The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 570
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Ellison, Harlan (Jay) (chron.) (continued)
- * Writing:
* ___ First There Was the Title, (cl) Unearth Summer 1977
* ___ How Do We Get Into This Mess?, (cl) Unearth Winter 1978
* ___ Telltale Tics and Tremors, (cl) Unearth Fall 1977
- * Xenogenesis, (ar) Midnight Graffiti #5, Spring 1990
- * X Is for Xaphan, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1976
- * Yellow Streak Hero, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1957
- * Y Is for Yggdrasil, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1976
- * You Don’t Know Me, I Don’t Know You, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1977
- * Z Is for Zombie, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1976
- * [card], (lt) Science Fiction Review #38, Spring 1981
- * [framing sequence], (cs) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor Special Jan, #1 Mar, #2 Apr, #3 May, #4 Jun, #5 Aug 1995, #1 Aug 1996
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Science Fantasy Bulletin March 1953
- * [illustration(s)], (il) , as by Michael Frazier
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #22 Sep 1955, #22 Dec 1967, #23 Jan, #25 May, #28 Nov 1968, #30 Apr 1969, #5 May, #7 Nov 1973, #8 Feb, #9 May 1974,
#17 May, #19 Nov 1976
#25 May, #27 Sep/Oct 1978, #40 Fll 1981, #42 Spr 1982
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1974
- * [letter], (lt) Thrust #11 Fll 1978, #12 Sum 1979
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #5, July 1989
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales Winter 1990/1991
- * [note], (lt) Science Fiction Review #16, February 1976
- * [response to Alan R. Bechtold], (ms) Science Fiction Review #23, November 1977
- * [response to “Someday You’ll Be Rich!”], (ms) Science Fiction Review #37, April 1970
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The Bulletin of the Cleveland Science Fiction Society Mar 23, Mar 30, Apr, May, Jun, #6 Jul, #7 Aug, #8 Sep, #9 Oct, #10 Nov, #11 Dec 1952, #12 Jan,
Mar 1953
#14 May/Jul, #15 Aug/Oct 1954
- * Editor (with Anina Bennett & Bob Schreck): Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor #1 Mar, #2 Apr, #3 May, #4 Jun, #5 Aug 1995
- * Editor (with Anina Bennett, Bob Schreck & Diana Schutz): Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor Quarterly #1, August 1996
- * Editor (with Bob Schreck): Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor Special January 1995
- * Editor (with Jim Schreiber): Vector #1, December 29 1952
_____, [ref.]
- * Again, Dangerous Visions by Theodore Sturgeon, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction May/June 1972
- * Again, Dangerous Visions by D. Douglas Fratz, (br) Thrust February 1973
- * Again, Dangerous Visions by Richard E. Geis, (br) The Alien Critic #5, May 1973
- * The Ages of Ellison, (ar) Amazing Stories #600, 2000
- * Alone Against Tomorrow by Lester del Rey, (br) If September/October 1971
- * The Alphabet Stories (for Harlan Ellison) by Peter Tennant, (ss) The Dream Zone #8, January 2001
- * Angry Candy by Andrew Andrews, (br) Thrust #34, Summer 1989
- * Angry Candy by Richard E. Geis, (br) Quantum #37, Summer 1990
- * The Anthology on the Edge of Forever by Gary Westfahl, (ar) Interzone #159, September 2000
- * Approaching Oblivion by Theodore Sturgeon, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1974
- * Approaching Oblivion: Road Signs on the Treadmill Toward Tomorrow by Theodore Sturgeon, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1974
- * Approaching Oblivion: Road Signs on the Treadmill Toward Tomorrow by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1977
- * The Art of Making Waves by Thomas E. Staicar, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1981
- * The Book of Ellison by Mark Cofta, (br) Science Fiction Review #29, January/February 1979
- * A Boy and His Dog by Robert Schwier, (mr) Thrust Science Fiction November 1974
- * Can & Can’tankerous by Norman Spinrad, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2016
- * A Conversation with Harlan Ellison by Robert Morrish, (iv) Cemetery Dance #10, Fall 1991
- * Dangerous Visions by Earl Evers, (br) Psychotic #23, January 1968
- * Dangerous Visions by Algis Budrys, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1968
- * Dangerous Visions by Peter Crowther, (iv) Fear #21, September 1990
- * Deathbird by Richard E. Geis, (sr) The Alien Critic #5, May 1973
- * Deathbird Stories by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction Jun 1975, Jul 1977
- * Demon with a Glass Hand (with Marshall Rogers) by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #61, Winter 1986
- * An Edge in My Voice by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #56, Fall 1985
- * An Edge in My Voice by David F. Hamilton, (br) Thrust #24, Spring/Summer 1986
- * Harlan Ellison, (pi) Galileo #6, 1978
- * Ellison’s Rules by Ben Herndon, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1985
- * Ellison Wonderland by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction December 1962
- * Ellison Wonderland by Theodore Sturgeon, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1974
- * Ellison Wonderland by I. E. Lester, (br) Darker Matter #5, August 2007
- * The Essential Ellison by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1988
- * The Event That Is His Life by Jayme Lynn Blaschke, (iv) Interzone #156, June 2000
- * From the Land of Fear by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1977
- * The Glass Teat by Lester del Rey, (br) If March/April 1971
- * Harlan by Robert Silverberg, (bg) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1977
- * Harlan! by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1976
- * Harlan, Come Home: An Open Letter to Harlan Ellison by Charles Sheffield, (ar) Thrust #9, Fall 1977
- * Harlan Ellison, (ar) Midnight Sun #5, 1979
- * Harlan Ellison by Jay Kay Klein, (bg) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1978
- * Harlan Ellison: An F&SF Checklist by Leslie Kay Swigart, (bi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1977
- * Harlan Ellison: Copyright by Paula Guran, (ar) The Spook December 2001 (Bonus Issue)
- * The Harlan Ellison Hornbook by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1991
- * Harlan Ellison Interview by Mike Sieveright, (iv) Ganymede Science Fiction #3, 1976
- * Harlan Ellison Interview/Profile by Thomas E. Staicar, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic November 1980
- * Harlan Ellison Is Alive and Well and Living in California by Diane L. Walton, (ed) On Spec Fall 2014
- * Harlan Ellison: Science Fiction Dynamo by Mike Ashley, (ar) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #8, 1975
- * Harlan Ellison’s Contribution to the Ending of the Vietnam War by John Binns, (pm) The Gate #3, December 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor Volume 2, (br) Subterranean (online) Spring 2007
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching by Jill Engel, (br) Nova Express Summer 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1990
- * Harlan Ellison The Glass Teat (Ace, 1970) by Ted White, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1970
- * Harlan Ellison: The Healing Art of Razorblade Fiction by Richard Delap, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1977
- * Harlan Ellison vs. the Spawning Bischii by David F. Bischoff, (ar) Thrust Spring 1976
- * I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1977
- * The Illustrated Harlan Ellison (with Byron Preiss) by Dan Steffan, (br) Thrust #12, Summer 1979
- * In Memoriam: Harlan Ellison (1934-2018), (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2018
- * An Interview with Harlan Ellison by Edward Bryant & Kristine Kathryn Rusch, (iv) Pulphouse: A Weekly Magazine June 1 1991
- * “I Write Because I Must!” by David F. Bischoff & Chris Lampton, (iv) Thrust Spring 1976
- * The Last Dangerous Visions by Sean C. W. Korsgaard, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2025
- * The Last Dangerous Visions (with J. Michael Straczynski) by Nick Mamatas, (br) Interzone #300, August 2024
- * Like Eating One Peanut (with Edward Bryant) by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #14, August 1975
- * Love Ain’t Nothing but Sex Misspelled by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1977
- * The Man with Nine Lives by Frederik Pohl, (br) If July 1960
- * The Man with Nine Lives by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction September 1960
- * Medea: Harlan’s World by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #56, Fall 1985
- * Medea: Harlan’s World by D. Douglas Fratz, (br) Thrust #23, Fall/Winter 1985
- * Medea: Harlan’s World by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #57, Winter 1985
- * Moorcock on Ellison by Michael Moorcock, (ar) New Worlds #215, Spring 1979
- * On the Downhill Side by Alma Jo Williams, (br) Science Fiction Review #55, Summer 1985
- * On the Road with Harlan Ellison, (br) Subterranean (online) Spring 2007
- * Open Letter to Harlan Ellison by Alan R. Bechtold, (lt) Science Fiction Review #23, November 1977
- * The Other Glass Teat by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1975
- * Painbird, Painbird, Fly Away Home by Larry Tritten, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1998
- * Paingod and Other Delusions by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1977
- * Partners in Wonder by Norman Spinrad, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, January 1971
- * Partners in Wonder by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction Oct 1975, Jul 1977
- * The Region Between by Richard E. Geis, (sr) Science Fiction Review #37, April 1970
- * Shatterday by James J. J. Wilson, (br) Science Fiction Review #37, Winter 1980
- * Shatterday by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1981
- * Shatterday by James J. J. Wilson, (br) Thrust #18, Winter/Spring 1982
- * Shatterday by Alma Jo Williams, (br) Science Fiction Review #47, Summer 1983
- * Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed by Mark Mansell, (br) Science Fiction Review #54, Spring 1985
- * Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Thrust #22, Spring/Summer 1985
- * Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed by Michael A. Morrison, (br) Thrust #23, Fall/Winter 1985
- * Smoke and Glass by Richard Delap, (iv) Science Fiction Review #12, February 1975
- * Stalking the Nightmare by Frank Catalano, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983
- * Stalking the Nightmare by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1983
- * Stalking the Nightmare by Alma Jo Williams, (br) Science Fiction Review #47, Summer 1983
- * Stalking the Nightmare by Kevin J. Anderson, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1986
- * Starwind Interviews Harlan Ellison by Bob Halloran & Rick Wyman, (iv) Starwind Autumn 1977
- * Strange Wine by Mark Mansell, (br) Science Fiction Review #27, September/October 1978
- * A Touch of Infinity by Frederik Pohl, (br) If July 1960
- * A Touch of Infinity by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction September 1960
- * Vertex Interviews Harlan Ellison by Arthur Byron Cover, (iv) Vertex April 1974
- * Vic and Blood (with Richard Corben) by Lilian Edwards, (br) Interzone #24, Summer 1988
- * What Is Harlan Ellison Really Like? by Charles Platt, (ar) Science Fiction Review #34, February 1980
- * When the Demons Come Marching Home: Harlan Ellison’s “Basilisk” and the Ancient Horror of Modern Warfare by G. Winston Hyatt, (ar) Primeval: A Journal of the Uncanny #1, August 2013
Ellison, Susan; [née Toth] (1960-2020) (about) (chron.)
- * 1990: New Decade, New Shows, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1990
- * Aftermath, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1989
- * The Amazing Aboriginal Science Fiction Film Quiz, (qz) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1990
- * Bugs Galore, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1996
- * Dementos, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1990
- * Did You Know?, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1989
- * Everything Old Is New Again: A Sixties Revival, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1994
- * Fall Sale! Creators: Lowest Price Ever!, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction December 1991
- * From the Fifth Dimension: The Twilight Zone Returns! (with J. Michael Straczynski), (iv) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1988
- * Ghost Writing the Fall Season, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1988
- * Hot Trends in the Ol’ Town Tonight, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1991
- * A Marvelous Time, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1993
- * On the Bandwagon, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1993
- * Protecting Your Writes, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1989
- * The Return of the Really Ugly Zombie Avocados from the Planet Mars, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1992
- * Rumors, Rumblings, and Loose Ends, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1990
- * Running the Gamut, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Winter 1993
- * Star Cops: Frog or Prince?, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1988
- * Through the Lens:
* ___ 1990: New Decade, New Shows, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1990
* ___ Aftermath, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1989
* ___ The Amazing Aboriginal Science Fiction Film Quiz, (qz) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1990
* ___ Bugs Galore, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1996
* ___ Dementos, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1990
* ___ Did You Know?, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1989
* ___ Everything Old Is New Again: A Sixties Revival, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1994
* ___ Fall Sale! Creators: Lowest Price Ever!, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction December 1991
* ___ Hot Trends in the Ol’ Town Tonight, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1991
* ___ A Marvelous Time, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1993
* ___ On the Bandwagon, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1993
* ___ Protecting Your Writes, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1989
* ___ The Return of the Really Ugly Zombie Avocados from the Planet Mars, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1992
* ___ Rumors, Rumblings, and Loose Ends, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1990
* ___ Running the Gamut, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Winter 1993
* ___ What’s Hot for Fall and Beyond, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1996
* ___ Why, Oh Why?, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1992
* ___ Yesteryear, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1991
- * What’s Hot for Fall and Beyond, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1996
- * Why, Oh Why?, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1992
- * Yesteryear, (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1991
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