The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Sanatorium of the Southern Ocean, (ar) (by Constance F. Gordon-Cumming) The Cornhill Magazine October 1884
- * A San Carlo Superstition, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine August 1882
- * Sancha, (ss) The Argosy (UK) May 1870
- * San Cristobal de la Habana, (br) The Double Dealer January 1921 [Ref. Joseph Hergesheimer]
- * Sanctimonious Roberts, (ms) Flynn’s September 12 1925
- * The Sanctity of the White Elephant, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 1907
- * Sanctuary, (ms) The Saint Magazine August 1984
- * Sanctuary of the Wild, (ms) Far West Illustrated November 1928
- * Sand, (ms) Success
- * Sand, (pm) The Puritan August 1899
- * Sand, (pm)
- * Sandalphon, (pm) (by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) The Atlantic Monthly April 1858
- * The Sandbar Mystery [Dig Bailey], (cs) Calling All Boys #14, November 1947
- * The Sand Blast, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1879
- * Sand Blasting, (pi) Debonair #31, February 1969
- * Sand Blast: Tina Blondinas, (pi) Penthouse (US) July 2007
- * The Sand Creek Massacre, (ms) Triple-X Magazine #75, August 1930
- * Sand-Dune Skiing, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 3 1931
- * The Sand-Eaters, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 1907
- * Sanders of the River, (is) The Argosy (UK) April 1939 [Ref. Edgar Wallace]
- * The Sand-Fly of Bagdad, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1884
- * Sand for a Senator, (ms) Bluebook March 1953
- * Sandhog Sabotage [Dig Bailey], (cs) Calling All Boys #16, March 1948
- * Sandhurst Examination, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper March 21 1891
- * Sandi, (pi) Swank April 1974
- * Sandia in the Sun, (pi) Trojan v1 #1, 1962
- * San Diego’s Palm-Tree Special, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * The Sandi, or Cow Tree, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1876
- * The Sandman, (pm) The Rexall Magazine September 1927
- * The Sandman, a German Tale, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #196, April 10 1852 [Ref. E. T. A. Hoffmann]
- * Sand-of Two Kinds, (ss) Chicago Ledger December 7 1918
- * Sandow, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 7 1916
- * Sandow in Plaster of Paris, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1901
- * Sandra Dee R.I.P., (ms) Lovecraft’s Weird Mysteries v1 #9, 2005 [Ref. Sandra Dee]
- * Sandra Edwards, (pi) Cavalier #55, January 1958
- * Sandra Edwards, (pi) High April 1958
- * Sandra Gilbert, Literary Critic Whose 1979 Polemic The Madwoman in the Attic Became a Classic, (ob) The Daily Telegraph December 16 2024 [Ref. Sandra M. Gilbert]
- * Sandra’s Business of Her Own, (pi) Jaguar May 1969
- * S. Andrew Wood, (bg) The Blue Book Magazine February 1932 [Ref. S. Andrew Wood]
- * Sandringham and Its Neighbourhood. Part I., (ar) London Society #9, October 1862
- * Sandringham and Its Neighbourhood. Part II., (ar) London Society #10, November 1862
- * Sand Sirens Sans Socks, (pi) Movie Monthly May 1926
- * Sand & Sky, (pi) Rex #31, 1972
- * The Sands of Fortune, (na) Dick Turpin Library #107, 192?
- * Sands of Mars, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #17, January 15 1952 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * The “Sands of Time ”, (ar) The Penny Magazine #275, 1904
- * The Sandstorm, (ms) My Magazine November 1917
- * Sand, Time and the Stars, (ss) Consensual ed. Stephen Dedman, Cathy Cupitt & Elaine Kemp, Western Australian Science Fiction Foundation, Inc., 2001; “Peregrine Bessett is a serial character published by Red World Komics, copyright by the author, 2001”.
- * Sandu of the Himalayas, (sl) The Triumph Feb 24, Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16, Mar 23, Mar 30, May 18, May 25 1940
- * The Sandwich Islands, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1857
- * Sandwich Suppers, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1883
- * Sand Will Do It, (pm)
- * Sandy, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1877
- * Sandy Decker, (pi) Penthouse (UK) November 1965
- * Sandy Fills Her Stockings, (pi) Showboat v1 #4, 1964
- * Sandy Logan—Soccer Star, (sl) (by Donald Bobin) Detective Weekly #348 Oct 21, #349 Oct 28 1939
- * Sandy the Sheepdog, (pm) Help Yourself! Annual 1931
- * Sandy the Tinker, (ss) (by Mrs. J. H. Riddell) London Society Christmas 1880
- * Sane by Day; Crazy at Night, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 7 1928
- * Sane Murderer Sent to Asylum, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 13 1929
- * Sane or Not, He Is Harmful, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 31 1931
- * San Francisco, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #15, November/December 2006
- * San Francisco, (pm) Schenectady Gazette
- * San Francisco, (pm) New York Globe
- * San Francisco a Priceless Junk-Mine, (ar) People’s Magazine November 1906
- * San Francisco Crook Poses as Prince, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 8 1925
- * San Francisco Flower Child, (pi) Broadside September/October/November 1972
- * San Francisco, from Alcatraz, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1900
- * San Francisco’s Big Fire of 1906, (ar) Overland Monthly December 1916
- * San Francisco’s Convention, (ar) Sunset December 1903
- * San Francisco’s Most Glamorous Women, (ar) Collier’s January 31 1953
- * San Francisco’s New Custom House, (ar) Sunset March 1904
- * San Francisco Ushers in the Year of Fairs, (ar) Redbook Magazine March 1939
- * Sanitarium Planned for Disabled Police, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 19 1920
- * Sanitarium Records Reveal Dope Situation, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * The Sanitary and Moral Condition of New York City, (ar)
- * Sanitary Legislation in American Cities, (ed) The Century Magazine November 1887
- * Sanity Tests for Automobile Speeders, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 7 1923
- * San Jacinto Battle Flag Found, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 14 1932
- * San Jose De Costa Rica, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1890
- * San Juan Love Song, (pm) Harper’s Magazine June 1921adapted by Mary Austin
- * The San Luis Scourge, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 22 1937
- * San Marino, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1880
- * San Marino: The Little Mountain Republic, (ar) Look and Learn #165, March 13 1965
- * San Quentin Taxed to Capacity by Female Felons, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 14 1923
- * Sanscritics, (ms)
- * “Sans Merci”, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1884
- * Santa Barbara, California, (ms) The Rio Kid Western June 1947
- * Santa Barbara County, (ms) The Rio Kid Western February 1949
- * Santa Clara’s Blossom Festival, (ar) Sunset March 1904
- * Santa Claus, (ar) The Goose Girl Magazine December 1948
- * Santa Claus: 1940, (ms) This Week December 22 1940
- * Santa Claus and His Christmas Bag, (ss) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #8, 1867
- * Santa Claus and the Fairies, (vi) Chicago Ledger December 20 1913
- * Santa Claus Cross-word Puzzle, (pz) The London Magazine Christmas 1929
- * Santa Claus Goes Shopping, (ss) Santa Claus: Dupuy’s Christmas Annual 1880
- * Santa Claus in Prison, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1939
- * Santa Claus’s Best Gift, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper December 19 1896
- * Santa Claus Strikes Oil, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2525, December 17 1938
- * Santa Claus, Theft Instructor, (ms) Clues December 1927
- * Santa Claus, V.C., (ss) Colour December 1914
- * Santa Claus Visit, (pm) Grit Story Section #2187, December 20 1936
- * A Santa Fe Giant, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1910
- * Santa Fe Sal, the Slasher; or, a Son’s Vengeance, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #173, 189?
- * Santa Filomena, (pm) (by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) The Atlantic Monthly November 1857
- * Santa Filomena, (ex) (by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) The Atlantic Monthly November 1857
- * The Santals, (ar) (by James Hutton) The Cornhill Magazine August 1868
- * Santapower, (ms) Penthouse (UK) December 1971
- * Santa’s Showcases, (ms) Collier’s December 22 1951
- * Sante Fe Mallet Hauls 4,280 Tons, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1912
- * Sant’Elena and the Battaglia Baths, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1889
- * Santiago, (mr) Argosy July 1956
- * Saphire & Steele Have Been Assigned, (ar) Weirdly Supernatural #1, Winter 2001/2002
- * The Sap of the Secret Service, (sl) The Skipper #126 Jan 28, #127 Feb 4, #128 Feb 11, #129 Feb 18 1933
- * Sapphic Fragments, (pm) Minnesota Quarterly Spring 1928; from the Greek.translated by G. Hubert Smith
- * “Sapphire” Collins, (ms) Wild West Weekly December 31 1927
- * Sapphire Eyes, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1880
- * The Sapphire Ring, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1881
- * Sappho, (nv) (by Mrs. C. V. Hamilton) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1878
- * Sappho, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine June 11 1870
- * Sapping Musso’s Power, (ar) Modern World September 14 1940
- * Saraband, (mr) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #58, May 1949
- * Sarah, (pi) Mayfair v17 #10, 1982
- * Sarah—Age of Innocence, (pi) Jaguar December 1970
- * Sarah and Sally, (pi) Adam (Australia) July 1976
- * Sarah Bane’s Husband, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 20 1931
- * Sarah Bernhardt, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine March 1896
- * Sarah Bernhardt, and Her “Loge” at the Comedie Francaise, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1880
- * Sarah Beth Durst, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #177 Spr 2008, #188 Apr/May 2010 [Ref. Sarah Beth Durst]
- * Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, (bg) Companions of Our Youth: Stories by Women for Young People’s Magazines 1865-1900 ed. Jane Benardete & Phyllis Moe, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1980
- * Sarah Grand, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1903 [Ref. Sarah Grand]
- * Sarah Orne Jewett, (bg) Companions of Our Youth: Stories by Women for Young People’s Magazines 1865-1900 ed. Jane Benardete & Phyllis Moe, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1980
- * Sarah Pinborough Interviewed, (iv) Black Static #16, April/May 2010 [Ref. Sarah Pinborough]
- * Sarah Pinsker, (iv) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #204, Spring 2014 [Ref. Sarah Pinsker]
- * Sarah Siddons and Lady Macbeth, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1882
- * Sarah: The Captain’s Daughter, (pi) Penthouse (UK) September 1983
- * Sara Paretsky Paves the Way, (iv) Suspense Magazine November 2013 [Ref. Sara Paretsky]
- * Sara’s Sweet, (pi) Man’s Book Periodical August 1963
- * Saratoga, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #931, October 16 1937; adapted from the movie (Jean Harlow, Clark Gable).
- * “Sarban”, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #20, December 1971 [Ref. Sarban]
- * Sarcastic Maid, (pm) San Francisco Chronicle
- * Sarcee Indians Enjoy Treaty Payments, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 21 1925
- * Sardines, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1877
- * Sargasso Gold, (ss) Thrills of the Seven Seas, Dean & Son, 1936
- * The Sargasso Sea, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1879
- * Sargent Is Dead: A Review of the Life and Work of John Singer Sargent, (ar) Artists and Models Magazine May 1925
- * Sari Amritza, (ms) The Royal Pictorial September 1933
- * Sari—The Girl with the Glorious Green Pouce, (pi) French Frills v2 #4, 1963
- * A Sarracolet and a Kasson Woman of the Upper Senegal, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1878
- * Saru-Kani Kassen; or, the Battle of the Monkey and the Crabs (A Story from the Japanese for Boys and Girls), (ss) St. Nicholas February 1887
- * Sassy Sue, (pi) Knight August 1974
- * Sassy Swede, (pi) Showpiece October/November/December 1972
- * Satan Buries His Own, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces December 1941
- * Satank’s Precious Paper, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd February 1927
- * Satan’s Angel—Tina Louise, (pi) Satan February 1957
- * Satan’s Bachelor Den, (pi) Satan February 1957
- * Satan’s Sinema Scraps, (hu) Satan’s Scrapbook v2 #3, 1965
- * Satan’s Sister, (ss) Superb Confessions #1, 1948
- * Satan’s Smoke Screen, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd June 1930
- * Satan’s Waitin’, (pi) Debonair #16, May 1967
- * Satellite-Borne TV?, (ms) Fantastic Universe January 1959
- * Satellite E One, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #51, November 15 1954 [Ref. Jeffery Lloyd Castle]
- * Satellite in Space, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #77, February 1957 [Ref. A. M. Low]
- * Satevepost Want SF, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #6, June 1966
- * The Satin Bower Bird, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1876
- * Satin Lingerie, (ms) Mayfair v21 #6, 1986
- * Satin Lingerie Collection Offer, (ms) Mayfair v19 #12 1984, v20 #2 1985
- * Satin Lingerie Offer, (ms) Mayfair v20 #6, v20 #7, v20 #8, v20 #9, v20 #11 1985, v21 #1, v21 #9 1986, v22 #8, v22 #9 1987
- * Satin Sensation Lingerie Offer, (ms) Mayfair v20 #4, 1985
- * Satin Sensation Offer, (ms) Mayfair v20 #3, 1985
- * Satire Claims Something to Be Said for It, (ar) Dublin University Magazine Jan, Feb 1868
- * The Satire of W.K. Haselden, (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1908 [Ref. W. K. Haselden]
- * A Satirical Laureate of the Sixteenth Century, (ar) (by Pierre LeBas) Dublin University Magazine December 1866 [Ref. John Skelton]
- * The Satirists of the Reformation, (ar) (by James Hannay) The Cornhill Magazine November 1867
- * Satirizing Rockefeller’s Autobiography, (hu) Punch
- * Satisfaction by Arms [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth June 24 1880
- * The Satisfaction of a Gentleman, (ss) Eliza Cook’s Journal August 28 1852
- * A Satisfactory Conclusion, (ss) Laughter December 1926
- * A Satisfactory Cougar Hunt, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 28 1929
- * Satisfactory to All, (hu) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1898
- * Satisfied, (pm) Two Gun Western Stories April 1929
- * Satria Pasha: She Wanted to Play Lolita, (pi) Man to Man January 1963
- * Sat Sri Akál, (ar) Blackwood’s Magazine March 1923
- * Saturday Afternoon at the Movies, (ar) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1982
- * A Saturday Night in the Black Country, (ar) Dublin University Magazine July 1861
- * Saturday Night Sponge Diver, (pi) Adam Annual 1957
- * “Saturday Night” Up North, (ms) True Western Stories April 1926
- * Saturday’s Other Heroes (Half-time Bands), (pi) Escapade December 1962
- * Saturn, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #40, December 15 1953
- * Saturn, (pm) Chambers’s Journal
- * Saturn Facts, (ms)
- * Saturn Muscles In [Green Lantern], (cs) (by Alfred Bester) Green Lantern (comic) Fall 1945
- * Saturn, the Prairie Planet, (vi) Captain Future Fall 1940
- * Satya Tara Nelms Interview, (iv) Black Girl Magic Lit Mag #1, January 2016 [Ref. Satya Tara Nelms]
- * Satyricon, (mr) Adam Film World #12, January 1970
- * Satyrs of Satan [Rulah], (cs) Zoot Comics April 1948
- * Sauce for the Gander, (pi) Untamed March 1960
- * Sauce for the Goose, Sauce for the Gander, (ts) The Strand Magazine March 1899
- * Sauce in Season, (il)
- * The Saucy “Arethusa” (Being a New Version of an Old Song), (pm) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #62, May 1917
- * Saucy Moments in the Gay ’90’s, (ms) Saucy Movie Tales Apr, May 1937
- * Saucy Sirens of the Silver Screen, (pi) Cavalcade (Australia) Sep, Aug, May, Oct, Jul 1953 [Ref. Theda Bara]
- * Saucy Stories Career Scholarships, (ms) Saucy Stories October 1924
- * Saudi Arabia in the Grip of Modern Progress, (ar) Modern World May 25 1940
- * A Sauerkraut Club, (ms) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories June 1931
- * Sault Ste. Marie Canal—Headquarters, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1900
- * Sault Ste. Marie—the Canal, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1900
- * Sausages, (ar) Good Housekeeping March 1933
- * Sausages Sometimes Sing [Hop-Talk], (ss) Wild West (UK) #37, November 19 1938
- * De Sauty. An Electro-Chemical Eclogue, (pm) (by Oliver Wendell Holmes) The Atlantic Monthly January 1859
- * Savage Blue Laws of Old Vermont, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1909
- * “The Savage Breast”, (vi) Tom Watson’s Magazine February 1906
- * Savage Fancy, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1886
- * Savage Forbearance, (ts) The Strand Magazine (US) June 1900
- * The Savage Horde, (sa) Screen Western Stories Spring 1950
- * The Savage Ring, (ss) (by E. George Cowan) Boys’ World May 25 1963
- * Savage Safari, (ss) (by David Harris) Boys’ World August 15 1964
- * Savages Beat Drums to Telegraph, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
- * Savages Burn Man Alive to Appease “Goddess”, (ms) Weird Tales July/August 1923
- * Savage Surgery, (ar) Leading Western March 1946
- * Savage Sweetheart, (na) Western Romances March 1959
- * The Savage Sword of Conan, (il) Texas March 7 1999
- * Savage Trial by Blood, (ar) Man’s Way August 1956
- * Savage Warfare in India, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal July 20 1867
- * Savage Women Wrestlers, (ar) Exotic Adventures v1 #1, 1958
- * Savannah Shows the Way, (ar) Collier’s June 28 1941
- * Savants No Longer Know All Things, (ms) Weird Tales June 1923
- * The “Save a Dog” League, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 7 1925
- * Save a Dollar!, (ms) Magic Love September 1945
- * Saved, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1881
- * Saved, (ss) The Wave February 18 1893
- * Saved by a Bell Button, (vi)
- * Saved by a Boy, (ar) Red Letter November 11 1911
- * Saved by a Brave Horse, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 21 1936
- * Saved by a Cinema Star, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly November 27 1920
- * Saved by a Crime, (ts) The Passing Show August 3 1935
- * Saved by a Dog, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1879
- * Saved by a Dream, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1881
- * Saved by a Fluke, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper July 21 1894
- * Saved by a Ghost, (ss) The Mirror #60, December 20 1873
- * Saved by a Ghost, (ss) (by Bram Stoker) The Irish Echo December 26 1873, uncredited.
- * Saved by a Hyaena, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper November 26 1881
- * Saved by a Kiss, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1879
- * Saved by an Albatross, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 15 1883
- * Saved by a Rogue, (ts) The Passing Show December 28 1935
- * Saved by a Stocking: A True Story, (ss) The Golden Argosy September 15 1883
- * Saved by Our Mules, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1880
- * Saved by Strange Means, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 6 1897
- * Saved by their Boots!, (nf) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #357, November 16 1968
- * Saved by Their Master’s Voice, (ms) Clues 1st September 1928
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