The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1459
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Palmer, James (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Barium Cinema, (ar) Continuum Science Fiction #3, Fall 2004
- * Barium Cinema: The Doctor Is In, (ar) Continuum Science Fiction #6, Summer 2006
- * Barium Intro, (br) Continuum Science Fiction #1, Winter 2004
- * Confessions of an Unrepentant Fanboy, (ar) Blood, Blade & Thruster Fall 2006
- * Cyril M. Kornbluth: One of Science Fiction’s Forgotten Greats, (ar) Strange Horizons January 3 2005 [Ref. C. M. Kornbluth]
- * Flashback, (ar) Blood, Blade & Thruster Fall 2006
- * Interview: Stephen Baxter, (iv) Strange Horizons April 18 2005 [Ref. Stephen Baxter]
- * The Meteor Terror, (ss) Fantasy & Fear January 2011
- * Needles, Flashback, & Confessions of an Unrepentant Fanboy, (ar) Blood, Blade & Thruster Winter 2006/2007
- * Needles, Majik, and Frugal Nudity (with Peter L. Huston), (rv) Blood, Blade & Thruster Fall 2006
- * Roaming the Nostalgia Zone, (ar) Continuum Science Fiction #5, Winter 2006
- * The Tunnels of Lao Fang, (ss) Fantasy & Fear August 2010
Palmer, Jane (1946- ) (about)
_____, [ref.]
- * The Drune by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #152, February 2000
- * Jane Palmer by Liz Holliday, (bg) Fear #25, January 1991
- * Mooving Moosevan by Gwyneth Jones, (br) Interzone #46, April 1991
- * The Planet Dweller by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #12, Summer 1985
- * The Watcher by Lee Montgomerie, (br) Interzone #19, Spring 1987
Palmer, Jason (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Crisis Reversed, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss June 2009
- * The Darkout, (nv) Pantechnicon #10, December 2009
- * Flave’s Formula, (ss) Murky Depths #4, June 2008
- * The Lonely-Eyed Stranger, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss September 2010
- * Poor Babette!, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v4 #3, 2008
- * Scratch, (ss) Murky Depths #7, March 2009
- * Starter House, (ss) Apex Online January 3 2009
Palmer, Jessica (1949- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Anne McCaffrey, the Woman & the Writer, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, 1991 [Ref. Anne McCaffrey]
- * Cinderella Revisited, (ss) Weirdbook #29, Autumn 1995
- * The Gift, (ss) Cemetery Dance #6, Fall 1990
- * Graven Images, (ss) Fear #15, March 1990
- * Heavenly Bodies, (vi) infinity plus December 1998
- * Horror, Anyone? No Thank You, I Just Ate, (ar) Nexus #3, Spring 1993
- * Last Laugh, (ss) Weirdbook #28, Autumn 1993
- * Ortygia, (ss) Interzone #88, October 1994
- * Presentiment’s Hand, (ss) Peeping Tom #15, July 1994
- * So You Want to Be a Writer, (ar) Nexus #2, Spring 1992
- * What the Dickens, (ss) Substance Spring 1995
Palmer, John Phillips (fl. 1970s-1990s) (chron.)
- * The Ballad of the Devil and His Love, (pm) Alpha Adventures January 1986
- * The Ghouls, (pm) Weirdbook #18, 1983
- * The Invitation, (pm) Weirdbook #22, Summer 1987
- * Jane Was a Scholar to the Bitter End, (pm) Thin Ice #12, 1992
- * The Laughter from the Mound, (pm) Haunts #17, Fall/Winter 1989
- * The Morning Star, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986
- * Rusalka, (pm) Night Runes Winter 1984
- * The Sign of the Zodiac, (ss) Weirdbook #10, 1976
- * Sometimes Even Now by Rupert Brooke, (pm) Thin Ice #12, 1992
- * The Tombstone Tells When You Die, (pm) Doppelgänger #7, September 1986
- * Walpurgis Night, (pm) Weird Tales Spring 1990
- * When Winter Comes and As a Trembling Snail, (pm) Thin Ice #9, 1991
- * While Lilith Watched, (pm) Haunts #22, Fall/Winter 1991
- * The Wizard and the Troll, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #7, 1989/90
Palmer, Raymond A(rthur) (1910-1977); used pseudonyms George Bell, Henry Gade, G. H. Irwin, Lu Kella, Frank Patton, J. W. Pelkie, Wallace Quitman, A. R. Steber, Morris J. Steele, Robert N. Webster & Rae Winters (about) (chron.)
- * Editor:
* ___ Other Worlds Science Stories, 49/12 - 50/01., as by Robert N. Webster
* ___ Universe Science Fiction, 53/06 - 53/09. (with Beatrice Mahaffey), as by George Bell
- * The Ancient Alphabet (with Richard S. Shaver), (ar) The Hidden World #A-1, Spring 1961
- * Ancient Artifacts, (ar) The Hidden World #A-14, Summer 1964
- * “As the Twig Is Bent…”, (ar) The Hidden World #A-13, Spring 1964
- * The Atomic Age Sex Murders, (ss) Universe Science Fiction #10, March 1955
- * A Biographical Sketch of August W. Derleth, (bg) Fantasy Magazine March 1936 [Ref. August W. Derleth]
- * Black World, (na) Amazing Stories Mar, Apr 1940, as by A. R. Steber
- * The Blinding Ray, (nv) Amazing Stories August 1938, as by A. R. Steber
- * A Bottle of Wine, (ms) Other Worlds Science Stories #16, April 1956
- * Catalyst Planet, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1938
- * Commentary on Pages 1-192, Vol. A-1, (ar) The Hidden World #A-2, Summer 1961
- * Conference at Copernicus, (rr) Fantasy Magazine March 1934
- * Cosmos:
* ___ Chapter 7: Son of the Trident, (rr) Science Fiction Digest December 1933, as by Rae Winters
* ___ Chapter 10: Conference at Copernicus, (rr) Fantasy Magazine March 1934
* ___ Chapter 10: Conference at Copernicus, (rr) Fantasy Magazine March 1934
- * Covering the Cover, (ed) Universe Science Fiction #9, January 1955
- * The Devil’s Empire, (nv) Mystic Magazine #2, January 1954
- * Diagnosis, (ss) Other Worlds March 1953
- * Dimension Doom, (nv) Science Fiction v1 #4, v1 #5 1933
- * Done Your Good Turn Today?, (ms) Flying Saucers from Other Worlds September 1957
- * Doorway to Hell, (na) Fantastic Adventures Feb, Mar 1942, as by Frank Patton
- * The Dreamers, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Winter 1954, as by Lu Kella
- * Editorial, (ed) The Hidden World
- * Editorial, (ed) Other Worlds Science Stories November 1950
- * The Editor’s Notebook, (ed) Fantastic Adventures; May 39 - Oct 47.
- * The Editor’s Notebook, (ed) Fantastic Adventures September 1947
- * Escape from Antarctica, (ss) Science Fiction Digest June 1933
- * Eye of the Temptress, (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1951
- * Flying Saucers & the Stymie Factor, (ar) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978
- * The Girl from Venus [Neda], (ss) Science Fiction Digest September 1933, as by Rae Winters
- * The Hell Ship, (nv) If March 1952
- * The Hidden Kingdom, (nv) Mystic Magazine #1, November 1953
- * How to Use the Shaver Alphabet, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1947
- * I Flew in a Flying Saucer (with A. V. G.), (na) Other Worlds Science Stories Oct, Dec 1951
- * “I’ll Tell My Big Brother”, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories #12, July 1955
- * Image of Splendor, (ss) Planet Stories Summer 1955, as by Lu Kella
- * In the Sphere of Time [Toka], (nv) Planet Stories Summer 1948, as by J. W. Pelkie
- * Introducing the Author, (bg) Imaginative Tales November 1955
* ___ J.W. Pelkie, (bg) Fantastic Adventures October 1945, as by J. W. Pelkie
- * The Invincible Crime-Buster, (nv) Amazing Stories July 1941, as by Henry Gade
- * Invitation to Adventure, (ar) The Hidden World #A-1, Spring 1961
- * “I Remember Lemuria!” [Mutan Mion] (with Richard S. Shaver), (na) Amazing Stories March 1945, as by Richard S. Shaver
- * Is the Government Hiding Saucer Facts?, (ar) Amazing Stories October 1957
- * Jewels of the Toad, (ss) Fantastic Adventures October 1943, as by Frank Patton
- * Jonah and the Venus Whale, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories #11, May 1955
- * The Justice of Martin Brand, (na) Other Worlds Science Stories July 1950, as by G. H. Irwin; revised from “The Vengeance of Martin Brand”, Amazing Stories Aug-Sep ’42.
- * J.W. Pelkie, (bg) Fantastic Adventures October 1945, as by J. W. Pelkie
- * King of the Dinosaurs [Toka], (n.) Fantastic Adventures October 1945, as by J. W. Pelkie
- * Let’s Appoint a Successor to Edgar Rice Burroughs, (ar) Other Worlds Science Stories #17, June 1956
- * Liners of Space, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1939, as by Henry Gade
- * Lone Wolf of Space (with Joseph J. Millard), (nv) Amazing Stories May 1941, as by Joseph J. Millard & A. R. Steber
- * Lost in the Venusian Jungles, (ed) Universe Science Fiction #5, May 1954
- * Mahaffey’s Mystery, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950, as by Frank Patton
- * Mantong, the Language of Lemuria (with Richard S. Shaver), (ar) Amazing Stories March 1945
- * The Man Who Invaded Time, (ss) Science Fiction Digest October 1932
- * Matter Is Conserved, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction April 1938
- * Meet the Authors: Alfred R. Steber, (fa) Amazing Stories July 1940, as by A. R. Steber
- * Meet the Authors: A.R. Steber, (fa) Amazing Stories March 1945, as by A. R. Steber
- * The Metal Emperor, (nv) Imaginative Tales November 1955
- * Meteorology Versus Biology, (ex) Amazing Stories September 1948, as "The Observatory", by Raymond A. Palmer
- * Mr. Yellow Jacket, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories June/July 1951
- * Moon of Double Trouble, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1945, as by A. R. Steber
- * More Telescope Fiends, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1948
- * Mystery of the Martian Pendulum (with John Russell Fearn), (nv) Amazing Stories October 1941, as by Thornton Ayre & A. R. Steber
- * New Moon, (nv) Other Worlds April 1953
- * The Observatory, (ed) Amazing Stories; Jun 38 - Dec 49.
- * The Observatory, (ed) Amazing Stories Feb, Mar, Apr 1942, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1948
Feb, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1949
- * The Observatory, (ex) Amazing Stories September 1948, as by Raymond A. Palmer
- * An Open Letter to Paul Fairman, (ar) Other Worlds Science Stories June 1952
- * Our High Standard (with Beatrice Mahaffey), (ed) Universe Science Fiction #2, September 1953, as by George Bell
- * Outlaw of Space, (ss) Amazing Stories August 1938, as by Wallace Quitman
- * Palmer on Asbestos, (ar) Science Fantasy Bulletin #7, August 1952
- * Palmer—Tears His Hair… Out and Down, (ar) Stardust November 1940
- * A Patriot Never Dies, (nv) Amazing Stories August 1943, as by Frank Patton
- * Perpetual Motion (with Beatrice Mahaffey), (ed) Universe Science Fiction #3, December 1953
- * Petrified Tree Stump—or Not?, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1947
- * The Phantom Enemy, (nv) Amazing Stories February 1939, as by Morris J. Steele
- * Pioneer—1957!, (nv) Fantastic Adventures November 1939, as by Henry Gade
- * Plight of the Navaho, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1948
- * Polar Prison, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1938, as by Morris J. Steele
- * Preface, (pr) The Hidden World #A-13, Spring 1964
- * The Proof of the Shaver Mystery, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1948
- * Red Coral, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories May 1951
- * Report from the Forgotten Past, (ar) The Hidden World #A-8, Winter 1962
- * The Return to Venus [Neda], (ss) Fantasy Magazine May 1934, as by Rae Winters
- * The Shaver Mystery—The Facts Behind the Mystery, (ar) Fantastic July 1958
- * Son of the Trident, (rr) Science Fiction Digest December 1933, as by Rae Winters
- * Spilling the Atoms, (cl) Science Fiction Digest; Sep 32-Sep 33, Nov, Dec 33.
- * Spilling the Atoms, (cl) Fantasy Magazine; Jan 34 - Sep 36.
- * Stanley G. Weinbaum, (bg) Fantasy Magazine January 1936 [Ref. Stanley G. Weinbaum]
- * The Story of an Amazing Book—“Oahspe”, (ar) Amazing Stories April 1947
- * Strange Offspring, (nv)
- * The Symphony of Death, (nv) Amazing Stories December 1935
- * Tarzan Never Dies!, (ar) Other Worlds Science Stories #14, November 1955
- * The Tattletale Atom, (ms) Other Worlds Science Stories November 1950, as by Robert N. Webster
- * The Test Tube Girl, (na) Amazing Stories January 1942, as by Frank Patton
- * Three from the Test-Tube, (nv) Wonder Stories November/December 1935
- * The Time Ray of Jandra, (nv) Wonder Stories June 1930
- * The Time Tragedy, (ss) Wonder Stories December 1934
- * Toka and the Man Bats [Toka], (na) Fantastic Adventures February 1946, as by J. W. Pelkie
- * Toka Fights the Big Cats [Toka], (na) Fantastic Adventures December 1947, as by J. W. Pelkie
- * The Vengeance of Martin Brand, (na) Amazing Stories Aug, Sep 1942, as by G. H. Irwin
- * The Vortex World, (na) Fantasy Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1934
- * War Worker 17, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1943, as by Frank Patton
- * Weapon for a WAC, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1944, as by Morris J. Steele
- * We Say Hello (with Beatrice Mahaffey), (ed) Universe Science Fiction #1, June 1953, as by George Bell
- * What’s Waiting for Russia—or Mars!, (ar) Universe Science Fiction #8, November 1954
- * When the Gods Make War, (nv) Amazing Stories July 1940, as by A. R. Steber
- * Why Shaver and Palmer Disagree, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- * [front cover], (cv) Mystic Magazine #15, May 1956
- * [front cover], (cv) The Hidden World #A-4 Win 1961, #A-5 Spr 1962
- * [front cover] (with Malcolm H. Smith), (cv) Other Worlds Science Stories #22, May 1957
- * [lengthy response about the use of pseudonyms in Other Worlds], (ms) Other Worlds Science Stories November 1950
- * [letter from Milwaukee, WI], (lt) Astounding Stories Nov 1932, Jan 1933, Apr, Sep 1936, Jun 1937
- * [letters] (with Richard S. Shaver), (lt) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
_____, ed.
- * Associate Editor:
* ___ Science Fiction Digest, 32/09 - 33/05.
- * Editor:
* ___ Amazing Stories, 47/03 - 49/12.
* ___ Fantastic Adventures, 47/03 - 49/12.
* ___ Flying Saucers from Other Worlds, 57/06 - 57/10.
* ___ The Hidden World, 61/Spr - 64/Win.
* ___ Inspired Novels, 61/Win - 62/Win.
* ___ Mystic Magazine, 53/11 - 54/05. (with Beatrice Mahaffey)
* ___ Mystic Magazine, 54/08 - 56/07.
* ___ Other Worlds Science Stories, 55/05 - 57/05.
* ___ Other Worlds Science Stories, 50/01 - 53/07.
* ___ Science Stories, 53/10 - 54/04. (with Beatrice Mahaffey)
* ___ Universe Science Fiction, 53/12 - 55/03. (with Beatrice Mahaffey)
- * Literary Editor:
* ___ Science Fiction Digest, 33/06 - 33/12.
- * Managing Editor:
* ___ Amazing Stories, 38/06 - 47/02.
* ___ Fantastic Adventures, 39/05 - 47/01.
- * Editor: Fantastic Adventures September 1947
- * Editor: Amazing Stories Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1948, Feb, Apr, May,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1949
- * Editor: Other Worlds Science Stories November 1950
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