The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1177
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Lovecraft, H(oward) P(hillips) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Courtyard [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales September 1930
- * The Crawling Chaos (with Winifred Virginia Jackson), (ss) The United Co-operative April 1921, as by Elizabeth Neville Berkeley & Lewis Theobald, Jr.
- * The Crime of Crimes, (pm) Interesting Items July 1915, as "Crime of Crimes: Lusitania, 1915"
- * Crime of Crimes: Lusitania, 1915, (pm) Interesting Items July 1915
- * The Curse of Yig (with Zealia Brown Bishop), (ss) Weird Tales November 1929, as by Zealia Brown Reed; written by Lovecraft based on a story idea and some notes by Bishop.
- * A Cycle of Verse, (gp) The Tryout July 1919, as by Ward Phillips
- * Dagon, (ss) The Vagrant November 1919
- * Damon: A Monody, (pm) The United Amateur May 1919, as by Theobaldus Senectissimus
- * Damon and Lycë, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * Deaf, Dumb and Blind (with C. M. Eddy, Jr.), (ss) Weird Tales April 1925, as by C. M. Eddy, Jr.
- * The Decline and Fall of a Man of the World, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * The Descendant, (uw) Leaves #2, 1938
- * Despair, (pm) Pine Cones June 1919
- * The Diary of Alonzo Typer (with William Lumley), (nv) Weird Tales February 1938, as by William Lumley
- * The Disinterment (with Duane W. Rimel), (ss) Weird Tales January 1937, as by Duane W. Rimel
- * The Doom That Came to Sarnath [Dream Cycle], (ss) The Scot June 1920
- * The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath [Randolph Carter], (na) Beyond the Wall of Sleep by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1943
- * The Dreams in the Witch-House [Cthulhu], (nv) Weird Tales July 1933
- * Dreams of Yith (with Duane W. Rimel), (pm) The Fantasy Fan Jul, Sep 1934, as by Duane W. Rimel; totally rewritten by Lovecraft from Rimel’s original poem.
- * The Dunwich Horror [Cthulhu], (nv) Weird Tales April 1929
- * The Dweller [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Providence Journal May 7 1930
- * Earth and Sky, (pm) The Little Budget of Knowledge and Nonsense July 1917
- * Edith Miniter, (pm) The Tryout Fall 1934
- * The Elder Pharos [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales February/March 1931
- * The Electric Executioner (with Adolphe de Castro), (nv) Weird Tales August 1930, as by Adolphe de Castro; revised by H.P. Lovecraft from “The Automatic Executioner”, In the Confessional and the Following by Gustav Adolf Danziger, Western Authors’ Publishing Association, 1893.
- * Epigrams, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * Evening Star [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Beyond the Wall of Sleep by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1943
- * Excerpts from the Letters of H.P. Lovecraft, (lt) The Acolyte Fall 1942
- * Ex Oblivione [Dream Cycle], (pp) The United Amateur March 1921, as by Ward Phillips
- * Ex-Poet’s Reply, (pm) Epgephi September 1920, as by Lewis Theobald, Jr.
- * Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family, (ss) The Wolverine March 1921 (+1)
- * The Familiars [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Driftwind July 1930
- * The Feast, (pm) The Hub Club Quill May 1923
- * The Festival, (cs) Fantasy Empire Presents H.P. Lovecraft, New Media Publishing, 1984
- * The Festival [Cthulhu], (ss) Weird Tales January 1925
- * A Few Words from the Masters (with Robert E. Howard & Clark Ashton Smith), (ms) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #17, Winter 2000
- * Four Letters to Clark Ashton Smith, (lt) Witchcraft & Sorcery #5, January/February 1971
- * The Fragments at the Threshold, (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #6, St. John’s Eve 1982; the HPL notes on which Derleth based The Lurker at the Threshold, transcribed by S.T. Joshi from HPL’s original manuscripts.
- * From Beyond [Dream Cycle], (ss) The Fantasy Fan June 1934
- * From the Dark, (ss) Home Brew February 1922
- * Frustra Praemunitus, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #44, 1986
- * Fungi from Yuggoth:
* ___ Evening Star [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Beyond the Wall of Sleep by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1943
* ___ 1. The Book [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Fantasy Fan October 1934
* ___ 1. The Courtyard [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales September 1930
* ___ 2. Pursuit [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Fantasy Fan October 1934
* ___ 2. Star-Winds [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales September 1930
* ___ 3. Hesperia [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales October 1930
* ___ 3. The Key [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Fantasy Fan January 1935
* ___ 4. Antarktos [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales November 1930
* ___ 4. Homecoming [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Fantasy Fan January 1935
* ___ 5. The Bells [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales December 1930
* ___ 6. Nyarlathotep [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales January 1931
* ___ 7. Azathoth [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales January 1931
* ___ 8. Mirage [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales February/March 1931
* ___ 9. The Elder Pharos [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales February/March 1931
* ___ 10. Alienation [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales April/May 1931
* ___ Evening Star [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Beyond the Wall of Sleep by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1943
* ___ St. Toad’s [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Beyond the Wall of Sleep by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1943
* ___ Homecoming [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Fantasy Fan January 1935
* ___ The Well [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Providence Journal May 14 1930
* ___ The Window [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Driftwind April 1931
- * The Gardens of Yin [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Driftwind March 1932
- * The Ghost-Eater (with C. M. Eddy, Jr.), (ss) Weird Tales April 1924, as by C. M. Eddy, Jr.
- * Grewsome Tales, (gp)
- * A Group of Letters, (lt) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1948
- * Gryphus in Ascinum Mutatus, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * Hallowe’en in a Suburb, (pm) The National Amateur March 1926, as "In a Suburb"
- * Harbour Whistles [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Silver Fern May 1930
- * The Haunter of the Dark [Cthulhu], (nv) Weird Tales December 1936
- * He, (ss) Weird Tales September 1926
- * Hedone, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * Helene Hoffman Cole: 1893-1919, (pm) The Bonnet June 1919
- * Hellas, (pm) The United Amateur September 1918
- * Herbert West—Reanimator, (gp) , as "Grewsome Tales"
- * Herbert West: Reanimator:
* ___ I. From the Dark, (ss) Home Brew February 1922
* ___ II. The Plague Demon, (ss) Home Brew March 1922
* ___ III. Six Shots by Moonlight, (ss) Home Brew April 1922
* ___ IV. The Scream of the Dead, (ss) Home Brew May 1922
* ___ V. The Horror from the Shadows, (ss) Home Brew June 1922
* ___ VI. The Tomb-Legions, (ss) Home Brew July 1922
- * Hesperia [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales October 1930
- * History and Chronology of the Necronomicon Together with Some Pertinent Paragraphs (with August Derleth), (fa) The Arkham Sampler Winter 1948; revised by Derleth from “A History of the Necronomicon” by H.P. Lovecraft (The Rebel Press, November 1937).
- * A History of the Necronomicon, (fa) Rebel Press, November 1937
- * Homecoming [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Fantasy Fan January 1935
- * Homes and Shrines of Poe, (ar) The Californian Winter 1934
- * The Horror at Red Hook, (nv) Weird Tales January 1927
- * The Horror from the Shadows, (ss) Home Brew June 1922
- * The Horror in the Burying-Ground (with Hazel Heald), (ss) Weird Tales May 1937, as by Hazel Heald
- * The Horror in the Museum (with Hazel Heald), (nv) Weird Tales July 1933, as by Hazel Heald
- * The Hound, (cs) Skull (comic) #4, 1972; adapted by Jack Jackson
- * The Hound [Cthulhu], (ss) Weird Tales February 1924
- * The House, (pm) National Enquirer December 11 1919
- * The Howler [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Driftwind November 1932
- * HPL on Edgar Rice Burroughs, (lt) All-Story Weekly March 7 1914 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs], as "[letter]"
- * H.P. Lovecraft Letter to Ackerman, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #15, March 2019
- * Hylas and Myrrha: A Tale, (pm) The Tryout May 1919
- * Hypnos [Dream Cycle], (ss) The National Amateur May/July 1923
- * Ibid, (fa) O-Wash-Ta-Nong January 1938
- * Imprisoned with the Pharaohs, (nv) Weird Tales May/June/July 1924, as by Harry Houdini
- * In a Sequester’d Providence Churchyard Where Once Poe Walk’d, (pm) Four Acrostic Sonnets on Edgar Allan Poe ed. Maurice W. Moe, Maurice W. Moe, 1936
- * In a Suburb, (pm) The National Amateur March 1926
- * In Defense of Dagon, (ar) Leaves #2, 1938
- * In Memoriam: Henry St. Clair Whitehead, (ob) Weird Tales March 1933 [Ref. Henry S. Whitehead], uncredited.
- * In Memoriam: Robert E. Howard, (mm) Fantasy Magazine September 1936 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]; revised from “Robert Ervin Howard: 1906-1936”, The Phantagraph Aug ’36.
- * In the Vault, (ss) The Tryout November 1925
- * In the Walls of Eryx (with Kenneth Sterling), (nv) Weird Tales October 1939
- * The Invisible Monster (with Sonia H. Greene), (ss) Weird Tales November 1923, as by Sonia H. Greene
- * The Isaacsonio-Mortoniad, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * Iterum Conjunctae, (pm) The Tryout May 1917
- * John Oldham: A Defence, (pm) The United Co-operative June 1919
- * Kappa Alpha Tau, (ar) Science-Fantasy Correspondent #1, 1975
- * The Key [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Fantasy Fan January 1935
- * The Lamp [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Driftwind March 1931
- * The Lamp of Alhazred (with August Derleth), (ss) The Survivor and Others by H. P. Lovecraft & August Derleth, Arkham House, 1957
- * Last Autumn, Last Winter, (gp) Science-Fantasy Correspondent #1, 1975
- * The Last Test (with Adolphe de Castro), (na) Weird Tales November 1928, as by Adolphe de Castro; revised by H.P. Lovecraft from “A Sacrifice to Science”, In the Confessional and the Following by Gustav Adolf Danziger, Western Authors’ Publishing Association, 1893.
- * Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, (lt) Fantasy Crossroads #8, May 1976 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * A Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, (lt) The Arkham Sampler Summer 1948
- * Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, July 5, 1936, (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1970 [Ref. E. Hoffmann Price]
- * Letter to Forrest J Ackerman, 1935, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #16, August 2019
- * Liber Primus, (pm) The Argosy January 1914, as "Lovecraft Comes Back: Ad Criticos"
- * Liber Quartus, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #44, 1986
- * Liber Secundus, (pm) The Argosy February 1914, as "Ad Criticos: Liber Secundus"
- * Liber Tertius, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #44, 1986
- * Lines for Poets’ Night at the Scribblers’ Club, (pm) The National Amateur January 1924
- * The Link, (pm) The Tryout July 1918
- * Lovecraft as an Illustrator, (ar) Acolyte Summer 1943
- * Lovecraft Comes Back: Ad Criticos, (pm) The Argosy January 1914
- * Lovecraft on Love, (lt) The Arkham Collector #8, Winter 1971
- * Lovecraft’s Last Letter, (lt) The Arkham Collector #4, Winter 1969
- * Lovecraft’s Letters to Aldophe de Castro, (lt) Crypt of Cthulhu #46, Eastertide 1987
- * Lovecraft’s Letters to Vincent Starrett, (lt) Crypt of Cthulhu #46, Eastertide 1987
- * The Loved Dead (with C. M. Eddy, Jr.), (ss) Weird Tales May/June/July 1924, as by C. M. Eddy, Jr.
- * Lucubrations Lovecraftian, (ar) The United Co-operative April 1921
- * The Lurking Fear, (nv) Home Brew January 1923 (+3)
- * The Man of Stone (with Hazel Heald), (ss) Wonder Stories October 1932, as by Hazel Heald
- * Medusa: A Portrait, (pm) The Tryout December 1921, as by Jeremy Bishop
- * Medusa’s Coil (with Zealia Brown Bishop), (nv) Weird Tales January 1939, as by Zealia Brown Bishop; written by Lovecraft based on a story idea and some notes by Bishop.
- * The Members of the Men’s Club of the First Universalist Church of Providence, R.I., to Its President, about to Leave for Florida on Account of His Health, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #44, 1986
- * Memory, (pp) The United Co-operative June 1919, as by Lewis Theobald, Jr.
- * A Memory [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Beyond the Wall of Sleep by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1943
- * The Messenger, (pm) Weird Tales July 1938
- * Mirage [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales February/March 1931
- * Monody on the Late King Alcohol, (pm) The Tryout August 1919
- * The Moon-Bog, (ss) Weird Tales June 1926
- * Mother Earth, (pm) The Tryout July 1919, as by Ward Phillips
- * The Mound (with Zealia Brown Bishop), (nv) Weird Tales November 1940, as by Zealia Brown Bishop; written by Lovecraft based on a brief synopsis by Bishop.
- * The Murky Glass (with August Derleth), (nv) Saturn, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1957; written by Derleth from a fragment by Lovecraft.
- * The Music of Erich Zann, (ss) The National Amateur March 1922
- * My Lost Love, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * The Nameless City [Cthulhu], (ss) The Wolverine November 1921
- * Nemesis, (pm) The Vagrant June 1918
- * Neutaconkanut, (ar) Science-Fantasy Correspondent #1, 1975
- * New England, (pm) The (Providence) Evening News December 18 1914
- * Night-Gaunts [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Providence Journal March 26 1930
- * The Nightmare Lake, (pm) The Vagrant December 1919
- * The Night Ocean (with Robert H. Barlow), (nv) The Californian Winter 1936, as by Robert H. Barlow
- * 1914, (pm) Interesting Items March 1915
- * Nostalgia [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Providence Journal March 12 1930
- * Notes on Interplanetary Fiction, (ar) The Californian Winter 1935, as "Some Notes on Interplanetary Fiction"
- * Notes on the Writing of Weird Fiction, (ar) The Arkham Collector #2, Winter 1968
- * Notes on Writing Weird Fiction, (ar) Amateur Correspondent May/June 1937
- * Nyarlathotep [Dream Cycle], (pp) The United Amateur November 1920
- * Nyarlathotep [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales January 1931
- * Oceanus, (pm) The Tryout July 1919, as by Ward Phillips
- * October, (pm) The Tryout October 1920, as by Henry Paget-Lowe
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