The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1111
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LeBlanc, Ann (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Across the River, My Heart, My Memory, (ss) Fireside Magazine #93, July 2021
- * Frequently Asked Questions About the Dead Woman Beneath Sang-D’Heloise Subway Station, (vi) Baffling Magazine #7, April 2022
- * Infinite Clay-Tablet Memories Sung Into the Flesh of the World, (nv) Apparition Literary Magazine #19, Omen, July 2022
- * The Little Free Guide to Dronewatching, Abridged & Annotated, (ss) Baffling Magazine #11, April 2023
- * Maladaptive Camouflage, (ss) Strange Horizons December 4 2023
- * Memories Held Against a Hungry Mouth, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #41, March 2024
- * The Transfiguration of the Gardener Irene by the Dead Planet Hipea, (ss) Clarkesworld #194, November 2022
- * Twenty Thousand Last Meals on an Exploding Station, (ss) Mermaids Monthly #8, August 2021
LeBlanc, H. Courreges (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * The Ecstacy Array, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #17, 1997
- * Euphonasia, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #20, August 1999/April 2000
- * Fiddler, (ss) Strange Horizons December 3 2001
- * Forever-tron, (pm) Say… #1, 2002
- * Life Without Parole, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #22, April 2001/March 2002
- * Quink, (ss) Strange Horizons May 13 2002
- * The Square Hills, (ss) Terra Incognita #5, Summer 2000
- * Thicker Than Water, (ss) Darkling Plain Summer 2000
Le Blond, Sheila (fl. 1980s-1990s); used pseudonym Jai S. Russell (chron.)
- * At Bright Star’s Coming, (ss) Aurealis #4, 1991, as by Jai S. Russell
- * Beyond the Dragon, (ss) Omega Science Digest January/February 1985, as by Jai S. Russell
- * A Gift from the Old Ones, (ss) Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine #4, Spring 1986, as by Jai S. Russell
- * How Mr Skree Joined the Network, (ss) Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine #2, Autumn 1986, as by Jai S. Russell
- * Matter of Mind, (ss) Aurealis #1, 1990, as by Jai S. Russell
- * Playing Shadows, (ss) Aurealis #5, 1991, as by Jai S. Russell
LeBoeuf, Nicole J. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Apotheosis, (pm) The Future Fire #57, 2021
- * The Ascent of Inanna, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #116, September 2020
- * At Night, the Dead, (pm) Sycorax Journal #4, Fall 2019
- * The Day the Sidewalks Melted, (ss) Ideomancer March 2010
- * First Breath, (ss) Blood and Other Cravings ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor, 2011
- * Lambing Season, (ss) Nameless Magazine Spring/Summer 2013
- * Reasonable Accommodations, (pm) Departure Mirror #2, Winter 2021
- * Survival, After, (ss) Apex Magazine #124, 2021
- * Your Robotic Confidante, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2022
Lecard, Marc (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Down Time, (ss) All Hallows #43, Summer 2007
- * A Face in Every Window, (ss) Disturbed Digest #13, June 2016
- * The Last Lord and the Longfarer, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #4, Summer 2004
- * A Manual of Care for the Unliving Child, (ss) See the Elephant #4, 2018
- * Night Window, (ss) Not One of Us #31, April 2004
- * The Room Under the Bridge, (ss) Lovecraft’s Weird Mysteries v1 #11, 2006
- * Stuff, (ss) All Hallows #38, February 2005
- * Wet Palms on Glass, (pm) Ghostlight Spring 2019
Lechler, Kate (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Cthulhu Listens to the Beach Boys, (pm) Liminality #13, Autumn 2017
- * How to Haunt Your Local Forest, (ss) Fireside Magazine #92, June 2021
- * The Hulder’s Husband Says Don’t, (vi) Fireside Magazine #42, May 2017
- * The Lost Heirs of Rose McAlder, (ss) Metaphorosis March 2017
- * The Magician Deletes Her Feed, (ss) Kaleidotrope Summer 2018
- * The Thing That Doesn’t Disintegrate, (ar) The Deadlands #2, June 2021
- * White Bread Mother, (pm) Illumen Spring 2016
- * The Witch in the Woods Falls in Love for a Third Time, (ss) Shimmer #46, November 2018
Leckie, Ann (1966- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Ancillary Justice, (ex) Orbit, October 2013
- * Ancillary Sword, (ex) Orbit, 2014
- * Another Word for World, (nv) Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft ed. Jennifer Henshaw & Allison Linn, Microsoft, 2015
- * Beloved of the Sun, (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #54, October 21 2010
- * The Endangered Camp, (ss) Clockwork Phoenix 2 ed. Mike Allen, Norilana Books, 2009
- * The God of Au [The God of Au Universe], (nv) Helix #8, Spring 2008
- * Hesperia and Glory, (ss) Subterranean #4, 2006
- * “In the Far and Dazzling Future, People Are Still *People*”: A Round-Table on Domestic Space Opera (with Joyce Chng, Foz Meadows, Judith Tarr & Jennifer Foehner Wells), (ar) Strange Horizons August 27 2018
- * The Justified, (nv) The Mythic Dream ed. Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, Saga Press, 2019
- * Maiden, Mother, Crone (with Rachel Swirsky), (ss) Realms of Fantasy December 2010
- * Marsh Gods [The God of Au Universe], (ss) Strange Horizons July 7 2008
- * The Nalendar [The God of Au Universe], (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #36, 2008
- * Needle and Thread (with Rachel Swirsky), (ss) Lone Star Stories #29, October 2008
- * Night’s Slow Poison [Ancillary Justice], (ss) Electric Velocipede #24, Summer 2012
- * She Commands Me and I Obey, (sl) Strange Horizons Nov 10, Nov 17 2014
- * The Snake’s Wife, (ss) Helix #6, Fall 2007
- * The Unknown God, (ss) Realms of Fantasy February 2010
_____, [ref.]
- * Ancillary Pronouns: (Trans)gendering the ’Imperial Radch’ Trilogy by A. Watson, (ar) Strange Horizons January 23 2017
- * Ancillary Sword by Elaine Gallagher, (br) Interzone #256, January/February 2015
- * Ann Leckie: Who Is Anyone Anyway? by Elaine Gallagher, (iv) Interzone #256, January/February 2015
- * Consciousness as Story: A Conversation with Ann Leckie by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, (iv) Clarkesworld #96, September 2014
- * Interview: Ann Leckie by Deborah Stanish, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #2, January/February 2015
- * Interview: Ann Leckie by David Barr Kirtley, (iv) Lightspeed #57, February 2015
- * An Interview with Ann Leckie by Chris Large, (iv) Aurealis #86, November 2015
- * Lake of Souls by Kelly Jennings, (br) Interzone #298, March 2024
- * Provenance by Stephen William Theaker, (br) Interzone #273, November/December 2017
- * Science Fiction Is Spice: A Conversation with Ann Leckie by Arley Sorg, (iv) Clarkesworld #211, April 2024
- * Translation State by Rosemary Claire Smith, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2023
- * Translation State by Kelly Jennings, (br) Interzone #296, November 2023
- * Translation State by Peter J. Heck, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2024
Lecky, James (1965- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Ancient Shades [Tulun of Birjand], (nv) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #5, 2010
- * And Other Such Delights, (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #42, May 6 2010
- * Becoming, (ss) Beyond the Boundaries #10, Winter 1996
- * Behold, (ss) Mirror Dance #22, Summer 2013
- * Beloved Son, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #1, December 1996
- * The Black Flowers of Sevan [Tulun of Birjand], (ss) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #1, 2009
- * The Bone House, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #20, July 2 2009
- * Bones Heal, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #11, December 2012
- * Bride of the Water, (ss) Lacuna #4, April 2011
- * But the Dreams of Men, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #51, April 2016
- * Cursed and Beloved, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #57, October 2016
- * Deepest Black, (ss) Jupiter #21, July 2008
- * The Earth Beneath My Feet, (ss) Jupiter #29, July 2010
- * The Fate of Master Wenang, (ss) Mirror Dance #29, Spring 2015
- * The Fearsome Knight and the Little Dragon, (vi) Mirror Dance #4, Winter 2008
- * Forged in Heaven, Tempered in Hell, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #21, October 2013
- * The Glass Cage, (ss) Aphelion #129, February 2009
- * Harvester of Souls, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #17, June 2013
- * Infected, (vi) Zest #2, Spring 1998
- * The Maze, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #6, December 1997
- * On the Steel Highway, (ss) Threads #10, Winter 1996
- * Pale Nations of the Dead, (ss) Aphelion #136, September 2009
- * Poor Bright Folk, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #44, September 2015
- * The Season Without Sun, (ss) Aphelion #124, August 2008
- * Sing No Songs of Resurrection, (ss) Mirror Dance #38, Summer 2017
- * The Sins of the Land, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #8, June 1998
- * Skin-Tight, (ss) Albedo One #16, 1998
- * So Strange the Trees, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #189, December 24 2015
- * Stealing Utopia, (ss) Zest #4, Autumn 1998
- * The Substance of a Dream, (ss) Mirror Dance #1, Spring 2008
- * This Is the Way We Bleed, (ss) Threads #12, October 1996
- * The Verdigris Caper, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #74, March 2018
LeClaire, Roy St. John (chron.)
- * A bangtail nag…, (pm) The Phantagraph October 1942
- * Bayar, (pm) The Phantagraph October 1942
- * Boddoo, (pm) The Phantagraph October 1942
- * Invitation, (pm) The Phantagraph July/August 1945
- * Lines of an Unfinished Poem, (pm) The Phantagraph March 1944
- * Lunaria, (pm) The Phantagraph October 1942
- * Vuln, (pm) The Phantagraph May/June 1943
- * Whyness, (pm) The Phantagraph October 1942
- * Wimerick, (pm) The Phantagraph December 1944
- * Zag, (pm) The Phantagraph October 1942
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