The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1333

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    Mystic Magazine (1953):   (about)
    Primarily an occult non-fiction magazine which, in its early issues, was about half fiction and half articles. After the fourth issue the fiction was greatly reduced and appeared only sporadically after the seventh issue. Later issues contain articles by Richard S. Shaver that may be of interest to some collectors. The magazine settled firmly into a non-fiction format about the time that Palmer sold his interest in its chief competitor, Fate, and the title was changed to Search with the October 1956 issue. It was still running at the time of Palmer’s death in 1977.

    Title changed from Mystic Magazine.

    Search [No. 17, October 1956] (35¢, 132pp, digest)

    The Mystic Muse   (about)
    Subtitled “Tales for the New Age.” A semiprofessional magazine with an emphasis on currently popular occult and mysticism themes. There may be one or more additional issues.

    • Publishers:
      • Samadhi Dreams Press; Kalamazoo, MI: The Mystic Muse.
    • Editors:

    Mystique: Tales of Wonder   (about)
    The first issue was #13 in the series of British Fantasy Society Booklets, after which this title assumed its own numbering.

    • Publishers:
      • British Fantasy Society; Birmingham, England: Mystique: Tales of Wonder.
    • Editors:

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