The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1368
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Morrow, James (Kenneth) (1947- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Abe Lincoln in McDonald’s, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1989
- * Affirmative Auction, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2013
- * Arms and the Woman, (ss) Amazing Stories July 1991
- * The Assemblage of Kristin, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1984
- * Auspicious Eggs, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 2000
- * Bible Stories for Adults, No. 17: The Deluge, (ss) Full Spectrum ed. Lou Aronica & Shawna McCarthy, Bantam Spectra, 1988
- * Bible Stories for Adults, No. 20: The Tower, (ss) Author’s Choice Monthly #8, May 1990
- * Bible Stories for Adults, No. 31: The Covenant, (ss) Alternate Empires ed. Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam Spectra, 1989
- * Bible Stories for Adults, No. 37: The Jawbone, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2020
- * Bible Stories for Adults, No. 46: The Soap Opera, (nv) God ed. Stephen Hayward & Sarah LeFanu, Serpent's Tail, 1992
- * Bible Stories for Adults, No. 51: The Great Fish, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2021
- * Bird Thou Never Wert, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2019
- * The Cat’s Pajamas, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 2001
- * The Confessions of Ebenezer Scrooge, (ss) Spirits of Christmas ed. Kathryn Cramer & David G. Hartwell, Wynwood, 1989
- * Diary of a Mad Deity, (nv) Synergy: New Science Fiction, Vol. 2 ed. George Zebrowski, Harvest, 1988
- * Director’s Cut, (pl) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1994
- * A Dragon in the Abbey, (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #395, November 16 2023
- * Eight Great Animated Fantasy Films, (ms) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1998
- * The Eye That Never Blinks, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1988
- * Fire and Brimstone in the Twin Cities, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #366, October 6 2022
- * Galápagos Regained, (ex) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #164, January 8 2015
- * Isabella of Castile Answers Her Mail, (ss) Amazing Stories April 1992
- * Kevin’s Fetch, (ss) Amazing Stories Fall 1999
- * Spelling God with the Wrong Blocks, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1987
- * Swatting at the Cosmos, (in) Author’s Choice Monthly #8, May 1990
- * The War of the Worldviews, (nv) Mars Probes ed. Peter Crowther, DAW, 2002
_____, [ref.]
- * And the Last Trump Shall Sound (with Cat Rambo & Harry Turtledove) by Norman Spinrad, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2021
- * The Asylum of Dr. Caligari by Peter J. Heck, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2018
- * Behold the Ape by Rosemary Claire Smith, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2024
- * City of Truth by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #48, June 1991
- * City of Truth by D. Douglas Fratz, (br) Quantum #43/44, Spring/Summer 1993
- * The Continent of Lies by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #13, Autumn 1985
- * From Dead Gods to Guys in Lizard Costumes: Six Questions for James Morrow by Jason S. Ridler, (iv) Clarkesworld #31, April 2009
- * The Horrorbean and the Critic by Span Hanna, (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v10 #2, 1989
- * InterGalactic Interview with James Morrow by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #7, January 2008
- * Interview: James Morrow by David Barr Kirtley, (iv) Lightspeed #60, May 2015
- * An Interview with James Morrow by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Quantum #36, Spring 1990
- * James Morrow by Stan Nicholls, (iv) Interzone #46, April 1991
- * James Morrow Interview, (iv) Liquid Imagination #2, Winter 2009
- * James Morrow: Master Philosopher by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Weird Tales January/February 2008
- * James Morrow—Science Fiction at Its Best! by Jon L. Herron, (iv) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990
- * The Madonna and the Starship by Duncan Lunan, (br) Interzone #253, July/August 2014
- * Only Begotten Daughter by Jill Engel, (br) Nova Express Summer 1990
- * Only Begotten Daughter by Charles de Lint, (br) Science Fiction Review #2, Summer 1990
- * Only Begotten Daughter by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #2, Summer 1990
- * Only Begotten Daughter by Paulette Minaré, (br) Science Fiction Review #2, Summer 1990
- * Only Begotten Daughter by D. Douglas Fratz, (br) Quantum #37, Summer 1990
- * Only Begotten Daughter by John Clute, (br) Interzone #55, January 1992
- * Only Begotten Doubter: An Interview with James Morrow by Paul B. Thompson, (iv) Forbidden Lines #12, Fall 1992
- * Provocative Blasphemies; An Interview with James Morrow by Faith L. Justice, (iv) Space and Time #94, Fall 2001
- * Reality by Other Means by Ian Hunter, (br) Interzone #264, May/June 2016
- * Reality by Other Means: The Best Short Fiction of James Morrow by James Sallis, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2016
- * Talking Jehovah—James Morrow Interviewed by Sally McBride & Dale L. Sproule, (iv) TransVersions #11, Winter 1999
- * This Is the Way the World Ends by James A. Anderson, (br) Science Fiction Review #60, Fall 1986
- * This Is the Way the World Ends by Lee Montgomerie, (br) Interzone #20, Summer 1987
Morrow, Lowell Howard (1868?-?) (chron.)
- * The Air Terror [Mr. Clare], (nv) Air Wonder Stories September 1929
- * The Blue Demon [Mr. Clare], (nv) Air Wonder Stories December 1929
- * A Diamond Asteroid, (iw) Unusual Stories Winter 1935
- * Islands in the Air, (nv) Air Wonder Stories July 1929
- * Omega, the Man, (nv) Amazing Stories January 1933
- * A Rescue in Space, (nv) Wonder Stories September 1930
- * The Story Behind the Story of “Omega, the Man”, (ar) Fantasy Magazine June 1934
- * Through the Meteors, (nv) Air Wonder Stories April 1930
Morrow, William C(hambers) (1853-1923) (about) (chron.)
- * The Haunted Burglar, (ss) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine July 1897
- * His Unconquerable Enemy, (ss) The Argonaut March 11 1889, as "The Rajah’s Nemesis"
- * The Monster-Maker, (nv) The Argonaut October 15 1887, as "The Surgeon’s Experiment"
- * Over an Absinthe Bottle, (ss) The Argonaut January 2 1893, as "The Pale Dice-Thrower"
- * The Pale Dice-Thrower, (ss) The Argonaut January 2 1893
- * A Peculiar Case of Surgery, (ss) The Argonaut February 4 1889
- * The Permanent Stiletto, (ss) The Argonaut February 4 1889, as "A Peculiar Case of Surgery"
- * The Rajah’s Nemesis, (ss) The Argonaut March 11 1889
- * The Surgeon’s Experiment, (nv) The Argonaut October 15 1887
Morse, Drew (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * The Ballad of Buzz Bawer, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2007
- * Call for 2006 Rhysling Award Nominations, (ms) Star*Line November/December 2005
- * Call for 2007 Rhysling Nominations, (ms) Star*Line November/December 2006
- * From the Small Press (with Ruth Berman, John Garrison & David C. Kopaska-Merkel), (rc) Star*Line September/October 2005
- * Grooves to Erakis, (pm) Mythic Delirium #13, Summer/Fall 2005
- * I Can Feel the Drilling, (pm) Helix #4, Spring 2007
- * Language-Cartography-Cosmic Equanimity, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 2005
- * Leap of Faith, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 2007
- * Outbound Spacelanes, (pm) Beyond Centauri July 2007
- * Small Press Reviews (with Ann K. Schwader), (rc) Star*Line July/August 2003
- * “Speculative Poetry”: Distinctions (not Definitions), (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2006
- * Tomorrow’s Sighs, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2006
Mortimer, John E. (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #67 Mar 15, #69 May 15, #75 Dec 1956
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52 Dec 15 1954, #55 Mar 15, #56, #57 May 15, #58 Jun 15, #59 Jul 15, #60 Aug 15, #61 Sep 15, #62 Oct 15, #63 Nov 15,
#64 Dec 15 1955, #66 Feb 15, #67 Mar 15, #68 Apr 15, #70 Jun 15, #71 Jul 15, #72 Aug 15, #73 Sep 15, #74 Nov, #75 Dec 1956
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