The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 526
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Geyer, Richard (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- Uncertain, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #8, Winter 1997
- Arabesque, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #9, Spring 1998
- Sniper, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #12, Winter 1998
- The Rack, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #14, Summer 1999
- The Suicide, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #15, Autumn 1999
- Reanimator, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #18, Summer 2000
- Mystery, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #22, Summer 2001
- Cleopatra’s Grave, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #1, Fall 2001
- The Reaper, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- [front cover] (with Matthew Snead), (cv) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
Ghan, Ben Berman (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- A Dream of a Good Life, (ss) Liquid Imagination #35, November 2017
- Queering the Cyborg: How the Hybrid Body Can Set Us Free, (ar) Strange Horizons February 24 2020
- The New Gods of the House, (pm) Abyss & Apex #80, 4th Quarter 2021
- The Resting Place of Trees, (ss) Clarkesworld #195, December 2022
- Phosphorescence, (ss) Clarkesworld #210, March 2024
- Those Who Remember the World, (nv) Clarkesworld #216, September 2024
Gheorghe, Andrei Dorian (fl. 2000s) (items)
- The Answer of Dracula, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2000
- Asteroid Vixell, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #56, May 2000
- Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy, (ar) Star*Line May/June 2000
- Miron Costin and the First Astronomical Verse in Romanian Poetry, (ar) Star*Line July/August 2000
- The SFPA in Romania in the First Part of 2000, (ar) Star*Line September/October 2000
- Astropoetry at a NASA workshop, (ar) Star*Line November/December 2000
- The Astropoetry at important astronomical events in the summer of 2000, (ar) Star*Line January/February 2001
- An International Festival of Meteor Poetry & Art, (ar) Star*Line March/April 2001
- Astropoetry in the European Parliament, (ar) Star*Line September/October 2001
- The Daily Astropoem, (ar) Star*Line November/December 2001
- Poetry at EuroCon 2001—Romania, (ar) Star*Line January/February 2002, etc.
- More Astropoetry Shows in 2001, (ar) Star*Line July/August 2002
- Spaceman Sazartinus’ Diary, (cl) Star*Line March/April 2005, etc.
- Conference Report, (ar) Star*Line November/December 2005
- Spaceman Sazartinus Meets Some SF Poetry Editors, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2005
- Romanian Astronautical Poetry, (cl) Star*Line March/April 2006, etc.
- Romanian Astronautic Poetry, (cl) Star*Line September/October 2006, etc.
- Astropoetry in History, (ar) Star*Line January/February 2008
- Astropoetry Project, (ar) Star*Line July/August 2008
- Robotics, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2009
Gholson, Christien (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- You Accept What You Get When You’re Eating with Death, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #17, November 2005
- Tribute, (ss) Interzone #256, January/February 2015
- Angel Fire, (ss) Interzone #258, May/June 2015
- The Spin of Stars, (ss) Interzone #260, September/October 2015
- The Noise & the Silence, (ss) Interzone #268, January/February 2017
- A Strange Kind of Beauty, (ss) Interzone #269, March/April 2017
Giambastiani, Kurt R(obert) A(chilles) (1958- ) (about) (items)
- Supplanter, (ss) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991
- Sum of the Angles, (vi) Vision #8, 1991
- Veiled Glimpses, (ss) Midnight Zoo v2 #5, 1992
- Spencer’s Peace, (ss) Dragon March 1994
- Intaglio, (ss) Tomorrow October 1995
- Of Light and Color, (ss) Talebones #9, Fall 1997
- Long Distance, (ss) Talebones #13, October 1998
- Ploughman’s Son, (ss) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Autumn 1999
- The Revitalization of Emily, (ss) Oceans of the Mind #3, Spring 2002
- The Text, (ss) Oceans of the Mind #13, Fall 2004
Giana, Alan (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Pandora #22, Spring 1989
- [front cover], (cv) Thrust #34, Summer 1989
- [front cover], (cv) Space & Time #76, Summer 1989
- [front cover], (cv) Pandora #24, Fall 1989
- [front cover], (cv) 2AM August 1990
- [front cover], (cv) Figment #5, October 1990
- [front cover], (cv) Pandora #25, 1990
- [illustration(s)], (il) Thin Ice #10, 1991
- [front cover], (cv) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
Gianatasio, David (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items)
- “We Taste Better with a Little Salt…”, (ss) Strange Days Summer 1992
- List of Things to Do Today, (hu) Space and Time #87, Summer 1997
- Bedtime Story, (pp) Dreams and Nightmares #116, September 2020
- Checkmate 2035, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2021
- Via Dolorosa, (pp) Star*Line Winter 2021
- The Second-to-Last Man on Earth, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2021
- This Is Just to Say, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #120, January 2022
- Marswalk, (vi) New Myths #63, Summer 2023
- Checkup, (vi) The Sirens Call #66, Summer 2024
- First or Second Contact, (vi) The Sirens Call #66, Summer 2024
- Gargoyle, (vi) The Sirens Call #66, Summer 2024
- Mannequins in the Mist, (vi) The Sirens Call #66, Summer 2024
- Wildlife, (vi) The Sirens Call #66, Summer 2024
Giancola, Donato (1967- ) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Realms of Fantasy October 2002
- [front cover], (cv) Deep Magic #7, December 2002
- [front cover], (cv) Realms of Fantasy April 2003
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2004
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2005
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2005
- [front cover], (cv) Realms of Fantasy February 2006
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2006
- [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2007
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2007
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction April/May 2008
- [front cover], (cv) Realms of Fantasy December 2008
- [front cover], (cv) Space and Time #105, Winter 2008
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2010
- [front cover], (cv) Black Gate #15, Spring 2011
- [front cover], (cv) Apex Magazine #33, February 2012
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2012
- [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2012
- [front cover], (cv) Space and Time #117, Fall 2012
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2012
- [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2013
- [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2015
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2016
- [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2018
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2018
- [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2019
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2019
- [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2020
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2021
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2021
- [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2022
Giannattasio, Gerard E. (fl. 1960s-1980s) (items)
- [letter from Massapequa Park, NY], (lt) If March 1963
- G.I. Sparrow, (ss) New Worlds 7 ed. Hilary Bailey & Charles Platt, Sphere, 1974
- The Shunned Ship, (ss) Spoor Anthology #2, 1974
- The Wargamer, (vi) Moonbroth #16, 1974
- Beneath College Hill, (ss) Eldritch Tales #4, October 1978
- The N-Scale Horror, (ss) Eldritch Tales #2, 1981
Giannini, Victor (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #104, Summer 2008
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #105, Winter 2008
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #106, Spring 2009
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #108, Fall 2009
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #110, Spring 2010
- [front cover], (cv) Space and Time #116, Spring 2012
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #120, Spring 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #122, Fall/Winter 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #123, Spring 2015
Giatras, Joe (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Friends Even After the End, (ss) The Sirens Call #33, June 2017
- What I Have Done, (ss) The Sirens Call #38, April 2018
- Watching, (ss) The Sirens Call #39, June 2018
- The Nowhere Man, (vi) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- Play It Loud, (vi) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- Heartbreak Lake, (vi) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
Gibbard, Frank (fl. 2000s) (items)
- Family Jewels, (vi) Razar #2, 2007
- Infestation, (vi) Razar #2, 2007
- Line of Credit, (vi) Razar #2, 2007
- Medusa Complex, (vi) Razar #2, 2007
- Partnership Track, (vi) Razar #2, 2007
- The Rosati Society, (vi) Razar #2, 2007
- Security System, (vi) Razar #2, 2007
- The Seven Rules, (vi) Razar #2, 2007
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