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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4810

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    Galaktika [#177, December 2004] ed. Attila Németh (870Ft, 96pp, digest) []
    • 6 · Nyomok a hóban · Jean-Claude Dunyach; translated by Iván András · ss
      translated from the French (“Escales sur l’horizon”)
    • 10 · Megvalósult Sci-fi · Misc. · ms
    • 12 · Perimelazma-közelben · Geoffrey A. Landis; translated by Sóskuthy György · ss
      translated from the English (“Approaching Perimelasma”, Asimov’s Science Fiction, January 1998)
    • 27 · Túl a horizonton · Béla Lukács · ss
    • 31 · Fekete lyukak · Kovács Tücsi Mihály · ss
    • 34 · Az itt a kérdés… · Kurt Vonnegut; translated by Attila Németh · ss
      translated from the English (“2BR02B”, If, January 1962)
    • 38 · Így Megy Ez—Kis Magyar Vonnegutológia · Réz András · ar [Ref. Kurt Vonnegut]
    • 40 · Űrportya · Misc. · ms
    • 42 · Az időutazás technikája · Béla Kasztovszky · ss
    • 50 · Ezért csak rajongani lehet · Kovács Tücsi Mihály · ar
    • 56 · Tanuljuk meg szeretni őket! · Bernard Werber; translated by Takács M. József · ss
      translated from the French (“Apprenons à les aimer”)
    • 62 · A szerelem az szerelem · Ursula K. Le Guin; translated by Pap Viola · ss
      translated from the English (“Coming of Age in Karhide by Sov Thade Tage em Ereb, of Rer, in Karhide, on Gethen”, New Legends edited by Greg Bear & Martin H. Greenberg, Legend, 1995)
    • 74 · Megvalósult Sci-fi · Misc. · ms
    • 76 · A keresztbeszelt csakkeddvanvilág · Philip José Farmer; translated by Dési András György · ss
      translated from the English (“The Sliced-Crosswise Only-On-Tuesday World”, New Dimensions I edited by Robert Silverberg, Doubleday, 1971)
    • 85 · Galaktikus Konyha: Sí-ró-ember Koktél · Misc. · ms
    • 86 · Az utolsó lábnyom · László Balázs · ss
    • 92 · A vadászok · Walt Sheldon; translated by Göncz Árpád · ss
      translated from the English (“The Hunters”, Startling Stories, March 1952)
    • 94 · Már az Armageddon se a régi · Juhász György · ss

    Galaxie Anticipation [Whole No. 53, Avril 1958] ed. Jeanne Courtillet (Galaxie Anticipation, 100 francs, 144pp, cover by Sol Dember from Galaxy Science Fiction March 1958) []
    Details supplied by Denny Lien and Remy Lechevalier.
    • 2 · Les Lecons du Robot · Lloyd Biggle, Jr. · nv
      translated from the English (“Spare the Rod”, Galaxy Science Fiction, March 1958).
    • 23 · Idylles sur Commande · Finn O’Donnevan · ss
      translated from the English (“Gray Flannel Armor”, Galaxy Science Fiction, September 1957).
    • 33 · La Balle Choisit la Libertie · Walter S. Tevis · ss
      translated from the English (“The Big Bounce”, Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1958).
    • 41 · Marche Arriere · Vargo Statten · nv
      translated from the English (“Reverse Action”, Vargo Statten British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #4, 1954).
    • 56 · Glissoire Transtemporelle · William Morrison · ss
      translated from the English (“The Sly Bungerhop”, Galaxy Science Fiction, September 1957).
    • 69 · La Colère des Martiens · Maurice Limat · ss
    • 75 · Votre Courrier · The Readers · lc
    • 77 · Un Maillon de la Chaine · Michael Shaara · ss
      translated from the English (“Wainer”, Galaxy Science Fiction, April 1954).
    • 85 · Le Partage de Minuit · Jeannine Raylambert · ss
    • 99 · Contempteur du Progres · Jim Harmon · ss
      translated from the English (“Confidence Game”, Galaxy Science Fiction, June 1957).
    • 109 · Les Soucoupes Volantes · Jimmy Guieu · cl; a regular column about flying saucers and fortean subjects.
    • 111 · Voyage Sans Retour · J. T. McIntosh · ss
      translated from the English (“You Were Right, Joe”, Galaxy Science Fiction, November 1957).
    • 119 · Sur une Ile Perdue · Roger Dee · ss
      translated from the English (“Traders Risk”, Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1958).
    • 129 · Compagnons de la Haine · Paul Flehr · ss
      translated from the English (“The Hated”, Galaxy Science Fiction, January 1958).
    • 137 · L’Ere Chicha · John Boland · ss
      translated from the English (“Doat Age”, Galaxy Science Fiction, September 1957).

    The Galaxy [v10 #3, September 1870] (Sheldon & Co., 6″ x 9½″) []
    Adverts are segregated back and front.
    Details supplied by Bradley Scott.

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