The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1662
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Sailors, Susan M. (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Being a Traveling Companion, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v2 #2, 2006
- * Dreams of Tomorrow, (pm) The Leading Edge #48, October 2004
- * Experiencing Sushi, (pm) Horror Carousel #5, Spring 2007
- * Family Ties, (vi) Theatre of Decay #4, October 2006
- * House Secrets, (ss) Outer Darkness #35, 2007
- * In Deepest Shadow, (pm) Horror Carousel #4, Spring 2006
- * Night Noses, (pm) Dark Legacy #15, Summer 2005
- * Slipped Away, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v1 #3, 2005
- * The Watcher Outside, (pm) Horror Carousel #3, Spring 2005
St. Albans, David T.; pseudonym of David Pudelwitts (fl. 1980s) (chron.)
- * The Dream of Cthulhu, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #9, 1986
- * Drongo, Savage of Asgard!, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #8, 1986
- * The Flying Dutchman, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v1 #4, 1984
- * I’ll Kill You, (ss) 2AM Fall 1986
- * The Life of the Master [Cthulhu], (fa) Etchings & Odysseys #5, 1984
- * The Necromancer, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #7, 1985
St. Boniface, Edward; pseudonym of Ed Griffiths (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Devil’s Own Vibe, (vi) The Sirens Call #58, Summer 2022
- * Fleshmetal, (ss) Gaslight Summer 1995
- * Gross Out, (br) Black Tears #5, 1994
- * Holepunch: A Novel Not by Kathe Koja, (ss) Black Tears #6, 1994 [Ref. Kathe Koja]
- * Nova Hysteria, (ss) Aphelion #287, September 2023
- * Shagaloth: A Novel Not by Thomas Ligotti, (ss) Black Tears #6, 1994 [Ref. Thomas Ligotti]
- * Steelhead, (vi) Black Tears #9, 1995
St. Clair, Margaret (Neeley) (1911-1995); used pseudonyms Wilton Hazzard & Idris Seabright (chron.)
- * Age of Prophecy, (nv) Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories March 1951
- * The Airy Servitor [Nuse Man], (ss) Galaxy Magazine April 1960
- * Aleph Sub One [Oona & Jik], (ss) Startling Stories January 1948
- * The Altruists, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1953, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Anaheim Disease, (ss) Science Fiction Stories January 1959
- * Anthony Boucher, (ob) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1968 [Ref. Anthony Boucher]
- * Asking, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1955, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Autumn After Next, (ss) If January 1960
- * Beaulieu, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1966
- * The Bird, (ss) Weird Tales November 1951
- * Birthright, (ss) Fantastic Universe April 1958
- * Brenda, (ss) Weird Tales March 1954
- * Bride of Eternity, (ss) Super Science Stories September 1949
- * Brightness Falls from the Air, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1951, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Causes, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1952, as by Idris Seabright
- * Change the Sky, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1955, as by Idris Seabright
- * Child of Void, (ss) Super Science Stories November 1949
- * Consumership, (ss) Science Fiction Stories September 1956
- * Continued Story, (ss) Space Stories October 1952
- * The Corn Dance, (ss) Weird Tales March 1950
- * The Counter Charm, (ss) Famous Fantastic Mysteries August 1949
- * Crescendo, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Winter 1955
- * The Dancers, (ss) Planet Stories January 1952, as by Wilton Hazzard
- * The Death of Each Day, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1958, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Death Wish, (ss) Fantastic Universe June 1956
- * Discipline, (ss) If February 1959
- * The Dobridust [Oona & Jik], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1948
- * Dreadful Dreamer, (ss) Super Science Stories July 1949
- * An Egg a Month from All Over, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1952, as by Idris Seabright
- * Eithne, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1957, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Espadrilles, (ss) Famous Fantastic Mysteries April 1953
- * The Everlasting Food, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1950
- * The Family, (vi) Weird Tales January 1950
- * Finders Keepers, (ss) Startling Stories Summer 1954
- * Flowering Evil, (ss) Planet Stories Summer 1950
- * Follow the Weeds, (ss) Imagination June 1951
- * Fort Iron, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly November 1955
- * The Gardener, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1949
- * Garden of Evil, (ss) Planet Stories Summer 1949
- * The Goddess on the Street Corner, (ss) Beyond Fantasy Fiction September 1953
- * Graveyard Shift, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1959, as by Idris Seabright
- * Hathor’s Pets, (ss) Startling Stories January 1950
- * The Hero Comes, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1956, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Hierophants, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1949
- * The Himalaychalet [Oona & Jik], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1949
- * The Hole in the Moon, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1952, as by Idris Seabright
- * Horrer Howce, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1956
- * The House in Bel Aire, (ss) If January 1961
- * Inauguration, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly February 1957
- * The Inhabited Men, (ss) Planet Stories September 1951
- * The Invested Libido, (ss) Satellite Science Fiction August 1958
- * The Invisible Reweaver, (ss) Weird Tales November 1950
- * Island of the Hands, (nv) Weird Tales September 1952
- * Jamieson, (ss) Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1949
- * Judgment Planet, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1953, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Last Three Ships, (ss) Weird Tales May 1950
- * Lazarus, (ss) Startling Stories Fall 1955
- * The Listening Child, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1950, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Little Red Owl, (ss) Weird Tales July 1951
- * Lochinvar, (ss) Galaxy Magazine August 1961
- * The Man Who Sold Rope to the Gnoles, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1951, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Marriage Manual, (ss) Startling Stories Fall 1954
- * Meem, (ss) Planet Stories Fall 1950
- * The Metal Lark [Oona & Jik], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1948
- * Mistress of Viridis, (na) Universe Science Fiction #10, March 1955
- * The Monitor, (ss) Startling Stories January 1954
- * Mrs. Hawk, (ss) Weird Tales July 1950
- * The Muralist, (ss) Startling Stories May 1952
- * The Neo-Geoduck [Oona & Jik], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1949
- * New Ritual, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1953, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Nuse Man [Nuse Man], (ss) Galaxy Magazine February 1960
- * An Old Fashioned Bird Christmas, (nv) Galaxy Magazine December 1961
- * Parallel Beans, (ss) If September 1960
- * Personal Monster, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1955, as by Idris Seabright
- * Piety, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1947
- * The Pillows, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1950
- * Places to Crawl Through, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1979
- * Presenting the Author:
* ___ Margaret St. Clair, (bg) Fantastic Adventures November 1946
- * Probate, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1947
- * Professor Kate, (ss) Weird Tales January 1951
- * Prott, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1953
- * Quis Custodiet…?, (ss) Startling Stories July 1948
- * The Rations of Tantalus, (nv) Fantastic Universe July 1954
- * The Replaced, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1951
- * Return Engagement, (ss) Imagination January 1952
- * Roberta, (ss) Galaxy Magazine October 1962
- * Rocket to Limbo, (ss) Fantastic Adventures November 1946
- * The Rotohouse [Oona & Jik], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1948
- * The Sacred Martian Pig, (nv) Startling Stories July 1949
- * Margaret St. Clair, (bg) Fantastic Adventures November 1946
- * The Scarlet Hexapod, (ss) If September 1959
- * The Shadow of Horns, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1974
- * Short in the Chest, (ss) Fantastic Universe July 1954, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Soma Racks [Oona & Jik], (ss) Startling Stories March 1947
- * Squee, (ss) Future Science Fiction #35, February 1958
- * Starobin, (ss) Future Science Fiction #34, Fall 1957
- * Stawdust, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1956, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Stroller, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1947
- * Super Whost [Oona & Jik], (ss) Startling Stories July 1947
- * Then Fly Our Greetings, (ss) Startling Stories March 1951
- * Thirsty God, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1953, as by Idris Seabright
- * To Please the Master, (ss) Space Travel July 1958
- * The Unreliable Perfumist, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1953
- * The Vanderlark, (ss) Planet Stories January 1952
- * Vector, (ss) Future Science Fiction #40, December 1958
- * Vulcan’s Dolls, (na) Startling Stories February 1952
- * The Way Back, (ss) Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories November 1951
- * Whenever the Sun Shines, (ss) Fantastic Adventures October 1947
- * White Goddess, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1956, as by Idris Seabright
- * The Wines of Earth, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1957, as by Idris Seabright
- * World of Arlesia, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Winter/Spring 1950
- * [letter from Berkeley, CA], (lt) Weird Tales June 1934
_____, [ref.]
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