substantially revised and expanded from earlier versions published between 1971 and 1980 in Spain, the Netherlands and Germany. |
last issue. |
A loosely-connected series of thin pulps that were (mainly) numbered sequentially but varied between detective, romance and westerns, at least, and each of which had a different title. The series “title” was never listed in the table of contents, but was mentioned in advertisements for “other titles in the series”. |
Issue not indexed. |
This issue is entitled 3 Star Western Stories on the cover and Table of Contents, and New Western Stories on the title page, and is a partial reprint of the May 1946 issue of 15 Western Tales. |
Partial reprint of the September 1948 issue of Detective Tales, plus a single story from the March 1949 issue of Dime Detective. “Hot Pilot!” from the September 1948 issue is listed on the cover but does not appear in the magazine. |
Partial reprint of the October 1948 issue of Detective Tales, plus a single story from the May 1949 issue. |
Partial reprint of the August 1948 issue of Big-Book Western, plus a single story from the September 1948 issue of Ace-High Western Stories. |
Partial reprint of the September 1949 issue of New Detective Magazine. Details taken from eBay listing. |
Details supplied by Morgan Wallace. |
Partial reprint of the September 1949 issue of Super Science Stories. |
Issue partially indexed. |
Partial reprint of the August 1949 issue of Detective Tales. |