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    Penthouse (UK) [Vol. 5 No. 3, June 1970] ed. Bob Guccione (Penthouse Publications Ltd., 6/-, 76pp, cover: [photo of Britt Lindberg] by Amnon Bar-Tur) []
    Details supplied by Viklas Strongbadia.
    • 4 · Housecall · The Editor · ed
    • 6 · Penthouse Forum · The Readers · lc
    • 6 · untitled (“What really worries me is that if a decision isn’t reached soon there will be crowds like this everywhere in a generation or two.”) · Cookson ,[?] · ct
    • 11 · View from the Top · [uncredited] · cl
    • 16 · Prospectus for Revolution · John Gerassi · ar; illustrated by Michael Foreman
    • 18 · untitled (“You beast! Those poor trusting little birds thought they’d found another St. Francis!”) · S. McMurtry · ct
    • 21 · Sick, Sick, Sikh: An Indian File on Fakirs and Fakers · Mike Eglesfield · ct
    • 26 · An Ugly Way to Die · Peter Glendinning · ss
    • 28 · untitled (“Now Alice—what did you really do in Wonderland?”) · Leon · ct
    • 31 · True Britt · Amnon Bar-Tur · pi; featuring Britt Lindberg as Penthouse Pet-of-the-Month.
    • 40 · How We Envied Them: Party Talk in 3-D · Meb Cutlack · vi; illustrated by Paul Psorakis
    • 43 · You Couldn’t Have Worn It 10 Years Ago · John Taylor · pi; illustrated by Amnon Bar-Tur
    • 48 · Oh, Wicked Wanda! Part 13—The Rosebud’s Supreme (and Unforeseen) Sacrifice · Frederic Mullally · cs; illustrated by Bryan Forbes
    • 50 · untitled (“Boy, those Druids sure can mess up a view.”) · Mike Williams · ct
    • 51 · Ribald Rimes · Bernard Campion · pm
    • 52 · Groom at the Top: The Order of the Bath, All the Pub Winners · Alexander Somerset · cl
    • 54 · The Nudies Continued: Uneasy Rider (The Ranch Motorcycle Gang) · Roger Finborough · pi
    • 60 · Grand Prix Knights: What Makes Graham Run? · Gordon Wilkins · pi; illustrated by Jos Reinhard & Geoffrey Goddard
    • 63 · The Future of Birth Control · Clive Wood · ar
    • 66 · untitled (“The beginning of the world is nigh”) · Mike Williams · ct
    • 67 · The Weasel and the Gumslinger [Fable of Our Time] · Rory Harrity · vi
    • 68 · [cartoon] · Hans-Georg Rauch · ct
    • 71 · untitled (“Take heart, Timothy, Brother John has just spotted the first gum wrapper.”) · Mike Williams · ct
    • 72 · untitled (“…and then Saturday comes and here I am again.”) · Mike Williams · ct

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