The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1733
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Skipp, John (Mason) (1957- ) (chron.)
- * Art Is the Devil, (ss) Fungasm Press, 2012
- * Book of the Dead (with Craig Spector), (ex) Midnight Graffiti #2, Fall 1988
- * The Bridge (with Craig Spector), (ex) Iniquities Autumn 1991
- * Bringing Out the Demons, (ss) Nightmare #42, March 2016
- * The Cleanup (with Craig Spector), (ss) Night Cry Summer 1987; a chapter excised from the novel.
- * Company (with Craig Spector), (vi) The Horror Show Fall 1988
- * Depresso the Clown, (ss) Shock Totem #8, January 2014
- * Exclusive Extract, (ex) Terror Tales #2, 2004
- * Go to Sleep, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine September/October 1983
- * How Lumpy the Turd Boy Wound Up in the House of Horror (Revisited), (ar) Dark Discoveries #19, Fall 2011
- * I’ve Been Waiting All My Life to Meet You, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1988
- * Kool King (with Craig Spector), (vi) Omni April 1990
- * The Light at the End (with Craig Spector), (ex) Bantam, 1986
- * The Long Ride, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine September 1982
- * My Darkest Fantasy, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine October 1985
- * No Excuses (with Craig Spector), (ar) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * No Future (with Craig Spector), (sg) Iniquities Autumn 1991
- * No Future: Music from The Bridge (with Craig Spector), (ms) Iniquities Autumn 1991
- * Not with a Whimper (with Craig Spector), (nv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine February 1988
- * Now Entering Monkeyface (with Marc Levinthal), (ss) In the Shadow of the Gargoyle ed. Nancy Kilpatrick & Thomas S. Roche, Ace, 1998
- * Pretend It’s Candy! A Romantic Reach-Around, (ed) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #4, Fall 2010
- * Profile: David J. Schow, (bg) Weird Tales Spring 1990 [Ref. David J. Schow]
- * A Quickee, (vi) The Horror Show Fall 1988
- * Shells (with Craig Spector), (ss) Night Cry Fall 1986
- * Skinny Minnie, (ss) Forbidden Futures #1, Summer 2018
- * Smoke ’Em if You Got ’Em…, (ar) Cemetery Dance #51, 2005
- * Space Cougar! (with S. Hutson Blount, Peter V. Brett, Erin Cashier, Alan DeNiro, Jackson Juiceely, Jay Lake, Nick Mamatas, Spike Marlowe, Carlton Mellick, III, E. C. Myers, Devin J. Poore, Christopher Reynaga, Ken Scholes, Peter Straub, Michael Swanwick & Gordon Van Gelder), (ss) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #6, Summer 2012
- * The Spirit of Things, (ss) Borderland #3, 1985
- * Worm Central Tonite!, (vi) Shock Totem #3, 2010
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * Book of the Dead (with Craig Spector) by John Gregory Betancourt, (br) Weird Tales Winter 1989/1990
- * Book of the Dead (with Craig Spector) by Michael Sumbera, (br) Nova Express Summer 1989
- * Breaking In: John Skipp & Craig Spector by Alan Rodgers, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1986
- * The Bridge (with Craig Spector) by Douglas E. Winter, (br) Weird Tales Winter 1992/1993
- * DeadLines (with Craig Spector) by John Gregory Betancourt, (br) Weird Tales Spring/Fall 1989
- * Extreme Measures: The Fiction of John Skipp & Craig Spector by R. S. Hadji, (ar) The Horror Show Fall 1988
- * Jake’s Wake (with Cody Goodfellow), (br) Shroud #5, Winter 2009
- * Jamming with John Skipp by James R. Beach, (iv) Dark Discoveries #22, January 2013
- * John Skipp & Craig Spector Interview by William J. Grabowski, (iv) The Horror Show Fall 1988
- * One Foot in Darkness: A Conversation with John Skipp by John Boden, (iv) Shock Totem #1, 2009
- * The Scream (with Craig Spector) by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * The Scream: A Tale of Two Splatterpunks by Philip Nutman, (bg) Fear #1, July/August 1988
- * Skipp and Spector Interview by Kathleen E. Jurgens, (iv) Thin Ice #3, 1989
- * The Splat Pack by Jessica Horsting, (iv) Midnight Graffiti #1, June 1988
- * 20+ Interview: Inside John Skipp by Buddy Martinez, (iv) Iniquities Autumn 1990
- * The Voices of Reason: John Skipp and Craig Spector by Ruben Sosa Villegas, (iv) The Blood Review October 1989
Skiver, Wayne (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Blood and Iron, (na) Startling Stories #4, 2007
- * Dark Continent, (ss) Lost Sanctum #3, 2007
- * Doc Griswold’s Sinister Sideshow, (ss) Weird Western Tales Spring 2008
- * For Those Who Stepped Into the Tardis Late… [Doctor Who], (ar) Startling Stories #5, January 2008
- * The Hangman, (ss) Weird Western Tales Spring 2008
- * Introduction, (in) Weird Western Tales Spring 2008
- * The Serpent’s Lover, (ss) Startling Stories #5, January 2008
- * The Space-Hawk Squadron Basics, (ar) Startling Stories #1, 2007
- * Tin Star and Fist!, (ss) Weird Western Tales Spring 2008
- * The Traveler: Wolves of Mars, (nv) Startling Stories #6 May, Fll 2008
Sklar, David (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Allfather’s Ravens, (pm) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #28, 2016
- * Bone China, (pm) Strange Horizons June 25 2012
- * Cat’s Canticle, (pm) Mythic Delirium (online) January/March 2014
- * Confronting the Demon of Hidden Things, (pm) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #9, 2011
- * Distance Vision (with Haitham Jendoubi & Heather Shaw), (pm) Star*Line July/August 2002
- * Flap, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) October/December 2013
- * Gilgamesh (What the Sumerians Seem to Have Missed), (pm) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #8, 2011
- * Intelligent War Machine (with Haitham Jendoubi & Geoffrey A. Landis), (pm) Star*Line May/June 2002
- * The Mountain Farmer’s Bootlace, (ss) Zooscape #1, December 1 2018
- * The Onion Prince, (pm) Mythic Delirium (online) October/December 2013
- * Our Once and Future King (with Timons Esaias & Scott E. Green), (pm) Star*Line May/June 2002
- * Over My Shoulder, (ss) Strange Horizons Sep 20, Sep 27 2010
- * Rules for Killing Monsters, (ss) Nightmare #26, November 2014
- * The Second Course, (pm) Sycorax Journal #5, Fall 2021
- * To Lose You Again, (ss) Space and Time #105, Winter 2008
- * Urban Renewal (with Timons Esaias & S. Geneer), (pm) Star*Line July/August 2002
- * What They Serve in Valhalla, (ss) Zooscape #15, August 15 2022
- * When I Grow Up, (pm) Bull Spec #3, Autumn 2010
- * When Next I Am a Child, (pm) Space and Time #117, Fall 2012
- * Wind in the Reeds, (vi) Membra Disjecta 2008
Sklaroff, Les (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * An Acquisition, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #12, March 2013
- * Another Change of Plan, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #17, February 2016
- * Atacrast, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #18, August 2016
- * Boffin, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #9, June 2011
- * A Closer Look at Greeming & Trulph, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #14, March 2014
- * Conspiracy Theory, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #8, February 2011
- * Dundro Fappit’s Mistake, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #11, August 2012
- * Eavesdropping at Quoils, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #21, February 2018
- * An Excursion to Platport, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #14, March 2014
- * Farny’s Place, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #18, August 2016
- * Feeling the Heat, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #22, April 2020
- * Fiat Lux, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #9, June 2011
- * Foroquont’s Maze, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #11, August 2012
- * Hoolocks and Hellions, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #11, August 2012
- * The Man with Bronze Hair, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #15, November 2014
- * Padratheleon’s Ghosts, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #20, August 2017
- * Pranswat Passes Through, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #21, February 2018
- * A Preference for Cheese, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #10, December 2011
- * Reunion, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #19, February 2017
- * Sibyl, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #13, August 2013
- * Sketches of Snoak City, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #26, Summer 2021
- * Slippage, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #15, November 2014
- * A Small Intrusion, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #16, July 2015
- * The Smile of Paeony 3rdfield, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #11, August 2012
- * Smolehive’s Anakalyptoscope, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #13, August 2013
- * Snyrl, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #22, April 2020
- * Something Quirky, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #11, August 2012
- * Spawn, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #8, February 2011
- * Starbat, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #12, March 2013
- * Thagdar the Immutable, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #16, July 2015
- * Uncle Glussog’s Talent Parade, and Other Matters, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #20, August 2017
- * Yesterday’s Spoons, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #14, March 2014
Skov, David M. (1952- ); used pseudonyms Davida McLean, Dewi McS & D. M. Vosk (chron.)
- * Acid Tears, (pm) Twisted #2, Fall/Winter 1985, as by D. M. Vosk
- * And the Winner Is…, (pm) The Argonaut #6, Summer/Fall 1979, as by Dewi McS
- * …and to His left…, (pm) Doppelgänger #6, February 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Angel’s Gambit, (ss) Black Lite #4/5, January 1978
- * Apology Ambiguously Offered, (pm) Beyond #6, January 1987, as by Dewi McS
- * Assassin, (pm) Thin Ice #1, 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Autocrat, (pm) Twisted #3, Summer 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Automaton They Name You. Listen Not., (vi) Twisted #5, Summer 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Automaton, Thy Perfect Love Is Mine, (pm) Beyond #13, 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Backwoods, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Beloved Nephew, Loving Not, (ss) Copper Toadstool #5, January 1979, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Better Relations, (pm) Thin Ice #4, 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Better than Lobster, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Blue-Brain, (vi) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980, as by Dewi McS
- * By Her Eyes, (ss) Beyond #4, May 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Chauffeur, (ss) Argonaut #10, Summer 1984, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Choice Roles, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #27, May 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Conjured, (ss) Argonaut #13, 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Consummare, (pm) Grue #19, Winter/Spring 1999, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Courtship, (pm) Labyrinth Spring 1984, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Creator, (pm) Beyond #9, 1988, as by Dewi McS
- * Cry to Worship, (pm) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980, as by D. M. Vosk
- * The Dare of a Former Coward, (pm) Beyond #7, May 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Darts, (pm) Twisted #3, Summer 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Death Forest, (pm) Thin Ice #4, 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Death Vibes, (pm) Twisted #4, Summer 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Demon’s Delight, (pm) Twisted #3, Summer 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Diminuendo, (ss) Thin Ice #5, 1989
- * Dread Assistance, (vi) Space and Time #55, April 1980, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Dryad’s Son, (ss) Labyrinth Spring 1984, as by D. M. Vosk
- * The Dusk of Revelations, (pm) Beyond #2, September 1985, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Enchantment, (pm) Thin Ice #16, 1994, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Erotic Ecosystem, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1992, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Fog, (pm) Owlflight #2, 1981, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Forbidden Corner, (ss) The Argonaut #6, Summer/Fall 1979, as by Dewi McS
- * Forge of Dawn, (pm) Thin Ice #4, 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Freeway Martyrs, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Fruitions, (pm) Grue #19, Winter/Spring 1999, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Fulfillments, (pm) Beyond #3, January 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Getting Things Back Under Control, (pm) Not One of Us #1, October 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Ghoulmama’s Patter, (pm) Not One of Us #2, July 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Gift from the Universe, (ss) Copper Toadstool #4, May 1978, as by Dewi McS
- * Good! Three More Left, (pm) Doppelgänger #11, October 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Gravid Moments, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Gray Morning, (vi) Beyond #3, January 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Gypsy’s Ward, (pm) Twisted #3, Summer 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * The Heart of the Pyramid, (ss) Beyond #2, September 1985, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Heat of Anger, Cold of Death, (pm) Thin Ice #1, 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Housekeeper’s Lament Over a Scholar’s Skeleton, (pm) Twisted #2, Fall/Winter 1985, as by D. M. Vosk
- * I, Corruptible Computer, (pm) Beyond #8, September 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * If It’s Crazy They Want:, (pm) Thin Ice #14, 1993, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Incubus, (pm) Thin Ice #14, 1993, as by D. M. Vosk
- * In Man’s Image, (pm) Space & Time #71, Winter 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * In Quest, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Juxtaposition, (pm) Beyond #5, September 1986, as by Dewi McS
- * Lament Uttered Near Dust-Hill Plots, (pm) Eldritch Tales #2, 1981, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Last Redwood, (ss) Black Lite #4/5, January 1978, as by Davida McLean
- * Last Supper, (pm) Twisted #2, Fall/Winter 1985, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Lazy Days, (pm) Thin Ice #7, 1990, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Long-Lost Pleasures, (pm) Beyond #4, May 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Looking Back, (pm) Twisted #4, Summer 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * L.O.S.S.: Voro Loves Sammthara, (ss) Alpha Adventures August 1982, as by Dewi McS
- * Made with Love and Human Fat, (pm) Thin Ice #7, 1990, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Make It Dry for the Little Bugger, (pm) Beyond #8, September 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Mech-Mating; Post WWIV, (pm) Pandora #15, 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Moments from the Dark, (pm) Space and Time #59, April 1981, as by D. M. Vosk
- * A Moment to Ponder, (pm) Alpha Adventures #16, July 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Morte a Troix, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #7, 1989/90, as by D. M. Vosk
- * My Sweet Automaton, (pm) Figment #2, January 1990, as by D. M. Vosk
- * No Sack of Gold for the Huntress, (pm) Figment #4, July 1990, as by Dewi McS
- * No Threat to “Them”, (pm) Beyond #5, September 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Null Contingency, (pm) Infinity Cubed #10, 1985, as by Dewi McS
- * Ode to a Dusty Tome, (pm) Doppelgänger #8, May 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * O, Hear My Supplications, (pm) 2AM Fall 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Old Warrior’s Requiem, (pm) Beyond #7, May 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Old Women of the Hill, (ss) Beyond #6, January 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Paradox Lost, (vi) Beyond #12, 1988, as by Dewi McS
- * Plasmids, to Arms!, (pm) Figment #4, July 1990
- * Poem Posthumously Presented, (pm) Thin Ice #1, 1988, as by Dewi McS
- * Portents, (pm) Beyond #3, January 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Post-Perception of a Prophet, (pm) Beyond #14, 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Powers of Abstinence, (pm) Beyond #8, September 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Prayer to a Passing Necromancer, (pm) Worlds Lost…Time Forgotten #3, 1981, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Pre-Genesis, (pm) Beyond #12, 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Propaganda Sung at an Alien Rock Concert, (pm) Space & Time #79, Winter 1991, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Purist’s Plaint, (pm) Whispered Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Froehlich, 1983, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Ragtime Robot, (pm) Alpha Adventures May 1985, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Resurrection, (pm) Doppelgänger #8, May 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Rite of Conjugation, (pm) Beyond #9, 1988, as by Dewi McS
- * Robot as Poetry, (pm) Beyond #12, 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Robot Tango, (pm) Alpha Adventures May 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Round Trip Revelation, (pm) Beyond #17, 1990, as by Dewi McS
- * Self to the Second Power, (pm) Twisted #2, Fall/Winter 1985, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Sestina for One Dr. Leech, (pm) Figment #1, October 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * SF Sextuplet, (pm) Beyond #6, January 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Shadows, (vi) The Argonaut #5, Winter 1978/Spring 1979, as by Dewi McS
- * Side Effect, (ss) Space and Time #57, October 1980, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Snail Dance, (pm) Beyond #13, 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Specialty Shop, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Stain-Face, (ss) Dark Fantasy #17, 1978
- * Summoned, (pm) Space & Time #80, Summer 1992, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Support Your Microbial Scavengers, (pm) Beyond #19, 1991
- * Symbiont, (pm) Owlflight #2, 1981, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Symbol in a Zoo, (pm) Alpha Adventures May 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Synthe-Pets, (pm) Beyond #6, January 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * A Taste of Venom, (pm) Not One of Us #4, November 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Tertiary Character, (pm) Thin Ice #1, 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * To a Healthy Appetite, (pm) Space and Time #61, Winter 1981/1982, as by D. M. Vosk
- * To Serve Science, (pm) Alpha Adventures September 1984, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Trucker, (pm) Twisted #4, Summer 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Tubes, (pm) Star*Line November/December 1992, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Upon Retiring, (pm) Space and Time #54, January 1980, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Vampunker, (pm) Grue #1, 1985, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Veil, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986
- * Vengeance with the Young, (pm) Figment #1, October 1989, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Viewpoignant, (vi) Eldritch Tales #23, Summer 1990, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Wedded Crisis, (pm) Thin Ice #11, 1992, as by D. M. Vosk
- * We Who Are About to, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Where Lies a Foreign Prince, (pm) Beyond #7, May 1987, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Where Races Meet, (pm) Eldritch Tales #16, 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Why I Came to Venus, (pm) Alpha Adventures #17, May 1988, as by D. M. Vosk
- * Young and Tender Dears, (pm) Grue #2, 1986, as by D. M. Vosk
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