The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1002
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Keeble, Helen (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * After the Reformation: Interviews with the Grammarians (Selected Extracts), (ss) Farthing #5, January 2007
- * In Ashes, (ss) Strange Horizons April 7 2008
- * In Stone, (ss) Strange Horizons September 10 2007
- * A Journal of Certain Events of Scientific Interest from the First Survey Voyage of the Southern Waters by HMS Ocelot, As Observed by Professor Thaddeus Boswell, D.Phil, MSc.; or, A Lullaby, (ss) Strange Horizons Jun 1, Jun 8 2009
Keegan, Jim (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Legend of the Water Horse (with Ruth Keegan), (cs) Sword & Fantasy #4, October 2005
- * A Saturday Night Mutiny, (ss) Aphelion #129, February 2009
- * [illustration(s)] (with Ruth Keegan), (il) Sword & Fantasy #2, April 2005
- * [illustration(s)] (with Ruth Keegan), (il) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #12, Fall 2008
- * [illustration(s)] (with Ruth Keegan), (il) The Howard Review #14, October 2008
- * [illustration(s)] (with Ruth Keegan), (il) Black Gate #15, Spring 2011
_____, [ref.]
Keegan, Ruth (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Legend of the Water Horse (with Jim Keegan), (cs) Sword & Fantasy #4, October 2005
- * [illustration(s)] (with Jim Keegan), (il) Sword & Fantasy #2, April 2005
- * [illustration(s)] (with Jim Keegan), (il) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #12, Fall 2008
- * [illustration(s)] (with Jim Keegan), (il) The Howard Review #14, October 2008
- * [illustration(s)] (with Jim Keegan), (il) Black Gate #15, Spring 2011
_____, [ref.]
Keel, Roger (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Dancing the Fairy Reel, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- * Dog Days, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Summer 2023
- * George’s Holiday, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
- * Linda, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
- * Love Afield, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * The Naughty List, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Winter 2022
- * A Night in Iowa, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * The Shaft, (ss) Ravenwood Quarterly #1, 2016
- * Silent, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Masquerade, Fall 2024
- * Thou Shall Kill, (ss) Ravenwood Quarterly #1, 2016
- * Weeds, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Spring 2023
Keen, Brian W. (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Faithless Leap, (ss) Black Ink Horror #4, 2008
- * Into the Dark, (ss) Blood Moon Rising #12, July/August 2002
- * Justice for All, (ss) Dark Animus #2, February 2003
- * Marital Bliss, (vi) Macabre #2, 2003
- * A Perfect Love, (ss) Scared Naked Magazine #1, 2002
- * Troy of Athenia, (ss) Deep Magic #15, August 2003
Keen, Jez (chron.)
- * Notices (with Jim Bambra, Chris Baylis, Michael Dean, Simon Forrest, Paul Mason, Roger Musson, Wendy Rose & Pete Tamlyn), (gr) Imagine #29, August 1985
- * Notices (with Jim Bambra, Mike Brunton, Paul F. Cockburn, Joanne Fluke, Mike Perry & D. J. Robinson), (gr) Imagine #25, April 1985, as by Jim Bambra, Mike Brunton, Paul F. Cockburn, Chris Hunter, Jez Keen, Mike Perry & D. J. Robinson
- * Notices (with Joanne Fluke, Alan Mynard & Pete Tamlyn), (gr) Imagine #28, July 1985, as by Chris Hunter, Jez Keen, Alan Mynard & Pete Tamlyn
Keen, Roger (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * All the King’s Horses: An Everyday Tale of Road Rage…, (vi) Sierra Heaven #2, Summer 1996
- * Beyond Cyberpunk: Greg Egan Profiled, (ar) The Third Alternative #18, 1999 [Ref. Greg Egan]
- * Dennis Potter: Personal Mythmaking, (pi) The Third Alternative #23, 2000 [Ref. Dennis Potter]
- * Head in the Clouds: The Films of Michael Powell, (ar) The Third Alternative #26, 2001 [Ref. Michael Powell]
- * Heart of the Matter: An Interview with Nicholas Royle, (iv) The Third Alternative #14, 1997 [Ref. Nicholas Royle]
- * The Horror in Ian McEwan, (bg) The Third Alternative #12, 1997 [Ref. Ian McEwan]
- * The Lord of the Rings Part 4: The Book Versus the Film, (ar) infinity plus September 2004
- * North, (vi) Threads #10, Winter 1996
- * Triskaidekophobia, (ss) Psychotrope #2, 1994
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #64, October 1992
Keen, Shayne K. (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * The Being, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Masquerade, Fall 2024
- * The Demon You Know, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
- * The End of Terra, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Winter 2022
- * Everyone Hates Jessica, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * The New Human, (ss) Weirdbook Annual #3: Zombies ed. Doug Draa, Wildside Press, 2021
- * Off to See the Green Man, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- * One Leaf Left, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * Putting the “Folk” Back in Folk Horror, (fw) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- * Skulls, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Summer 2023
- * Sky Fight!, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Spring 2023
- * They Just Appeared, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
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Keen, Toe (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Benson Arizona, (il) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine December 2020
- * Engine#3, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction February 2021
- * Lunch 2032 (recharge), (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction June 2021
- * Ouroboros Commute 2174, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2022
- * Pip, (ss) Hybrid Fiction October 2020
- * Science Fiction Aril, (il) Journ-E #1, Vernal Equinox 2022
- * Stapmars, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction October 2020
- * [front cover], (cv) Kaleidotrope Sum 2015, Wtr 2016, Spr 2018
- * [front cover], (cv) SQ Mag #23, November 2015
- * [front cover], (cv) New Myths #33 Dec 2015, #38 Apr 2017
- * [front cover], (cv) Devolution Z #10, May 2016
- * [front cover], (cv) Hinnom Magazine #5, February 2018
- * [front cover], (cv) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #38, 2018
- * [front cover], (cv) Curiosities #5, Winter 2019
- * [front cover], (cv) parAbnormal Magazine March 2019
- * [front cover], (cv) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2020
- * [front cover], (cv) Hybrid Fiction July 2020
- * [front cover], (cv) Cosmic Horror Monthly #2 Aug, #4 Oct 2020, #10 Apr 2021
- * [front cover], (cv) Penumbric Speculative Fiction Dec 2020, Apr, Oct 2021, Feb 2022
- * [front cover], (cv) The Future Fire #62 2022, #66 2023
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Future Fire #37, #39 2016, #41 2017, #45, #46 2018, #48, #49, #51 2019, #52, #55 2020, #59 2021,
#64, #66 2023
#68, #70 2024
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine December 2021
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #38, Summer 2024
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