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[]Frank, Thaisa (1943- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Aberrations of Light, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * An Afternoon in Kansas, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Animal Skins, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Author’s Powerful Tale of a Mother Raising an Owl She Birthed Is More Than a Fliight of Fancy, (ar) San Francisco Chronicle November 16 2021 [Ref. Claire Oshetsky]
- * Brief History of Camouflage, (oc) Black Sparrow Press, December 1992
- * A Brief History of Camouflage, (vi) Word of Mouth: Volume 2 ed. Irene Zahava, Crossing Press, 1991
- * Buying a Rug in Esquares, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * The Cat Lover, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * Country Boy, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Door Into Dark, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Dream Envy, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997, as "Love in the Hour of Haniel"
- * The Dungeon Master’s Mother, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * The Enchanted Man, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Enchantment, (co) Counterpoint, July 2012
- * Enchantment, (ss) Enchantment, Counterpoint, 2012
- * The Eye of the Needle, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * A Fable, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * A Gift of Paper, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * The Girl with Feet That Could See, (ss) Enchantment, Counterpoint, 2012
- * Henna, (ss) Enchantment, Counterpoint, 2012
- * Hyperventilation, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * In the Middle of the Night, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * The Kiss, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Landing Strip, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * The Last Lady Who Loved Howard Hughes, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * The Loneliness of the Midwestern Vampire, (ss) Enchantment, Counterpoint, 2012
- * Love in the Hour of Haniel, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * The Mapmaker, (nv) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * Milagros, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * The Mole, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Ms. Pacman, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * My Face, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * My Mother’s Voice, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * The New Thieves, (vi) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Night Sounds, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Night Visit, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Origins, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Poland, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Postcards, (vi) Word of Mouth: Volume 2 ed. Irene Zahava, Crossing Press, 1991
- * Rossetti’s Closet, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * Schrödinger in Exile, (ss) Enchantment, Counterpoint, 2012
- * The Second Husband, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * The Sexual Geography of Capital Cities, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Silence, (ss) Desire One by Thaisa Frank, Kelsey Street Press, 1981
- * The Silk Velvet Blouse, (ss) Enchantment, Counterpoint, 2012
- * Silver, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * Sleeping in Velvet, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * Snow, (ss) Desire One by Thaisa Frank, Kelsey Street Press, 1981
- * Soulmates, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Stairway to the Stars, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * The Store, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Stories We Began to Tell, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * The Terrain of Madame Blavatsky, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * Thread, (ss) Enchantment, Counterpoint, 2012
- * Using the Car for Business, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * The White Coat, (ss) Sleeping in Velvet by Thaisa Frank, David R. Godine, 1997
- * Work and Time, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
- * Zelda, (ss) A Brief History of Camouflage, Black Sparrow Press, 1992
[]Frank, Waldo (David) (1889-1967); used pseudonym Search-Light (about) (chron.)
- * Against Tobacco, (ss) The New Yorker June 20 1925
- * Argentina-Unwilling Enemy, (ar) Collier’s September 26 1942
- * Bread-Crumbs, (ss) Seven Arts May 1917
- * The Candles of Romance, (ss) The Smart Set February 1917
- * Candy Cigar and Stationary, (ss) Broom January 1922
- * Chile Gets Off the Fence, (ar) Collier’s October 24 1942
- * Dear Little Sister-in-Law, (nv) The Smart Set December 1915
- * Distinctions, (ss) The Chimaera May 1916
- * Ennobling Our Criminals, (ss) The New Yorker May 30 1925
- * Fetiches, (ss) The Chimaera July 1916
- * The Fruit of Misadventure, (nv) The Smart Set July 1915
- * In the Menagerie, (ss) The New Yorker June 6 1925
- * The Jews Are Different, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 21 1942
- * John the Baptist, (ss) The Dial September 1922
- * Murder, (ss) Broom June 1922
- * The New Conquistadores, (fa) The New Yorker May 2 1925, as by Search-Light
- * A Place to Lay One’s Head, (ss) Esquire January 1935
- * Rudd, (ss) Seven Arts August 1917
- * Stepan and Natasha, (ss) Esquire June 1937
- * Under the Dome, (ss) The Dial October 1920
- * Winesburg, Ohio, (ar) Story #92, September/October 1941 [Ref. Sherwood Anderson]
_____, [ref.]
[]Frankau, Gilbert (1884-1952) (about) (chron.)
- * Absent Without Leave, (ar) The Passing Show August 20 1932
- * Adventure the First, (ss) The Story-teller December 1923
- * Adventure the Fourth, (ss) The Story-teller March 1924
- * Adventure the Second, (ss) The Story-teller January 1924
- * Adventure the Third, (ss) The Story-teller February 1924
- * Afraid of Love!, (ar) The London Magazine September 1930
- * The Age of Hats, (ar) The Passing Show February 11 1933
- * Aliette: A Love Story, (n.) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1921, Jan,
Feb, Mar 1922
- * All My Troubles Have Come from Women, (ar) Cosmopolitan July 1925
- * Backgrounds, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1940
- * Beauchamp and a Blonde, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1933
- * Being a Famous Novelist Isn’t All Beer and Skittles, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1931
- * Big Game, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1929
- * Birth Will Tell [Giuseppe Cigarini], (ss) The New London Magazine #5, March 1931
- * Bounders All, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine June 1928
- * The Bulwark of Class, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1921
- * But Not for Love, (ss) Collier’s October 15 1932
- * Candida’s Christmas, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1935
- * Can the Modern Girl Love?, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #131, February 1923
- * A Case of Swords, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1937
- * Christmas with Kyra, (ss) The Story-teller December 1931
- * The Circle of Green Chalk, (ss) Britannia and Eve July 1931
- * The City of Courage, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1926
- * The City of Fear, (pm) Land & Water May 4 1916
- * The Club Case, (ar) The Passing Show August 27 1932
- * Cohen’s Cash-Girl, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1922
- * The Colourable Imitation, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1935
- * The Counter-Irritant, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1938
- * Crime Passionelle, (ar) The London Magazine August 1930
- * The Cryptonym, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1936
- * Dance Hostess, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1938
- * David’s Dream, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1924
- * The Decline of Love, (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1925
- * Domesticity, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1919
- * Don Juan, (ms) The Strand Magazine December 1927
- * Donkey Work, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1939
- * Double Wedding, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1935
- * Doubling the Red, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1932
- * Driftwood, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) December 1923
- * Eton Revisited, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1918
- * The Execution of Gerald Chapman, (ar) The Passing Show July 30 1932
- * The Fantastic Adventures of Randolph Blew, Airman:
* ___ Adventure the First, (ss) The Story-teller December 1923
* ___ Adventure the Second, (ss) The Story-teller January 1924
* ___ Adventure the Third, (ss) The Story-teller February 1924
* ___ Adventure the Fourth, (ss) The Story-teller March 1924
- * A First-Class Doormat, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1931
- * The Fit-Up, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1921
- * Five Bluebells, (ss) Collier’s October 25 1930
- * Flappers—British and American, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1928
- * The Flare of the Torches:
* ___ Ourselves and the “Observer”, (ed) Britannia October 5 1928
- * Force, (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1921
- * Four Flappers, (ar) Nash’s Magazine July 1928
- * The Garden Path, (ss) The Story-teller March 1933
- * Gerald Cranston’s Lady, (sl) The London Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Chr 1923
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1924
- * The Greatest Sight I Ever Saw, (ar) The Passing Show August 13 1932
- * Great Grandmother, (ar) Nash’s Magazine February 1928
- * The Great Novel Racket, (ar) The New London Magazine #7, May 1931
- * The Green Circle, (ss) Collier’s May 30 1931
- * Highbrow’s End, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1937
- * The Hindermate, (ss) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine August 1921
- * His Lass, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1932
- * The House Behind the Judas Tree, (ss) The London Magazine September 1928
- * “How My Plots Come to Me”, (sy) The Strand Magazine April 1927
- * How Our Novelists Write Their Books, (sy) The Strand Magazine October 1924
- * How Riflebrown Came to Valhalla, (pm) Land & Water August 10 1916
- * How “Swiping Suzie” Celebrated New Year [Giuseppe Cigarini], (ss) The New London Magazine #2, December 1930
- * The Hunting of Helen, (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1922
- * If Ever I Marry Again—, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day February 1924
- * I’m Glad I Lived when I Did, (ar) The Passing Show June 10 1933
- * Infidelity, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine April 1926
- * The Inn of a Thousand Dreams, (pm) Land & Water July 5 1917
- * Is Beauty a Handicap?, (sy) Pearson’s Magazine November 1924; edited by Margaret Chute
- * Is There a Successful Face?, (ar) The Royal Magazine June 1923
- * It Happened in Italy, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1926
- * J.C., (ss) Collier’s January 11 1919
- * The Joyous Journey of Gypsy and June, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1933
- * A Killing at the Fantastic, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1934
- * Kisses at Meadingbury, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1930
- * A Knight of Burgundy, (ss) Twelve Tales by Gilbert Frankau, Hutchinson, 1927
- * The Lady from London, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1938
- * Landing Wheels, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1932
- * The Last Word, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1939
- * Let Truth Prevail [Giuseppe Cigarini], (ss) The New London Magazine #6, April 1931
- * The Liberation of Lady Loosestrife [Giuseppe Cigarini], (ss) The New London Magazine #3, January 1931
- * The Little Bride, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1933
- * Love, Marriage and the Man of Forty-Five, (ar) Woman’s Journal July 1928
- * The Machinery of Novel-Making, (ar) The London Magazine December 1924
- * A Man’s Man, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1933
- * The Man Who Paid, (ss) The Story-teller February 1931
- * Marcelle’s Mercenary, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1939
- * Marion Over 40, (ar) Nash’s Magazine April 1928
- * Marriner’s Law, (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1920
- * Masterson, (n.) The London Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Chr 1925
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1926
- * The Matron of the Species, (ar) Nash’s Magazine May 1928
- * Mediterranean Love, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1927
- * Misogyny at Mougins, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1929
- * Mixed Doubles, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1935
- * Money, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1921
- * The Moth and the Star, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine July 1921
- * Mother Was Suffocated, but You—, (ar) The Passing Show March 11 1933
- * Mountains—Molehills, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1931
- * Murder in the Riviera, (ar) The Passing Show August 6 1932
- * Music for Christmas, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1936
- * Mustard-Pot—Bailiffsman [Mustard-Pot], (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1922
- * Mustard-Pot—Duellist [Mustard-Pot], (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1922
- * Mustard-Pot—Home-Sick [Mustard-Pot], (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1922
- * Mustard-Pot—Huntsman [Mustard-Pot], (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1922
- * Mustard-Pot—Matchmaker [Mustard-Pot], (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1922
- * Mustard-Pot—Mountebank [Mustard-Pot], (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1923
- * My Pre-War Voyage Around the World, (ar) The Passing Show February 25 1933
- * Mystery of a Spade Beard, (nv) The Story-teller January 1931
- * My Yesterdays:
* ___ Absent Without Leave, (ar) The Passing Show August 20 1932
* ___ The Club Case, (ar) The Passing Show August 27 1932
* ___ The Execution of Gerald Chapman, (ar) The Passing Show July 30 1932
* ___ The Greatest Sight I Ever Saw, (ar) The Passing Show August 13 1932
* ___ Murder in the Riviera, (ar) The Passing Show August 6 1932
- * The Near-Vamping of Peter Jackson, Cigar Merchant [Peter Jackson], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1928
- * A New Christmas Carol, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1941
- * New Worlds for Old (?), (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1930
- * The Night Before His Honeymoon, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1931
- * Obvious Parallels, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1936
- * Of Independent Means, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1931
- * The Old Mistletoe Stuff, (ar) The London Magazine Christmas 1927
- * One Day in the Shires, (nv) The Story-teller December 1922
- * One Week at the Ritz, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1922
- * On Sand Among Pines, (ss) Nash’s Magazine November 1928
- * Ourselves and the “Observer”, (ed) Britannia October 5 1928
- * Our Women of 30, (ar) Nash’s Magazine June 1928
- * An Outlier from His Tribe, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine January 1926
- * Parallel Cases, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1930
- * The Parrot, (pm) The Royal Magazine April 1921
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