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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 8313

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    Polemic: A Journal of Contemporary Ideas   (about)
    Published by the Polemic Society of Western Reserve University under a grant from the Adelbert College Student Council Polemic Society: 302 Thwing Hall, Western Reserve University, Cleveland 6, Ohio.

    Police Detective   (about)
    One of the many undated “one shot” magazines published in the UK in the years after the Second World War. In a loose series with Crime Detective, Homicide Reporter, Racket-Buster Detective and Crime Investigator.

    • Publishers:
      • Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.; 1&2 Melville Court, Goldhawk Road, London W12: Police Detective.

    The Police Gazette:
    The Police Gazette, also known as The National Police Gazette, did not ordinarily publish fiction, but did so under the editorship of Merle Hersey, which lasted about a year, September 1933 to November 1934. The Donenfelds had purchased the paper for a pittance at a bankruptcy sale and published it during this period, after Which they sold it to new owners. The “new” Police Gazette commenced with v141 #1 dated Sept. 5 1933, and it appeared every two weeks, in a tabloid newsprint format. It was 50% sports, and had lots of topless nude photos and pictures of burlesque stars.

    The Police Gazette [v141 #6, November 14, 1933] ed. Merle W. Hersey (Police Gazette Corporation, 15¢, 16pp, tabloid, cover: [photo of Clara Bow]) []
    Details supplied by Richard Newsome.
    • · Associate Editor · F. Cecile Glasberg · el
    • 2 · The Modern Mother · The Editor · ed
    • 2 · Going to Hell: Part 3: My First Shot of Dope · [uncredited] · mm
    • 3 · Hot Footin’ It · Bob Maxwell · cl; “Dope on the Dance Halls and Cabarets”.
    • 4 · Mae of the Honky-Tonk [Part ? of ?] · Charlton L. Edholm · sl
    • 6 · Cleanup Claude · Sam Van Dyne · hu
    • 6 · Rushing the Growler · Sid · cl; taverns.
    • 6 · Torrid Tomes · Jack Keene · rc
    • 7 · Midtown Hotel [Part 6 of ?] · Geoffrey Harwood · sl
    • 8 · Brite Lite Lowdown · Lee Lewis · cl; burlesque.
    • 10 · Sports Section
    • _11 · What Became of Primo’s Punch? · Tom Doran · ar
    • _11 · The Old-Timer Recalls When— · A. D. Phillips · ar
    • _11 · Fussing Frails · Lois Landy · ar
    • _12 · Hockey Under Way · Jack Filman · ar
    • _13 · Jack Kofoed Says · Jack Kofoed · cl
    • _14 · Tips from the Turf · Clem McCarthy · cl
    • _15 · “Pro” Football Booming · George Drury · ar

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