime Time #39, 2004, as by Edward Marston
- * Force of Habit, (ss) The Strand Magazine #11, 2003, as by Edward Marston
- * George’s Last Christmas, (ss) The Strand Magazine #7, 2001, as by Edward Marston
- * The Hunchback and the Stammerer, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 2003, as by Edward Marston
- * Identity Cards, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 2008
- * The Madwoman of Usk [Gerald of Wales], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2009, as by Edward Marston
- * Mute Witness, (ss) The Strand Magazine #13, June/September 2004, as by Edward Marston
- * Nothing Like a Dame, (ss) The Strand Magazine #9, 2002, as by Edward Marston
- * Old Bag Dad, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2004
- * One of Us, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2001
- * Paper Chase [Jeb Lyman], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 2013, as by Edward Marston
- * Piker’s Silence, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2000
- * The Repentant Rake, (ar) Crime Time #26, 2002, as by Edward Marston
- * Safe and Sound [Jeb Lyman], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 2011, as by Edward Marston
- * The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 2003, as by Edward Marston
- * Second Fiddle, (ss) The Strand Magazine #5, 2000, as by Edward Marston
- * The Shakespeare Express, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2007, as by Edward Marston
- * A Shot Across the Bows (with Maureen Carlyle, Gaynor Coules, Peter Guttridge, Dinah Lampitt, Calum Macleod, Fiona Shoop, Martin Spellman & Andrew Taylor), (ar) Shots #9, Spring 2001, as by Maureen Carlyle, Gaynor Coules, Peter Guttridge, Deryn Lake, Calum Macleod, Keith Miles, Fiona Shoop, Martin Spellman & Andrew Taylor
- * The Spare Key, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 2006
- * The Unwritten Law [Jeb Lyman], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 2012, as by Edward Marston
- * What Do Crime Writers Do on a Sunday?, (ar) Crime Time v3 #1, 2000 [Ref. Dorothy L. Sayers]
- * Yes or No, (ss) The Strand Magazine #10, 2003, as by Edward Marston
_____, [ref.]
Miles, M. E. (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Case of the Spanish Dancer, (na) The Thriller Library #546, July 22 1939
- * Illicit Traffic, (na) The Thriller Library #537, May 20 1939
- * Panic!, (na) The Thriller Library #551, August 26 1939
- * The Secret of the Red House [Peter Morgan; Herbie Adams], (na) The Thriller Library #564, November 25 1939
- * Street of Diamonds [Peter Morgan; Herbie Adams], (na) The Thriller Library #559, October 21 1939
- * The Unwilling Murderer, (na) The Thriller Library #534, April 29 1939
- * The Z Plan Arrives, (na) War Thriller #580, March 16 1940
Millar, H(arold) R(obert) (1869-1940) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Detective Magazine #18 Jul 20, #20 Aug 17, #23 Sep 28, #26 Nov 9, #29 Dec 21 1923, #30 Jan 4, #31 Jan 18, #32 Feb 1, #37 Apr 11, #38 Apr 25,
#39 May 9, #40 May 23, #45 Aug 1, #46 Aug 15, #49 Sep 26 1924
#56 Jan 2 1925
Millar, Kenneth (1915-1983); used pseudonyms John Ross Macdonald & Ross Macdonald (about) (chron.)
- * Bad Blood [Lew Archer], (ss) Manhunt January 1954, as "Guilt-Edged Blonde", by John Ross Macdonald
- * The Bearded Lady [Lew Archer], (nv) The American Magazine October 1948, as by Kenneth Millar
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1959, as "Murder Is a Public Matter", by Ross Macdonald
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #150, December 1959, as "Murder Is a Public Matter", by Ross Macdonald
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #83, December 1959, as "Murder Is a Public Matter", by Ross Macdonald
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #12, 1967, as "Murder Is a Public Matter", by Ross Macdonald
- * The Beat-Up Sister [Lew Archer], (nv) Manhunt October 1953, as by John Ross Macdonald
- * Bring the Killer to Justice [Lew Archer], (na) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1962, as by Ross Macdonald; condensed from The Doomsters, Knopf, 1958.
- * Find a Victim [Lew Archer], (na) Manhunt July 1954, as by John Ross Macdonald
- * Find the Woman [Joe Rogers], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #31, June 1946
- * Gone Girl [Lew Archer], (nv) Manhunt February 1953, as "The Imaginary Blonde", by John Ross Macdonald
- * Guilt-Edged Blonde [Lew Archer], (ss) Manhunt January 1954, as by John Ross Macdonald
- * The Guilty Ones [Lew Archer], (nv) Manhunt May 1953, as by John Ross Macdonald
- * The Imaginary Blonde [Lew Archer], (nv) Manhunt February 1953, as by John Ross Macdonald
- * Midnight Blue [Lew Archer], (nv) Ed McBain’s Mystery Book #1, 1960, as by Ross Macdonald
- * The Missing Sister Case [Lew Archer], (nv) Manhunt October 1953, as "The Beat-Up Sister", by John Ross Macdonald
- * Murder Is a Public Matter [Lew Archer], (nv) The American Magazine October 1948, as "The Bearded Lady", by Kenneth Millar
- * Shock Treatment, (ss) Manhunt January 1953
- * The Singing Pigeon [Lew Archer], (nv) Manhunt February 1953, as "The Imaginary Blonde", by John Ross Macdonald
- * The Sinister Habit [Lew Archer], (nv) Manhunt May 1953, as "The Guilty Ones", by John Ross Macdonald
- * Sleeping Dog [Lew Archer], (ss) Argosy April 1965, as by Ross Macdonald
- * Wild Goose Chase [Lew Archer], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1954, as by John Ross Macdonald
_____, [ref.]
- * Afternoon by the Pool by Michael Z. Lewin, (ar) Inward Journey: Ross Macdonald ed. Ralph B. Sipper, Cordelia Editions, 1984
- * Archer in Hollywood: The “Barbarous Coast” of Ross Macdonald by David J. Geherin, (ar) The Armchair Detective November 1975
- * The Dark Tunnel by Amnon Kabatchnik, (br) The Armchair Detective February 1974
- * The Goodbye Look by Charles Shubik, (br) The Armchair Detective July 1969
- * In Memoriam: Kenneth Millar (Ross Macdonald) 1915-1983 by Dennis Lynds, (ob) The Armchair Detective Summer 1983
- * Interview: Ross Macdonald, (iv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1976
- * Introduction—Ross Who?, (si) A Shot in the Dark #0, June 1994
- * Introduction to “Sleeping Dog” by Walter Satterthwait, (is) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 2010
- * Kenneth Millar—A Brief Portrait, (bg) World Authors 1950-1970 ed. John Wakeman, Wilson, 1975
- * Kenneth Millar (Ross Macdonald) Bibliography, (bi) A Shot in the Dark #0, June 1994
- * Lew Archer by Douglas Wynn, (ar) 100 Great Detectives ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Xanadu, 1991
- * Lew Archer’s “Moral Landscape” by Elmer R. Pry, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective February 1975
- * Mugged and Printed, (bg) Manhunt July 1954
- * Mugged and Printed, (bg) Manhunt February 1953
- * Mugged and Printed, (bg) Manhunt October 1953
- * The Personal I by Thomas Chastain, (cl) The Armchair Detective Autumn 1983
- * Ross Macdonald by Zahava K. Dorinson, (ar) The Armchair Detective January 1977
- * Ross Macdonald Interview by Gene Davidson & John Knoerle, (iv) Mystery November/December 1979
- * Ross Macdonald’s Grave by Terence Faherty, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 2015
- * Ross Macdonald’s Lew Archer by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Strand Magazine #23, October 2007/January 2008
- * Ross Macdonald’s Literary Offenses: Did He Miss the Bull’s Eye in “The Moving Target”? by Bill Delaney, (ar) The Armchair Detective Summer 1986
- * Sleeping Beauty, (br) The Armchair Detective May 1973
- * Where Have All the Values Gone? The Private Eye’s Vision of American in the Novels of Raymond Chandler and Ross Macdonald by Etta C. Abrahams, (ar) The Armchair Detective February 1976
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