The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 309
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Cummings, Ray(mond King) (items) (continued)
- The Vanishing Men, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories September 1940
- Dr. Targo’s Last Experiment, (ss) Horror Stories October 1940
- Personality Plus, (ss) Astonishing Stories October 1940
- Forked Horror, (ss) Terror Tales November 1940
- The Door at the Opera, (ss) Astonishing Stories December 1940
- Madman’s Murder Melody, (ss) Horror Stories December 1940
- Phantom of the Seven Stars, (nv) Planet Stories Winter 1940
- Priestess of the Moon, (nv) Amazing Stories December 1940
- World Upside Down [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1940
- I’ll Have Your Eyes!, (ss) Terror Tales January 1941, as by Ray King
- Space-Flight of Terror, (nv) Science Fiction January 1941
- I Married a Dead Man! [Bob Trask], (ss) Horror Stories February 1941
- Magnus’ Disintegrator, (ss) Astonishing Stories February 1941
- Almost Human, (ss) Super Science Novels Magazine March 1941
- The War-Nymphs of Venus, (nv) Planet Stories Spring 1941
- Coming of the Giant Germs, (nv) Uncanny Stories April 1941
- Imp of the Theremin, (ss) Astonishing Stories April 1941
- New Flesh for Old, (ss) Horror Stories April 1941
- Onslaught of the Druid Girls, (nv) Fantastic Adventures June 1941
- Out of Smallness, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1941
- Ray Cummings, (bg) Fantastic Adventures June 1941
- Space-Wolf, (ss) Planet Stories Summer 1941
- The Robot God, (nv) Weird Tales July 1941
- Aerita of the Light Country, (na) Super Science Novels Magazine August 1941
- Machines of Destiny, (ss) Astonishing Stories November 1941
- Monster of the Moon, (ss) Super Science Stories November 1941
- Bandits of Time, (nv) Amazing Stories December 1941
- Decadence [Vitos (The Robot Saga)], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1941
- Monster of the Asteroid, (nv) Planet Stories Winter 1941/1942
- The End of His Service, (ss) Captain Future Winter 1942
- Fugitive [Vitos (The Robot Saga)], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1942
- Gods of Space, (ss) Planet Stories Spring 1942
- The Shadow People, (nv) Astonishing Stories March 1942
- Regenaration [Vitos (The Robot Saga)], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1942
- The Star-Master, (nv) Planet Stories Summer 1942
- The World Beyond, (nv) Amazing Stories July 1942
- Rain of Fire, (nv) Future Combined with Science Fiction August 1942
- Miracle, (ss) Astonishing Stories October 1942
- Beyond the End of Time, (ss) Super Science Stories November 1942
- The Dead Man Kills, (ss) Crack Detective November 1942
- Tubby—Time Traveler [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1942
- Patriotism Plus, (ss) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1943
- Star Arrow, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1943
- The Flame Breathers, (nv) Planet Stories March 1943
- The Man from 2890, (ss) Astonishing Stories April 1943
- The Golden Temple, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1943
- Meet the Author, (bg) Startling Stories June 1943
- Wings of Icarus, (na) Startling Stories June 1943
- The Man Who Saved New York, (ss) Science Fiction Stories July 1943
- Tubby—Atom Smasher [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1943
- Battle of the Solar System [Tubby], (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories Spring 1944
- The Science of Time Traveling, (ar) Super Science Stories (Canada) June 1944
- A Fragment of Diamond Quartz, (ss) Super Science Stories (Canada) August 1944, as by Ray P. Shotwell
- The Gadget Girl [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Fall 1944
- Juggernaut of Space, (nv) Planet Stories Fall 1945
- Tubby—Master of the Atom [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Fall 1946
- Dead Man’s Tale, (cs) Eerie Comics January 1947, as by Edward J. Bellin
- The Man-Eating Lizards, (cs) Eerie Comics January 1947, as by Edward J. Bellin
- The Lifted Veil, (ss) Weird Tales May 1947
- Up and Atom [Tubby], (ss) Startling Stories September 1947
- The Simple Life, (ss) Startling Stories May 1948
- Ahead of His Time, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1948
- The Little Monsters Come, (nv) Planet Stories Winter 1948
- The Planet-Smashers, (nv) Out of This World Adventures July 1950
- Science Can Wait, (ss) Fantastic Story Magazine Fall 1952
- He Who Served, (ss) Fantastic Universe September 1954
- The Man Who Could Go Away, (ss) Fantastic Universe July 1955
- Requiem for a Small Planet, (nv) Saturn, Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy March 1958
- The World of Tomorrow, (ar) Marvel Stories
Cummings, Shane Jiraiya (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Hear No Evil, (ss) Borderlands #4, December 2004
- Sobek’s Tears, (ss) Aurealis #33/34/35, 2005
- Love in the Land of the Dead, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #22, January/February 2006
- Vows, (ss) Ripples #3, January 2006
- The Garden Shed Pact, (ss) Borderlands #7, May 2006
- Prescience, (ss) Borderlands #8, October 2006
- Genesis Six, (ss) Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest #8, Winter 2006
- Pallid Wisps of Snow, (ss) Horror Carousel #5, Spring 2007
- Memoirs of a Teenage Antichrist, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #31, 2007
- Editorial, (ed) Midnight Echo #2, June 2009, etc.
- Chasing Jormungand, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #38, 2009
- Graveyard Orbit, (ss) Midnight Echo #6, November 2011
Cunningham, Andrew J. (fl. 1990s) (items)
- Roundabout, (ss) Random Realities #2, Spring 1993
- Eternity?, (vi) Vision #16, 1993
- [letter from Decatur, GA], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1994
- Alien Thoughts, (ss) Gateways #10, Spring 1994
- The Loan Shark, (ss) Into the Darkness #2, 1994
- The Mail Room, (ss) Random Realities #6, Spring 1995
- Time doesn’t move forward for backward minds, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #49, October 1997
Cunningham, Dana (fl. 1990s) (items)
- Yumi, (vi) Figment #6, January 1991
- My Roommate Chuck, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #8, 1991
- Pink Underwear, (nv) Figment #7, Fall 1991
- The God Committee, (ss) Manifest Destiny #1, Winter 1993
- Reflections on Earth from the Moon, (ss) Little Green Men #3, Winter 1997
- There Is No Justice on Darus, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Two ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 1997
Cunningham, Elaine (1957- ) (about) (items)
- The Great Hunt, (ss) Dragon April 1998
- Stolen Dreams, (nv) Dragon May 1999
- Possessions, (nv) Dragon April 2001
- The Crystal [Star Wars], (ss) Star Wars Gamer #5, August/September 2001
- Red Sky, Blue Flame [Star Wars], (ss) Star Wars Gamer #7, December 2001/January 2002
- The Knight of the Lake, (ss) Black Gate Winter 2002
- The Apprentice [Star Wars], (ss) Star Wars Gamer #8, February/March 2002
- Game of Chance, (ss) Dragon September 2005
- Mermaids in the Garden, (ss) DreamForge Anvil #5, Facing the Dark 2021
Cunningham, Gwen (fl. 1940s-1960s) (items)
- [letter from Norfolk, VA], (lt) Captain Future Spring 1943
- [letter from California], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1945, etc.
- [letter from Sacramento, CA], (lt) Science Fiction Quarterly February 1953
- [letter from Oakland, CA], (lt) If April 1958, etc.
- [letter from Walnut Creek, CA, 94596], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1969
Cunningham, Lowell (1959- ) (items)
- The Thornsmith, (ss) Infinity Cubed #1, October 1979
- Life of Brian, (mr) Infinity Cubed #2, December 1979
- A Sick Joke, (vi) Infinity Cubed #2, December 1979
- Snarf the Second, (cl) Infinity Cubed #2, December 1979
- Earthman’s Burden, (br) Infinity Cubed #3, February/March 1980
- Murphy’s Demon, (vi) Infinity Cubed #3, February/March 1980
- Second-Hand Information, (cl) Infinity Cubed #3, February/March 1980
- Snarf III, (cl) Infinity Cubed #3, February/March 1980
- Crackerjack, (ss) Infinity Cubed #5, Fall 1980
- An Interview with Jack Chalker (with Vicki Pope & Dorothy Guin Tompkins), (iv) Infinity Cubed #4, 1980 [Ref. Jack L. Chalker]
- Merging, (ss) Infinity Cubed #6, 1981
- Alpha, (ed) Infinity Cubed #8, 1982
- The Edge of Town, (ss) Infinity Cubed #8, 1982
Cunningham, P(atricia) E(lizabeth) (1957?- ) (items)
- Healer [Pteros], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1982
- To Slay the Dragon [Pteros], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1983
- The Timeseer [Pteros], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1984
- Satisfaction Guaranteed, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1987
- The Son of Walks Through Fire, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1988
- Purpose [Pteros], (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1989
- Mother’s Demon Helper, (ss) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Spring 1994
- Circles, (ss) Adventures of Sword and Sorcery #3, 1996
- Car 17, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 2007
- Monkey See…, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 2008
- Snake in the Glass, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #7, January 1 2009
Cupec, Harold D. (fl. 1990s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) The Haunted Sun #3, Spring 1991
- Bad Manners, (cs) Tekeli-li! #3, Fall 1991
- [front cover], (cv) Aberations #1, 1991
- [front cover], (cv) Midnight Zoo v2 #1, 1992
- [front cover], (cv) Midnight Zoo v3 #6, 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Aberrations #16, January 1994
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