The FictionMags Index
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[The Editor(s)] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Wm. Shakespeare, a Great American, (ed) Liberty March 3 1928
- * Woman!, (ed) The Red Book Magazine March 1909
- * A Woman’s Job Is Love, (ed) True Love Affairs January/February 1940
- * Women Who Write, (ed) Liberty April 27 1929
- * A Wonderful Treat Coming!, (ed) Mystery Magazine #165, October 1 1924
- * Wonderful Words, (cn) Puffin Post v1 #1, 1967
- * A Word About “Confusion”, (ed) Liberty November 28 1942
- * A Word About the Future, (ed) Nash’s Magazine July 1911
- * A Word About This Magazine, (ed) Combat: The Action Magazine December 1956
- * Word and Letter Catches, (pz) The Royal Magazine February 1913
- * A Word at the Start, (ed) Nash’s Annual Winter 1949/1950
- * A Word for the Navy, (ed) Maclean’s November 1 1940
- * A Word from Adam, (ed) Adam Aug, Oct, v1 #3 1956, Feb, Apr, v1 #6, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1957
1958, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,
Dec 1958
#1, #2, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov 1959
1960, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,
Dec 1960
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1961
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1962
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1963
Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1964
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1965
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1966, #43 Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1970
Jan, Oct 1971, Feb 1972, Dec 1963
- * A Word from Our Editor, (ed) Probe #30, October 1975
- * A Word from the Dragon’s Head, (ed) Dragon Wynd #1, 1998
- * A Word from the Editor, (ed) The Novel Magazine May 1905
- * A Word from the Editor, (ed) The Story-teller December 1909
- * A Word from the Editor, (ed) Crawdaddy #18, September 1968
- * A Word from Your Editors, (ed) Translunar Travelers Lounge #3 Aug 2020, #6 Feb 2022
- * A Word in Confidence, (ms) The Windsor Magazine October 1897
- * A Word in Your Ear, (ed) Yes or No October 5 1912
- * Words of Love, (ed) Thrilling Love March 1933
- * Words of the Masters, (ed) Seldon Seen #1 Apr, #2 Jul/Aug 1967, #4 Feb/Mar, #5 May/Jun 1968, #6 Jan/Feb 1969
- * A Word to Contributors, (ed) Mystery Magazine January 15 1926
- * A Word to Our Readers, (lt) St. Nicholas January 1887
- * A Word to the Wise, (ed) Movie Detective January 1942
- * A Word with My Readers, (ed) The Story-teller October 1908
- * A Word with You, (ed) The Novel Magazine May 1908
- * A Word with You, (ed) Yes or No March 21 1914
- * “Worked to Death”, (ed) Tit-Bits #2866, October 3 1936
- * The Workingman’s Interest in the Gold Standard, (ed) The Century Magazine October 1896
- * The Workingman’s Support of International Arbitration, (ed) The Century Magazine August 1896
- * The Workman Must Go to Market, (ed) Collier’s May 30 1931
- * The Work of Imperial Defence, (ar) The Quiver April 1910
- * “Works of Ultimate Necessity”, (ed) Liberty December 6 1930
- * World Champion Cowboys, (ms) Lariat Story Magazine March 1947
- * The World Does Owe Us a Living, (ed) Liberty November 1 1930
- * The World Do Move, (ed) Liberty August 6 1927
- * World Fair 19--?, (ed) John Bull September 10 1955
- * World Freedom of News, (ed) Collier’s April 13 1946
- * The World’s Beauty, a Challenge, (pi) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly #7, November 1907
- * The World’s Beauty: A Challenge, (pi) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly #10, February 1908
- * The World’s Beauty Challenge, (pi) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly #8 Dec 1907, #9 Jan 1908
- * “The World’s My School”, (ed) Tit-Bits #2867, October 10 1936
- * A Worried Husband, (ed) Tit-Bits #2832, February 8 1936
- * Worthy of the West, (ed) Ace-High Magazine September 1937
- * Would You Like $100 Cover Painting Free?, (ed) Black Mask August 1935
- * “—Wrap It Up—”, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction May 1943
- * Wreath for an Unknown Frontiersman, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1938
- * Writer and Inventor, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine June 1933
- * A Writer on Writing, (ar) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories January 28 1935
- * Write to the Editor in Confidence, (cl) The Royal Pictorial October 1934
- * Xcuse Me, May I Introduce Our Xmas Number?, (ed) Pearson’s Magazine November 1913
- * Xmas Greetings from the Editor, (ed) Week End Novels December 15 1919
- * Yale Boys or Yale Men?, (ed) Liberty November 2 1929
- * Yankee Inventiveness, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1943
- * Yarns, (ed) Yarns July 1941
- * A Year Ago This Week, (ed) Collier’s January 23 1943
- * Year of No Decision, (ar) Collier’s June 30 1951
- * A Year of Progress, (ed) Scientifiction January 1938
- * Ye Editor “Walt Mason’s” His Grievance, (ar) Chicago Ledger September 27 1919
- * Yellow Soap and Cabbage, (ed) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories December 1925/January 1926
- * Yelps from the Editor’s End, (ed) The Planeteer Nov, Dec 1935, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1936
- * Yes, but Whose Welfare?, (ed) Collier’s March 4 1950
- * Yes or No Talk, (ed) Yes or No Feb 28, Mar 14 1921
- * Yesterday, To-Day and Tomorrow, (ed) Manuscript August/September 1941
- * Ylla: The Photographer of Dogs, (pi) Lilliput November 1938
- * You, (ar) Seven Magazine of People’s Writing October/November/December 1942
- * You Asked for It!, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine February 1933
- * You Can Be Too Cautious, (ed) Collier’s August 15 1942
- * “You Can Do It Better with Gas”, (ed) Liberty November 20 1926
- * You Can’t Do Everything, (ed) Collier’s August 1 1942
- * You Can’t Ride a Dead Horse, (ed) Collier’s July 14 1934
- * “You Help Someone You Know-”, (ed) Collier’s March 27 1943
- * “Young America Flies”, (mr) Flying Aces October 1940
- * A Young Mayor with a Young Idea, (ed) Redbook September 1950
- * The Young Mind, (ed) Tit-Bits #2868, October 17 1936
- * Young Teeth, (ed) John Bull September 27 1952
- * Your Best Hour, (ed) Short Stories February 25 1923
- * Your Best Vacation, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine July 1926
- * Your Brain That Never Sleeps, (ed) Pearson’s Magazine February 1920
- * Your Corner and Mine, (ed) Silver Star and Golden Star #387 Apr 8, #412 Nov 11 1949
- * Your Country Wants You, (ed) The American Boy June 1901
- * Your Cup of Tea, (ed) John Bull May 24 1952
- * Your Diploma, (ed) Short Stories June 25 1924
- * Your Editor, (ed) Sex Appeal 1950
- * Your Editor Chats, (cl) Smith’s Weekly January 20 1906
- * Your Editor Chats, (ed) Short Stories Jun 7, Jun 14, Jun 21, Jun 28 1902
- * Your Editor’s Chat, (ed) Boys’ Magazine June 9 1928
- * Your Editor’s Chat, (ed) Weekly Welcome #1889, June 4 1932
- * Your Editor’s Corner, (ed) Girls’ Crystal April 4 1936
- * Your Editor’s Weekly Message, (ed) Family Journal #1039, April 6 1929
- * Your Editor Talks!, (ed) Pictorial Weekly #1512, May 26 1928
- * Your Fourpence Returned, (ed) The Novel Magazine April 1905
- * Your Home Town, (ed) Short Stories November 10 1922
- * Your Hope Chest, (cl) Popular Love Jul 1938, Mar, May 1939, Jul 1940, May 1941, Fll 1942, Wtr, Jul, Nov 1943, Jan,
May 1944, May, Jul, Sep 1945
Jan, Oct 1946, Oct 1947, Jun, Oct, Dec 1948, Wtr, Spr, Sum 1951, Wtr, Sum 1952
Sum, Fll, Win 1953, Spr, Sum, Fll 1954, Wtr 1955
- * Your Magazine, (ed) Romantic Magazine #52 May, #58 Nov 1938
- * Your Opinion, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine February 1933
- * Your Own Game, (ed) Short Stories September 10 1926
- * Your Page & Mine, (ed) Woman’s Friend and Lady’s Companion #910, August 29 1941
- * Your Preference, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine September 1934
- * Your Right to Know, (ed) Redbook January 1954
- * “Yours Is the Earth”, (ed) The American Magazine November 1952
- * Your Spare Time, (ed) Short Stories May 25 1922
- * Yours Truly, (ed) Outer Darkness #29, Spring 2004
- * Youth and War, (ed) Collier’s January 23 1943
- * Youth in Military Training, (ed) Liberty November 28 1925
- * Youth in the Saddle, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1938
- * Youth Marches On, (ed) Ace-High Magazine April 1938
- * Youth Rides Point, (ed) Dime Western Magazine May 1937
- * Youth’s Bad Driving, (ed) Maclean’s February 1 1940
- * Yuletide Greetings, (ed) Ranch Romances 2nd December 1939
- * The Zero Hour, (cl) Captain Zero Nov 1949, Jan, Mar 1950
- * Zero-Zero, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces April 1937
- * [Announcement], (ms) Pep Stories June 1932
- * [announcing a contest for best story by a contributor age 15 or younger], (cn) The London Magazine February 1925
- * [Author biographies], (bg) Black Clock #1 Mar, #2 Fll/Wtr 2004, #16 Wtr/Spr, #17 Sum/Fll 2013, #18 Spr/Sum, #19 Fll/Win 2014, #20 Spr/Sum 2015, #21 Spr/Sum 2016
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