The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 901
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Howard, Robert E(rvin) (chron.) (continued)
- * Letter to August Derleth, May 9, 1936 (“I am indeed sorry to learn of the deaths…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Summer 1964 [Ref. August Derleth]
- * Letter to Carl Jacobi, ca. Summer 1934 (“Thank you for the kind comments…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1970 [Ref. Carl Jacobi]
- * Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, ca. January 1934 (“Thanks again for the drawing of the wizard”), (lt) Amra v2 #39, 1966 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, ca. July 1933 (“I really must apologize for not having…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1969 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, ca. March 1934 (“I am sorry to hear you have been indisposed…”), (lt) Amra v2 #36, 1965 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, ca. October 1933 (“Thanks very much for the kind things…”), (lt) Amra v2 #39, 1966 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, July 22, 1933 (“I can hardly find words to express…”), (lt) Amra v2 #39, 1966 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, July 23, 1935 (“I’m ashamed of my long delay in answering…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Summer 1964 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, March 15, 1933 (“I hardly know how to thank you for the copy”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1969 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, postmarked December 14, 1933 (“Only the fact that I have been sick…”), (lt) Amra v2 #39, 1966 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Letter to Editor of Weird Tales, August 21, 1925, (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #3, 2012; unsent.
- * Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, April 21, 1936 (“Glad you-all liked ‘She-Devil’”), (lt) The Ghost #3, May 1945 [Ref. E. Hoffmann Price]
- * Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, February 15, 1936 (“I’ve eventually found time to answer your cards.”), (lt) The Ghost #3, May 1945 [Ref. E. Hoffmann Price]
- * Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, June 3, 1936 (“Sorry to hear Pawang Ali has been banished.”), (lt) The Ghost #3, May 1945 [Ref. E. Hoffmann Price]
- * Letter to Emil Petaja, December 17, 1934 (“Thank you very much for the splendid sonnet.”), (lt) The Howard Collector Winter 1965 [Ref. Emil Petaja]
- * Letter to Emil Petaja, February 15, 1936 (“I am ashamed to have so long delayed…”), (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v16 #3, 2022 [Ref. Emil Petaja]
- * Letter to Emil Petaja, March 6, 1935 (“Glad the ms. proved satisfactory.”), (lt) Bunyips in the Mulga #19, 1984 [Ref. Emil Petaja]
- * Letter to Farnsworth Wright, ca. June 1930 (“I have long looked forward to reading…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1969 [Ref. Farnsworth Wright]
- * Letter to Farnsworth Wright, ca. June-July 1931 (“In your last letter you asked me to give you…”), (lt) The Ghost #3, May 1945 [Ref. Farnsworth Wright]
- * Letter to Farnsworth Wright, May 6, 1935 (“I always hate to write a letter like this…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1967 [Ref. Farnsworth Wright]
- * Letter to Frank Thurston Torbett, April 28, 1936 (“I’m sorry I have…”), (lt) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007 [Ref. Frank Thurston Torbett]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. August 1928 (“Glad you enjoyed our reunion at Fort Worth”), (lt) Fantasy Crossroads #7, February 1976 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. December 1928 (“Salaam/You’re right; women are great actors.”), (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1970 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. early April 1930 (“Thanks for the Saint Padraic’s card”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1972 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. February 1930 (“Go manee jeea git/You’re in Kansas now, eh?”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1968 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. March 1929 (“Salaam/I’ve been very neglectful of my correspondence…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Winter 1965 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. October 1930 (“Well, Harold, how did you like my story…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1962 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. October or early November 1930 (“Well, Harold, I’m sorry to hear your nose…”), (lt) Amra v2 #29, 1964 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. September 1929 (“I’ve been reading Destiny Bay and in…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1970 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, January 4, 1930 (“Yes, we fade from youth swiftly.”), (lt) Cross Plains #6, February/March 1975 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, March 24, 1930 (“Thanks for the picture.”), (lt) The Howard Collector Winter 1965 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, postmarked November 24, 1930 (“I hope you’ll pardon my negligence…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1970 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, received October 20, 1928 (“Your stationery is alright.”), (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1962 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, September 23, 1928 (“The tang of winter is in the air…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Summer 1966 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, September 5, 1928 (“Yes, I like the idea of Eldorado…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1967 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Letter to H.P. Lovecraft, August 9, 1930 (“I am indeed highly honored to have received…”), (lt) Selected Letters 1923-1930 by Robert E. Howard, Necronomicon, 1989 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Letter to H.P. Lovecraft, ca. April 1932 (“At last I’ve gotten around…”), (lt) Dear HPL: Letters, Robert E. Howard to H.P. Lovecraft, 1930-1936 by Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Letter to H.P. Lovecraft, ca. August 1933 (“I am sending on to you the enclosed manuscript…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1971 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Letter to H.P. Lovecraft, ca. January 1931 (“As always I found your recent letter…”), (lt) Dear HPL: Letters, Robert E. Howard to H.P. Lovecraft, 1930-1936 by Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Letter to H.P. Lovecraft, ca. July 1, 1930 (draft), (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #3, 2012 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Letter to H.P. Lovecraft, ca. September 1930 (“I am very glad that you enjoyed your visit…”), (lt) Selected Letters 1923-1930 by Robert E. Howard, Necronomicon, 1989 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Letter to H.P. Lovecraft, December 9, 1931 (“I would have answered…”), (lt) Dear HPL: Letters, Robert E. Howard to H.P. Lovecraft, 1930-1936 by Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Letter to Kirk Mashburn, ca. March 1932 (“I am writing to express my appreciation for…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Winter 1965 [Ref. Kirk Mashburn]
- * Letter to Novalyne Price, July 8, 1935 (“Thank you for your invitation to call…”), (lt) Fantasy Crossroads #3, May 1975 [Ref. Novalyne Price]
- * Letter to Otto Binder, ca. post June 5, 1936 (“1/2 a cent is O.K.…”), (lt) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume Three: 1933-1936 by Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2008 [Ref. Otto Binder]
- * Letter to R.H. Barlow, June 1, 1934 (“Concerning the illustrations you…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1973 [Ref. R. H. Barlow]
- * Letter to R.H. Barlow, June 14, 1934 (“If I ever decide to dispose…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1973 [Ref. R. H. Barlow]
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. March 1930 (“Well, Fear Finn, tell Cuchullain the Dutchess…”), (lt) Selected Letters 1923-1930 by Robert E. Howard, Necronomicon, 1989 [Ref. Tevis Clyde Smith]
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. May 1928 (“Salaam/So Klatt has gone West.”), (lt) Zarfhanna August 1988 [Ref. Tevis Clyde Smith]
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. November 1931 (“Fear Finn/I wrote Bradford a coarse rude letter…”), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1965 [Ref. Tevis Clyde Smith]
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. November 1932 (“Fear Finn/Well, I finally…”), (lt) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007 [Ref. Tevis Clyde Smith]
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, June 23, 1926 (“Salaam/I’m trying to write…”), (lt) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007 [Ref. Tevis Clyde Smith]
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, June 3, 1925, (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v5 #2, 2011 [Ref. Tevis Clyde Smith]
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, September 7, 1924 (“Salaam, Clyde/You ought to be here.”), (lt) Austin May 1992 [Ref. Tevis Clyde Smith]
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, undated, unsent (“Show this to Truett”), (lt) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Index and Addenda by Bobby Derie, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2015 [Ref. Tevis Clyde Smith]
- * Letter to The Fantasy Fan, ca. 1933 (“I find the Fantasy Fan…”), (lt) The Fantasy Fan December 1933
- * Letter to The Fantasy Fan, ca. 1934 (“Smith’s poem in the March issue…”), (lt) The Fantasy Fan May 1934
- * Letter to The Fantasy Fan, ca. late 1933 (“I liked the November issue…”), (lt) The Fantasy Fan January 1934
- * Letter to unknown recipient, undated, unsent (“I do not remember who…”), (lt) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Index and Addenda by Bobby Derie, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2015
- * Letter to unknown recipient, undated, unsent (“Seems that you owe me”), (lt) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Index and Addenda by Bobby Derie, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2015
- * Letter to Weird Tales, ca. April 1928 (“Mr. Lovecraft’s latest story…”), (lt) Weird Tales May 1928
- * Letter to Weird Tales, ca. December 1925 (“These are sheer masterpieces…”), (lt) Weird Tales February 1926
- * Letter to Weird Tales, ca. December 1930 (“I was particularly fascinated…”), (lt) Weird Tales January 1931
- * Letter to Weird Tales, ca. February 1932 (“Congratulations on the appearance…”), (lt) Weird Tales March 1932
- * Letter to Weird Tales, ca. March 1926 (“The Saga of Grettir the Outlaw”), (lt) Weird Tales May 1926
- * Letter to Weird Tales, ca. March 1930 (“‘Thirsty Blades’ is fine…”), (lt) Weird Tales April 1930
- * Letter to Weird Tales, ca. May 1927 (“Your last three issues…”), (lt) Weird Tales June 1927
- * Letter to Weird Tales, ca. May 1936 (“Enthusiasm impels me…”), (lt) Weird Tales June 1936
- * Letter to Weird Tales, ca. October 1929 (“I have just been reading…”), (lt) Weird Tales November 1929
- * Letter to Weird Tales, unmailed, ca. January 1929 (“…whatever to do with beetles,…”), (lt) Zarfhanna August 1991
- * Letter to Wilfred Blanch Talman, ca. February 1931 (“I can hardly find words to express…”), (lt) Runes of Ahrh-Eih-Eche by Robert E. Howard, Stygian Isle Press, 1976 [Ref. Wilfred Blanch Talman]
- * Letter to Wilfred Blanch Talman, ca. July 1932 (“Thanks very much for ”De Halve Maen“”), (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1970 [Ref. Wilfred Blanch Talman]
- * Letter to Wilfred Blanch Talman, ca. November 26, 1930 (“I highly appreciated your letter and will be very glad…”), (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v16 #4, 2022/23 [Ref. Wilfred Blanch Talman]
- * Letter to Wilfred Blanch Talman, ca. September 1931 (“Thank you very much for the letter you wrote…”), (lt) Whispers June 1975 [Ref. Wilfred Blanch Talman]
- * Let the Gods Die, (pm) Weirdbook #10, 1976
- * Libertine, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Library, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v7 #4, 2013/14
- * Life (“They bruised my soul”), (pm) The Howard Collector Autumn 1973
- * Lines to G. B. Shaw, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Lines Written in the Realization That I Must Die, (pm) Weird Tales August 1938
- * The Lion Gate, (uw) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * The Lion of Tiberias (draft), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #4, 2012/13
- * List of Hyborian Names, Places, and Locations, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v16 #4, 2022/23
- * List of Middle and Near Eastern Titles, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #4, 2007
- * List of names found in El Borak stories (manuscript), (ms) The Early Adventures of El Borak by Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2010
- * Lists, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #3, 2012
- * The Little People [Bran Mak Morn], (ss) Coven 13 #3, January 1970
- * Lives and Crimes of Notable Artists, (vi) The Howard Review #11, July 1998
- * Long Ago (“Till Came I from Far Sea-Faring”), (pm) The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard by Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- * The Loser, (vi) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #1, Spring 1975
- * The Lost Race [Bran Mak Morn], (ss) Weird Tales January 1927
- * Love’s Young Dream, (pm) Shadows of Dreams by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1989
- * Lust, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Madame Goose’s Rhymes, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #7, February 1976
- * The Maiden of Kercheezer, (pm) The Progress February 1 1924
- * Man and Bartender, (il) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v10 #2, 2016
- * The Man-Eaters of Zamboula [Conan], (nv) Weird Tales November 1935, as "Shadows in Zamboula"
- * The Man on the Ground, (ss) Weird Tales July 1933
- * The Man on the Ground (draft), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v7 #3, 2013
- * Man, the Master, (pm) A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems by Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002
- * Man with the Mystery Mitts [Kid Allison], (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 25 1931
- * Marchers of Valhalla (early draft), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v8 #3, 2014
- * Marching Song of Connacht, (pm) The Howard Collector Spring 1972
- * The Mark of a Bloody Hand, (ss) Writer of the Dark by Robert E. Howard, Dark Carneval Press, 1986
- * Mark of the Beast, (pm) Weirdbook #9, 1975
- * Memories (“Shall We Remember”), (pm) Fantasy Tales, v.10 #1 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1988
- * The Men That Walk with Satan, (pm) Singers in the Shadows by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1970
- * A Mick in Israel, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Midnight, (vi) The Junto September 1929
- * The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune [Kull], (ss) Weird Tales September 1929
- * Miser’s Gold, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #8, May 1976
- * Miss High-Hat, (vi) Risque Stories #4, October 1986
- * Mistress of Death [Dark Agnes] (with Gerald W. Page), (nv) Witchcraft & Sorcery #5, January/February 1971; completed by Page from a fragment and synopsis by Howard.
- * Mistress of Death (first draft), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v4 #4, 2010
- * A Misty Sea, (pm) A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems by Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002
- * A Moment, (pm) The Howard Collector Autumn 1970
- * Monarchs, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Moonlight on a Skull, (pm) Weird Tales May 1933
- * Moon Mockery, (pm) Weird Tales April 1929
- * The Moon of Skulls [Solomon Kane], (na) Weird Tales Jun, Jul 1930
- * Moon Shame, (pm) Always Comes Evening by Robert E. Howard, Arkham House, 1957
- * The Moor Ghost, (pm) Weird Tales September 1929
- * More Evidence of the Innate Divinity of Man, (ar) The Junto October 1928
- * The Mountains of California, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Musings, (ms) The Junto September 1929
- * Musings of a Moron, (vi) The Howard Collector Spring 1968
- * Musings (“The Little Poets Sing of Little Things”), (pm) Witchcraft & Sorcery #5, January/February 1971
- * Musings (“To Every Man His Trade”), (pm) Shadows of Dreams by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1989
- * Mystic, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * The Nameless Tribe Drafts, (uw) Skelos Summer 2016
- * A Negro Girl, (pm) Desire and Other Erotic Poems by Robert E. Howard, Charles Hoffman, 1989
- * Nekht Semerkeht (1st draft), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v5 #2, 2011
- * Nekht Semerkeht, (uw) The Black Stranger and Other American Tales by Robert E. Howard, Bison Books, 2005
- * Nocturne, (pm) Weirdbook #11, 1977
- * No More the Serpent Prow, (pm) The Howard Collector Spring 1971
- * The Noseless Horror, (ss) Magazine of Horror February 1970
- * note (“Hernando de Guzman, born in…”), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #2, 2007
- * Notes (“1109 A.D.”), (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #4, 2012/13
- * Notes and drawings (“Themes—real experience…”), (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #2, 2007
- * Notes from Adventure, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v5 #1, 2011
- * Notes of a Football Game, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v14 #1, 2020
- * Notes on Gorman and Kirby, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v14 #1, 2020
- * Notes on Names in “The Phoenix on the Sword”, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v17 #4, 2023/24
- * Notes, on the Fifth Crusade, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v9 #3, 2015
- * Notes on Various Peoples of the Hyborian Age, (ar) A Gazeteer of The Hyborian World of Conan ed. Lee N. Falconer, Starmont House, 1977
- * Notes (“The Fifth Crusade”), (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #4, 2012/13
- * Notes (“The Year 1021”), (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #4, 2012/13
- * Not Only in Death They Die, (pm) Magazine of Horror July 1969
- * Nun, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * The Nut’s Shell, (vi) Pay Day by Robert E. Howard, Cryptic Publications, 1986
- * The Nut’s Shell (synopsis), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v8 #4, 2014/15
- * Oh Babylon, Lost Babylon, (pm) Night Images by Robert E. Howard, The Morning Star Press, 1976
- * Old Garfield’s Heart, (ss) Weird Tales December 1933
- * Old Man Jacobson, (pm) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v8 #1, 2014
- * On Astounding, (lt) Amra v2 #9, 1960
- * The One Black Stain [Solomon Kane], (pm) The Howard Collector Spring 1962
- * Only a Shadow on the Grass, (pm) Weirdbook #13, 1978
- * On with the Play, (pm) The Howard Collector Autumn 1972
- * An Open Window (with Lee Becker), (pm) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1993/1994
- * An Open Window (“Behind the Veil what gulfs”), (pm) Weird Tales September 1932
- * The Open Window (“I remember my sister Eve”), (pm) A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems by Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002
- * Orientia, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Original Cover Sheet for “Spears of Clontarf”, (ms) Sword & Fantasy #6, April 2006
- * The Outcast, (pm) The Grim Land and Others by Robert E. Howard, Stygian Isle Press, 1976
- * Out of the Deep [Faring Town], (ss) Magazine of Horror November 1967
- * An Outworn Story, (pm) Fantasy Tales #17, Summer 1987
- * Over the Old Rio Grandey, (pm) A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems by Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002
- * Page from Text Book, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v5 #1, 2011
- * Palace of Bast, (pm) Chacal v1 #2, 1977
- * The Passionate Typist, (pm) The Howard Review #5, November 1976
- * The Peaceful Pilgrim [Breckenridge Elkins], (nv) The Summit County Journal February 16 1968 (+6)
- * The People of the Black Circle [Conan], (na) Weird Tales Sep, Oct, Nov 1934
- * People of the Black Coast, (ss) Spaceway September/October 1969
- * People of the Dark, (nv) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror June 1932
- * The Phoenix on the Sword [Conan], (nv) Weird Tales December 1932
- * The Phoenix on the Sword (first submitted draft) [Conan], (nv) Robert E. Howard’s Complete Conan of Cimmeria: Volume One (1932-1933) by Robert E. Howard, Wandering Star, 2002
- * Pigeons from Hell, (nv) Weird Tales May 1938
- * Pigeons from Hell (early draft), (ss) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #4, 2007
- * The Plains of Gilban, (pm) A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems by Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002
- * A Pledge, (pm) The Howard Collector Spring 1971
- * Poet, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * The Poets, (pm) Weird Tales March 1938
- * The Pool of the Black One [Conan], (nv) Weird Tales October 1933
- * postcard to Harold Preece, ca. June 1928, (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #4, 2012/13 [Ref. Harold Preece]
- * Postcard to Harold Preece, June 4, 1928 (No words, just an REH drawing of a sailor waving), (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1971
- * Private Magrath of the A.E.F., (pm) The Yellow Jacket January 13 1927
- * Prude, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * The Punch, (ar) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Queen of the Black Coast [Conan], (nv) Weird Tales May 1934
- * Queen of the Black Coast [Conan], (nv) The Coming of Conan by Robert E. Howard, Gnome, 1953
- * The Question of the East, (ar) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Rattle of Bones [Solomon Kane], (ss) Weird Tales June 1929
- * Rattle of Bones (first draft), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #1, 2007
- * A Rattlesnake Sings in the Grass, (pm) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #1, 2012; variant version of “Hymn of Hatred” (Always Comes Evening, 1957).
- * Recompense, (pm) Weird Tales November 1938
- * Red Nails [Conan], (na) Weird Tales Jul, Aug/Sep, Oct 1936
- * Red Shadows [Solomon Kane], (nv) Weird Tales August 1928
- * Red Thunder, (pm) JAPM: The Poetry Weekly September 16 1929
- * “Relentless” Reginald and Percival Vanderbilt, (il) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v9 #4, 2015/16
- * Remembrance, (pm) Weird Tales April 1928
- * Restless Waters, (ss) Witchcraft & Sorcery #10, 1974
- * Retribution, (pm) Always Comes Evening by Robert E. Howard, Arkham House, 1957
- * The Return of Sir Richard Grenville [Solomon Kane], (pm) Red Shadows by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1968
- * The Return of the Sea-Farer, (pm) Weirdbook #13, 1978
- * The Return of the Sorcerer, (uw) A Bicentennial Tribute to Robert E. Howard ed. Fred Blosser, George Hamilton, 1976
- * Reuben’s Birthright, (pm) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v5 #3, 2011
- * Reuben’s Brethren, (pm) The Howard Collector Spring 1969
- * The Rhyme of the Three Slavers, (pm) Raven, 1983
- * The Ride of Falume, (pm) Weird Tales October 1927
- * The Riders of Babylon, (pm) Weird Tales January 1928
- * A Riding Song (“Blast away the black veil”), (pm) Shadows of Dreams by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1989
- * Riding Song (“Do you know the terrible thrill”), (pm) The Howard Review #2, March 1975
- * The Riot at Bucksnort [Pike Bearfield], (ss) Argosy October 31 1936
- * The Riot at Cougar Paw (synopsis), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v15 #1, 2021
- * The Road of Azrael, (nv) Chacal v1 #1, 1976
- * The Road of the Eagles, (nv) The Road of Azrael by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1979, as "The Way of the Swords"
- * Roads, (pm) The Howard Collector Autumn 1972
- * The Road to Freedom, (pm) Cross Plains #7, September 1975
- * The Road to Hell, (pm) Singers in the Shadows by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1970
- * The Road to Rest, (pm) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v5 #3, 2011
- * The Road to Yesterday, (pm) The Grim Land and Others by Robert E. Howard, Stygian Isle Press, 1976
- * Roar, Silver Trumpets, (pm) Night Images by Robert E. Howard, The Morning Star Press, 1976
- * Rogues in the House [Conan], (nv) Weird Tales January 1934
- * Romance (“Shouting I Come”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Roundelay of the Roughneck, (pm) The Daniel Baker Collegian April 12 1926
- * The Rover, (pm) A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems by Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002
- * Rules of Etiquette, (pm) The Progress February 1 1924
- * Rune [Bran Mak Morn], (pm) Always Comes Evening by Robert E. Howard, Arkham House, 1957
- * Sailor, (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Sailor Costigan and the Destiny Gorilla [Sailor Steve Costigan], (ex) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #14, Summer 2010; previously revised as a Dennis Dorgan story under the title “The Destiny Gorilla”.
- * Sailor Costigan and the Jade Monkey [Sailor Steve Costigan], (ss) Fists of Iron, Round Three by Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2014
- * Sailor Costigan and the Swami [Sailor Steve Costigan], (ss) The Howard Review #7, April 1977
- * Sailor Costigan and the Yellow Cobra [Sailor Steve Costigan], (ss) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #15, Summer 2011; previously revised as a Dennis Dorgan story under the title “The Yellow Cobra”.
- * Sailor Costigan/Dorgan and the Jade Monkey, (ss) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v3 #2, 2009
- * Sailor Dorgan and the Jade Monkey [Dennis Dorgan], (ss) The Howard Collector Spring 1971, as by Patrick Ervin
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