The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Two Seconds to Two: Recommended Reading, (br) 2AM Winter 1988
- * Two Sets in One, (ar) The Modern Boy November 17 1928
- * The Two Shades of Beauty, (pi) Late Show v4 #3, 1966/67
- * A Two-Sided Wooing, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal October 15 1887
- * Two Sides of a Question, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1878
- * Two Sides of It, (pm) The Cavalier February 1910
- * Two Sides of the Seals of His Majesty’s Council of Virginia, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1901
- * Two Sides to the Question, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1877
- * Two Simple Codes, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 30 1921
- * Two Simple Luncheon-Swts, (ar) The American Needlewoman February 1926
- * The Two Sisters, (ss) Eliza Cook’s Journal May 29 1852
- * The Two Sisters, (vi) The Australian Woman’s Magazine and Domestic Journal June 1 1883
- * The Two Sisters and the Curse, (ss) Clan Traditions and Popular Tales of the Western Highlands and Islands by Rev. John Gregorson Campbell, David Nutt, 1895
- * Two Sisters from Boston, (mr) Cosmopolitan April 1946
- * The Two Sisters of Cologne, (nv)
- * Two Sketches, (gp) (by Ruth Dana) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1875
- * The Two Skulls, (ss) (by Fitz-James O’Brien) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1853
- * Two Sloops in Your Basin, (pi) The Dude March 1960
- * Two Smart Skirts and a Negligee, (ar) McCall’s Magazine January 1911
- * Two Sniffs, (ss) (by Corinna Aldrich Hopkinson) The Atlantic Monthly April 1859
- * Two’s Not Company, (qz) Argosy (UK) January 1957
- * Two Social Evenings, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal December 1899
- * Two Soldiers of the Sea, (ar) The American Boy September 1906
- * Two Songs for a Lover, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine February 25 1871
- * Two Sonnets, (gp) (by Alfred H. Louis) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1875
- * Two Souls in a Single Body, (ar) The Scrap Book January 1911
- * Two Squirrels, (pm) My Magazine March 1915
- * Two Stars, (ed) The Black Cat February 1918
- * Two Strange Tales, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #178, December 6 1851
- * The Two Streams, (pm) (by Oliver Wendell Holmes) The Atlantic Monthly June 1859
- * Two Strings, (ss) The Wave April 9 1892
- * Two Strings to Her Bow, (pm) The Grand Magazine June 1906
- * Two Substitutes, (vi) Chicago Ledger January 1 1910
- * Two Successful Plays: “The Basker” and “Tiger’s Cub”, (th) The London Magazine April 1916
- * Two Summers, (pm) (by Elizabeth Akers) The Atlantic Monthly September 1862
- * Two Sure-Fire Hits, (ar) Redbook Magazine November 1940
- * Two Taking Tricks, (ia) Chums May 22 1915
- * Two Tales of Haunted Houses, (gp)
- * The Two Tear Drops, (vi) San Francisco Chronicle
- * 2000 Buffalo to Be Slaughtered, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd March 1927
- * 2,000 Cattle in Long-Distance Trail Drive, (ms) Western Adventures (UK) February 1936
- * $2,000 Bernarr Macfadden Editorial Quotation Contest, (cn) Liberty June 22 1940
- * $$2,000 Conversation Contest, (cn) Liberty Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16, Mar 23, Mar 30, Apr 6, Apr 13, Apr 20, Apr 27, May 4 1935
- * $2,000 Crossword Contest, (pz) Liberty January 21 1939
- * $2,000 Game of Cities Contest, (cn) Liberty Dec 22, Dec 29 1934, Jan 5, Jan 12, Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2, Feb 9, Feb 16, Feb 23 1935
- * $$2,000 Historical Picture Contest, (cn) Liberty Sep 8, Sep 15, Sep 22, Sep 29, Oct 6 1934
- * $$2,000 Historical Picture Game, (cn) Liberty Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25, Sep 1 1934
- * $2,000 History of Our Flag Quiz Contest, (cn) Liberty Apr 19, Apr 26, May 3 1941
- * $2,000 Postage Stamp Contest, (cn) Liberty Oct 13, Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17, Nov 24, Dec 1, Dec 8, Dec 15 1934
- * Two Thousand Miles Into the Unknown, (ar) Look and Learn #17, May 12 1962
- * Two Thousand Pounds for a Drink of Water, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 17 1880
- * Two Thousand Shut-Ins to Have the American Boy, (ar) The American Boy October 1906
- * £2,361 for Half-a-Crown, (ar) Tit-Bits #2868, October 17 1936
- * Two Thugs Seize $85,000 Pay Roll, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1928
- * The Two-Tier Sandwich, (pz) Chatterbox Annual 1949
- * Two Toes, the Killer, (ms) Far West Stories November 1930
- * Two-Tone Effects for the Daytime Frocks, (ms) The Home Magazine February 1932
- * Two Tons of Living Dynamite, (pi) Argosy October 1947
- * Two-Ton Tug for a Reluctant Rhino, (pi) Real April 1960
- * Two Too Many. An Old Trapper’s Story, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1879
- * Two to One, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper July 2 1887
- * Two to One, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1882
- * The Two Tresses, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine
- * Two True Poets: A Man and a Woman, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) August 1919
- * The Two Tyrannies, (ms) The Popular Magazine June 7 1924
- * The Two Unknowns [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #536, 1940
- * Two Unusual Criminal Trials, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 10 1923
- * Two Very Narrow Squeaks, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper March 27 1897
- * 2 View Halloo, (pi) Rogue April 1960
- * Two Views of Great Sea-Monster, (ts) (by Jesse H. Lord) Beadle’s Monthly #11, November 1866
- * Two-Way Picture Diamond, (pz) Premier Book for Children 1961
- * Two Ways, (pm) The Sunday Strand January 1906
- * Two Ways of Taking Care of the Unemployed, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1907
- * Two-Way Time, (ms) Astounding Stories September 1931
- * Two-Way Trail to Glory, (ts) Star Western May 1945
- * Two Wedding Feasts, (ms) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1960
- * Two Weeks from Now, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd Dec 1930, 2nd Jan 1931
- * Two Whistles and a Rap, (ss) Chums November 23 1898
- * Two White Hands, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1888
- * Two Wicked Cities Are Destroyed, (cs) The Bible Story #11, May 16 1964
- * Two Widows and a Necklace; or, The One-Armed Tramps, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1888
- * The Two Williams, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly June 1874
- * Two Winters on Antarctic Ice, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1905
- * Two Winter Sports, (pi) Physical Culture January 1939
- * The Two Witchcrafts, (ar) Witches and Warlocks ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1990
- * Two Women, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1877
- * Two Women, (ss) The Wave October 31 1891
- * Two Women, (vi) The Atlantic Monthly September 1905
- * Two Women; or, The Heir of Fairfields, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1879
- * Two Women Take Over a Western Town, (ms) Western Story Magazine December 14 1929
- * The Two Words, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 9 1888
- * Two Worlds, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #562, September 20 1930; adapted from the movie (John Longden and Norah Baring).
- * Two Years Added to Lifer’s Sentence, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 27 1926
- * Two Years After, (pm) (by Thomas Fullerton) The Atlantic Monthly May 1859
- * Two Years for Dog Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 4 1928
- * Two Years in the Tents, (ss) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #23, January 24 1885
- * Two Years Lost, (ss) The Argosy (UK) September 1878
- * Tycho Brahe, (bg) Temple Bar March 1902 [Ref. Tycho Brahe]
- * Tycoon, (mr) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #47, June 1948
- * Tyhe FLat of Our Blade:
* ___ To Bobby Darin, (cl) Cavalier #93, March 1961 [Ref. Bobby Darin]
- * Tying the Leaves, (pm) Real Story Book April 1929
- * Tyler Cross: Black Rock, (iv) Mystery Tribune #6, Summer 2018 [Ref. Fabien Nury]
- * Steve Tymon Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1994 [Ref. Steve Tymon]
- * The Tyneside Mystery [Nelson Lee], (ss) The Nelson Lee Library #372, July 22 1922
- * Tynewydd Pit, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 10 1887
- * Tyopa Treasure, (ms) Short Stories for Men April 1959
- * The Type III Hawk, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer October 1934
- * Type of Spanish Beauty, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine October 1896
- * Types and Turkeys, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 31 1918
- * Types from the Stage, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine September 1896
- * Types of Beautiful New Yorkers, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine December 1896
- * Types of Beauty on the American Stage, (ar) The Strand Magazine (US) February 1911
- * Types of Beauty:
* ___ The Countess of Annesley, (ar) The Woman at Home March 1899
* ___ The Duchess of Sutherland, (ar) The Woman at Home November 1899
* ___ Georgiana, Countess of Dudley, (ar) The Woman at Home August 1901
* ___ H.H. Princess Aribert D’Anhalt, (ar) The Woman at Home January 1902
* ___ The Hon. Alice Grosvenor, Daughter of Lady Ebury, (ar) The Woman at Home May 1901
* ___ The Hon. Alice Grosvenor, Laughter of Lady Ebury, (ar) The Woman at Home July 1901
* ___ The Hon. Violet Vivian, (ar) The Woman at Home June 1901
* ___ Lady Alice Montagu, (ar) The Woman at Home February 1899
* ___ Lady Angela Forbes, (ar) The Woman at Home December 1900
* ___ Lady Beatrice Butler, (ar) The Woman at Home October 1898
* ___ The Lady Beatrice Herbert, (ar) The Woman at Home February 1902
* ___ Lady Constance Mackenzie, (ar) The Woman at Home April 1900
* ___ Lady Gerard, (ar) The Woman at Home March 1901
* ___ The Lady Grizel Cochrane, (ar) The Woman at Home January 1901
* ___ The Lady Gwendoline Osborne, (ar) The Woman at Home October 1901
* ___ The Lady Katharine Brand, (ar) The Woman at Home November 1901
* ___ Lady Mary Sackville, (ar) The Woman at Home July 1899
* ___ The Lady Maud Warrener as “Pity”, (ar) The Woman at Home May 1900
* ___ Lady Muriel Fox-Strangways, (ar) The Woman at Home March 1902
* ___ Lady Naylor-Leland, (ar) The Woman at Home November 1898
* ___ Lady Ulrica Duncombe, (ar) The Woman at Home November 1900
* ___ Lady Violet Brassey, (ar) The Woman at Home January 1899
* ___ The Lady Wallscourt, (ar) The Woman at Home February 1901
* ___ Lady Westmorland, (ar) The Woman at Home August 1900
* ___ The Marchioness of Granby, (ar) The Woman at Home October 1900
* ___ Miss Adelaide Burton, (ar) The Woman at Home January 1900
* ___ Miss Agatha Thynne, (ar) The Woman at Home April 1901
* ___ Miss Chaplin, (ar) The Woman at Home December 1901
* ___ Miss Enid Wilson, (ar) The Woman at Home September 1899
* ___ Miss Gladys Wilson, (ar) The Woman at Home December 1899
* ___ Miss Jemima Blackwood (The Countess of Darnley), (ar) The Woman at Home April 1899
* ___ Miss Maud Gomme, (ar) The Woman at Home December 1898
* ___ Miss Miller Mundy (Mrs. H.R.E. Harrison), (ar) The Woman at Home May 1899
* ___ Miss Moyra Brodrick, (ar) The Woman at Home October 1899
* ___ Mrs. Arthur Paget, (ar) The Woman at Home August 1899
* ___ Mrs. Dighton Probyn, (ar) The Woman at Home March 1900
* ___ Mrs. Langfier, (ar) The Woman at Home September 1900
* ___ Mrs. Rupert Beckett, (ar) The Woman at Home February 1900
* ___ Mrs. Willie Grenfell, (ar) The Woman at Home September 1901
* ___ The Viscountess Glentworth, (ar) The Woman at Home July 1900
* ___ The Viscountess Milton, (ar) The Woman at Home June 1900
- * Types of Boston Girls, (ar) The Bostonian January 1895
- * Types of Breaks in Common Use Today, (ia) Modern Wonder April 30 1938
- * Types of English Beauty, (pm) London Society January 1863
- * Types of English Beauty. V.—Rose, (pm) London Society January 1864
- * Types of English Beauty:
* ___ II.) Ethel, (pm) London Society February 1863
* ___ IV. Amy, (pm) London Society June 1863
- * Types of English Dudes, (pi) The Charing Cross Magazine January 1900
- * Types of Fair Wmen, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1907
- * Types of Fair Women, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine November 1896
- * Types of Fair Women, (cl) The Scrap Book Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1907, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep 1908
- * Types of Fair Women, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1896, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1897
- * Types of Lowly Life—Wheel-bearers and Whirlpool-makers, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper July 21 1883
- * Types of Our Empire’s Defenders, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 26 1912
- * Types of Planes in Naval Aviation, (ms) Air Trails December 1929
- * The Typewriter, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #324 Mar 30, #325 Apr 6 1968
- * Typewriter First Invention of Three Men, (ms) Mystery Magazine #34, April 1 1919
- * The Typewriter Girl as She Is, (ar) The Sun
- * Typhoon—Burning Ship—Mad Python, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2388, May 2 1936
- * The Typical American Girl, (pi) Smart Set December 1929
- * Typical American Girl Week, (ar) Smart Set August 1929
- * Typical Boer of the City, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1900
- * Typical Boer of the Country, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1900
- * A Typical Buccaneer Raid, (ms) Pioneer Tales April 1928
- * Typical Case, (ss)
- * A Typical Chorus Girl, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine April 1895
- * A Typical Convict, (ms) Clues Detective Stories December 1937
- * A Typical Iban Chief, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine May 1901
- * A Typical Summer Girl, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine August 1896
- * A Typical Two-Stroke Motor-Cycle with Chain-Belt Drive, (ar) Chums April 15 1922
- * Typicture Contest Winners, (cn) All-Story Love Stories August 4 1934
- * Typists at Sea, (ms) Miss Modern December 1931
- * Typist’s Error Invalidates Warrant, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 24 1919
- * Typographic Mistakes, (ms) Associated Sunday Magazine May 20 1906
- * A Tyrannical Feathered Husband—The Hornbill, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1876
- * The Tyranny of Tears, (ts) Smart Set February 1928
- * The Tyranny of Town Flowers, (ar) The Argosy (UK) January 1895
- * The Tyrant by Rafael Sabatini, (th) The Sovereign and Regent Magazine July 1925
- * The Tyrant Husband, an Old Man’s Story, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #160, August 2 1851
- * A Tyrant in Charge [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by R. T. Eves) The Boys’ Realm #59, May 15 1920
- * Tyrant of the Jungle [Rulah], (cs) Zoot Comics May 1948, as "The Thirsty Tyrant of Tii"
- * The Tyrant’s Fall, (ar) Boy’s Comic Journal #463, January 23 1892
- * The Tyrants Who Ruled Rome, (ar) Look and Learn #26, July 14 1962
- * Tyre Prints Give Motor Bandits Away, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2388, May 2 1936
- * Tyrolese House-Mottoes, (ar) (by Frances Eleanor Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine November 1873
- * Tyrolese Inns, (ar) (by Sabine Baring-Gould) The Cornhill Magazine October 1886
- * Tyrolese Wild-Hay Gatherers, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1877
- * The Tyrol Jubilee in 1863, (ar) (by William Stebbing) The Cornhill Magazine August 1864
- * Tyro Shoplifters Arrested on First Venture, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 22 1926
- * TZ Screening Room, (pi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Aug, Oct 1988
- * TZ Screen Preview:
* ___ An Advance Look at Twilight Zone: The Movie, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1983
* ___ Escape from New York, (ar) (by T. E. D. Klein) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1981
* ___ The Hand, (ar) (by T. E. D. Klein) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine May 1981
* ___ It’s That Season Again, (pi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1984
- * Der Ubermensch, (pm) The Smart Set June 1916
- * Ubique Hut - The Ex-Gunners’ G.H.Q., (ar) The Gunner #1, January 1920
- * The Ubiquitous Attache Case, (pi) Rogue July 1962
- * The Ubiquitous Hairpin, (ar) The Lady’s Realm September 1911
- * The Ubiquity of “Nash’s”, (ms) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine January 1916
- * U-Boat Hunters, (cs) Air Ace Picture Library September 1960
- * U-Boat Spy [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #573, 1941
- * UFO, (ar) Probe #33, June 1977
- * The U.F.O. Conspiracy, (ar) Penthouse (UK) Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1968
- * UFO Report, (nf) The Searcher June 1962
- * The UFO Reporter:
* ___ Albuquerque, New Mexico: 1963, (ar) Infinity Fall 1982
* ___ Passiac, New Jersey, July 31, 1952, (ar) Infinity Spring 1983
- * UFOs Over Sweden?, (ms) Fantastic Universe November 1958
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