The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 582
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Nelson, Clark (fl. 1930s-1940s); house pseudonym (chron.)
- * The Banker and the Lady, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1939
- * Before they Kill, (ss) Private Detective Stories August 1937, as "Prelude to Death", by Carl Moore
- * Blood for the Dead, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories June 1939
- * Bodyguard to Death, (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1940
- * Burn Witch Burn, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories June 1938, as "Ghost Cavalcade", by Ellery Watson Calder
- * Chan Handles an Axe [Chan Buzzell], (ss) Private Detective Stories March 1945
- * Corpse Clue, (ss) Private Detective Stories April 1941
- * Crazy Corpse, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories June 1941
- * Death Takes the Trick, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories February 1940
- * Determined on Murder, (ss)
- * Dream of Murder, (ss) Private Detective Stories April 1943
- * Fire Slave, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories July 1938, as "She of the Flame", by Ross Flynn
- * Flesh of the Living, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories October 1939
- * Green Light, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories July 1941
- * Happy Dust, (ss) Private Detective Stories February 1940
- * Holding a Kicker, (ss) Private Detective Stories October 1940
- * A Hoodlum Goes Home, (ss) Super-Detective April 1944
- * Killer’s Weakness, (ss) Super-Detective April 1941
- * Mad Dog, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories October 1935, as "Satan’s Mistress", by Arthur Wallace
- * Mirage of Hate, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories June 1936, as "Love Her and Die", by Saul W. Paul
- * Missing Person, (ss) Private Detective Stories June 1937, as "Vengeance of the Severed Hands", by C. A. M. Donne
- * Murder at the Fair, (ss) Private Detective Stories September 1939
- * Murder in Waiting, (nv) Private Detective Stories May 1943
- * Murder’s No Counterfeit, (ss) Candid Detective November 1938
- * Of the Darkness, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories December 1939
- * Out for Coin, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories January 1940
- * Out of Egypt, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories April 1940
- * Paid in Full, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories July 1940
- * Payment in Kind, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories October 1937, as "Ghost in Marble", by C. A. M. Donne
- * Promise to Kill, (ss) Super-Detective June 1941
- * Runaway Murder, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories December 1939
- * Soft Steel, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories December 1935, as "When the Dead Walk", by Ken Cooper
- * Spots of Murder, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories February 1937, as "One Thousand Witnesses", by William B. Rainey
- * Tangled Trails, (ss) Speed Mystery July 1944
- * Thanks for the Gun, (ss) Super-Detective March 1943
- * The Thing in the Cellar, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories February 1940
- * To Heels—and Rats!, (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1939
- * Tomb of Ice, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories August 1939
- * Too Hot to Handle, (ss) Private Detective Stories March 1940
- * A Tune to Die By, (ss) Super-Detective February 1942
- * Two Little Rocks, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories November 1937, as "Three Way Plant", by Jerome Severs Perry
- * A Uniform to Die For, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories December 1935, as "Murder in Boots", by Donald King
- * Watcher in the Night, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories April 1940
- * Wolf Women, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories April 1939
Nelson, Frank Lovell (1873-1947) (about) (chron.)
- * The Aurovia Lodge Case [Carlton Clarke], (ss) The Monthly Story Blue Book Magazine January 1907
- * Aurovia’s Famous Lodge Case [Carlton Clarke], (ss) The Monthly Story Blue Book Magazine January 1907, as "The Aurovia Lodge Case"
- * The Broken Marconigram [Carlton Clarke], (ss) February 13 1909
- * The Brothers of the Left Hand Path [Carlton Clarke], (ss) The Monthly Story Blue Book Magazine April 1907
- * The Case of the Zinc Case [Carlton Clarke], (ss) The Monthly Story Blue Book Magazine March 1907
- * Kismet and the Baby Orchid [Carlton Clarke], (ss)
- * The Mystery of the Silver Skull [Carlton Clarke], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1907
- * The Mystery of the Trust Builder [Carlton Clarke], (ss) The Monthly Story Blue Book Magazine February 1907
- * The Soul of the Blue Bokhara [Carlton Clarke], (ss) August 23 1908
- * The Squared Triangle [Carlton Clarke], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1907
Nelson, Ralph (1885-1953) (about) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Clues May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1927, Jan, 1st Feb, 2nd Feb, 1st Mar, 1st Apr, 1st May 1928
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Neri, Kris(ten Hillary) (1948- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Ah, You’ve Sold Your Book! Relax?, (ar) Futures #7, February/March 1999
- * Avoiding the Short Mystery Fiction Pitfalls, (ar) Futures #14 Apr/May, #15 Jun/Jul 2000
- * Backfire, (ss) Sleuthhound v2 #2, 1998
- * Blind Justice, (ss) Mystery Time Autumn/Winter 1994
- * Buffo News: Daring, Dancing Cookie Flattens Devil to Save City of Angels, (ss) Suspense Magazine November 2009
- * Computer Recoil, (ss) The Cozy Detective Mystery Magazine Spring 1997
- * Deadly Obsessions, (ss) Futures: Short Tales for Story Lovers #18, December 2000/January 2001
- * Detention for Jimbo, (vi) Mystery Time Spring/Summer 1995
- * Expectations Met, (vi) Mystery Time Spring/Summer 1998
- * Finished Line, (ss) The Cozy Detective Mystery Magazine Spring 1998
- * Getting His, (ss) Whispering Willow Premier Edition 1997
- * If Rusty Could Talk, (vi) Murderous Intent Winter 1998
- * Interview with Meg O’Brien, (iv) Over My Dead Body! #7, Spring 2000 [Ref. Meg O’Brien]
- * Jack’s Gift, (vi) Mystery Time Autumn/Winter 1995
- * L.A. Justice, (ss) Murder by 13 ed. Priscilla English, Lisa Seidman & Mae Woods, Crown Valley Press, 1997
- * Mea Culpa, (ms) Futures #5, October/November 1998
- * My Shadow’s Shadow, (ss) Crimestalker Casebook Fall 1998
- * Nun in the Shadows, (ss) Red Herring Mystery Magazine v1 #2, 1994
- * The Power of Networking, (ar) Futures #4, August/September 1998
- * Revenge of the Gypsy Queen, (ss) Futures #11, October/November 1999
- * Revenge of the Gypsy Queen: Prologue, (ss) Futures #10, August/September 1999
- * Roscoe’s Little Secret, (ss) Mystery Time Spring/Summer 1996
- * Secret Lives, (ss) Mystery Time April 1993
- * Short Story Writer or Novelist?, (ar) Futures: Short Tales for Story Lovers #17, October/November 2000
- * Strung Up, (ss) Mystery Time Spring/Summer 1994
- * Take Off That Bathrobe and Get Dressed!, (ar) Futures #8, April/May 1999
- * Together Forever, (ss) Red Herring Mystery Magazine v3 #1, 1996
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