The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1303

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    Modern Electrics:   (about)
    A popular science magazine which occasionally published fiction. We have only listed the fiction.

    Modern Electrics [v5 #7, October 1912] (large)
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: The Feline Light and Power Company Is Organized · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Electrics [v5 #8, November 1912] (large)
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: Mr. Fosdick Invents the “Seidlitzmobile” · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Electrics [v5 #9, December 1912] (large)
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: The International Electro-Galvanic Undertaking Corporation · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Electrics [v5 #10, January 1913] (large)
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: The Afro-American Cataphoretic Process Co., Limited · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Electrics [v5 #11, February 1913] (large)
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: Mr. Fosdick Goes In For Synthetic Chemistry · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Mechanics and Inventions   (about)
    A pulp-size science magazine. During the period from November 1928 to July 1929 it serialized reprints of three Edgar Rice Burroughs novels: The Moon Maid as “Conquest of the Moon” (Nov 28 to Feb 1929), At the Earth’s Core as “Lost Inside the Earth” (Feb to Apr 1929), and Under the Moons of Mars as “Carter of the Red Planet” (Apr to Jul 1929). MM&I published no original fiction.

    • Publishers:
      • Fawcett Publications, Inc.; Chicago, IL: Modern Mechanics and Inventions.

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