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    Fantasy Magazin [1989] ed. Péter Kuczka (50Ft, 125pp, digest) []
    • 3 · Bevezető · Péter Kuczka · ed
    • 5 · Kayli tüze · Paula Helm Murray; translated by Szabó Edit · ss
      translated from the English (“Kayli’s Fire”, Sword and Sorceress 4 ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1987)
    • 16 · Alcouz herceg és a varázsló · Clark Ashton Smith; translated by F. Nagy Piroska · ss
      translated from the English (“Prince Alcouz and the Magician”, Roy Squires Press, 1977)
    • 19 · Ékkő a toronyban · L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter; translated by Baranyi Gyula · ss
      translated from the English (“The Gem in the Tower”, Conan the Swordsman, 1978)
    • 35 · Hogyan írjunk fantasyt · Andre Norton; translated by Mohácsi Enikő · ar
      translated from the English (“On Writing Fantasy”, Dipple Chronicle, November 1971)
    • 39 · Ki udvarol egy vonakodó lánynak · Ardath Mayhar; translated by Veres Míhaly · ss
      translated from the English (“Who Courts a Reluctant Maiden”, Amazons II ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson, DAW, 1982)
    • 46 · Árnyékország csapdájában [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] · Fritz Leiber; translated by Gáspár András · ss
      translated from the English (“Trapped in the Shadowland”, Fantastic, November 1973)
    • 51 · Megmérettetés · Tanith Lee; translated by Baranyi Gyula · ss
      translated from the English (“In the Balance”, Swords Against Darkness III ed. Andrew J, Offutt, Zebra, 1978)
    • 54 · Eudoric egyszarvúja · L. Sprague de Camp; translated by Fencsik Flóra · ss
      translated from the English (“Eudoric’s Unicorn”, The Year’s Best Fantasy Stories: 3 ed. Lin Carter, DAW, 1977)
    • 65 · Hauk története · Poul Anderson; translated by F. Nagy Piroska · ss
      translated from the English (“The Tale of Hauk”, Swords Against Darkness I ed. Andrew J, Offutt, Zebra, 1977)
    • 82 · A Gyűrű · Caradoc A. Cador; translated by Morvay Nagy Péter · ss
      translated from the English (“The Ring”, Greyhaven ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1983)
    • 90 · Kék kísértetkorsó · Tanith Lee; translated by Damokos Katalin · ss
      translated from the English (“Blue Vase of Ghosts”, Dragonfields #4, Winter 1983)
    • 103 · Fantasy Világkongresszus: Több pénz, mint sárkány · [uncredited] · ms
    • 106 · A Clyde-parti gazda · Grail Undwin; translated by F. Nagy Piroska · ss
      translated from the English (“A Farmer on the Clyde”, The Year’s Best Fantasy Stories: 4 ed. Lin Carter, DAW, 1978)
    • 109 · Draco, Draco · Tanith Lee; translated by Sárközi Elga · ss
      translated from the English (“Draco, Draco”, Beyond Lands of Never ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Unicorn, 1984)

    Fantasy Magazine (1953):   (about)
    One story which was forecast in the second issue, “The Scheme of Things” by Lester del Rey, had still not appeared when the magazine folded. The novel by this title that appeared from Belmont Books in 1966 may have been an expansion of the forecast story.

    • Publishers:
      • Future Publications, Inc.; New York: Fantasy Magazine / Fantasy Fiction, Feb 1953 – Nov 1953.
    • Editors:
      • Lester del Rey - Editor: Fantasy Magazine / Fantasy Fiction, Feb 1953 – Aug 1953.
      • Marion Henry - Associate Editor: Fantasy Magazine, Feb 1953.
      • E. K. Harrison - Associate Editor: Fantasy Fiction, Jun 1953 – Aug 1953.
      • John Vincent - Associate Editor: Fantasy Magazine / Fantasy Fiction, Feb 1953 – Nov 1953.
      • John Fell - Associate Editor: Fantasy Magazine / Fantasy Fiction, Feb 1953 – Aug 1953.
      • Cameron Hall - Editor: Fantasy Fiction, Nov 1953.

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