The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Silver Spurs, (na) Dick Turpin Library #42, 192?
- * Silver Stars [Buffalo Bill], (ss) Lion Library #16, 1909
- * Silver Stolen from Church Is Returned, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1921
- * Silverstone!, (ar) (by Anthony Davis) Boys’ World May 11 1963
- * The Silver Streak, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #819, August 24 1935; adapted from the movie (Charles Starrett, Sally Blane).
- * The Silver-Tongued at Work, (hu) The Popular Magazine July 1907
- * The Silver Wedding, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1881
- * The Silver Wedding Day, (ss) Colour April 1930
- * The Silver Whistle. A Story for Little Folk, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #845, August 20 1864
- * Clifford D. Simak, (pi) Galileo July 1979 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
- * Simancas, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine Jun 18, Jul 16 1870 [Ref. Gustav Bergenroth]
- * Simba, (pi) Adventure January 1956
- * “Simba: the Lion”, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1919
- * A Simile, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 7 1887
- * Simile Contest, (cn) Ziffs Magazine Nov, Dec 1925, Jan 1926
- * Simon Brett, (ar) Crime Time #27, 2002 [Ref. Simon Brett]
- * Simone Simon, (pi) Screen Romances #106, March 1938 [Ref. Simone Simon]
- * Simon Kenton, the Pioneer, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1880
- * Simon Logan: A Literary Evaluation of Inmate #010574, (ar) The Dream Zone #8, January 2001
- * Simon of Gitta: A Chronology and Bibliography, (bi) Crypt of Cthulhu #24, Lammas 1984
- * Simon Pure, (ms) Popular Football Fall 1951
- * Simon & Schuster Merges with Pocket Books, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #7, August 1966
- * Simon Sez “Sex”, (qa) Dude September 1963
- * Simon Wood Interviewed, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #21, November/December 2007 [Ref. Simon Wood]
- * Simpatico Siblings, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2012 [Ref. Lee Hollis]
- * Simple Affinity, (pm) The Primitive Expounder October 28 1843
- * A Simple and Novel Prize Competition, (cn) The Lady’s Realm November 1903
- * The Simple Art of Stencilling, (ar) The Home Magazine, Woman at Home April 1922
- * A Simple Blowpipe, (lt) The Boy’s Own Paper March 5 1881
- * Simple but Effective Dresses for Home Wear, (ms) Pictorial Review March 1913
- * Simple Chemical Experiment for Every House, (ar) Young Englishman’s Journal November 16 1867
- * A Simple Coin and Card Trick, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 30 1887
- * A Simple Conjuring Trick, (cl) Chums Feb 12, May 27, Jul 8, Jul 29, Sep 9 1916
- * A Simple Design, (ms) Woman’s Magazine (UK) November 1935
- * Simple Entrées to take the Place of the Joint, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine April 1917
- * Simple Experiments, (ar) Chums September 2 1922
- * Simple Field Sketching, (ar) Modern World September 7 1940
- * A Simple Hammock, (ar) Chums November 17 1917
- * Simple Leatherwork, (ar) (by Frederick Garnett) The Boy’s Own Paper Supplement v49, 1927
- * The Simple Life, (ms) The Popular Stories October 29 1927
- * Simple Lines for Lingerie, (cl) The Illustrated Love Magazine September 1932
- * Simple Meals for Saxony Murderers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 10 1921
- * Simple Miss, (pi) Ace July 1966
- * The Simple Muslin Dress for Summer, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal June 1910
- * The Simple Pleasures, (pi) The Dude March 1962
- * The Simple Plowboy, (sg) The Graphic Christmas 1900
- * A Simple Rat-Exterminator, (ms) Chambers’s Journal July 25 1908
- * A Simple Rôle, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1911
- * Simple Rules for Success, (??) 10 Story Book March 1921
- * Simple Rural Tastes, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1913
- * Simple Sammy Strong [Simple Sammy Strong], (ss) The Ranger #66 May 14, #69 Jun 4, #74 Jul 9, #75 Jul 16, #83 Sep 10, #84 Sep 17 1932
- * A Simple School Frock, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine October 1916
- * A Simple Sign, (pm)
- * Simple Simon, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1878
- * A Simple Soldier, (ss) Nash’s Magazine January 1910
- * A Simple Song, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 18 1886
- * The Simplest Method, (hu) Short Stories June 1913
- * The Simplest of Remedies, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 15 1912
- * A Simple Story of To-Day, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1855
- * Simple Things You Simply Cannot Do, (ms) The Captain #204, March 1916
- * The Simpleton and the Sharper, (vi) from 1001 Nights,
- * Simple Trick Snares Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 8 1920
- * A Simple Water Prism, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper May 24 1890
- * A Simple Word Square, (pz) Chatterbox Annual 1953
- * Simplicity of Character, (ar) Irish Penny Journal July 1840
- * Simplicity Sue Sews Some Midriffs, (ms) Calling All Girls June/July 1945
- * Simplified Avigation, (cl) Flying Aces Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1936
- * Simplified English, (pm) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #1, June 1924
- * Simplified Navigation, (ms) Flying Aces May 1936
- * The Simplified Poet, (pm) The Evening Sun
- * Simplify Railroad Language, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- * The Simplon Tunnel, (ar) Chambers’s Journal July 11 1908
- * Simply— a Gassie Lassie, (pi) Rex #31, 1972
- * Simply for Summer, (cl) Harlequin Magazine/Newsletter v1 #1, 1973
- * Simply Important, (pi) McCall’s October 1952
- * Simply Miraculous, (vi) Blue Pencil Magazine May 1900
- * Simply Priceless, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 1st January 1930
- * Simpson of Bussora, (ss) (by James Payn) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1876
- * Simpson’s Rest, (ss) The American Boy November 1904
- * Sims, (bg) Pearson’s Magazine September 1919 [Ref. William S. Sims]
- * Sin and Sex at St. Pauli, (pi) Exotic Adventures v1 #2, 1958
- * Sinbad and the Giant Roc, (ss) Look and Learn #1, January 20 1962
- * Sinbad the Sailor and the Rocs, (ex) from The Arabian Nights,
- * Sinbad, the Skating Golfer, (ar) Lilliput December 1953/January 1954
- * Since My Operation, (pm) Stolen Sweets July 1936
- * Sincerely Yours, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * The Sincerest Form of Flattery, (ss) (by Barry Pain) The Cornhill Magazine October 1890
- * Since We Began: Some Landmarks, Literary and Otherwise, (ms) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1914
- * Sin Cinema, (ar) Penthouse (US) May 2006
- * Sin, Cinema and Synthesis, (ar) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #5, Summer 1947
- * Sin Cities, (hu) Mayfair v26 #12, 1991
- * Sin City for Love Only, (ar) Man’s Way October 1956
- * Sinclair Tousey’s Obituary, (ob) Fireside Companion July 23 1897 [Ref. Sinclair Tousey]
- * Sindbad the Sailor, (nv)
- * Sindbad the Sailor: First Voyage, (ss) from The Arabian Nights,
- * Sing and Like It, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories April 1934
- * The Singapore Songster [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #7, November 27 1937
- * Singapore’s Traffic Cops, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 10 1926
- * Sing a Simple Melody, (pi) Real Men June 1966
- * Sing a Song of Disaster! [Green Lantern], (cs) (by Henry Kuttner) Green Lantern (comic) April/May 1946
- * Sing a Song of Sixpence, (pm)
- * Sing a Song of Sixpence, (qz) Argosy (UK) March 1955
- * The Singer, (pm) The Ludgate June 1897
- * The Singer, (pm) (by Thomas Buchanan Read) The Atlantic Monthly September 1859
- * Singer and Poet, (pm) (by Richard Watson Gilder) Scribner’s Monthly June 1877
- * The Singer and the Song, (pm) (by Hannah R. Hudson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1872
- * Singer Arrested Through His Favorite Tune, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 14 1935
- * A Singer in the Morning, (pm) The Idler September 1902
- * The Singer Mother, (vi) The Novel Magazine March 1906
- * The Singer of Eisenach, (ss) The Leisure Hour September 2 1852
- * The Singer’s Dream, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1855
- * The Singer’s Story, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1880
- * Sing for Your Supper, (nv) Movie Love January 1942
- * Singing Alone, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1876
- * The Singing Dead [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #264, 1930
- * A Singing Ditty, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1866
- * The Singing Girl, (ts) True Western Stories May 1926
- * Singing Guns, (sa) Screen Western Stories Spring 1950
- * The Singing Hero, (ms) Wild West Weekly April 21 1928
- * Singing in Company, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1879
- * A Singing Mouse, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1878
- * The Singing of a Kettle, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper August 15 1891
- * Singing Pictures, (ss) Scotland Yard #4, August 1930
- * Singing Sands of Michigan Explained, (ms) Mystery Magazine #61, May 15 1920
- * The Singing-School Romance, (ss) (by H. Hastings Weld) The Atlantic Monthly December 1866
- * Singing Seamen, (ms) Story Parade January 1938
- * The Singing Sokker [Cuthbert, the office boy], (ss) The Triumph September 18 1937
- * Singing the World: An Interview with Heather Valencia, (iv) Parabola Summer 2000 [Ref. Heather Valencia]
- * The Singing Valley, (ms) Weird Tales April 1924
- * Singing Wires, (pm) Railroad Magazine July 1943
- * Singing Wires Are My Business, (ss) Western Romances September 1957
- * Singing Witch of the Rock, (ar) Look and Learn #28, July 28 1962
- * Singin’ in the Rain, (pi) Escapade May 1957
- * Sing It!, (pm) (by P. G. Wodehouse) Pearson’s Magazine July 1907
- * The Single Driver, (ar) Chums March 13 1927
- * A Single Speech Made Stanley Baldwin Famous, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1925
- * Singletons and One-Hit Wonders, (ms) The Lost Club Journal #2, 2000/01
- * The Single Woman’s Problem, (ar) The American Magazine July 1906
- * A Single Woman’s Story, (ss) The Australian Journal June 30 1866
- * A Single Woman’s Story, (ss) (by Ellen Louise Chandler Moulton) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1861
- * Sing of Death in Greece, (ss)
- * Sing Sing: Best-Known Prison, (pi) News Flash Detective Cases April 1946
- * Sing Sing Convict Hides, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 13 1928
- * Sing Sing Executioner to Quit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 16 1926
- * Sing Sing “Gold” Is Iron, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 28 1920
- * Sing Sing Has More College Men, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 1 1927
- * Sing Sing Loses Principal Keeper, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 2 1920
- * A Sing Sing Malingerer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1926
- * Sing Sing Paper to Reappear, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 2 1920
- * Sing Sing Poor, (ms) Best Detective Magazine February 1936
- * Sing Sing Prison from the Inside, (ar) Main Street May 1929
- * Sing Sing Prison Is Overcrowded, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 16 1922
- * Sing Sing’s Catcher Is Caught, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 15 1930
- * Sing Sing’s Executioner Shuns Publicity, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926
- * Sing Sing’s Negro Guard Causes Objections, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 12 1925
- * Sing Sing’s New Warden, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 2 1920
- * Sing Sing to Have New Death House, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 20 1920
- * Singular Adventure, (ss) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #52, August 15 1885
- * Singular Attempt at Suicide, (ms)
- * A Singular Case, (nv) (by F. S. Dellenbaugh) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #806 Dec 1882, #807 Jan 1883
- * The Singular Case of the ‘Mary Celeste’, (ar) Phantasy Province #1, 1992
- * Singular Combat, (ms) The Terrific Register, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825
- * Singular Discovery of a Murder, (ar)
- * Singular Discovery of a Murder in 1740, (ms) The Terrific Register, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825
- * A Singular Duel, (vi)
- * Singular Effect of Light, at the Bariound, Valley of Lucerne, Piedmont, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1876
- * A Singular Experiment, (ms) The Terrific Register, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825
- * Singular Fulfilment of a Dream, (ar) Young Englishman’s Journal June 27 1868
- * A Singular Funeral, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine November 19 1870
- * A Singular Imposture, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1895 [Ref. Mary Wilcox]
- * Singularities of Great Men, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1885
- * Singular Marriage Custom, (ms) The People’s Home Journal June 1903
- * Singular Method of Execution, (ms)
- * Singular Names of Modern Aborigines, (hu) The Scrap Book December 1910
- * Singular Oil Fountains, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1881
- * Singular Phenomenon, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1878
- * Singular Reason for Suspended Sentence, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1922
- * The Singular Snake-Eater, (ar) Daktari Annual 1969, World Distributors, 1969
- * The Singular Story of Edward Gunn, (vi) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal September 28 1833
- * Singular Will, (ar)
- * A Singular Woman, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1876
- * Sing Unto the Lord a New Song, (ar) The Bible Story #21, July 25 1964
- * The Sin He Forgave, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd March 1930
- * Sin Is My Racket, (ts) Man’s Adventure December 1958
- * Sinister Barrier, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #22, June 15 1952 [Ref. Eric Frank Russell]
- * The Sinister Dr. Satira [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Robert Murray Graydon) The Union Jack #1209,
- * The Sinister Hunchback [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #367, 1933
- * Sinister Mystery Still Unresolved, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 16 1921
- * Sinister Reads, (br) Midnight Echo #5, February 2011
- * The Sinister Researches of C. P. Ransom, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #45, 1954 [Ref. H. Nearing, Jr.]
- * The Sinister Scientist’s Secret [Invisible Speedman], (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Buzzer #26, April 9 1938
- * Sinister Static, (ms) Manhunt November 1956
- * The Sinister Trademark [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #447, 1937
- * Sinister Trifles, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 31 1918
- * “Sink, Burn, Destroy”: Der Schlag gegen Deutschland, (ex) 1905
- * Sink Drains and Opera, (ms) McBride’s Magazine April 1916
- * The Sinker [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #517, 1939
- * The Sink Hole, (ss) Chums May 18 1918
- * Sinking Farm May Bring Wealth, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 23 1937
- * The Sinking of the H. M. S. Victoria, (ar) Sea Novel Magazine January 1941
- * The Sinking of the Tuscania, (ar) High-Seas Adventures December 1934
- * The Sinking Sands, (ss) Chums May 4 1918
- * Sinking Their Teeth Into English Lit, (ms) The Daily Mail August 8 1973
- * Sink the Scharnhorst!, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #232, June 25 1966
- * Sink the Tirpitz!, (ia) Rover and Wizard #252, November 13 1965
- * A Sinner at Sea, (ts) The Passing Show September 22 1934
- * A Sinner in Love, (ts) True Love Stories 1st March 1930
- * Sinner or Saint?, (n.) Poppy’s Library #123, January 1934
- * “Sinners”, (sa) The Green Book Magazine April 1915 [Ref. Owen Davis]; novelization of the play by Owen Davis.
- * Sinners?, (ts) Smart Set April 1927
- * Sinners and Sufferers; or, The Villainy of High Life, (ss) Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine November 1850
- * Sinners in Paradise, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #991, December 10 1938; adapted from the movie (Madge Evans, John Boles).
- * The Sin of a Father, (nv) (by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell) Household Words #453, November 27 1858
- * The Sin of Being Found Out, (ts) True Story July 1923
- * A Sin of Omission, (ss) (by Mary N. Prescott) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1869
- * The Sin of Omission, (pm)
- * The Sin of Widow Shard, (n.) Poppy’s Library #185, August 1936
- * Sinon—the Strange Invader World, (ar) Startling Stories Fall 1946
- * Sin—Set to Music, (nv) Secret Confessions combined with Love Revelations July 1941
- * The Sins of the Four Hundred, Part 1: The Freebooters, (ar) The Smart Set February 1917
- * The Sins of the Four Hundred, Part 2: The Débutante, (ar) The Smart Set March 1917
- * The Sins of the Four Hundred, Part 3: The Married People, (ar) The Smart Set April 1917
- * The Sins of the Four Hundred, Part 4: The Orgies of Society, (ar) The Smart Set May 1917
- * The Sins of the Four Hundred, Part 5: The Climbers, (ar) The Smart Set June 1917
- * The Sins of the Four Hundred, Part 6: The Millionaire’s Might, (ar) The Smart Set July 1917
- * The Sins of the Four Hundred, Part 7: The Truth About Newport, (ar) The Smart Set August 1917
- * The Sins of the Four Hundred, Part 8: The Pitfalls in the Way of the Unwary, (ar) The Smart Set September 1917
- * The Sins of the Four Hundred, Part 9: The Influence of the Four Hundred on the Smaller Cities, (ar) The Smart Set January 1918
- * The Sins of the Parents, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine September 1923
- * Sins of the Past, (ms) Clues 1st June 1928
- * The Sin That Everybody Commits, (ar) The American Magazine September 1919
- * The Sin That Was Mine, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd March 1930
- * Siouan Folk Lore, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1884
- * The Sioux Beauty, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 9 1929
- * Sioux Indians Bring Action, (ms) Western Story Magazine July 21 1923
- * Sioux Indians Go to Arlington, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 27 1924
- * The Sioux Scalp Dance, (ms) The Golden West Magazine August 1928
- * A Sioux’s Gratitude, (ss) Fun and Fiction #106, October 18 1913
- * A Siphon of Straw, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper May 10 1890
- * The Sipo Matador, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1882
- * Sir Alfred Milner, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1900
- * Sir Andrew Barton, the Scotch Privateer, Defeated by the Howards, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1881
- * Sir Anthony Van Dyck [Famous Portrait Painters No. 12], (ia) Munsey’s Magazine March 1898
- * Sir Arthur C. Clarke & Forrest J. Ackerman: In Memoriam , (ar) Thrilling Wonder Stories Spring 2009
- * Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan, as an Old Friend Knew Him, (bg) The Argosy (UK) February 1901 [Ref. Sir Arthur Sullivan]
- * Sir Augustus Glossop Harris, KT., (ar) Black & White #26, August 1 1891
- * Sir Boyle Roche’s Famous Letter, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1890
- * Sir Bulwer Lytton’s Advice to the Glasgow University Students, (ms) (by Julia E. M’Conaughy)from Capital for Working Boys, Hodder & Stoughton, 1884
- * Sir Cecil’s Rival, (ss) The Argosy (UK) October 1880
- * Sir Christopher Wren, (ar) Britannia and Eve March 1941
- * The Sirdar as a a Boy, (bg) The Boy’s Own Paper January 14 1899
- * Sir Dinadan’s Death, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1878
- * Sir Dominick’s Bargain, (ss) (by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu) All the Year Round July 6 1872; revised from “The Fortunes of Sir Robert Ardagh”, Dublin University Magazine Mar 1838.
- Madam Crowl’s Ghost and Other Stories by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, G. Bell & Sons, 1923, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Supernatural Omnibus ed. Montague Summers, Gollancz, 1931, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Supernatural Omnibus (var. 1) ed. Montague Summers, Doubleday, Doran, 1932, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Great Tales of Horror ed. Marjorie Bowen, John Lane, 1933, as "Sir Dominick Sarsfield", by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Evening Standard December 22 1933, as "Sir Dominick Sarsfield", by Sheridan Le Fanu
- A Century of Thrillers from Poe to Arlen, Daily Express, 1934, as "Sir Dominick Sarsfield", by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Century of Thrillers, Volume II, President Press, 1937, as "Sir Dominick Sarsfield", by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Seven More Strange Stories ed. John L. Hardie, Art & Educational, 1945, as "Sir Dominick Sarsfield", by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Green Tea and Other Ghost Stories by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Arkham House, 1945, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Argosy (UK) September 1947, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Deals with the Devil ed. Basil Davenport, Dodd, Mead, 1958, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Twelve Stories from Deals with the Devil ed. Basil Davenport, Ballantine, 1959, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Nightmare Stories ed. Charles Higham, Horwitz, 1962, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Best Ghost Stories of J.S. Le Fanu by J. S. Le Fanu, Dover, 1964, as by J. S. Le Fanu
- The Supernatural Omnibus II ed. Montague Summers, Panther, 1967, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Stories of the Supernatural ed. Betty M. Owen, Scholastic, 1967, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Best Irish Ghostly Tales ed. Mary McGarry, Wolfe, 1971, as "A Legend of Dunoran", by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Classic Ghost Stories, Dover Publications, 1975, as "Sir Dominick Sarsfield", by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Supernatural Omnibus II (var. 1) ed. Montague Summers, Penguin, 1976, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Reign of Terror: 3rd Corgi Book of Great Victorian Horror Stories ed. Michel Parry, Corgi, 1977, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Devils and Demons ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1987, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Ghost and Horror Stories, Tynron Press, 1990, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery by Sheridan Le Fanu, Signet Classic, 1996, as by Sheridan Le Fanu
- Devilish Doings ed. Frank J. Finamore, Random House/Gramercy, 1997, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- 12 Mystery Stories ed. Jack Adrian, Oxford University Press, 1998, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Mr. Justice Harbottle and Others by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Ash-Tree Press, 2003, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Carmilla, Green Tea & Other Horrors by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2016, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Fireside Horror Stories About Demons and the Devil ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017, as by J. S. Le Fanu
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