The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1250
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Madden, Jason (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Digital Underground: Spotlight on NFT Art (with André Vieira Auer, Maximilian Auer, Beryl Bilici, Andy Dudak, Idil Dursun & Dominik Gümbel), (ar) Dark Matter Magazine #4, July/August 2021, as by André Vieira Auer, Beryl Bilici, Andy Dudak, Idil Dursun, Dominik Gümbel, Jason Madden & Retric Dreams
Madden, Philip (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * “Death Will You Play with Me?”, (pm) The Deadlands #9, January 2022
- * Dracula Istanbul ’Da, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #21, January/February 2004
- * The Heirloom, (vi) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * Ian Watson Interviewed, (iv) infinity plus May 2004 [Ref. Ian Watson]
- * The Morgue, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine March 2023
- * The Pendant, (ss) Twisted Tongue #15, April 2010
Madden, Sean (fl. 1990s-2010s); used pseudonym Spiffopops (about) (chron.)
- * The Symbiont, (cs) Delirium #2, 2000
- * The Symbiont, (cs) Delirium #3, 2000, as by Spiffopops
- * [front cover], (cv) Mindmares #5 Wtr, #7 Sum, #8 Fll 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Flesh & Blood v2 #5, 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Delirium #2, 2000
- * [front cover], (cv) Delirium #3, 2000, as by Spiffopops
- * [front cover], (cv) Dark Animus #2 Feb, #3 May 2003
- * [front cover], (cv) Cthulhu Sex v2 #16, 2003
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Parsec Winter 2001, as by Spiffopops
Maddock, Larry; pseudonym of Jack Jardine (1931-2009) (about) (chron.)
- * Alien for Hire [Webley], (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #97, August 1960
- * Creatures, Incorporated [Webley], (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #95, June 1960
- * The Disembodied Man, (ss) Imagination April 1954
- * When in Doubt [Webley], (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #101, December 1960
- * [letter from Eaton Rapids, MI], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction Oct 1953, Jun 1954
_____, [ref.]
Maddox, Tom; [i.e., Daniel Thomas Maddox] (1945-2022) (about) (chron.)
- * Baby Strange, (ss) Omni April 1989
- * Burning, Burning, (ex) Quanta #8, February 1991; extract from his forthcoming novel Halo (November 1991).
- * Eye to Eye: Disclave 1986 Guest of Honor Interview with William Gibson, (iv) Science Fiction Eye #1, Winter 1987 [Ref. William Gibson]
- * Gravity’s Angel, (ss) Omni November 1992
- * The Mind Like a Strange Balloon, (ss) Omni June 1985
- * The Robot and the One You Love, (ss) Omni March 1988
- * Snake Eyes, (nv) Omni April 1986
- * Spirit of the Night, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1987
_____, [ref.]
Madison, David (1951-1978) (chron.)
- * Castle of Light [Marcus & Diana], (ss) Space and Time #50, January 1979
- * The City of Silence [Marcus & Diana], (ss) Dragonfields #3, Summer 1980
- * Demon, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #14, 1992
- * The Desolation of Yr/Marcus’s Song, (pm) Dragonfields #3, Summer 1980
- * The Empress of Dreams, (pm) The Diversifier January 1976
- * Fear: The Short Story, (ar) New Fantasy Journal #2, 1977
- * From Under the Hills, (ss) Dragonbane #1, Spring 1978
- * The Funeral of Thamyaris the Warlock [Marcus & Diana], (nv) Wyrd #4, #5 1975
- * The Glyphs of Doom [Marcus & Diana], (ss) Space and Time #42, May 1977
- * The Golden Mask, (ss) Wyrd #2, Fall 1973
- * Gorgon Love, (pm) Fantasy & Terror #11, 1989
- * Grass, (ss) Dark Fantasy #8, 1976
- * The Great City, (ms) Windhaven #3, 1978
- * The Hunt, (ss) Astral Dimensions #4, 1976
- * Inn of the Bones [Marcus & Diana], (ss) The Diversifier June 1975
- * In the City: A Parable, (vi) 1977
- * The Red Leather Book, (vi) Astral Dimensions #6, August 1977
- * Shelter, (ss) Space and Time #61, Winter 1981/1982
- * The Tower, (ss) Dark Fantasy #9, 1976
- * Tower of Darkness [Marcus & Diana], (nv) Space and Time #28, January 1975
- * The Trouble with Timothy, (ss) Dark Fantasy #15, 1978
- * What Rough Beast [Marcus & Diana], (ss) The Diversifier March 1977
_____, [ref.]
Madison, Elliot (1968?- ); used pseudonym Professor Calamity (chron.)
- * Green Fairies, Witch-Candles and Angel Tongues, (ar) SteamPunk Magazine #4, 2008, as by Professor Calamity
- * Notes from the Bucket Shop, (ar) SteamPunk Magazine #9, 2013, as by Professor Calamity
- * Rogue’s Lexicon: New York Victorian Street Slang, (ar) SteamPunk Magazine #8, 2012, as by Professor Calamity
Madison, Shawn P. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Blackness of Night, (ss) Worlds Apart #2, July 2007
- * For Sale: Wars—We Finance, (ss) Alien Worlds #31, October 2002
- * Green Light, (ss) Alien Worlds #30, September 2002
- * PERCOM-5, (sl) Alien Worlds #38 May, #39 Jun 2003
- * Purple, (ss) Alien Worlds #21, December 2001
- * A Time to Run, (vi) Alien Worlds #22, January 2002
- * Wisp, (ss) Whispers of Wickedness #3, Winter 2003
Madle, Robert A(lbert) (1920-2022) (about) (chron.)
- * American Letter, (cl) Nebula Science Fiction #39, February 1959
- * Black Adventure, (ss) Science Fantasy Correspondent March/April 1937
- * Bob Madle’s American Letter, (cl) Nebula Science Fiction #40, May 1959
- * Brain, the Creator (with Corwin F. Stickney), (vi) Science Fantasy Correspondent November/December 1936
- * Can You Answer These?, (qz) Fantascience Digest May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec 1938, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug/Sep 1939, Jan/Feb 1940
- * Convention Review, (ar) Fantascience Digest May/June 1938
- * Devolution, (ss) Tesseract November 1936
- * Did Science Fiction Predict Atomic Energy? (with Sam Moskowitz), (ar) Science Fiction Quarterly November 1952
- * Edgar Allan Poe—Ancestor, (ar) Science Fiction Quarterly May 1953 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe]
- * Editorial, (ed) Fantascience Digest Nov/Dec 1937, Nov/Dec 1941
- * Fantaglimmerings, (cl) The New Science Fiction Collector Jul, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1937, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May, Jun/Jul, Oct/Nov 1938, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug,
Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1939
Jan/Feb 1940, Win 1941
- * First Fandom, (cl) Famous Science Fiction; Fll 68, Spr 69.
- * The Infinite Vision, (vi) Spaceways May 1939
- * Inside Science Fiction, (cl) Dynamic Science Fiction; Jun 53 - Jan 54.
- * Inside Science Fiction, (cl) Science Fiction Quarterly; May 54, Feb-Nov 55, Feb, May, Nov 56, Feb-Nov 57.
- * Inside Science Fiction, (cl) Dynamic Science Fiction Jun 1953, Jan 1954
- * Inside Science Fiction, (cl) Future Science Fiction Nov 1953, Jan, Mar, Jun, Aug, Oct 1954, #30, May, Jul, Sep 1956, Jan, May, Sep,
#34 Fll 1957
Jan, #35 Feb, Mar, #37 Jun, Sep 1958, Jan 1959
- * Inside Science Fiction, (cl) Science Fiction Quarterly May 1954
- * Readin’ and Writhin’, (rc) Science Fiction Quarterly; Aug 54.
- * Science Fiction Spotlight, (cl) Fantascience Digest Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 1939
- * Science Fiction Spotlight (with Mark Reinsberg), (cl) Fantascience Digest May/Jun, Jul/Aug/Sep 1939, Jan/Feb 1940
- * This Is the PSFS, (ar) Science Fiction Adventures May 1953
- * Utopias in Contrast, (ar) Future Science Fiction July 1953
- * Who Says It’s Not Worthwhile?, (ar) Fantasy Fiction Telegram June 1938
- * [letter], (lt) Strange Stories April 1939
- * [letter], (lt) Sweetness and Light Winter 1940
- * [letter], (lt) The Alchemist March 1940
- * [letter], (lt) Psychotic #11 May, #17 Nov/Dec 1954
- * [letter], (lt) Magazine of Horror July 1968
- * [letter from Pennsylvania], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1946
- * [letter from Philadelphia, PA], (lt) Weird Tales Dec 1935, Feb, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug/Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jul 1937
Mar 1938, May 1939
- * [letter from Philadelphia, PA], (lt) Astounding Stories Feb, Jul, Oct, Nov 1936, Apr 1938, Mar 1947
- * [letter from Philadelphia, PA], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction April 1939, uncredited.
- * [obituary], (ob) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1998 [Ref. Sam Moskowitz]; adapted from pieces in Science Fiction Chronicle 6/97 & RAMblings #2, 1/98.
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Fantascience Digest Nov/Dec 1937, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1938, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug/Sep 1939, Jan/Feb,
Oct 1940
Nov/Dec 1941
_____, [ref.]
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